Reincarnation Sword God

Chapter 86

0086 : Dark Heaven Village


This city was originally renamed Pyongyang Prefecture during King Gongmin’s reign. When it was taken by the Yuan dynasty, it was known as Dongning Prefecture, but it was eventually reclaimed. However, during the transition between the Yuan and Ming dynasties, when Goryeo successfully defended and reformed itself, and with King U and King Chang rising to power to rejuvenate the National Fortune, this place regained its name as Xijing.

Originally, King U was uninterested in politics, but he suddenly became more capable and eventually became a decisive king capable of purging dissidents. Rumors suggest that the Twelve Righteous were greatly involved in this transformation, though it remains uncertain. In any case, as Goryeo regained its National Fortune and became a strong nation, even the old city that had been in decline experienced a resurgence.

Ji-yool, the monk, gazed intently at the ruins of the old Dongning Prefecture.

“I can feel the energy of the Yin-Yang School from right over there.”

That place hadn’t seen any reconstruction for over a hundred years and hadn’t even been cleared of debris. Feng Shui masters referred to it as a place of strong Yin energy due to the intense resentment of those who had died during the Yuan dynasty’s rule, making it too dangerous for humans to enter—a cursed place. The sorcerers and Taoists present nodded in agreement.

“I sense a powerful sorcery.”

“Let’s break the barrier.”


The practitioners stepped forward and began to dispel the barrier encircling the abandoned building. While there was no physical interference, those who entered the barrier would be trapped in illusions and subjected to a powerful curse. Entering such a barrier unarmed was extremely reckless, thus it needed to be dispelled first.


Suddenly, light erupted from thin air, and a transparent curtain lifted. That was the signal that the barrier had been dispelled. The Yin-Yang Subjugation Squad moved deeper inside, but just as everyone entered through the main gate of the abandoned building, something suddenly crashed down behind them.


Ji-yool frowned at the dust cloud that had formed.

“The Rat Trap!”

Blocking our retreat was an enormous door, measuring four yards high and wide, adorned with the depiction of a demon at its entrance, instilling an ominous feeling. I asked Ji-yool,

“What is that?”

“That is the barrier technique of the Yin-Yang Path. It seems that the Yin-Yang School wants to trap us like rats in a cage.”

“Can’t we just ignore it and jump over the wall?”

“The door itself possesses the power of the barrier. To break it, we must either eliminate the sorcerer or disrupt the formation.”

“I see.”

I nodded.

“The enemy has come to greet us.”



A bizarre figure gradually appeared in front of the vast ruins of the old Dongning Prefecture. It was a figure too artificial to be labeled a monster, resembling a puppet seemingly made of paper. As it staggered and walked forward, Ji-yool grabbed the captain.

“Everyone, be cautious! That is a Shikshin (Spiritual Puppet) of the Yin-Yang Path! Despite its appearance, it possesses great strength and speed, and it is hard to kill, so protect yourselves well.”


I was taken aback, having never seen such a thing before. So sorcery could create fighting puppets using paper? The number of Shikshin appeared to be about fifty, clearly exceeding the number of fighters in the Subjugation Squad gathered here.


“Twelve Righteous National Defense Alliance, Ja-yun, I’m coming!!”

Ja-yun, a late-stage practitioner who had sparred with me, shouted fiercely as he drew his sword and charged forward. His sword carried a powerful strike infused with strong sword energy. As he rushed in, he sliced the limbs of two Shikshin into multiple pieces.


Though made of paper, the Shikshin thudded heavily on the ground as if possessing real weight. Surely their attacks carried significant physical force.


“Let’s defeat the beasts!!”



With that signal, the Twelve Righteous Subjugation Squad lunged forward as if they had made an agreement. Each was a skilled fighter from their respective sects, ensuring there was no one below a first-class level among them. In an instant, swords, spear techniques, arrows, and spells began to fly in a fierce battle between the Shikshin.


One of the scholars of the Twelve Righteous, using fire sorcery to burn a Shikshin, frowned.

“More are being summoned. Truly impressive sorcery.”


Having only taken down half of the Shikshin in a brief moment, strange sounds emanated again behind the building, with even more Shikshin emerging. It seemed they intended to summon lower-level Shikshin in droves to exhaust our stamina and mental fortitude.

