Reincarnation Sword God

Chapter 74

Fallen Demon Hall

I had sparred with Lee Kwang countless times, far exceeding dozens. For several years, I had been intensively trained, and Lee Kwang had engaged me in sparring to quickly correct my stance and teach me the essentials. Of course, I was no match for him and always ended up getting beaten.

However, the past records were not what mattered now. The killing intent radiating from Lee Kwang’s body was unmistakably serious; he was prepared to kill me at any moment. This was clearly different from the sparring one might have with a disciple to teach them.

I swallowed hard and spoke.

“Wait a moment!”

“What is it?”

“Why do you dislike the Fire Spirit Sect?”


Lee Kwang seemed taken aback by the unexpected question. The usually cold and composed expression on his face shifted, indicating he had found my question quite absurd.

As the tip of his spear slightly moved, a loud whoosh accompanied the sound of my hair being severed just beside my head. With my current abilities, I couldn’t even comprehend what Lee Kwang had done. I had entered a realm that transcended mere techniques and styles. As I stiffened, Lee Kwang commented.

“I can acknowledge your courage. To ask such a question in this situation is not something an ordinary person could do.”

It was hard to tell whether that was a compliment or sarcasm. I forced a laugh and replied,

“… Let’s at least understand each other before we die.”


Lee Kwang seemed slightly to soften, the deadly aura around him diminishing a bit. He directed the spear toward the ground and spoke slowly.

“You must know that the White Lotus Sect purged the Thunder Spirit Sect. The Wind Spirit Sect led that effort, during which countless Thunder Spirit experts lost their lives. The few remaining masters fled and hid in Central China.”

“I know that. But the Fire Spirit Sect did not directly participate in that incident, did they?”

“True. The Fire Spirit Sect led by Han Baek-ryeong stood idly by. And that infuriates me.”


“My master and Han Baek-ryeong were close friends. However, when my master was clearly framed and the Thunder Spirit Sect was expelled, they did nothing to clarify or assist. They merely watched, fearing that the flames would reach their own faction. Could you trust or befriend such a person?”



Once again, the tip of Lee Kwang’s spear was aimed at me. The momentum of the spear felt like it was piercing through my heart. He was already attacking me with Invisible Qi before the fight had even begun, demonstrating a combat method that only a master who had realized profound intention could use.

“Baek Woong. I don’t know how you managed to persuade Han Baek-ryeong to write a letter of recommendation for you to that Iron Blood Witch. The astounding mastery you possess, akin to that of the Heavenly Spirit Pill, is indeed impressive. Yet, those matters do not compel me, Lee Kwang, to continue the legacy of the Thunder Spirit Sect.”

I felt as if my entire body was being crushed by the Invisible Qi. This Invisible Qi disregards the level of internal energy, so one must overcome it solely by will. I struggled to respond.

“What do you want?”

“I told you from the beginning.”

Lee Kwang’s eyes gleamed suddenly.

“Prove your talent and will to me with your martial abilities!”



In the next moment, I felt my body being hurled through the air. In that fleeting instant, I had maximized my internal energy and managed to avoid a direct hit, but Lee Kwang’s thrust landed a powerful blow right in front of me. It appeared to be a mere straightforward thrust, yet it was more potent than any strike I had faced from previous masters.


I expelled blood, feeling a mixture of disbelief and alarm as I soared four paces back. I realized that Lee Kwang had mercifully held back, yet the fact remained that I could neither block nor evade a blatantly straightforward thrust.

“What level of disparity is this…?”

Lee Kwang didn’t let me drop quietly. His body moved with an invisible speed, wielding the spear right in front of me, and I gritted my teeth, swinging my Longyuan Sword in an attempt to block his attack. However, Lee Kwang’s spear strikes came at angles I couldn’t fathom, striking at my vital points.



I was hit by more than twenty spear strikes in an instant and was thrown to the ground. I bounced two or three times on the stone surface before crashing into the end of the training hall. My whole body felt numb, and I felt like I could lose consciousness at any moment, but I quickly performed a technique to return my body to its original state.

“That’s more like it.”

Lee Kwang’s voice, laced with killing intent, brushed past my ears.

“If you lie still, I’ll burst your heart open.”

Thud, thud.

Suddenly, it felt as if my insides were exploding. To be precise, Lee Kwang had grazed me with his incredible technique while mercilessly pummeling my abdomen with the Thunder God Fist. However, the pain was excruciating, as if my entire insides were being burned away, and I briefly lost my senses.

When I regained my composure, several tens of seconds had passed, and I heard Lee Kwang’s voice.

