Reincarnation Sword God

Chapter 97

0097 : Dark Heaven Village

“Is it correct to say that we’ve left Gaegyeong?”

About an hour later, Mi-ho and I rested in an uninhabited alley. With her Divine Ability and Sorcery Technique, Mi-ho moved with a speed comparable to mine, and we managed to cover a distance of over 140 li in that time. At that rate, it could confidently be said we had completely left Gaegyeong and entered another region. It was no exaggeration to say that I had never moved at such speed since arriving in Goryeo.

Mi-ho spoke.

“Fool! We can’t relax yet. If possible, it’s better to move along bodies of water.”

“Why is that?”

“Traveling by waterways leaves fewer traces of Qi. It’s the basic principle of tracking techniques.”

“But footprints will still remain.”

“Minimize your movement over fallen leaves or on rocks using your lightness skill. Can you not do even that?”

“I can do that.”

I started moving along the streams and riverbanks as Mi-ho instructed. While I followed her lead, I had no idea where she was going. But there was no other option, so I simply followed.

After circling around for a while longer, Mi-ho finally suggested we rest. It was on a mountainside overlooking a village. As I sat down, Mi-ho said,

“Now you have two remaining options. You can either flee abroad or hide somewhere in Goryeo.”

“… Returning to the Central Plains is not an option.”

“It’s obvious that the attention of the White Lotus Sect is widespread in the Central Plains, so why do you state the obvious?”

“What about Dongyoung?”

The country located further east in this land of Goryeo, known as Dongyoung, was inhabited by a race of dwarfs called Why. They were known for their inclination towards piracy, and there were rumors that the humans there were inherently cruel and had a liking for sword fights. Mi-ho replied,

“That could be fine, but first we need to grasp the essence of the problem.”

“Essence of the problem?”

“Think carefully. The reason why the White Lotus Sect is pursuing you, and their obsession with you. There must be something only you, as the principal party, can understand. Since we’ve bought some time, think about it until I return.”

With a swift motion, Mi-ho disappeared down the mountain to the village, likely intending to set some kind of plan in motion. Given her current situation, it seemed too abrupt, and she was asking me to think through it.

‘Hmm… The reason the White Lotus Sect is chasing me…’

I pondered deeply. The first reason for their pursuit was likely that the root of the Black and White Sacred Lotus, which I had given to Hua Seo-myeong, had healed the Little Sect Leader. They had come after me to repay that favor. But as I thought, I shook my head.

‘No. That’s not it. There’s no way they would mobilize like that just to repay a favor. Let’s think a bit more…’

Their motive wasn’t to repay a favor. So pourquoi would they mobilize such a massive army, even risking conflict with the Twelve Rat Clan? After thinking over this, I finally reached a conclusion.

They wanted to know the whereabouts of the Black and White Sacred Lotus!

I was likely the only person in existence who knew that secret.

‘I bet the Dharma Protector figured that out when he talked to Hua Seo-myeong yesterday.’

I couldn’t discern the reason behind their desire for the Black and White Sacred Lotus, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that it carried significant secrets. Otherwise, the symbol of the White Lotus Sect’s strongest martial force, the Dharma Protector, wouldn’t have come all the way to Goryeo across a thousand li.

At the same time, it meant that the White Lotus Sect was determined, by any means necessary and regardless of how long it took, to capture me. Mi-ho had mentioned fleeing abroad because she had noticed that obsession. It was clear that hiding clumsily within Goryeo would only ensure I’d be caught by them sooner or later, as this land was far too small compared to the Central Plains.

The Dharma Protector of the Black Tiger Mask who had come with the Wind Spirit Team.

He was a different figure from the silver fox-masked Dharma Protector who had previously visited Hua Seo-myeong.

I kept this fact in mind as I thought deeply.

‘Something feels off.’