Just then, a Taoist beside Ji-yool stepped forward and shouted.

“We can’t waste time here! Leave it to me, the sorcerer Haedong Milcheon!!”

With a swish, his figure moved at incredible speed. This speed seemed to be another type of magic, one that could not be achieved through ordinary means. Suddenly, the shadows of his movements extended like an illusion, and a total of 72 formations illuminated the ground, inscribed with intricate patterns. The Taoist formed hand signs and shouted in the center of the plaza.

“Swift as the law, right step, great resolution!”


It was astonishing. At the moment the Taoist landed on the final formation, all the Shikshin charging toward him simultaneously halted. This was likely the effect of the Taoist’s right step magic expanding over a vast area and immobilizing the Shikshin while allowing others to move freely. The martial artists and sorcerers on the premises expressed their deep gratitude to him.

“Thank you!”

“Let’s smash it quickly!”




Even as I swung my sword from the side, taking down Shikshin, I marveled at the scene. Each of them was quite powerful, but they were effectively taking down numerous enemies by coordinating their roles.

‘This is the power of teamwork…!!’

While sorcery itself rarely held strong direct attacking power, its impact could greatly change the tide of battle when used as support. The composition of the Subjugation Squad, with its mix of martial artists and sorcerers, showcased their extensive experience fighting powerful foes. Furthermore, unlike the sects of the Central Plains, they had little internal strife, and the cause of fighting against the invaders from Dongyeong united them firmly.

With the last explosive sound, all the Shikshin fell to the ground. Then, a cackling laughter echoed from inside the ruins of Dongning Prefecture.

[Aha ha, so the Twelve Righteous have come here with determination! Why do you trouble me?]

Ji-yool, holding the captain, stepped forward and pressed his hands together.

“You have summoned monsters from the Shan Hai Jing to disturb this land. You shall receive the fitting punishment.”

[Heh heh, you do not know that the monsters of the Shan Hai Jing are mostly fools? They seldom harm humans, enjoying flesh instead.]

“That may be true, but why are you causing such chaos in Goryeo? Do at least offer an excuse.”

[An excuse… Aha ha.]




The members of the Subjugation Squad gasped in surprise as an enchanting woman from the Yin-Yang School appeared in the empty air, revealing herself as the source of the voice. As before, she was extraordinarily beautiful, with a voluptuous figure. But what caught their attention was not merely that; Ji-yool’s brow furrowed as he spoke.

“Transmission Technique. How could a sorceress of your caliber act without discernment?”

[Heh heh… There is a powerful evil spirit trapped in this land. I erected a barrier to absorb its power, and it just happened to be the good stuff from Shan Hai Jing’s sorcery.]

“You used the energy that leaked out when the monster from the Shan Hai Jing was sealed to employ your sorcery.”

The Yin-Yang sorceress laughed gleefully.

[Oh… it seems the big-headed one is quite knowledgeable about sorcery. Indeed, you have done quite a service for me.]

“You deliberately did such things knowing that the Twelve Righteous would come to eradicate you? Truly vile!”

Ji-yool’s anger flared.

However, I couldn’t quite grasp their conversation and asked,

“You speak of an evil spirit in this land? Where exactly is it?”

Ji-yool responded to my question.

“There is likely one. In this place, there is only one person who could have turned into an evil spirit.”

“And who is that?”


As Ji-yool fell silent, the Yin-Yang sorceress covered her mouth with a fan and chuckled.

[Why should it concern you that I would handle the evil spirit in Xijing? Wouldn’t it be in your best interest to wait until I finish my work?]

“Don’t be ridiculous. Looking at the demonic aura radiating from you, it is clear you are no benevolent being. I can only imagine what kind of tremendous power you would wield after absorbing that evil spirit. We will seal both you and the evil spirit right here.”

[Aha ha ha… Go ahead and try!]


The Yin-Yang sorceress used her Transmission Technique again and vanished. She would likely be hiding inside that ominous four-story abandoned building. I glanced at the building and said,

“Why don’t we just call in the archers and set fire to the building?”

“That won’t work due to her sorcery. She likely has spells to block arrows.”

“You keep mentioning an evil spirit. What exactly does that mean? Can you explain it in a way I can understand?”

