Reincarnation Sword God

Chapter 47

0047 : Demon Subduing Hall

Hyun Cheon Do-in and I hastily staunched Ryu Cheon-ho’s wounds and injected our internal energy to revive him. Then, we made our way to Mangnyang. Mangnyang was in the sixth-floor pavilion, panting heavily and dripping blood from his mouth, clearly exhausted both physically and mentally. I asked with concern.

“Are you alright?”

“Ha… ha, I’m fine. For the cost of using the treasure, this is a bargain…”

Coughing up a stream of blood, Mangnyang shook his head. He seemed to have regained his composure as he spoke.

“Let’s finish cleaning up.”


As soon as he finished his sentence, flames erupted from the ground, beginning to scorch the fallen corpses of the Golden Eagle Guards and the monsters. It was such a powerful fire that their bodies became charred in no time. With no trace left of their existence, they seemed to turn to ash at the slightest touch.

I quickly jumped down and used my internal energy to create a gust of wind, sweeping the debris into an inconspicuous alley. The scene was now so tidy it was hard to believe a massacre had occurred. With a little more tidying up later, I figured it would be impossible for pursuers to find any traces.

‘Although there’s a prohibition against killing, I suppose the dead are an exception.’

I felt grateful that I had brought Mangnyang along. Without him, I wouldn’t have been able to devise this operation, and I would have been helplessly outnumbered 2 to 11. Not to mention, I couldn’t have avoided public scrutiny or dealt with the remains of the Golden Eagle Guards. I patted the pale Mangnyang on the back and said,

“You are the best strategist.”

How many times would I have had to die without Mangnyang? At least three or four times, going through trial and error. Considering how much mental energy would have been consumed in the process, Mangnyang was truly a benefactor.

“Cough… not bad.”

Mangnyang smiled and said.

“Let’s hurry. There’s much to learn from this one.”

We took Ryu Cheon-ho and headed toward the secret passage outside the village. As people were in a state of confusion, we covered him with rags and pretended he was a refugee, enabling us to slip by unnoticed. Soon, we brought Ryu Cheon-ho into a building and tossed him down.

Ryu Cheon-ho was unconscious after losing his limbs a moment ago. I contemplated waking him up immediately, but Mangnyang’s condition was poor, so I decided to prioritize his care. I whispered to Hyun Cheon Do-in,

“Can you perform True Energy Healing on Mangnyang? He doesn’t look well.”

“Of course. Please follow me for a moment.”

Hyun Cheon Do-in took Mangnyang into a small room. If he performed the Wudang Sect’s True Energy Healing technique, Mangnyang would recover his strength soon. There was no way Hyun Cheon Do-in would harm Mangnyang now, so I could leave him in his care without worry.


I then focused on Ryu Cheon-ho sprawled on the floor and poured energy into him. As my formidable force coursed through his channels, he awakened with a face contorted as if every nerve had been pricked by needles.

“… Gaaah!!”

“Get yourself together. I have many questions for you.”

“C-crazy bastard!”

Ryu Cheon-ho seemed already resigned to his fate, as he immediately bit down on his tongue to avoid torture. Given his lack of hesitation, he appeared to be trained for such situations. However, I watched calmly as he struggled without moving his jaw, the muscles twitching in vain.


“To prevent you from ending your life, I’ve restrained the muscle movements. You should have done that when you were alone just now.”

Hyun Cheon Do-in possessed superior skills in controlling the human body and repressing blood flow compared to me. If he had prevented Ryu Cheon-ho from committing suicide, it meant biting his tongue would have been impossible. I fixed my cold gaze on Ryu Cheon-ho and said,

“I assume you’ve undergone training to resist torture?”


“I may not know many methods of torture, so I’ll let you experience the one I do best.”


I reached out and pressed my finger against his philtrum. Then I exerted force, infusing energy strongly through it. As my energy penetrated, I confirmed the adhesion forming and muttered,

“This is the position of Qian.”