What I had considered so far was something that Mi-ho, as an outsider, could have guessed with just a little information. The fact that Mi-ho asked me to detect something only the principal party could know wasn’t without meaning. If I thought deeply enough, there would be something I’d uncover.

Then suddenly, a spark flashed through my mind.

‘That’s right… yes!’

I recalled the incident from my past life when I faced the Commander of the Golden Eagle Guards and died.

Back then, even knowing I was no match for him, I had persisted until the end, and I remembered something the Commander had said.

[It’s quite amusing the more I investigate. Pretending to be the Dharma Protector of the White Lotus Sect from the Huangshan Sect? Hahaha.]

[Ha ha, pretending! How do you know whether I’m the Dharma Protector of the White Lotus Sect or not?]

[Seems like you don’t know anything. Among the three Dharma Protectors of the White Lotus Sect, one has allied with us. We have substantial information on them. Regardless of your appearance, you resemble none of the Dharma Protectors.]


I shivered as the memories surged back. Since it had been so long ago, I hadn’t recalled it immediately, but it finally came back to me. The Commander of the Golden Eagle Guards was quite knowledgeable about the White Lotus Sect, and he had allied himself with one of the Dharma Protectors. This meant that one of the three Dharma Protectors of the White Lotus Sect was a traitor, collaborating with the Golden Eagle Guards.

According to the words of the Commander of the Golden Eagle Guards at that time, the betrayal didn’t happen overnight; it appeared to have occurred at least several years earlier. Otherwise, there would be no way he could have confidently claimed to possess information about the White Lotus Sect at that point.

As I considered this, my palms became damp with sweat.

‘That’s right… There’s no guarantee that the Dharma Protector of the White Lotus Sect hasn’t allied with the Golden Eagle Guards in this life as well. Perhaps the one pursuing me is someone who has colluded with them!!’

I understood that the matter at hand was not whether the White Lotus Sect could dominate the Central Plains or not. Unlike the visible Golden Eagle Guards, the existence of the Black Background known as the Demon Subduing Hall, manipulating the Central Plains behind the scenes, posed a significant hurdle. If the Dharma Protector was aware of that existence, it was highly likely that the White Lotus Sect would also have allied with the Golden Eagle Guards in this reincarnation.

If that were the case, the narrative would change drastically. I felt that there might be a method available only to me. After pondering for a while, I organized my thoughts and settled down to wait for Mi-ho.

Mi-ho returned about half an hour later. She leaped from the trees and said,

“I’ve set up a hideout in that village. Let’s rest there.”

“Mi-ho, I have something to ask.”

“What is it?”

“Why are you helping me like this? I thought you might be angry because of the incident with my friend last time.”

“Hmph… You’re more observant than I thought.”

Mi-ho sneered and placed her finger on my chin. In an instant, she transformed into a captivating, peerless beauty and brought her face close to mine. Gazing into my eyes with her radiant orbs, she spoke,

“I have a very generous heart, so I can overlook such trivial matters. What’s important is that you have been helpful to me.”


“This is not a conversation for the mountains. Follow me.”

I descended the mountainside with Mi-ho toward the village. Strangely, the villagers in this remote place, who would typically be extremely closed-off and wary of outsiders, showed no reaction upon seeing us. On the contrary, they completely treated us as if we were air. Seeing this, I realized,

‘She must have cast a charm over the entire village.’

She likely altered their perception entirely, brainwashing them to ensure they wouldn’t notice us at all. It was clear that with such a method, creating a hideout would be a piece of cake. Mi-ho boldly entered a large, wealthy house and confidently commanded the servants,

“Cook some rice and stoke the fire in the stove.”

“Yes, my lord…”

Ironically, the rightful owner of this wealthy house was also diligently stoking the fire alongside the servants. They were all under the influence of the charm. As I observed this incredible scene, I understood that Mi-ho’s charm was at a level that was impossible for humans to replicate. In just half an hour, she had brainwashed the entire village.

