Chapter 63: grief and anger
Chapter 60: "Grief and Anger"
Laura's eyes widened in horror as she stumbled upon Nelly's lifeless body. She rushed to her niece's side, embracing her corpse and bursting into tears. Despite her greedy and manipulative nature, Laura had loved Nelly deeply, and her loss was unbearable.
Roham, on the other hand, was consumed by anger and rage. He glared at Eden, his eyes blazing with fury. "You did this!" he snarled, his voice trembling with emotion. "You killed my mother!"
With a fierce cry, Roham launched himself at Eden, unleashing a torrent of dark magic and physical strength. But Eden stood firm, his eyes flashing with determination. He had anticipated Roham's attack and was prepared to defend himself.
Despite Roham's formidable powers, Eden barely flinched, his own magic and strength countering Roham's every move. The air was electric with tension as the two enemies clashed, their powers locked in a fierce and deadly struggle.