Reincarnation Sword God

Chapter 79

0079 : After leaving the village where Cheon U-jin lived, Mangnyang and I entered Luoyang together. In my previous life, I had distanced myself from Mangnyang to focus on cultivating martial arts, but this time, since that wasn’t the primary goal, I wanted to discuss our future direction with him.

The inn was bustling in the early evening. Mangnyang ordered frog legs and began to gnaw at them, saying, “Hmm, let me see… You mentioned that you had already received the blessing of Taixu Tianzun in your previous life, right? And it was a great fortune?”

I nodded my head. “Yes, I had managed to learn the techniques I desired while struggling to survive amidst confusion.”

“Hmm… so this time it has transformed into the blessing of longevity from Xiwangmu.”

Lost in thought while chewing on the frog leg, Mangnyang suddenly poured himself a drink and continued, “This is rather strange.”

“What do you mean?”

“If that’s the case, it implies that your rebirth does not apply to deities, does it? Of course, they might notice any discrepancies with their divine powers, but it means that neither Taixu Tianzun nor Xiwangmu is aware of your time reversal.”

“I see…”

Mangnyang slammed his fist on the table. “It’s not just ‘I see.’ This likely holds significant meaning.”

“What does it mean?”


Mangnyang took a big swig of his drink and then poured some into my cup. “First, have a drink.”

“Are you sure it’s okay for someone who looks like a child?”

“What does it matter? I can expel the alcohol effect with my internal energy anyway.”

“That’s true.”

As I accepted Mangnyang’s drink and took a sip, it had a fragrant and pleasant aroma. Being bamboo liquor, it had a spicy flavor that lingered on my tongue. I didn’t particularly dislike alcohol, so while I savored the taste, Mangnyang spoke again.

“Think about it. Taixu Tianzun is one of the foremost deities in Taoism, while Xiwangmu is a powerful figure overseeing female immortals. Considering their status, they could easily provide immense blessings just by consuming the essence of Makiya. Yet, the fact that even they are unaware of your time reversal speaks volumes.”


Mangnyang continued, gnawing at a chicken leg. “The one who created that Heavenly Secret Manual or infused the power of reincarnation must be a great being with power surpassing even Taixu Tianzun or Xiwangmu.”


A groan of realization slipped from my lips as I hadn’t considered that perspective. ‘The being who created the Heavenly Secret Manual?’

I had never thought much about it until now. I merely saw it as a mystical book that reversed time. However, learning about the Seven Stars and encountering the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors made me realize its significance had changed. The Heavenly Secret Manual must have been created by someone whose rank was unimaginably high for any human.

Mangnyang muttered, “Perhaps you’ve gotten yourself tangled in something more troublesome than you thought.”

“That’s something I always consider.”

“Not in that sense, though. Ahem. Here’s another chicken.”

It seemed Mangnyang had already finished one whole chicken. He ordered more snacks and continued speaking. “How much do you understand about the divine status in Taoism?”

“I have a rough idea since I studied the Book of Changes.”

“In truth, most whom Taoism considers divine aren’t real gods but are simply elevated to the status of immortals. For practitioners of Taoism, the distinction between an immortal and a god isn’t significant. Just observe how the term ‘half-immortal’ is used separately.”


“However… if we assume the Heavenly Secret Manual involves reincarnation, that understanding may not suffice. If it refers to a being of higher status, the only true divine status that is venerated in other religions comes into play.”

I was puzzled and responded, “In Taoism, isn’t Taishang Laojun considered nearly equal to Shakyamuni Buddha? I thought there’s usually a clear distinction between Taoism and Buddhism.”

“Ha ha, that’s just an artifact of the blending that occurred when Buddhism, originating from India, merged with local beliefs in the Central Plains. In reality, the deities revered in Indian Buddhism differ significantly from our understanding.”

This time, Mangnyang began to tear at a chicken wing, looking quite hungry.

“Actually, I’ve misspoken. Contrary to the narrative that Tianzhu is the birthplace of Buddhism, Tianzhu doesn’t practice Buddhism much at all. It is a place of the most complex polytheistic worship in the world, and Shakyamuni is just one among the eight hundred thousand deities revered by the Tianzhu people.”

“What? That’s the first I’ve heard of such a thing.”

“Do you happen to know much about Buddhism?”

“Honestly, I don’t know much.”

“The beings referred to as Brahma, Narayana, and Maheshvara in Buddhism are not simple gods of the celestial realms. Brahma is the creator of the world, Narayana is its sustainer, and Maheshvara is the destroyer during the end times. They embody divine status themselves, but as Buddhism in the Central Plains merged with Taoism, their divine ranks were demoted.”

I found this information quite intriguing. ‘The status of gods being demoted?’ It was something I had never considered. As I listened quietly, Mangnyang picked up a duck leg and said, “However, despite that, the power of Brahma, Narayana, and Maheshvara is in no way diminished. They are entities unrelated to the ranks that are exposed externally. It’s possible that the creator of the Heavenly Secret Manual is one such existence.”

“What do you mean by such an existence?”