“Wipe the blood from your mouth.”

Upon hearing his words and inspecting myself, I saw that my clothes were already drenched in my own blood, and fresh blood was constantly oozing from my mouth. It seemed I had sustained internal injuries. I wanted to kneel and faint comfortably, but forcing myself to endure, I wiped the blood from my lips with my sleeve.

“Damn it. I’m really going to die.”

Lee Kwang was holding back just enough, which amplified the pain. If he had fought with the intent to kill, my head would have been severed within the first few seconds, and it wouldn’t have hurt this much. While I silently cursed, Lee Kwang spoke.

“What a peculiar guy. You seem to properly use the Thunder Shadow Art, yet your sword technique remains at a beginner’s level? It’s pathetic that the only thing you can use with your overflowing internal energy is the Thunderbolt.”

This man?

I felt a surge of anger. Having long since given up on surviving in this place, I still had the spirit to retort. So, I spat out some blood and said,

“I know there’s a next stage to the Thunder Shadow Sword Technique…”

The problem was that I had been beaten to death by the Demon Sect’s Eight Gates before I could learn it. Lee Kwang criticized me.

“If you know it, then why didn’t you learn it? Where has your master gone that he hasn’t taught you?”

“He died of illness, unable to attain the Thunder Spirit.”


“I need to grow stronger. I must grow stronger to defeat my enemies.”

As I expressed my determination, I noticed something intriguing in Lee Kwang’s eyes.

“You look young; who is this enemy you’re mentioning? I doubt it’s the enemy of your original master.”

“That’s right. But I must take that person’s life.”


I looked directly into Lee Kwang’s eyes and said,

“That person killed my friend. Until I avenge that death, I can’t truly live.”

Unexpectedly, I recognized that I was speaking in a calm tone.

It was such a composed manner of speaking. Even if I were to passionately express my indignation, it felt odd to present it in such a calm way; a child might have even felt a sense of dissonance.

Sigh. By the tenth time, I should just practice my acting.

I spoke with all the sincerity I could muster, but if the other party didn’t feel it, then it would have no meaning. A wry smile formed in my heart, yet Lee Kwang’s lethal commands did not come.


What’s going on?

I had been standing silently for quite some time, but the silence persisted.

When I raised my gaze to look at Lee Kwang, he spoke with a stern expression.

“He’s definitely not at the level of someone his age. Baek Woong, you’ve been through an incredible hellish scene.”


“Jin So-cheong.”


“Yes, Master.”

Suddenly, Jin So-cheong appeared in the hall. Upon his arrival, Lee Kwang handed him a bundle of silver and said,

“Show this guy’s details to Doctor Kang in the village. Once the healing is complete, bring him back.”


Jin So-cheong clasped his fists and took me somewhere.

So, I’m still alive.

But as Jin So-cheong grabbed the collar of my clothes and moved me, I had already lost consciousness. Though it was a brief moment, I had endured too much, unable to maintain my awareness any longer.

It didn’t take long for Jin So-cheong to go to the Kang family, one of the six great families in Guanzhong, to entrust Baek Woong for treatment and hand over the healing fee. The head of the Kang family, Kang Son-mu, renowned as one of the best doctors in Guanzhong, examined Baek Woong’s details and looked astonished.

“He’s literally hanging on by a thread.”

“Will he be alright?”

Dr. Kang Son-mu replied,

“Well… it’s unbelievable, but he’s natural healing.”

“Excuse me?”

“Look here.”

Kang Son-mu’s hand pressed against Baek Woong’s chest. The spot was torn from the spear strikes, with skin ruptured and flesh split, exposing some of the white bone. It was a serious injury, but the flesh there could be seen slowly healing, almost visibly. Kang Son-mu said in disbelief,

“I’ve heard that when someone’s internal energy reaches its peak, they can use Qi to heal naturally… but I’m witnessing it for the first time today. Can a human possess such internal energy?”


“Anyway, even without my intervention, he’ll heal. However, I’ll hasten the process. He should be alright in a few days and can be sent back.”

“Thank you.”

“By the way, who brought someone with such internal energy to this state?”

Jin So-cheong did not answer that question and stepped outside. He lingered for a moment before returning to the Azure Dragon Martial Arts School.


His figure swiftly soared into the Waryong Hall within the Azure Dragon Martial Arts School, where Lee Kwang was sipping warm tea.

Next to Lee Kwang lay the Longyuan Sword that Baek Woong had possessed. Glancing at the Longyuan Sword, Jin So-cheong said,

“Master, you often say that the disciples of the Thunder Spirit Sect are like brothers to us, right?”