I wasn’t the only one curious; all the members of the Twelve Righteous gathered around were looking at Ji-yool, as he appeared to be the most knowledgeable sorcerer present. After some contemplation, Ji-yool sighed and replied,

“This building in Dongning Prefecture is where the monk Jeongsim was killed by Zhao Kuang.”


I tilted my head, not understanding what that meant. However, the Taoist from Haedong Milcheon who previously displayed the powerful Right Step Magic turned pale and exclaimed,

“Wait… Could this be the place where Myo Cheong was killed?”

“Indeed. It was designated as a forbidden area in Xijing, and the ruins were left untouched because there was a high probability that he, possessing formidable powers during his life, has transformed into a powerful evil spirit. The plan was to weaken his power through the barrier over a long time and eventually eradicate him…”

Ji-yool sighed again.

“Ah… That sorceress has now stirred up this trouble to absorb the power of the evil spirit. This is a serious matter…”

I couldn’t understand why they were so startled, so I continued to ask,

“Who is Myo Cheong?”

“The monk Myo Cheong attempted to change the capital of Goryeo to this Xijing during a rebellion. He was betrayed and killed by Zhao Kuang. This land is that place.”

“Hmm… I see. But what do we do now?”

“What do you mean?”

I pointed at the abandoned building.

“That place is clearly a trap, yet you still intend to go inside? Wouldn’t it be better to break down the Rat Trap and call for reinforcements?”


The members of the Subjugation Squad seemed to find my suggestion reasonable, realizing that entering a place set with traps by a sorceress capable of using Transmission Magic was foolish indeed. However, Ji-yool shook his head resolutely.

“No! We cannot waste too much time; if that Yin-Yang sorceress absorbs Myo Cheong’s power, a true monstrous evil will be born, making the situation exponentially more difficult.”


“Let’s muster our courage! No matter how formidable her sorcery is, there must be limits. She has already summoned a large number of Shikshin, and she must have consumed a considerable amount of strength, so if we respond calmly, we will surely be able to subjugate that sorceress.”


The martial artists of the Twelve Righteous regained their spirits. I realized that Ji-yool held greater respect and trust among the Twelve Righteous than I had anticipated. It was likely that was why so many of them participated when the call to subjugate the Yin-Yang School was disseminated. I reluctantly accepted the situation and internally sighed.

‘Ugh, it can’t be helped.’

I had hoped to avoid danger and stay safe in this life, but it seemed pulling back now would only escalate the risks. If we didn’t band together with the Twelve Righteous to subdue them now, as Ji-yool said, the situation would become significantly more complicated. Furthermore, losing the trust of the Twelve Righteous would make it apparent that investigating the Haedong would also pose challenges.

With a thud, the Subjugation Squad entered the first floor of the building. In the darkness, a beam of light shone down like a laser, illuminating a martial artist holding a long saber. Uniquely, the warrior had a large mask on, obscuring most of his face.

Ji-yool addressed the warrior.

“From your attire, you seem to be a martial artist from Dongyeong. Step aside; you cannot withstand us alone.”

The Dongyeong warrior spoke slowly in Goryeo’s dialect.

“I must… receive… power… from the Sky Fox.”

“You’re a nuisance. Don’t blame me for your shortcomings; you are the same kind!”

Zarun stepped forward. Despite his delicate appearance, he seemed quite hot-tempered. When he unleashed his saber’s aura, the Dongyeong warrior flinched and raised his long saber in response. Moments later, the two began clashing fiercely.

Clang! Clang!

‘What’s this… that guy is weak?’

I was disappointed watching the Dongyeong warrior. He was not completely incapable of fighting, showing skills close to the first-rate level. However, Zarun’s skills were comparable to those of a chief elder, and it was evident that he was overpowering his opponent with every strike. This lone warrior was holding us off, and I had expected something formidable, but he turned out to be a mere lackey, hardly able to defeat anyone among our ranks.


Zarun’s saber stopped just in front of the Dongyeong warrior’s throat. After overpowering him in just fifty seconds, Zarun coldly asked,

“I’ll ask again. Do you have no intention of stepping aside?”

The Dongyeong warrior swallowed hard.

“… I… will step aside.”

“You made the right choice.”

