Reincarnation Sword God

Chapter 53

0053 : Fighting Demons Hall

As I was heading back to Jinrang Valley near Luoyang to meet Mangnyang, I suddenly spotted a massive dark cloud rolling in from afar, about seven hours away from my destination.

‘What is this? A rain cloud?’

Thanks to my exceptional vision, I had noticed it, but it was indeed an enormous cloud. It was clearly a thundercloud mixed with rain, and it seemed likely to reach my location within the hour. The moisture it carried was extraordinary, and if I were to step into that area, intense rains would surely pour down.

Naturally, no matter how fast my internal energy might make me, I wouldn’t be able to outrun those celestial clouds, so I entered a nearby village and spoke to the villagers.

“May I take shelter from the rain for a moment?”

All the villagers turned their attention to me.

“Rain? With such clear skies?”

A middle-aged man, who had been taking a break under a tree while farming, chuckled lightly. However, before he could jabber on a bit more, a strong wave of humidity hit my nose. One by one, the villagers began to notice the ominous black clouds gathering above.

“Rain, it’s raining!”

“This is bad! Quick, gather the dried crops!”

The villagers panicked and hurriedly began to salvage their harvests. The middle-aged man, who had been standing there in a daze, shouted at me,

“Hey! I-I’m sorry, but could you help me out? We need to get the sacks inside quickly!”

“Of course. Is it alright if I take shelter inside for the day?”

“Yeah! I’ll make you a meal.”

I swiftly moved and quickly carried the sacks that were drying in the sun into his home. Within just a few breaths, as I brought the heavy sacks inside, the middle-aged man looked astonished. After all, I had managed what would typically take two or three adult men a considerable time to do. With some time left before the rain started, I assisted others as well.


Rumble, rumble!

Moments later, a thunderstorm roared in, pelting the village with heavy rain. The sheer volume of rain was alarming, far beyond that of a typical shower. Thankfully, the village had many buildings well-prepared for flooding, so it didn’t seem like the damage would be too severe.

The middle-aged man, who had let me into his home, wiped the sweat from his forehead and said,

“Phew… Thank you so much. By the way, you’re really quite strong. How did you know it was going to rain?”

“I have good eyesight.”

“I see. I have some porridge cooking in the kitchen, so I’ll share some with you. You can stay the night.”

Tap, tap…

“Darn… the fire won’t catch.”

“Just a moment.”

When the dry firewood wouldn’t ignite, I used my internal energy to bring flames to the hearth. As I ignited the firewood, the middle-aged man seemed surprised. It must be that, in his understanding, using dry firewood for fuel was nearly impossible.

“Wow… are you a martial artist?”

“I’m just traveling around and practicing.”

“Well, all I can say is thank you. Do you have a destination?”

“I’m heading toward Jinrang Valley. I was planning to walk all day, but things have taken a turn.”

The middle-aged man then said,

“Jinrang Valley is quite far; you must be having a tough time.”

“Not particularly.”

“Oh, right! Since you’re a martial artist, I have something good to share with you.”


The middle-aged man glanced around before whispering.

“Just over two mountains from here is a place called Changling Valley, where a wealthy person resides who enjoys challenging others with mysterious questions. They say that whoever solves the problem receives gold as a reward.”

“They give gold just for answering some questions?”

“Exactly! That’s why, for the past few years, it seems that knowledgeable scholars and martial artists have been heading towards Changling Valley.”


I found this intriguing. Gold is not something trivial; it symbolizes wealth, so it was surprising that a mere riddle could lead to such precious rewards.

At the same time, I sensed that Changling Valley was not an ordinary place. If even common villagers had heard of the gold being offered, then surely bandits or martial artists would try to reach for the rich man’s wealth there. However, at least until now, I had not seen any martial artists moving through this area. I suspected that the wealthy person in Changling Valley must possess abilities sufficient to protect their assets.

‘Well, it’s not a priority to find that place right now. Meeting Mangnyang takes precedence.’

I had already seen enough gold bars when I was obtaining the treasures of the Seven Stars. Rather than craving material wealth, my mind was filled with the thought of seeking out Mangnyang with the treasures in hand. There would be time to explore Changling Valley later; for now, I wanted to hasten my journey.

