Reincarnation Sword God

Chapter 40

0040 : The Golden Eagle Guards

Imdong was a region located about 400 li northwest of Luoyang. It goes without saying that it was not a distance one could cover in a single night. Over the course of three days, Ryu Cheon-ho and I changed horses and rested at inns as we made our way to our destination. Just about 50 li from the Imdong border, Ryu Cheon-ho spoke up.

“Do you know what kind of place Cheoljeon Village is?”

“It would likely be a location that could easily be cut off from the outside.”

At my response, Ryu Cheon-ho seemed genuinely surprised.

“Ah, you’re quite insightful. You understood my implication without any further explanation.”

“That’s because it must be kept confidential, and a place with active exchanges with other regions cannot be targeted.”

“Exactly. That place can be completely isolated with just two bridges cut. It’s the perfect spot for executing this mission.”

Clop clop…

Having just galloped over a large road, we were now taking a moment to rest. I slowly moved my horse forward and asked,

“I have a question. What kind of person is that Great Sorcerer? Is he also from the royal family?”

“Hmm… Normally, I shouldn’t tell you, but you are a bit of a special case. Timing is quite coincidental, considering you were inserted directly without going through the Golden Eagle Guards’ rookie training… Just promise me you won’t disclose what I’ve shared to anyone else.”

It seemed that normally, during the rookie training process, one would reinforce the indoctrination received earlier and be given overall confidential information about the Golden Eagle Guards. Given the mention of time, it appeared they were in urgent need of reinforcements, thus assigning me to the Six Groups immediately upon my arrival.


“He is an indispensable, vital figure in this plan. He suppresses the villagers’ spirits and plays the flute for three days and nights to place them in a state of Mingjing. Subsequently, he spreads teachings to those who awaken, turning them into loyal limbs. After this, the process of offering sacrifices is repeated to summon sufficient demon creatures.”

His tone was very business-like and matter-of-fact. Ryu Cheon-ho had likely witnessed blood-soaked human sacrifices for years; thus, he showed no trace of guilt or hesitation. I pretended not to know anything and inquired further.

“Where exactly did he learn such mysterious sorcery? Is he an adept from the infamous visiting left?”

“Well… perhaps not. He says nothing, but the incantations and rituals he performs are quite alien. Plus, his appearance is…”


“Do not be surprised by his appearance. It is profoundly hideous.”

For a moment, a look of shock passed across Ryu Cheon-ho’s face. For someone who spoke so blandly about human sacrifices and massacres, such an expression indicated that the Great Sorcerer’s Flute Phantom must be a monstrous sight indeed.

I asked once more,

“However, you say these demon creatures are summoned… do they appear from nothing?”

“Ah, now you’re really curious. Well, everyone is like that.”

“I apologize.”

“It’s fine. Hmm… the demon creatures suddenly rise from the ground.”

“… Pardon?”

“Exactly as I said. They don’t randomly pop up from nowhere; rather, they break through the ground and suddenly emerge. This suggests that during the ritual, the Great Sorcerer is calling them forth.”


I felt my mouth drop slightly open.

If that were true, then the monsters were not otherworldly beings, but creatures that had originally dwelt somewhere in this world, weren’t they? Moreover, it appeared they traveled deep underground while moving. The thought that such creatures roamed somewhere, hunting for prey, sent chills down my spine. I decided to share my honest feelings with him.

“Are the powers of these demon creatures meant to eliminate the White Lotus Sect? I don’t understand why we summon these monsters.”

“You don’t need to understand. We simply have to follow orders.”


“But… it’s likely not for that reason. The demon creatures play a crucial role in the second ritual, so they won’t directly engage in combat. I suspect only the Great Sorcerer and His Majesty are aware of the exact details.”

Ryu Cheon-ho readily spilled high-level information. It seemed he didn’t find my questions overly peculiar, believing fully that I was undergoing indoctrination. Furthermore, his confidence that I wouldn’t betray the Golden Eagle Guards unless I were utterly mad seemed to play a part as well.

‘If I ask any more questions, he might begin to suspect me.’

I decided to limit my inquiries accordingly.

“Understood. My mission is to escort the sorcerer, correct?”