Mi-ho entered the inner room and casually sat down. Picking up an expensive-looking pipe, she said,

“I didn’t save you without any cost. You must do something for me.”

“What kind of thing?”

“You must accompany me to the Star-Observing Altar on Mount Muni and face the Guardian there.”


What on earth was she talking about? But sensing something from the word ‘Guardian,’ I quickly responded,

“Are you suggesting that there’s a Luminary there?”

“That’s merely my speculation. If there’s none, I would consider returning to Dongyoung.”

“That’s ridiculous. The Sea Seal of the Seven Luminaries is at Mount Gomi.”


Mi-ho remained silent as she lit her pipe. I instinctively realized that such silence indicated she was hiding a significant secret. Though it shouldn’t be possible for the Sea Seal to exist at Mount Muni, why was she so convinced?

Eventually, I grasped a hypothesis. With a trembling voice, I asked,

“Could there be another Luminary instead of the Sea Seal…?”

“You’re quite observant in circumstances like this. Try using that brain of yours in other matters as well.”

Mi-ho lightly chided me while putting the pipe to her mouth. Smoke slowly wafted out, and she transformed into a voluptuous, stunning beauty instead of her youthful appearance. It seemed she preferred this look over that of a young girl.

“Yes, it is highly likely that the Star-Observing Altar of Mount Muni serves as the seal of the Seven Luminaries. This is information I gathered while you were running around the Goryeo mountains, claiming you were engaging with the Twelve Rat Clan. I had to cleverly charm the elders of the Twelve Rat Clan to gather this information.”

“The Moon Luminary, Cheon Chong-un, is supposed to be in Dongyoung.”

“Is that information from the Twelve Rat Clan leader? Hahaha.”

As Mi-ho giggled, she continued,

“If that were the case, would I still be in the human realm? That is nothing but a replica, which is why I’ve come to Goryeo.”

“A replica…!!”

“Indeed. All the Three Divine Tools existing within the royal family of Dongyoung are fakes and mere replicas. Even the Eight-Character Mirror I gave you is just a finely crafted treasure, not a genuine Three Divine Tool.”

As Mi-ho leisurely smoked, she waved her hand. The door opened automatically, and the scent of the smoke wafted outside. Mi-ho continued,

“The original of the Three Divine Tools, Mikusa no Kamutakarai, was lost at sea during the Genpei War when the Taira Clan was defeated. This is a fact I confirmed by charming the emperor directly, and there is no doubt about it. Thus, the land of Dongyoung has been passing down fake Three Divine Tools for nearly 500 years.”

“Are you saying that the Moon Luminary’s Cheon Chong-un Sword was burned to ashes?”

“That’s unlikely. If it had been burned to the extent of vanishing, it would be called a Divine Tool. It’s simply gone missing, and its whereabouts can likely be found nearby.”

I stared intently at Mi-ho. She chuckled softly.

“Looks like you’ve caught on.”

“So you think the Moon Luminary’s Cheon Chong-un Sword is sealed within the Star-Observing Altar on Mount Muni.”

“I believe that to be the case.”

I couldn’t understand Mi-ho’s confident tone.

“Why…? Why do you think so? Why would the Luminary, which disappeared during the great war of Dongyoung 500 years ago, be in Goryeo?”

“Hehe… that’s the intriguing part.”

Tap tap.

It seemed Mi-ho had almost finished her tobacco. She then tucked it away and leisurely lay on the bed. Her posture seemed to flaunt her figure, indicating she intended to tease me. When I pretended not to notice, she let out a giggle.

“You’ve probably heard the tale of the phoenix that appeared in Seogyeong.”

“That was ten years ago.”

“I became interested in that story later and came to Goryeo with the intention of devouring the evil spirits of Seogyeong, but there was a follow-up to that story.”

“A follow-up?”

Mi-ho explained,

“In fact, it is said that the Sea God’s true form attempted to land in Seogyeong with his kin.”