I enjoyed a meal that day and spent a comfortable night with the middle-aged man’s family. However, upon waking the next morning, I realized something was terribly wrong.


The rain showed no signs of stopping. When I rose in the morning, the village had turned into a muddy quagmire, with water rising to ankle depth and rain pouring down furiously. Already, the villagers were in a frenzy trying to remove the water.

“Quickly move! Bail out the water!”

“They say So-dol’s house is submerged. What should we do?”

“Ahhhh!! The river is overflowing; what do we do?”

Panic and confusion were evident among the villagers. It was understandable since the village’s drainage system could cope with moderate rainfall, but when the rain poured down like a deluge, the river overflowed and flooded the area. If things went awry, the villagers might have to abandon their homes in search of safety.

‘This won’t do.’

Even amidst the chaos, I felt a need to step in and assist. To my recollection, I had never experienced such a massive downpour before. Besides, having stayed in this village, I felt obligated to help.

I surveyed the surroundings carefully, looking for a way for the water to drain.

‘If I break that rock, the water should drain a bit. And if I redirect it to the side…’

Once my calculations were in place, I shouted to the flustered people.

“Everyone, step aside! I’ll take care of this!”

“What? How can a kid like you…?”

“Enough talk! Move aside!”

I infused my voice with internal energy, and the crowd flinched in surprise. Although I didn’t use it to injure or subdue, my commanding tone must have felt like thunder to the ordinary people. As they hesitated and retreated, I focused my internal energy in the palm of my hand.


Adopting a horse stance, I concentrated my qi. It began to swirl around me like a mirage, and soon, an impressive wave of energy surged forth. As my internal energy reached its peak, I activated the technique of the Thunder Cloud Palm, employing the 排字決 (Paizi Jue) to thrust forward.


A thunderous sound erupted as rocks and boulders within a radius of five zhang shattered and soared into the air. Even a massive rock the size of a zhang broke apart. I could hear the sound of a small hill collapsing nearby. Simultaneously, the accumulated water in the village began to flow through the newly formed channel, with the knee-deep water receding down to my ankles.


The heavy rainfall poured down like muddy water. Given the valley-like terrain, breaking the rocks significantly alleviated the burden. Some cattle that had almost been swept away returned safely to their owners.



“Thank you! Thank you so much!!”

As the villagers watched the water recede like a tide, they shed tears of joy. The immediate threat of drowning had passed. However, glancing at the clouds, I realized that this rain would not cease anytime soon; it would likely continue for at least three days and nights. As I had initially suspected, it was an extraordinarily heavy downpour.

I looked at the people and said,

“Is there a village chief around?”

“I am.”

An elderly man in his sixties, looking quite aged, stepped forward. He appeared sturdy and strong-willed. I spoke to him.

“This is only a temporary solution. You need to pack your things and evacuate immediately.”

With the rainfall being this intense, saving the village seemed impossible. Unless there were levees or dikes to hold back the river, the entire village was bound to be submerged. I knew this from my experiences during the disaster in the past.

“Hmm… Is there no other way?”

“If you don’t pack your belongings within two hours, it will be impossible to leave the village safely. Especially among the elderly, there will be casualties.”

“It seems we have no choice…”

The village chief then shouted to the villagers.

“Everyone! Hurry and evacuate! Quickly!”

“Oh no… all my possessions are going to be washed away…”

“Don’t speak foolishly. Thanks to this boy, we’re at least saving our lives.”

The villagers hurriedly gathered their belongings while feeling dejected. I ran around, assisting the people in their efforts. After checking with the village chief to ensure that no one was left behind, we all set off from the village together.


Watching from a higher area, the faces of the villagers darkened as they saw their village gradually being submerged. Their entire livelihoods were washed away in an instant. However, true to the chief’s words, they remained silent, not voicing their grievances, knowing at least their lives were saved.

I looked at the village chief and asked,

“Is there a safe place to go?”


He sighed, “There are around seventy villagers. How can we manage to take them all with us?”

“Perhaps you could go to the nearby government office and report the flood damage.”