“I’m initiating the Eight Trigrams Seal.”

He looked bewildered, clearly not understanding my words. No doubt, as the Eight Trigrams Seal was a secret technique passed down through the Thunder God School alongside the Six Killings technique, focusing solely on sealing the opponent and inflicting torment. Those trained in the Thunder God School could extract various information from their target without tedious methods of torture.

Next, I placed my finger on his uvula.

“This is the position of Dui.”


“Ugh… Ugh!!”

Suddenly, he jolted as if he had been electrocuted. After energy was injected through Qian, it surged into his meridians, intensely activating his nervous system. This also signified that his sensitivity to pain had heightened. I smirked as I looked into Ryu Cheon-ho’s eyes, filled with confusion.

“With Qian, I’ve targeted your head, and with Dui, I’ve seized control of your lungs. During the flow of Li, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Gen, and Kun, constraints will apply to all eight parts of your body in sequence. The sensitivity to pain will increase, and your perception of time will continue to slow.”


It wasn’t a hard hit; I merely flicked his forehead gently with my finger.


However, in the next moment, Ryu Cheon-ho writhed in agony as if a saw had scraped against his head. The sting of his skin peeling away must have overwhelmed him. I grinned and said to Ryu Cheon-ho,

“I’ve only activated the second hexagram in the Eight Trigrams Seal; it seems too weak. Let’s continue.”

Initiating the Eight Trigrams Seal meant sealing the four parts of the head, arms, legs, and torso along with the four critical parts: the brain, heart, lungs, and genitals, thus creating a total of eight points of confinement using my internal energy. As the hexagrams rose, the pain intensified, and the sense of time became chaotic, proving to be far more effective than crude physical torture. Eventually, it would shatter his mental state, causing his spirit to slip away.

However, utilizing the Eight Trigrams Seal consumed an immense amount of internal energy. It required over eighty years of internal cultivation to activate the fourth hexagram, and with each hexagram ascended, the demand for internal energy grew exponentially. Having learned this technique, I had never used it on a human, so I was uncertain how far I could go, but even now, I couldn’t guarantee that I would fully activate all eight hexagrams.

Of course, even so, the effect was sufficient. After only two hexagrams, Ryu Cheon-ho wore an expression as if he had forgotten all the happiness in his life. Typically, one might require a hundred lashes to provoke such a reaction.

Until then, Ryu Cheon-ho had barely managed to endure, but as my finger moved to press down on his heart, he completely broke.

“This is the position of Li.”

Tears streamed down his face as he cried out,

“Wait, wait a moment!”

“What is it?”

“What do you want to know? If I tell you, will you spare my life?”

Ryu Cheon-ho suddenly changed his tone and began to thrash about. The sensory overload from the Eight Trigrams Seal had become too intense, and he could no longer withstand it with his mental resilience. I crouched down and observed him coldly.

“What’s the point of living? You’ve already lost one arm and one leg. You can’t even live like an ordinary person. Do you still wish to survive?”

“Ugh… I will say anything. Please spare me. I’ll tell you whatever I know.”



Ryu Cheon-ho, squirming on the ground while dripping tears and snot, was indeed a pitiful sight. Usually, such pleas would momentarily shake even the hardest of hearts. Yet, I felt not a shred of sympathy for him.

The image of Ryu Cheon-ho suffering overlapped with that of countless people being slaughtered in a frenzied massacre. Thousands had undoubtedly endured tremendous pain. The fact that the one responsible for such horror was now begging for his life resonated hollowly.

“I was merely following orders from above! Please… spare me!”

“Above? Are you referring to the Golden Eagle Guards Commander?”


“And higher up?”

“I don’t know. As a lowly subordinate, I’m merely a messenger for orders from above. Only the Vice Commander gives direct commands.”