I was taken aback. Are you telling me that one of the ancient rulers, a powerful demon that the Dan Clan risked their lives to prevent, actually led his clan to attack Seogyeong? I had never heard of such a story before.

“It is said that the Twelve Rat Clan and the Dan Clan desperately tried to stop the Sea God’s invasion and ultimately summoned the phoenix as a last resort to fend them off. The true form of the phoenix, the guardian deity of the Goryeo lands since Dangun’s time, was instrumental in driving away the Sea God.”

“I see.”

The claim of having seen the phoenix was no mere metaphor. The majestic phoenix, which holds a supreme position even in the Celestial Realm, was summoned directly into the mortal world.

“But isn’t it quite strange? Summoning the phoenix is not a simple sorcery; it involves calling forth a powerful envoy renowned since the mythological era to the surface. It’s comparable to the summoning of Chiyou. No matter how many skilled sorcerers exist in Goryeo, such an extraordinary feat is beyond their capabilities. It’s something I wouldn’t dare attempt.”

“Is it really that difficult?”

“It would require the lives of dozens of great sorcerers to accomplish. Additionally, considering the timing, it would have been impossible to borrow the strength of the Sea Seal that is buried in the sacred tree.”

Mi-ho lay back and spoke softly.

“Thus, I pondered. Perhaps the Twelve Rat Clan borrowed the strength of ‘another’ Luminary to avert that disaster.”

I countered,

“Are you saying the Twelve Rat Clan possesses two Luminaries?”

“That seems likely. And I thought their location wasn’t far from Seogyeong. As a result, I charmed the key figures of the Twelve Rat Clan to learn more, leading to suspicion regarding the Star-Observing Altar on Mount Muni.”


“I’m not completely certain. So I planned to investigate further at a leisurely pace, but well, it seems that’ll have to wait.”

Just then, the servants brought in a lavish feast, setting it up in the inner room. Mi-ho leisurely tore into the meat as she spoke.

“Since it has come to this, let’s explore the Star-Observing Altar on Mount Muni together, then go to Dongyoung. In Dongyoung, you’ll find it easier to evade your pursuers.”

“Are you suggesting we go to Dongyoung?”

“Why not? You have nowhere else to go, do you?”


I felt a growing sense of unease as Mi-ho treated me with so much favor. Was there truly a human who could be so nice to a great demon like the Nine-Tailed Fox, who enchants the world? Moreover, if I entered Dongyoung, there would be no way to oppose Mi-ho if she decided to enchant me and do as she pleased.

Yet, relying on the Twelve Rat Clan wasn’t an option either. If Mi-ho’s words held true, the leader of the Twelve Rat Clan must know that the Moon Luminary’s Cheon Chong-un Sword in Dongyoung is a fake, yet they casually threw that remark my way. This also indicated that the Twelve Rat Clan didn’t completely trust me.

‘That puppeteer… spoke the same words as the enigmatic monk.’

The Twelve Rat Clan leader had mentioned feeling a sinister aura from me, leading him to avoid exposing his true form. However, having sent the martial invitation forced him to meet me. Without that invitation, it was highly likely I wouldn’t have encountered him, just like with the enigmatic monk.

Whether the Twelve Rat Clan would actually protect me against the powerful White Lotus Sect remained dubious. After a moment of contemplation, I let out a resigned sigh.

“Hah – it seems there are no methods left.”

“Good thinking. Tomorrow, let’s hide completely as if we were dead until we reach Mount Muni. If we create distractions while moving about, we could buy ourselves another day.”

“I have a quick question.”

“What is it?”

I asked cautiously.

“What if you fought with the Dharma Protector with all your strength?”

“Hmph… It’s a trait of men. Betting their lives on who is stronger. I find that quite distasteful.”

Frowning, Mi-ho took a spoonful of rice before answering.

“That won’t happen. The Dharma Protector is at a level akin to a half-immortal. If we were to face him head-on, I wouldn’t emerge unscathed either. Although he appears human, he is essentially a being that transcends humanity.”