The chief chuckled softly.

“I wonder if the officials there would even listen to us… People from a backwater village like ours wouldn’t even get a meeting. Moreover, there’s no way other villages will take in so many people.”

“… It seems the only choice left is to rebuild the village after the rain stops.”

“Haah… If we wander in this rain for days, everyone will end up exhausted and could die. What are we to do?”

I could see that the villagers were truly in a difficult position. Even if the downpour stopped in a few days, they would have to start anew, having lost an entire year’s worth of crops.

While I felt a strong desire to help them, I realized there was little I could do in this situation. Although I had the treasures of the Seven Stars hidden away, what could I do with that? While I remained silent, the village chief said,

“I will not forget your kindness, young hero. Everyone can walk, so we’ll manage somehow. I’ll do my best to lead them.”

“Where will you go?”

“Even going to the next village will yield a similar situation… We should head to Zibai Flat to take shelter from the rain and think of a plan.”

The chief spoke with a forlorn look in his eyes.

“You should be on your way now, young hero. Take care of yourself.”


Even if I followed the village chief and his group, it wouldn’t change anything. I would be of little help. The chief seemed more focused on gathering and leading the villagers rather than utilizing me further. I said to the chief,

“Since I don’t have urgent matters to attend to either, I will help you a bit longer.”

“Really?! Thank you…”

For the next two days, I followed the villagers, clearing away fallen trees blocking the roads and removing rocks tumbling down from the mountains. I also infused the children and women who had weakened due to the rain with mysterious energy to bolster their vitality.

After the villagers arrived at Zibai Flat and sheltered from the rain for about a day and a half, the seemingly unending rain finally ceased. Zibai Flat was a terrain where water easily drained, allowing people to stay under the trees while avoiding the worst of the rain within makeshift shelters.

The village chief clasped my hand, teary-eyed with joy.

“Wah… thank you. It’s a miracle that there are no casualties. If it weren’t for you, more than ten lives would have been lost… Truly, thank you, young hero!”

“It’s nothing. However, please be careful on your way back. The muddy water may block the path.”

“It’s alright. With or without you, I can find a way around it. Wah…”

“Don’t mention it.”

Although I hadn’t received much money or reward, the thought of having done something good unexpectedly brought a bittersweet smile to my face. I wasn’t inherently chivalrous, but feeling that I had the ability to help sparked a desire to assist.

‘Why am I acting like this? How foolish of me…’

Normally, I would have left without a second thought, so this was strange. As the village chief wiped his tears, he suddenly whispered to me,

“… I heard the villagers mention Changling Valley. It’s likely that Baekga was stirring things up for you. He has always been quite interested in the affairs of other villages…”

“Why do you say that?”

The chief’s following words contained unexpected information.

“Don’t go to Changling Valley. I have a cousin who’s a martial artist, and it’s rumored among martial artists that Changling Valley is a death zone. While it’s true that there are rewards for solving the three problems, many have lost their lives without succeeding in answering them. Especially, the martial arts of the one known as the Changling Valley Lord are said to be incredibly strong.”


“You, the benefactor who saved our village, must return to visit us. I will be sure to repay your kindness.”

“Certainly. Until next time.”

I parted ways with the villagers and began walking down the muddy road after the rain had ceased. The road was in complete disarray due to the traces of flooded mud. I activated the Lightning Shadow technique, lightly hopping along the hillside as I reflected.

‘The Changling Valley… rewards for solving problems, but death for failing…’

I had a strange intuition that the Changling Valley harbored peculiar secrets. Although this area lacked the overwhelming influence of the Great Gate Sect, it was odd that someone like the Changling Valley Lord could act without significant restraint.

Yet I smiled to myself and muttered,

“Let’s think about that later.”

The threat of death was ample enough to stem from the Seven Stars ruins. It would not be too late to uncover the secrets of Changling Valley once my martial skills were sufficient to instill confidence. I thought about how the sudden downpour had delayed my journey considerably and quickened my pace.

I ran and ran.

It felt like I had been staring at muddy water all day.