The Golden Eagle Guards were a remarkable organization. A top-tier expert who could hold his own against the Wudang Sect’s elders referred to himself as a mere subordinate. It was highly probable that either the Vice Commander or Commander possessed extraordinary martial prowess, among the best in the martial arts world.

I pondered for a moment before speaking.

“Do you have a wife and children?”

“… I do.”

“Where do they live?”


Ryu Cheon-ho hesitated, unable to respond. Even though he had claimed he would say anything, the safety of his family was a heavy burden he found hard to divulge. I pressed my finger against the position of the hexagram representing Li, activating his senses further. He screamed, writhing in agony.

“Uaaaaah! Aah, aaahhh!!”

I couldn’t understand the nature of the pain he was experiencing. As the one invoking it, I was in a state of unknowing. However, seeing his eyes roll back and his limbs tremble like aspen leaves indicated it was likely more torturous than what most torturers could inflict. I once again poured energy into him, loosening the grip of the Eight Trigrams Seal and asked,


“H-huh… Hojing…”

“Located in Shaanxi Province. Not too far.”

I crossed my arms and inquired,

“If Hojing, where your family resides, had been designated as the target for a mission, what would you have done?”

“W-well… I would have relocated my family first.”

“And what about other people living in Hojing?”


“Are you saying their deaths wouldn’t matter?”

As I raised my hand as if to strike him, he looked horrified and shouted,

“I-it can’t be helped! How could I defy orders from above?! The Golden Eagle Guards are absolute in their obedience!”

“What a convenient excuse. Just one little statement about having no choice, and it all ends there. Even when thousands may go mad and die.”

Ryu Cheon-ho spoke sorrowfully. That was likely his genuine sentiment.

“Ugh… I don’t know who you are, but this is foolishness. The power of the Golden Eagle Guards is greater than you think. Even with the protection of the Nine Great Sects, there’s no escaping death.”

“I’m aware. I know you’re organized into ten groups, and that you’re the leader of one called Cheon-ho.”


Ryu Cheon-ho’s eyes widened. What I had just mentioned was literally a part of the Golden Eagle Guards’ organizational structure and secrets. I looked at him impassively and said,

“There’s no need to be surprised. From now on, you must reveal everything: the Golden Eagle Guards’ entire organizational structure, secrets, headquarters, objectives, and the martial prowess of the executives.”

I intentionally revealed that fact as a means of control, to indicate that I could discern any perjury.

“W-will you spare me if I tell you?”

“Of course.”

Ryu Cheon-ho rolled his eyes and began to desperately spill information. I calmly listened and organized the details, particularly intrigued by the relationship between the Golden Eagle Guards and other organizations.

I prodded for more information, listening to his story for about a meal’s time before I asked,

“So, you’re saying this was the ‘first attempt’?”

“As far as I know, yes…”

That was a relief. According to Ryu Cheon-ho, this was the first time the sorcerers and the Golden Eagle Guards had worked together to carry out a massacre. In other words, there hadn’t been any villages sacrificed before this. By thwarting this conspiracy, I had managed to prevent the potential growth of the demonic entities.

I glanced at Mangnyang. He wore a somewhat accepting expression. Given the justification I had provided, it was natural for him to have doubts, but it seemed he had considered this possibility from the beginning.

“So, when exactly did the sorcerer interpret the Anonymous Disciple Document?”

“About a year ago, I believe… That’s when the initial plan was drafted and the Golden Eagle Guards began their special training.”

One year ago.

I repeated those words in my mind and spoke,

“You must have the ability to brainwash with a special incantation. How is that possible?”

“What do you mean…”



“Gaaah!! Aha, I understand! The ten leaders, including myself, received the incantations for brainwashing through the sorcerer!”

As expected. This was not the typical trickery of the common sects. Instead, it felt akin to the powers of an otherworldly entity, dark and sinister. It seemed the incantation was transmitted to control and brainwash the new members of the Golden Eagle Guards through their overseer, Cheon-ho.

“How did you learn it? That guy can’t speak.”