“Escort? That could be one aspect… In any case, with your martial prowess, it shouldn’t be a difficult task no matter what you’re assigned.”

He appeared to gauge my abilities, recognizing that he himself was also a high-ranking expert.

“You’re too kind.”

“Not at all. It’s been a long time since such a remarkable talent has been recommended. Will this save my own career? Hahaha.”


I laughed weakly.

As we exchanged playful banter, Ryu Cheon-ho showed no signs of malice or wickedness. He took pride in his position and seemed to strive to maintain decent relationships with his subordinates. Just from his manner of speaking, it was clear he wasn’t fundamentally a malevolent person.

Nonetheless, he had a history of leading thousands to their deaths for the sake of the royal family, driven by a distorted sense of patriotism. Such deeds could easily label him as a demon in the eyes of the world, leaving him with no justification for his actions. No cult leader or great villain in the martial world could have committed atrocities as heinous as those Ryu Cheon-ho had. Realizing how drastically human nature and actions could misalign left me with a strange feeling.

Who turned Ryu Cheon-ho into a demon?

“We’re almost there. After we cross this mountain, we’ll find the bridge leading to Cheoljeon Village.”

“Has the advance party severed it?”

“Not likely. The operation starts only after I arrive. They will cut the bridge last.”

He was right.

The bridge creaked but remained intact. It would pose no issues to cross while mounted.

Ryu Cheon-ho stood before the sky bridge. The bridge, connecting cliffs, hovered precariously over the void below. He squinted and muttered something to himself.

“Hm. If the explosives are this flimsy, it’ll be enough just to cut it… The less evidence, the better…”

As I crossed the sky bridge, a shiver ran down my spine at his muttering. It was as if he had begun to focus on the plan to annihilate the villagers, shedding the previously lighthearted demeanor.

After about half a shichen, Ryu Cheon-ho and I arrived at the base in front of Cheoljeon Village. It was a small hut hidden amid the thick grass, camouflaged from prying eyes. Inside, a member of the Golden Eagle Guards was waiting for us.


“Right. What’s the situation? Is it just you?”

There was only one guard inside the hut. He reported to Ryu Cheon-ho.

“We just arrived as well. Currently, the remaining members have infiltrated the village to gather information on the residences and movements of key figures.”

“When will they return?”

“It should take about three shichen.”

“Understood. Once they arrive, we’ll proceed with the village suppression operation.”

I surveyed the inside of the hut and spoke up.

“Ryu, the Great Sorcerer isn’t here…”

“Don’t worry about that. He’s probably already inside the village. His mystical abilities mean we need not be concerned.”


“Once the suppression operation finishes, he will come to us.”

I recognized this as important information.

‘The Great Sorcerer and the Golden Eagle Guards do not always operate in tandem. Their relationship leans more toward mutual exploitation rather than camaraderie… Moreover, it seems the sorcerer possesses specialized sorcery beyond just playing the flute.’

If that were the case, could either the Golden Eagle Guards or the Great Sorcerer be incapacitated to nullify the plan in advance? I realized I could formulate more strategies. Lost in thought, I spoke to Ryu Cheon-ho.

“Ryu, I would also like to infiltrate the village. I want to assist the seniors.”

“No. You don’t know how to disguise yourself or use the Shrinking Technique, do you? Even the slightest suspicion from the villagers could ruin the plan. You must wait here.”


I felt the need to learn disguise techniques and the Shrinking Technique. It wouldn’t only be useful here but also seemed valuable for the future. The question was, who could teach me these skills? The Shrinking Technique, in particular, was a specialized art that ordinary people could never grasp.

Ryu Cheon-ho said,

“If your body is aching, stay vigilant within a one-li radius. Observe whether any suspicious individuals approach.”

“Got it.”

I thought this was a fortunate development. I was starting to reach my limit managing my expressions before Ryu Cheon-ho, and more importantly, I needed a place to gather my thoughts. I left the hut, climbed a relatively tall tree, and surveyed the surroundings. It was self-evident that no one would wander about in a secluded village forest aimlessly.

However, that thought only lasted a moment. Soon enough, a figure appeared within my line of sight. I dashed towards the being about seventy zhang away in a flash. It didn’t take long for me to reach them.