Lee Kwang took a sip of tea before replying,


“I think this incident was a bit excessive. If Baek Woong’s internal energy hadn’t been at that level, he would have died.”

“If he had died, that would have been good.”


Jin So-cheong exclaimed in shock. He knew Lee Kwang well enough to know that such a response was unlike him. However, ignoring Jin So-cheong’s surprise, Lee Kwang picked up the Longyuan Sword from the study and remarked,

“Isn’t this a famous sword? This must be the Longyuan, which is renowned among the exquisite swords of the world.”

Lee Kwang was passionate about exceptional swords and weapons, making him knowledgeable in this area. From his assessment, there was no doubt that the sword was the Longyuan. Curiosity sparked in Jin So-cheong’s eyes.

“Is that…?”

“At such a young age, possessing the internal energy just short of the Heavenly Spirit Pill, and having caught the eye of the White Lotus Sect’s guardian, leading to a proposal of the Bloodline, he rejected all of that and came to me with the Longyuan. His martial arts already resides at the threshold of an expert.”

As Lee Kwang muttered this, he looked directly at Jin So-cheong and asked,

“In this vast world, do you think there’s even a boy who could keep up with Baek Woong’s footsteps?”

Jin So-cheong shook his head.

“I don’t think so. Unless it’s the young leader of the White Lotus Sect.”

“Indeed. That child is extraordinary. But what’s more frightening is not what’s on the surface. I just realized that.”

“What do you mean?”

“That he possesses a will of steel.”

“A will?”

“The way he mentioned the term ‘master’ seemed oddly suspicious. I can’t confirm its authenticity, but the probability of it being false is high. Yet, as I was about to strike him down, he calmly spoke of revenge for a friend. From his words, I felt the spirit of a martial artist who has survived decades of hellish scenes.”


“To be honest, I was astonished. That child already carries the mindset of an experienced warrior.”

Lee Kwang’s expression turned solemn, which was unusual for him, someone who typically remained unfazed regardless of the situation. He placed the Longyuan Sword back in its place and gazed out of the window.

“Baek Woong truly is the successor of the Thunder Spirit Sect. It’s also true that I need to nurture that child. However, I have no confidence in my ability to control him once he spreads his wings.”

“Do you genuinely think it would be better if he died?”

Jin So-cheong’s question was sharp. Lee Kwang, looking at his staunch disciple, burst into laughter.

“Haha… I don’t even know. I’ve never felt this way before in my life. I feel both the desire to nurture him and the urge to kill him for your sake. It’s all so confusing. So-cheong… what do you think I should do?”

Lee Kwang often had preconceptions about the answers he wanted to hear when asking questions. That was a characteristic of his communication style. But Jin So-cheong realized that this was not one of those instances; Lee Kwang genuinely wanted to hear his opinion.

After a moment of contemplation, Jin So-cheong replied,

“I would like to accept Baek Woong as my disciple.”

“Even if that child might become your enemy in the future?”

“My opinion differs. Don’t you have a grudge that you’ve been holding for many years, Master? If Baek Woong is truly the significant vessel you believe him to be, perhaps he could create tremendous waves in the world and offer you a chance to resolve your long-held grievance.”


Lee Kwang was taken aback. Jin So-cheong’s thoughts had stepped a level ahead of his own. It was true that he had a grievance he had never shared with anyone besides Jin So-cheong. However, he had quietly accepted living with that grievance, as it seemed impossible to resolve in reality, until unexpectedly, Jin So-cheong brought it up.

After a period of inner turmoil, Lee Kwang spoke,

“Are you saying he could rise to that level?”

“That’s for you to decide, Master.”


Lee Kwang stared out of the window with a clear gaze. The resentment he had felt initially upon hearing about the Fire Spirit Sect’s introduction had vanished, replaced by a meticulously calm analysis of Baek Woong’s potential.

After some time organizing his thoughts, Lee Kwang said,

“Alright. I think it is possible.”

A small spark flickered in Lee Kwang’s eyes. This was also the grudge he had accumulated over decades.

“Let’s give it our all to nurture him.”

In his mind, there existed a giant. A giant who was guarded by three superhumans, making it inconceivable for Lee Kwang to seek revenge against him. His power was akin to that of a god, and even the great emperor feared his strength; he was an absolute master in the martial world! Lee Kwang had sharpened his sword against that existence, yet had given up due to practical impossibilities, but now, he had gained another glimmer of hope.

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