“He can’t speak, but he has the ability to convey thoughts to a sorcerer. I understand he informed the Vice Commander and Commander of even higher-level techniques.”

“Higher-level techniques? Are those also incantations?”

“I don’t know. However, since learning those, both the Vice Commander and Commander have grown significantly stronger.”

“Stronger? To what extent?”

Ryu Cheon-ho hesitated before replying.

“Originally, the Golden Eagle Guards’ leaders and the leaders of Dongchang possessed almost equal martial prowess. Both were considered transcendent experts in the martial arts world. However, since a year ago, the balance of power has shifted. The Golden Eagle Guards’ Commander overwhelmingly suppressed the Dongchang General, and since then, the activities of the Golden Eagle Guards have been supported by Dongchang’s intelligence.”


I let out a harsh breath at the unexpected information.

If what he said was true, then both the Golden Eagle Guards and the highest ranks of Dongchang originally possessed martial prowess on par with the leaders of the Nine Great Sects. Yet if the Commander overwhelmingly subdued them, that would imply he possessed strength beyond the transcendent level. Such a person was likely akin to someone like Lee Gwang, who I had only occasionally encountered.

If I were to eradicate the Golden Eagle Guards, it would fundamentally depend on whether I could bring down the Commander. As I pondered this, I questioned Ryu Cheon-ho,

“If I join forces with that Taoist and we fight the Commander, what are our chances?”


“Answer me.”

Ryu Cheon-ho reluctantly responded,

“You would both be incredible warriors. Upper-tier experts in the martial arts world, but even if you joined forces, you wouldn’t be able to defeat the Commander. His strength transcends that of mere humans.”

“I see.”

Having already divulged details about his family, I didn’t think Ryu Cheon-ho would lie about this. The Commander’s power genuinely appeared to be formidable.

“Then, is the Commander the strongest in the imperial palace?”

“Without a doubt. This plan was built on the assumption that the entire martial arts community would be turned against us, with calculations that having the Commander would allow us to overcome such an adversary with ease.”


“Is that enough? Will you let me go now?!”

It was then that I heard a voice from behind.

“Not yet.”

I turned around. Mangnyang and Hyun Cheon Do-in were walking toward me. Mangnyang looked noticeably healthier, likely due to engaging in diligent energy healing. He no longer seemed to be coughing.

Mangnyang pointed at Ryu Cheon-ho and said,

“Ask him the same thing once more from the beginning.”


Despair washed over Ryu Cheon-ho’s face. As I looked at Mangnyang with curiosity, he explained the reasoning.

“That man looks as if he believes he can evade this situation. While not everything he revealed to you was a lie, he might have mixed in false information or omitted details to save himself. We must continue questioning until he divulges the truth.”

“But he may die.”

“You would be capable of managing the situation. I will observe closely from the side, so proceed without hesitation.”

It seemed Mangnyang had a keen eye for sensing a person’s truthfulness. I glanced at Hyun Cheon Do-in, who turned away and remarked,

“I trust you understand this is for the sake of justice in the martial world.”

After hearing Hyun Cheon Do-in’s words, my heart felt considerably lighter. In truth, I had been uncomfortable about whether an enlightened Taoist would condone such torture, but it appeared he realized the gravity of the situation and sought to gather as much information as possible to protect himself and his disciples. Acknowledging reality seemed to fit Hyun Cheon Do-in’s character.

“It has come to that. I’ll do my best to adjust things so you don’t die.”

As I placed my finger on the Eight Trigrams Seal once again, Ryu Cheon-ho shrieked as if he were having a seizure.

“Stop it!!!”

The interrogation concluded two hours later.

“Hy… Hehe…”

Ryu Cheon-ho sat in the chair, disheveled, drooling and having soiled himself from the pain and agony. Keeping him seated was far more effective than letting him lay down while I listened. He was half out of his mind from the repeated torment. It was amazing how much a person could be broken through sheer suffering without any direct physical destruction.