It was a slightly high-pitched scream. In that instant, I quickly covered my mouth to suppress any sound. I then signaled to the terrified girl looking at me to be quiet. It would be all too easy to kill her, but I couldn’t do that.

“Be quiet.”

She was an ordinary rural girl.

She seemed barely on the brink of her mid-teens. As she struggled with her mouth covered, she soon gave in and remained still. I calmly spoke to her.

“Don’t scream. Do you understand?”


Upon closer inspection, I could see her tongue darting out, moistening my palm.

“Hey, that’s gross.”

I muttered as I removed my hand from her mouth. The girl gave me a playful smile and said,

“What are you doing here, big brother? Are you from another village?”

“Yeah. I got lost and ended up here.”

Her bright smile was cute. She was an endearing child.


For a moment, I successfully deceived the child into believing I was just a passerby, but my heart grew heavy.

Did this mean that once the plan commenced, such a young child would be torn apart by fanatics and violated? And that the simple villagers would engage in a bloodbath, leading to human sacrifices, ultimately resulting in the village being burned and annihilated? The stench of blood from the Great Sorcerer’s altar during the human sacrifices still lingered in my memory. I thought I had been indifferent at the time, but looking back, I realize it left me with quite a psychological shock.

‘Oh no, one of the guards is coming out.’

I sensed the presence of a Golden Eagle Guard emerging from the hut, perhaps to relieve himself. Naturally, if he spotted this girl, he would likely execute her on the spot. I hurriedly said to the little girl,

“Hey, go back toward your village. Alright?”

“You said you got lost, right?”

“It’s fine. You just need to go back the way you came. I’ll see you next time.”

“Got it~”

The child scampered off and disappeared into the grass.

After a while, a Golden Eagle Guard walked over to where I was standing. He seemed to have come out to talk to me right from the start.

“Hey there, newbie. Nice to meet you.”

“Are you a senior?”

He was tall with a handsome appearance. He appeared to be a few years older than me, although in truth he might be older but looked youthful due to his striking features. He smiled widely as he said,

“Yeah. I’m also from the Great Sword Gate. My name is Jang Hyun, and I used to be quite renowned in the late stages of the post-period in Luoyang.”

“I see.”

Suddenly, Jang Hyun made a strange expression.

“However, I heard that even though you are from the Guanzhong Azure Dragon Martial Arts School, you came here on the recommendation of the Great Sword Gate.”


It seemed that during that brief period, Ryu Cheon-ho must have talked to Jang Hyun about me. I thought to myself that Ryu Cheon-ho had quite a loose tongue.

“It was the decision of the Great Sword Gate leader.”

“Who said what? I just feel a bit mournful. I can’t believe the Great Sword Gate couldn’t handle a rural bumpkin like you. If I had been around, that wouldn’t have happened.”

“If you’re trying to mock me, I won’t listen any longer.”

“Haha. Well, nothing can be done about that. If it weren’t for the mission, I would have shown you a thing or two.”

With my thoughts already in disarray, Jang Hyun’s continued provocation began to annoy me. Unable to hold back, I snapped back,

“You’re barking too much. Maybe it’d be better for you to bark a little more before leaving, so it doesn’t get revealed that you’re weak.”

“What… what did you say?”

Jang Hyun immediately took the bait. His face flushed, and he suddenly drew his sword.


His draw was performed with such skill that I had to muster my power to reflexively evade. It was an accurate and swift move that made me think a lesser martial artist would have their neck sliced off in that first strike.



However, I managed to evade with some composure and countered with a quick strike to his abdomen using my Lightning Shadow Step. Once Jang Hyun’s first attack failed, he exposed too many flaws, leaving him with no chance to evade. Jang Hyun, engulfed in pain that nearly left him unconscious, stammered,

“You… you… what kind of speed was that? It’s too fast…”

Jang Hyun’s face bent forward. After receiving a punch that rumbled his insides, it was expected for him to faint.

This guy was certainly stronger than the three top disciples I had faced from the Great Sword Gate. But still, he didn’t quite match my strength. I was reminded that I was indeed much stronger than the average member of the Golden Eagle Guards. My master, Lee Kwang, had likely assessed me nearly accurately as being at the level of a vice-commander. I laughed at Jang Hyun.