Mangnyang chewed on the duck leg and replied, “An existence that does not require worship, that does not need human recognition, a being with a complete divine status! Without such a being, surpassing Taixu Tianzun or Xiwangmu wouldn’t be possible.”


I cocked my head in confusion. “What does that even mean?”

“Sigh… The ‘me’ of the previous life should have prompted you to read some religious texts. You are currently closer to the realm of gods than anyone in the Central Plains, yet so uninformed.”

Gulping, Mangnyang drank from the bottle and began to explain. He had nearly finished off the chickens by then.

“Just think about it. Why are beings like Taixu Tianzun or Xiwangmu so powerful?”

“Um… Because of their high status?”

Mangnyang shook his head while holding a chicken leg. “No. It is because countless humans worship them, recognize them, and revere them! The power of a deity significantly relies on faith. Of course, they maintain a degree of power because they are beings that have ascended from the status of immortals, yet faith ultimately creates a substantial gap in their powers.”

“Are you saying that a god is so heavily influenced by human belief?”

“Exactly. Whether they are Taoist or Buddhist deities, they were ultimately created by humans. Their divine powers are also deeply connected to humanity.”

Mangnyang looked as if he was savoring the last chicken leg slowly. I stole a glance at the table, noticing that there was hardly anything left. I had no choice but to order a bowl of chicken porridge. As I did, Mangnyang said, “Whether a deity or an immortal, fundamentally they exist based on human belief to maintain reverence. In other words, divine statuses that are forgotten by humans gradually lose their power and ultimately become extinct. However, there are existences that deviate significantly from this rule. These are beings whose divine statuses have existed since the beginning of creation, independent of human worship or recognition.”


It seemed Mangnyang had eaten so much that he inadvertently made a sound. I was quite surprised by his appetite while I was eating my chicken porridge. It appeared that performing rituals made one extremely hungry. I resolved to ensure that I fed Mangnyang well next time, and as I was thinking this, he continued speaking.

“These existences are exceedingly discreet and are not widely known among the populace. Even if they are known, they are often disguised as ‘secret gods,’ and very few actually know their true nature.”

“I thought divine statuses and immortal statuses gain power from human belief? Why is that then?”

“It is because these beings, if known, would instill such terror that their mere presence could drive one insane!”


“Furthermore, such beings do not require human faith because they possess tremendous power capable of overturning the heavens and earth by their own will. They are also not particularly benevolent towards humans and regard them as negligible.”

Mangnyang said this assertively. “My master, Mangnyang Seonsa, also plays a role in placing barriers so that these beings do not interfere with the world. The power of my master is far stronger than that of great immortals, yet he remains in this realm precisely for that reason.”

“To prevent interference…?”

“What my master is assigned is the duty of a guardian. Hence, no Taoist deity, aside from Taishang Laojun, can impose commands or orders upon him.”

I suddenly recalled my conversation with Mangnyang Seonsa.

[“The sorcerer you faced is not of this world. An outsider who has accidentally drifted in. Merely confronting his magic or knowledge causes ordinary beings to become tainted and fall into despair. What I do is keep such wanderers from reaching this world, but this time, it seems luck was against me.”]

[“Wait, for a while? Is there another one of his kind?”]

[“There likely is.”]

Mangnyang Seonsa’s words were entirely true. He usually cast barriers to prevent evil deities and their worshippers from entering this world. But for some reason, the sorcerer had broken through that barrier, most likely due to the influence of the dark forces known as the Subduing Demon Hall.

After organizing my thoughts, I mumbled, “It’s hard to believe such beings exist.”

“In fact, it’s better not to know. Pursuing knowledge about such beings brings no benefit and tends to drive one mad. However, the Heavenly Secret Manual you possess can only be explained as being crafted by such an existence.”


“My master often referred to those beings as ‘Ancient Rulers.'”

Ancient rulers.

I felt like I was starting to piece things together. This meant that a wicked and powerful god who regards humans as mere insects could very well be the one who created the Amcheonhyang Manual. However, there was something that didn’t make sense to me.

‘Why did the sorcerer flee upon seeing the Heavenly Secret Manual?’

It seemed that the manual didn’t have any specific power to banish the sorcerer. Mangnyang had also said that it was not a special magical text, just a book. In other words, the sorcerer had fled after realizing something from the ‘contents’ of the Heavenly Secret Manual. I had been confused as to why this was the case.

I made a silent resolution.

‘Alright. If I have to fight the Subduing Demon Hall this time, I need to capture that newly summoned being from another realm alive. I didn’t have the means to do so before, but I must uncover the true nature of the Heavenly Secret Manual.’

While I was deep in thought, Mangnyang spoke up. He seemed to have finished all his food.

“Anyway, there’s little point in thinking about that matter any further… What are your plans from now on?”

“Indeed. We should discuss what lies ahead.”

I took a drink of bamboo wine and said, “I want to find the treasures of the Seven Stars.”

“The treasures of the Seven Stars?”

“Yes. After all, I’ve already received the blessing of Xiwangmu for immortality, haven’t I? That means I now have ample time to search for the traces of the Seven Stars somewhere in this world. First, I intend to ascertain their location and then gather them over multiple lifetimes.”

