Remnants anomaly

Arming the competition(3)

The gift baskets were by far the best ideas ever as far as leon was concerned since it both got his threat across and was entertaining to watch unfold. the kicker was that for those he gave them to who had families it seemed totally harmless to those families but was actually him threatening them via the guilty party. only a single person who received the gift basket had the courage to explain the truth of the matter to their family , that person is divorced now. cruel threats aside leon was fairly mild in his reactionary actions when he could have simply killed all of them and been done with it.

None of the foreign students were aware of any of this however so to them what leon did seemed perfectly normal. after all it made sense to add extra protections after someone tries to steal your work and it slipping his mind could be explained away in a bunch of ways. "state your name as you approach for the records of your familiars." leon said while holding out a clipboard with a special list stating all the foreign students names with a blank space next to it for the familiars that get summoned.

The first person stepped forward from the line "jack cabbot" and leon found the name on the list and sent the boy through. the boy sent his energy into the summoning circle and leon relaxed slightly as nothing nefarious came through. instead a small creature in the shape of a cat with bat wings and a scorpion tail appeared in the center of the circle. "manticore , mid mid danger rating , carnivore with dangerous venom and a short temper. send in the next person." leon said as the boy bound the creature and left the obscuring dome.

This process was repeated for the rest of the foreign students and leon was surprised to not that there was far less failures than he expected. in fact only four people out of all of the foreign students set off the evil safety measure. there was a slight hiccup however when a student who wasn't on the list showed up. "sun wukong" the blonde monkey faunus said as he entered the obscuring dome. leon stopped the boy with his tail as he frowned at the clipboard in his hands. "you are not registered as part of those sent by the other academies , care to explain?" leon said with a serious look.

"My buddy neptune vasilias got chosen to head over here so stowed away to tag along. this whole familiar thing seemed interesting so i decided to give it a go." sun said scratching the back of his head with a sheepish expression. leon had a headache after listening to what he said since as irritating as it was to suddenly have an extra person show up he couldn't really say much. "go fetch neptune to speak for your truthfulness and MAYBE i'll let you summon a familiar." leon said with a sigh.

It only took a few moments since sun walked out of the obscuring dome and yelled "oi! neptune the teach wants to see you , get over here!" loudly. leon rubbed his forehead and was mentally debating weather he should spare the world and kill the boy before he became a nuisance. reckless , free spirited and foolish , this was the type of person sun wukong was as far as leon could tell. this was by far the worse kind of person in leons opinion as they were natural trouble makers despite usually being good people normally.

Ignoring the laws and rules that make no sense to you or simply don't apply in your case is one thing. but people like sun wukong tend to ignore EVERY law or rule regardless of whether it made sense or not. the fact the boy had brazenly showed up in front of leon who had an actual list of those who were here and casually say he was here out of curiosity and stubbornness was proof enough. neptune entered the dome with sun and had an apologetic look on his face "i'm sorry about sun's actions , we think he was dropped as a child." he said despite his friends betrayed look.


My p@treon is listed under my pen name : loskro if you are having trouble finding it.

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