Ultimately, I arrived at Jinrang Valley at least seven nights later than I had initially planned. On my way here, I had seen villages suffering from the rain damage, and the roads had been almost completely blocked.

Fortunately, Jinrang Valley was well-prepared for heavy rain, with sturdy levees and dikes, so it appeared to have suffered very little damage. Perhaps because Mangnyang was a master of geomancy and flood control, he had taken great care to ensure his stronghold would not succumb to natural disasters.

I climbed the stairs to meet Mangnyang.

This time, Mangnyang wasn’t preoccupied with distractions. Unexpectedly, he seemed to be consulting with a ‘guest’ at the simple bamboo house’s porch.

“… So, according to my insight, this is indeed a misfortune, but it is evidently in accordance with the celestial cycles… There should be no further cold damage or disaster.”

Opposite Mangnyang, a plump middle-aged man dressed in fine silk repeatedly expressed admiration.

“Hmm… As expected of Master Mangnyang…”

“Rest assured. This omen does not signify misfortune, so next year will surely bring recovery… To reduce the farmers’ resentment, you may need to show some consideration.”

“I will make sure to keep that in mind. Thank you for the advice.”

“Hahaha… You’re too kind… Huh?”

Mangnyang noticed me standing near the entrance, looking surprised as he called out.

“Who are you, to penetrate through the Mist of Fate?”



“Who are you?”

“Reveal your identity!”

At that moment, four bodyguards standing next to the plump middle-aged man drew their swords in unison. I felt a surge of tension, knowing they might be elite fighters, but judging by their aura and posture, they seemed to be mere rank-and-file guards. Though they possessed combat skills beyond ordinary people, they were merely at a mediocre level compared to martial artists.

‘Have my expectations become too lofty? Those guys might be quite decent by regular guards’ standards.’

Considering I had faced numerous top masters and elite guards, perhaps I had gotten too spoiled. I forced a smile and said,

“I’m also a guest. I have no intention of causing trouble, so I’ll wait for the first guests to finish their business.”

Mangnyang seemed to grasp something, falling silent as he calmly adjusted his posture. He then whispered something in the ear of the middle-aged man. Upon hearing this, the plump guest waved his hand.

“Put your swords away. I don’t believe such a young boy could be an evil martial artist.”

“Understood, Master.”

The bodyguards sheathed their swords. The plump man addressed Mangnyang.

“Anyway, thank you, Master Mangnyang. I shall show sufficient sincerity upon my next visit to Jinrang Valley.”

“It’s not a problem, my lord. I’m happy to have been of assistance during this ordeal.”

“Hoho… Let’s go!”

Thud thud…

Shortly after, the nobleman and his four bodyguards departed down the stairs. I gazed thoughtfully at Mangnyang, who continued to flutter his sleeves for a while, staring back at me. Finally, he spoke.

“Given that you passed through the Mist of Fate unharmed, you seem to possess considerable martial skills. What brings you to meet me, Mangnyang?”


A sudden surge of emotion welled up within me.


I realized that Mangnyang’s name was very likely the one his master cherished, and he was an exceptional disciple with no martial skills of his own yet possessed a tremendous intellect. While enjoying studies, he also liked to indulge in leisure activities and dalliance with women. He might complain often, but when facing wicked individuals, he displayed an unwavering chivalrous spirit, risking his life when needed. He was a remarkable strategist, a former celestial astronomer of the royal court, and I even recognized that his sleeves concealed the treasured “Five Flower Seven Golden Needle”.

However, Mangnyang was seeing me for the very first time.

Seeing him, the only companion I had trusted since my birth—and the companion who had died because of me—filled me with an overwhelming surge of emotions. My throat burned, and I felt an urge to kneel before him, to weep and atone for my sins.

[Hah… It has been a long time since then.]

Mangnyang’s seemingly resigned smile.

I still could not forget the sensation of cutting him down with my own hand.

Yet I managed to pull myself together and spoke,

“I… I am Baek Woong. I have come to ask for your help, Mangnyang.”

“Oh? A request from a martial artist like you must surely be a significant matter. Please, let’s hear it.”

He seemed to believe I was a martial artist from the esteemed realm. I spoke calmly,

“Please interpret this oracle bone script.”