Zarun sheathed his saber. The Dongyeong warrior seemed to sense the significant gap in their capabilities, hanging his head in defeat. The members of the Subjugation Squad passed by him, heading for the second floor, showing him no regard whatsoever.

Thud, thud.

I felt something was off. The Yin-Yang sorceress was certainly a formidable sorceress, so why had she stationed such a weak warrior as a guard? It seemed almost as if she wouldn’t mind if he died. A pang of sympathy struck me, and I patted the Dongyeong warrior on the shoulder.

“Cheer up.”

At that moment, suddenly, the Dongyeong warrior lifted his head from the darkness and shouted,

“Yes, you! You’re here!!”


He swung his sword with a voice filled with malice. I instinctively deflected the attack, but I couldn’t help but be surprised by the suddenness of the assault. Just moments ago, he looked as if he might die from defeat; why was he suddenly doing this?

But that was that, and this was this; I quickly swung my sword.

“You brought this on yourself!”


The Dongyeong warrior’s head separated from his body, falling into the darkness and disappearing from view. I couldn’t comprehend why he had attacked, but I walked forward, puzzled.

‘How strange. Did I somehow provoke that Dongyeong warrior? Or did I simply seem easy to target?’

I couldn’t know. The fact that I never got to see his face made it all the more unsettling.

The Subjugation Squad ascended to the second floor, where two monstrous beings that looked like goblins were waiting. One was a gaunt ghost resembling a skeletal human, while the other was a stout, flat-bodied ghost. They didn’t appear to be very strong, leading me to think it might be an easy fight again, but Ji-yool warned tensely.

“Those are the Yin-Yang School’s elite guardians, Front Demon and Back Demon! They are extremely powerful, so be careful!”



Ji-yool’s warning proved true. The skinny Front Demon suddenly spat out a beam of light, causing a thunderous explosion as it sent two or three members of the Subjugation Squad flying back. At the same time, the stout Back Demon swung a heavy mace towards us with incredible force and speed.



“Stay focused! Maintain formation!!”

“Combine your strength!”

In the midst of the chaos, the warriors and sorcerers regrouped, gathering in groups of about eight to surround the Front Demon and Back Demon respectively. I chose to engage with the Back Demon, thinking it might be easier to hit given its large size.

‘These guys are the real deal.’

Simultaneously, I was glad I had brought the squad with me. I had no confidence in defeating either the Front or Back Demon alone; if I had come here solo, I would have been crushed by their combined assault. Being among my comrades provided a chance to strategize and tackle the threat.



The Back Demon roared fiercely as it swung its mace in all directions. The warriors and sorcerers quickly evaded its attacks while attempting to strike back. Yet its skin was as tough as iron, making our attacks largely ineffective. I dodged its mace swings using adrenaline-fueled maneuvers and swiftly countered with my sword.

Heaven’s Thunder Blade!


A massive blade of lightning appeared, slicing into the Back Demon’s back. However, after taking such a powerful strike filled with my inner energy, the Back Demon staggered momentarily before regaining its footing. It left a significant mark but seemed far from fatal. I was dumbfounded by its resilience.

‘What kind of monster is this?’

The Heaven’s Thunder Blade had been compressed from a size that could stretch across three lengths to a mere five feet. Thus, while its destructive power would typically be about thirty percent of what I could unleash when fully exerting myself, it should have obliterated any human. Yet, it merely wound up with non-fatal injuries; the Back Demon’s toughness was astonishing.

“Hang in there! We can do this!”


But perhaps due to the impact, the Back Demon’s movements slowed considerably. I coordinated with the Twelve Righteous, pressing the Back Demon relentlessly, and after accumulating over five effective hits, it finally collapsed.



The Back Demon cried out in anguish, bursting apart with a loud sound, leaving behind only scraps of paper. A creature as powerful and enormous as that was merely a summoned piece of paper. I wiped the sweat from my brow and turned to look at the Front Demon.

“Ugh, the situation is grim.”

The Front Demon was a small goblin who bombarded the Subjugation Squad with beams of light from its mouth and hands, putting them in a difficult position. The blue goblin fire whizzing through the air was also quite threatening. While the Back Demon had a powerful constitution and strength, it seemed the Front Demon was using bizarre spells to toy with its enemies.