“Is this fast? You’d die before you could last even a second against Jin So-cheong.”

I grabbed Jang Hyun’s unconscious neck and dragged him to sit under a tree. I then pondered deeply about what to do next.

Should I take proactive measures now to prevent the impending tragedy?

Or should I observe calmly for a while?

Is there perhaps a third option?

After much contemplation, I reached a conclusion.

‘I won’t act until the real massacre begins.’

The reason for this decision was thanks to Mangryang. Even solutions that I couldn’t conceive of could yield different results if viewed through Mangryang’s wisdom. As he had said, this was a time to gather as many clues as possible rather than make hasty decisions. It was implicit that acting prematurely could lead to disaster.

There were three days until the villagers were fully brainwashed. Until then, I needed to observe. I still knew too little about that Great Sorcerer, and I needed to understand the actions of the Golden Eagle Guards better. One never knew when surprising information might arise.

After a moment, I pressed on Jang Hyun’s acupuncture point to awaken him from his faint. I then crouched down in front of him, who wore a fearful expression, and whispered menacingly,

“Senior. I hold neither resentment nor affection for the Great Sword Gate. If you bring your inferiority complex to me, a foolish rural bumpkin, I will only know how to resolve it with my fists. After all, once you’ve joined the Golden Eagle Guards, what importance does your sect hold?”

“… Ugh…”

“Let’s pretend that nothing happened just now and live comfortably, Jang Hyun.”

“Ah, understood.”

Jang Hyun instinctively realized the truth. If I wanted to kill him, three seconds would be more than enough, and he likely understood that I wouldn’t hesitate to do so.

Jang Hyun and I walked back together to avoid drawing suspicion. By chance, Ryu Cheon-ho, who had been reading a book, didn’t seem to find anything unusual.

Step, step.

“We have returned!”

Exactly three hours later, as dusk began to settle in, the Golden Eagle Guards who had gone out to scout the village all returned. Each of them was in disguise. Shortly after, they spotted Ryu Cheon-ho and all knelt before him. Ryu, with his cold gaze, surveyed the group before speaking.

“Report the results.”


The Golden Eagle Guards began to recount important figures, key buildings, and information they had gathered about the village one by one. While Ryu Cheon-ho closed his eyes to organize the information in his mind, he said,

“Good. We will wait here, and once we hear the sound of the sorcerer’s flute, we will swiftly initiate the operation. Eliminate anyone who might interfere, and cut all communication means with the outside world. Let’s do our utmost to ensure the operation concludes without incident!”


The sound of the flute was heard precisely one day later.


Just after lunchtime, low, eerie, and ghastly sounds of the flute echoed through the air. I was the first to hear it, and it seemed to have the effect of tingling the ears and suppressing the spirit. Almost simultaneously, other Golden Eagle Guards hurriedly prepared for battle.

It didn’t take long to get ready. Ryu Cheon-ho commanded the kneeling Golden Eagle Guards,

“Begin the suppression operation! Go!”

I also entered the village alongside the other guards.

Before long, I was able to see from the rooftops. The ordinary villagers, who had been going about their day, were now trembling and clutching their heads, unable to move. The sound of the flute seemed to hold deadly power over those lacking inner power or weak in spirit. A few stumbled about, but they appeared to be those who practiced martial arts or had strong breathing techniques.

A senior Golden Eagle Guard said,

“Let the ones who can still move be. They won’t be our match anyway. Focus on the assassination targets.”

I interjected,

“Shouldn’t we look for the Great Sorcerer?”

“That’s true. Baek Ung, you go find the source of the flute sound.”

It seemed that there was no pressing need to find it, but perhaps they wanted to assign me a task to keep me from interfering given that I was the rookie. It could have been burdensome for me to jump straight into assassination tasks right away.



I was able to slip away from the Golden Eagle Guards and operate independently.

I discerned a subtle killing intent lurking about.

‘I must find him.’

My first priority was to locate that Great Sorcerer and extract him.

And I was determined to unearth as much information as possible.

For that purpose, I was even prepared to engage in torture.

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