Mangnyang had observed the entire process of torture, keenly detecting perjury and omissions, prodding with questions at critical moments. Because of this, I felt assured that most of the information obtained this time was indeed factual.

Mangnyang turned to Hyun Cheon Do-in and said,

“It’s fortunate your disciples have not arrived on time. Had they done so, escaping would have been difficult.”

“Hmm, what should I do then?”

“Return to Taejeong Temple immediately to receive your disciples. And perhaps offer a plausible excuse to go deal with bandits or something. Though you may catch some backlash, it’s better than entangling yourself unnecessarily with the Golden Eagle Guards.”

“I will do as you say.”

Hyun Cheon Do-in wore a somewhat uncomfortable expression, perhaps because of the immense truth he had unexpectedly uncovered. He had only known of the Heretical Sect’s rampage, not that the Golden Eagle Guards were aiding the sorcerers. Now, his concern was to divert the attention of the Golden Eagle Guards when they came to investigate, so that no unnecessary arrows would be aimed at the Wudang Sect.

Hyun Cheon Do-in would likely be able to extricate himself from this matter without much risk. Although the Golden Eagle Guards might harbor some suspicions about him, his prominence in the martial world was considerable, and the Golden Eagle Guards were not in a position to act boldly, given the circumstances. They would probably restrain themselves to surveillance rather than direct confrontation.

Hyun Cheon Do-in looked at me and said,

“What are your plans?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, you’ve taken down the Golden Eagle Guards and the evil source, the sorcerer, has self-destructed. Do you still intend to fight the Golden Eagle Guards further?”

His tone seemed questioning, as if he was probing.

I shook my head as if it should be obvious.

“Absolutely not. Continuing to fight the Golden Eagle Guards is far too risky. I plan to erase all traces and go into hiding.”

“Is that so.”

“We will handle the rest of the cleanup. You should hasten to do what you need to do.”


With that, Hyun Cheon Do-in disappeared from the venue in an instant. After confirming that he had completely left, Mangnyang turned to me.

“It’s a lie. You don’t seem to intend to stop here.”



Without uttering a word, I swung my hand with a blade-like motion and decapitated Ryu Cheon-ho. His head slipped off without much blood flowing, and I had never intended to spare him from the start. I wiped the blood from my hands with a cloth and said,

“Of course not. Given the current momentum, I must completely devastate the Golden Eagle Guards so that they remain closed for at least ten years. If their operational unit is destroyed, no matter how strong the emperor’s will, there would be nothing he could do.”

That is the safer option. Lingering around carelessly would likely only strengthen the enemy. Just like the growth of demonic entities, the imperial faction would continue to make favorable choices. I intended to completely shatter their ambitions before they even thought to pursue me.

Furthermore, if I was going to do this, now was the opportunity during the confusion caused by the investigation into the truth. With the sorcerer dead and one unit of the Golden Eagle Guards destroyed, it would be difficult for them to operate calmly for a while. During this gap, I needed to gather as much information as I could and prepare my counterattack.

“Why do you dislike living in hiding?”

“It’s not about liking or disliking; it’s simply not possible. The traces of today have not been completely erased. It just takes time, and the Golden Eagle Guards will surely come looking for me.”

Mangnyang smiled wryly.

“Your judgment has improved through battle. You are right.”

“What about you? What will you do?”

“Of course, I will follow you, Baek Woong. We are in the same boat.”

With that, Mangnyang’s eyes sparkled.

“They say you should pull the horn from a bull all at once. If your resolve is set, then there are ways to swiftly subdue the Golden Eagle Guards.”

“What’s that?”

Mangnyang’s subsequent words would determine our future course.

“Let’s seek the help of my master, who lives in Luoyang.”

The true Master Mangnyang, renowned as the greatest sorcerer in Central Plains; even the elders of the Wudang Sect hold him in high esteem.

—————————= Author’s Note —————————=

I made a few adjustments.

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