Myself and the members of the Subjugation Squad rushed toward the Front Demon, swinging our swords. The Front Demon appeared flustered by the sudden increase in foes, and began spewing even more beams of light like threads. Realizing the sheer might of its area attacks, the Subjugation Squad scattered to evade the explosions.



‘Ugh, the building is going to collapse…!!’

I felt an urgency. At this rate, the building might collapse entirely due to the Front Demon’s onslaught, putting all of us in jeopardy. After all, this spiritual puppet was merely a conjuration, so the consequences would mainly fall upon the Subjugation Squad.

I decided it was now or never and dashed forward, secretly channeling Thunder Breathing through my body. In an instant, my physique crackled with bluish lightning, and I used the sudden surge in speed to close the distance to the Front Demon. I moved so quickly that it seemed unresponsive until my sword was nearly at its throat.



As the Front Demon’s head fell, the beams it unleashed ceased to exist. The Subjugation Squad, hiding in various spots, finally emerged, sighing in relief.

“Phew, we made it.”

“Thank you, young hero!!”

“If it weren’t for you, we would have all perished.”

“It was nothing.”

I waved my hand dismissively, wearing a strained expression.

“I’m more worried about what kind of monster awaits on the third floor.”


Among the Subjugation Squad, there was already one confirmed death and four injuries. The thought of facing the guardian on the third floor was immensely daunting after suffering such losses. Ji-yool then spoke to me.

“Could you go ahead and scout?”

“Excuse me?”

“I sense something is off. The Front and Back Demons are the ultimate guards of the Yin-Yang School, and they were on the second floor. That sorceress might not be what we think…”

“What do you intend to do then?”

“I’ll gather up the injured and briefly step out. I need to verify something.”

I felt the difficulty level rise sharply, and it didn’t quite add up. Shouldn’t we be pushing forward to take care of this?

‘So he’s suggesting I scout? I need to go in calmly.’

However, it felt wrong to refuse Ji-yool’s suggestion. Surely, he wasn’t asking me to take out a sorceress alone. With no other option, I nodded my head.


“If it becomes too dangerous, retreat.”

“I wouldn’t need you to tell me that.”

I didn’t believe there could be anything stronger than the Front and Back Demons on the second floor, but if there was, I was prepared to flee without looking back. I resolved to do my best, but my life was not on the line for this.

The Subjugation Squad temporarily retreated from the collapsed building, and I ascended to the third floor alone. After scanning the silence of the third floor for a while, I proceeded to the fourth floor.

“Looks like there’s nothing here…”

I had been anxious for no reason.

Thud, thud.

With a somewhat dejected heart, as I reached the fourth floor, the scene unfolded before me. The Yin-Yang sorceress I had seen earlier was elegantly seated at a table, sipping from a goblet. While her enormous chest, easily double that of an ordinary woman, caught my attention, I forced myself to look at her face.

She glanced at me and smiled slyly.

“So, you are the one that person spoke of. Most interesting.”

“What do you mean? That person?”

“The warrior you killed on the first floor.”


I was left somewhat bewildered, tilting my head. What exactly had he said about me? However, the Yin-Yang sorceress continued laughing without further explanation.

“Hahaha, humans are amusing! Though I’ve lived so long, I’ve never seen such a grudge before.”

“I don’t understand what you’re talking about.”

“Ah, that’s enough. Regardless, you’ve made it this far; you possess considerable skill. Thus, I have a proposal.”

“A proposal?”

The Yin-Yang sorceress smiled gently.

In an instant,

her beautiful appearance suddenly grew fur and began to change rapidly. Her facial features transformed into those of an animal, and her body followed suit. Soon, a bright light flowed forth as her Yin-Yang attire fell to the ground.

When the transformation completed, standing before me was a gigantic fox, its size easily comparable to one chop. Its fur shone a brilliant silvery white, and a powerful aura radiated from its eyes. Yet, above all, what pressed heavily upon me was the fox’s tail.

The fox had an astonishing nine tails. I hadn’t heard of such a fox before, and I had only caught wind of it once in legends.

I gasped in shock.

“The Sky Fox, Nine-Tailed Fox…!!”

—————————= Author’s Note =————————=

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