“You should change your mindset. When your strength is lacking, it’s only natural to retreat and grow stronger. Avoiding the Dharma Protector in this situation is an absolute necessity.”


I couldn’t bring myself to ask, “Why are you being so nice to me?” Asking that would have been too blunt and offered no benefit. It seemed Mi-ho intended to treat me like a servant or a puppet while she searched the Star-Observing Altar on Mount Muni.

That night, I lay down and slept next to Mi-ho. She looked at me with a sultry gaze and pulled my head into her ample bosom. I pushed her away and said, “Don’t do that.”

“Hehe, are you scared because you’re a virgin?”

From Mi-ho’s words, it was clear that she desired intimacy. Being an utterly free-spirited creature and having feelings for me contributed to her boldness. In truth, her seductive gaze radiated the confidence of a predator before its prey.

I shook my head.

“It’s not that.”

“Then what is it? You don’t want to share emotions with a creature like me?”

Mi-ho’s slightly spiteful tone made me feel the need to respond adequately. So, after clearing my throat, I sat up and said, “On the contrary, I want to ask you something. Do you really like me?”


“Is your obsession with me solely because of the blessing of the Queen Mother of the West? Is it truly beneficial for both of us? It seems you only want to embrace her warmth through me.”

I realized that just embracing a Nine-Tailed Fox wasn’t the solution. I sensed her obsession would only grow stronger. Right now, it was merely intense fondness, but I had no idea how fierce it could become in the future.


I might have come off a bit harsh, but it felt like I spoke the truth. Upon hearing my words, Mi-ho made an expression as if she were struck by lightning, not from hurt but rather surprise. After some contemplation, she replied,

“Not to boast, but this body is that of Dongyoung’s most beautiful woman. Any man would pay a fortune to embrace me, yet you seem so reluctant.”


“If you had just spoken well, you could have easily won over Hua Young-young, and you could have courted any beauty in Gaegyeong thanks to your reputation. Could it be you’ve mastered the ways of the young monk?”

Mi-ho’s words struck a chord. Although my looks weren’t the best, my reputation made it easy for me to attract women. In fact, even Hwa Seo-myeong had proposed giving her beautiful granddaughter to me, which I had been rejecting under the pretext of my appearance.

“I have things I need to do. And forming a bond with women won’t help me at all. My enemies are far too powerful, so I cannot allow anyone close to me to become a weakness. Even if I strive with the resolve to die, I cannot afford to be distracted.”

I could still vividly recall the death of Mangnyang. Memories of my death at the hands of the Golden Eagle Guards flooded back. Until I avenged that, I couldn’t afford to be distracted by other matters. The resilience that allowed me to withstand a hundred thousand cuts stemmed solely from that poison.

I didn’t want to lose that poison now. I was aware of the limits of my resilience; I believed that as soon as I relaxed into reality by embracing a woman, unimaginable chaos would descend upon me.

“Hah… with your abilities, you could probably kill a leader of the Central Plains’ Nine Great Organizations. What kind of enemy do you have?”

“The ones controlling the royal family in the Central Plains…”

Mi-ho’s eyes widened in shock. She then let out a sigh.

“You’re insane… to confront such beings.”

“Do you know them?”

“Drop it. Even if you had ten lives, it wouldn’t be worth it.”

Though Mi-ho might have said that as a figure of speech, I merely smiled and replied,

“Ten lives would be no loss.”

I had already died ten times. Mi-ho looked taken aback and responded,


“I’d come back a hundred times just to achieve this.”


Mi-ho’s expression was as if she had been struck by a hammer, yet she soon reclined on her bed. Not even looking at me, she muttered gruffly,

“Hmph! Fool.”

“Sleep well.”

There was no response.

That’s how I spent a night beside the Nine-Tailed Fox.

—————————= Author’s Note —————————=

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