This was my plan.

Although I had not received the blessing of fortune from Taixu Tianzun, I had attained immortality. For someone who found little significance in easily dying, this meant I had time to embark on a quest for the treasures. If I was determined to live long without dying, it would be better to pursue such treasures.

Mangnyang wore an unexpectedly impressed expression.

“Oh, I hadn’t thought of that! What a splendid idea.”

“Haha, thank you.”

“However, how do you plan to find them? The treasures of the Seven Stars are already legends from the Bronze Age, making it nearly impossible to trace their whereabouts. Your discovery of the traces from the Phoenix sculpture was due to an extraordinary stroke of luck. Even if you tried to look them up in ancient historical documents, it would be an arduous task.”


I became akin to a silenced fool. After all, how could I find the hidden treasures of the Seven Stars in this world without any clues or traces? I hadn’t even imagined the whereabouts of the Eight Trigrams of the treasures from Balhae before hearing about it. In fact, I didn’t even know what the country of Balhae was.

Mangnyang grinned slyly.

“Here’s my suggestion. You shall derive the roots of Black and White Lotus from me and acquire martial arts and sorcery through Makiya’s power. Meanwhile, you should travel through the Dongyang land to the Peninsula.”

“The Peninsula?”

“To my knowledge, there exists a nation called Goryeo there. Additionally, its unique martial world exists separately as well. You should seek out something called the Sea Seal in that place.”

“Sea Seal?”

“Yes. I believe it is very likely a treasure of the Seven Stars. My master often mentioned that the Sea Seal is a treasure originating from the Eastern region.”

It was an unexpected revelation. I felt incredibly grateful to Mangnyang for presenting the path I should take. Yet, I suddenly had a troubling thought and asked,

“Wait, won’t the Golden Guard gather the Seven Stars and plot some schemes within the next five or six years? What should we do about that?”

“What can you do? Just let it be.”


“Think about it. If the Golden Guard could gain the power to dominate the world within just five years by gathering the Seven Stars, why would they resort to assassination? They must have perceived me, the half-heavened lord, as a hindrance, and thought I would disturb their future plans. This implies that by that point, the Golden Guard hadn’t amassed the strength to fully achieve their goals.”


“If I truly believed that I was unable to contend against the Subduing Demon Hall, I wouldn’t have contacted you or chosen a path where we all perish, would I? There must be some sort of scheme at play that made me reach out to you.”

I felt a sudden jolt of realization. As I fell silent, Mangnyang stated firmly,

“The important thing is for you to gather as much information about the traces of the Seven Stars as possible! If it comes to that, you can always die and be reborn to seize the next opportunity. That is how you should fight going forward.”

I cautiously suggested,

“Should I infiltrate the Golden Guard to figure out how they are gathering the Seven Stars and interfere with them?”

Mangnyang was taken aback.

“What kind of reckless thought is that? They are beings seeking to summon existence from another realm to overturn the world! Entering without any background or divine treasure would lead to certain death. Unless you gain the power of one of the Seven Stars, it would be akin to suicide.”

“Ah, I see.”

“Of course, it could be a good way if you aren’t afraid of dying, but… as you said, having received the blessing of Xiwangmu, shouldn’t you make the most of it this time?”

“Understood. I will proceed as such.”

A few days later, I passed the roots of Black and White Lotus, the Phoenix sculpture, and Makiya to Mangnyang. He stated he would maximize his abilities and come find me in the Dongyang region. He then wore a rather peculiar expression.

“By the way, do you not know what the power of Makiya is?”

“Not really.”

“Hmm… I’ll investigate and let you know. This is currently our greatest weapon, and it’d be a shame not to know its utility.”

“It doesn’t seem particularly useful as a weapon, so I haven’t paid much attention to it.”

“There must be something concealed within it. After all, it is a treasure of the Divine Era…”

I decided to trust Mangnyang and leave it to him. Then, I embarked on my first journey toward the eastern peninsula. I did not know where it would lead, but I set out on this uncertain quest to find the Sea Seal. My first destination would be Shandong, where the route to the Eastern Goryeo was said to exist.

Clatter, clatter

As I rode, I realized I was traversing terrain I had never been to before. I had bought a map, but the Central Plains were so vast that I could not easily rely on it. I felt that this journey would eventually lead to experience.

‘Ah, Shandong…’

What kind of nation would Goryeo be?

I felt a fresh excitement and urged my horse forward.

“Hey there, Little Hero! Come listen to me!”

My lively mood was abruptly shattered when an odd figure blocked the road. He appeared to be a beggar with wide-open eyes, looking distinctly deranged. As I silently stared at the bizarre character from atop my horse, he spoke.

“Do you, Little Hero, happen to have a master?”

“No, not at all…”

“Then are you from the White Lotus Sect?”

“Not at all…”

At that, the strange figure grinned widely and said,

“Hehe, since you seem to be from the White Lotus Sect, let’s see some fighting!”


And thus, the battle began.

—————————= Author’s Note —————————=

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