I stepped forward and presented the ancient divine sword.

Ziiing – !!

And as I infused it with internal energy, the oracle bone script engraved upon the blade revealed itself in a brilliant blue light. Upon discovering the oracle bone script, Mangnyang’s expression transformed into one of sheer shock. Stammering, he exclaimed,

“T-This… what is this?!”

He swiftly snatched the sword from my hands and knelt down, observing the artifact as if he could pierce it with his gaze alone. His eyes sparkled with childlike enthusiasm. After examining the sword for a significant time, Mangnyang finally calmed himself and said,

“Of course, I can interpret this for you, but… what will be the payment?”

“Payment, you say…”

“This… this is truly an incredible artifact, and it cannot be interpreted overnight. Hmm… No, this time I’ll do it as a special exception! Consider it a big loss! I’ll do it for free!”

Seeing his flustered expression, it seemed he too regarded that sword as either related to the Seven Stars—or as a treasure of significant value in its own right. Naturally, as someone deeply immersed in the arts of divination, he would undoubtedly risk his life just to study it.

Seeing his reaction, I forced a bitter smile and replied,

“Thank you for doing it for free. I promise I will come back in a few years to hear the interpretation of that oracle bone script.”

At this, Mangnyang appeared to struggle to contain his delight. The fact that he was unable to maintain his composure indicated just how happy he was. If that sword was indeed the legendary sword of the Seven Stars, merely studying it would be a rewarding endeavor.

“Hahaha! Leave it to me. I will definitely interpret this! By the way, when do you plan to return?”



I could not bear to meet his gaze.

So I mustered the courage to utter a few words.

“I’ll return when I believe I am strong enough to overcome my shame.”

“Hmm…? Do you enjoy poetry? What sort of nonsense is this?”


Although Mangnyang was bewildered, I firmly kept my lips sealed.

I could hear Mangnyang grumbling,

“Honestly~ Lately, things have been piling up rapidly. The district chief asked for assistance with celestial phenomena, and unique individuals like you keep showing up. My goal is to live leisurely and peacefully, yet this is so exhausting~”

“I’m sorry.”

“Oh, that’s not something I was asking you to listen to~ Hahaha, anyway, be sure to come back! I will definitely have the interpretation ready by then.”

I was consumed with anger.

My own helplessness boiled within me…

Hearing Mangnyang’s hearty laughter, I couldn’t help but let tears stream down my face.

Until that point, I had barely managed to suppress my embarrassment, but now, standing before the person who had sacrificed due to my foolishness overwhelmed me. I had sworn not to cry, yet this time, I was struck by an inescapable flood of emotions.

“I’m sorry…!!”


As I knelt and lowered my head, Mangnyang appeared startled.

“Wha?! Ah, I was just joking! How can you cry like this? Goodness, look at this person.”

I had no choice but to cry.

I was now facing my sins head-on.

I stood before the person who had paid the price for my foolishness.

And I would continue to struggle to gain strength, repeatedly failing; yet here I was, frustrated with myself for not being able to give up.

“Well then… I will see you next time…”

“Take care, Baek Woong.”

I managed to wipe my tears and walked down the stairs from Mangnyang’s residence.

As I walked down, a myriad of thoughts flooded my mind, but one thing was certain.

What has happened cannot be changed.

I must do my best moving forward.

‘I must move ahead.’

I felt no sense of loss for leaving that legendary weapon with Mangnyang. Instead, it struck me that if I could repay him in this way, it would be a fortunate outcome. Additionally, by relinquishing a material object, I felt my resolve had strengthened.

I would revisit him after becoming strong enough to face my shame.

And at that time, I would confess my sins to Mangnyang.

For that, I would have to train earnestly, risking my life at the Blue Dragon Martial Arts Hall.

If I remained stagnant, nothing would be resolved.

‘I will make it happen.’

Even if it meant dying at the hands of Samjeol and Ikwang, or succumbing to Jin So-cheong, I would grit my teeth to endure and master the rising martial arts!

Even if it took decades!

That would be the way I overcome failure and atone for my sins.

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