Reincarnation Sword God

Chapter 23

0023 : Thunder Dragon Emerges (뇌룡출도)

A middle-aged man dressed in a grand fur coat chuckled softly and said,

“Gyo Joon! What kind of state are you in? Get up at once!”

“Yes! Sect Leader!”

As soon as Gyo Joon heard the words of the Iron Blood Sect Leader, he infused his entire body with strength and rose to his feet. It was indeed clear that the one standing at the front was the exalted leader of the Twin Gate Sect, the Iron Blood Sect Leader, ruling over the martial world of Luoyang. The six masters lined up behind him were undoubtedly the Elders of the Iron Blood Gate, and those behind them were the prominent figures responsible for the sect’s operations.

From their martial prowess and numbers, they seemed to be on par with the Nine Great Sects. Unintentionally swallowing hard, I noticed that the Iron Blood Sect Leader was gazing at me with leisurely eyes and spoke.

“Did you say your name was Baek Woong? Your matter is still not resolved, is it?”


I pondered over why the Iron Blood Sect Leader had appeared and was speaking to me. Surely, there must have been some ulterior motive. I rolled my eyes in thought and replied,

“No, my matter is concluded. As you can see, the sparring ended in my victory.”

My finger pointed at Gyo Joon’s broken sword. Upon seeing the blade lodged in the wall, Gyo Joon’s face flushed with shame. In other words, I was quickly asserting that my matter was resolved here and planned to retreat.

‘Good thing I settled it quickly. Had I waited, I would have had to contend with one of them.’

Partly by force of habit, I felt that this reasoning might work. After all, in a sparring match, the challenger typically holds the precedence. Moreover, considering the renowned Iron Blood Sect Leader, he likely wouldn’t want to kill me recklessly.

The Iron Blood Sect Leader crossed his arms and fell silent. Suddenly, he turned to Gyo Joon and inquired,

“Hey, Gyo Joon! Did you lose?”

Gyo Joon, seemingly embarrassed, lowered his head before regaining his composure and replied,

“Yes, that is correct.”

“Good, well done. It’s fortunate you’re still alive.”


“Now then, Baek Woong, prepare for the next sparring.”


What is this supposed to mean?!

I was astonished as the Iron Blood Sect Leader casually referred to me as a friend and, without hesitation, urged me for the next sparring session. It was as if he wouldn’t allow a single word of rebuttal. Naturally, I protested, asserting that there was nothing to gain from further sparring at this point.

“What do you mean? The sparring has ended, so I will be leaving the Iron Blood Gate now.”

The Iron Blood Sect Leader laughed. His mouth smiled, but his eyes showed no change.

“Haha… What kind of nonsense is that? If that’s the case, you must pay your debt immediately.”

“Debt? What are you talking about?”

At that, the Iron Blood Sect Leader glanced around the sparring hall. He stroked the damaged wooden floor and walls scattered about and said,

“Isn’t all this the result of your Lion’s Roar? You must compensate for it all.”


“What I’m saying is that the Iron Blood Gate is filing for damages against Baek Woong. Don’t you understand?”

I felt a wave of weakness wash over me, nearly dropping my sword.

What nonsense is this!

While it was true that my Lion’s Roar had caused some damage to the building, the losses incurred during a martial arts sparring match fall under the jurisdiction of martial law, so why should I have to pay for it? Just as I was about to protest, I suddenly felt the piercing gaze of hundreds of eyes upon me.

Swoosh –


At that moment, I realized the truth. This place was enemy territory, and the dozens or hundreds of warriors gathered here were ready to pounce on me at any moment. Although the Iron Blood Gate was classified as a righteous faction, they were fundamentally martial fighters, and if they set their minds on it, they wouldn’t hesitate to eliminate me.

The Iron Blood Sect Leader would certainly not accept compensation in money. I wasn’t dumb enough not to notice that.

As I swallowed hard, the Iron Blood Sect Leader continued,

“Winning and fleeing won’t be tolerated. This is the Iron Blood Gate, after all.”

“Ugh… What kind of nonsense is that?”

“You will need to spar at least twice more. If you win both times, I’ll promise you that you won’t have to compensate for anything.”

“What if I refuse?”

“You’re quite daring.”

A cruel smile danced across the lips of the Iron Blood Sect Leader.

“If you can escape here, and if you still wish to have a bout with the Iron Blood Gate, then that’s fine! It seems we can have some enjoyable days wandering the Jianghu again.”

I realized I had no choice in this matter. Perhaps I could escape with my internal energy, but I had no idea how much damage I would sustain in doing so. The martial arts of the Iron Blood Sect Leader and the Elders were incredibly close to the pinnacle of martial prowess. Even if I managed to escape, I would have to live my life fighting against the relentless pursuit of the Iron Blood disciples. And I simply didn’t have the stamina or capacity for that kind of struggle.

Damn… damn…!!

I realized the Iron Blood Sect Leader’s scheme.

[Winning and fleeing will not be tolerated.]

He had come to orchestrate the match in such a way that it would ultimately conclude with the Iron Blood Sect’s victory. Perhaps many challengers before me had succeeded in defeating one or two of the Iron Blood Sect’s fighters, but they had subsequently lost in a series of matches that were akin to intimidation, much like my current predicament. The Iron Blood Sect had likely maintained their honor through such underhanded tactics from the very beginning.

It might be better to lose casually here and escape. However, the masters from the Iron Blood Sect who would come to face me in the next two matches would undoubtedly aim to humiliate or kill me. In either case, I was faced with a series of decisions that felt like walking on thin ice, overwhelming my mind with complexity.

I began to feel I had underestimated the Iron Blood Sect and the martial world. In a wuxia novel, at this point, the Iron Blood Sect Leader might have been impressed by my martial skills and let me go or acted like a magnanimous figure hoping to recruit me into the sect. There could have been a scene where we shared a drink or he offered me a position within the Iron Blood Sect.

But the reality was different. To the Iron Blood Sect Leader, I was merely a wandering swordsman with slightly above-average skills, a target to be dealt with. Moreover, it was the Jianghu that allowed such underhanded actions to preserve the sect’s reputation.

‘Am I going to die either way?’

There seemed to be no choice. Would I die from a treacherous attack while trying to escape or in a fight?

‘Then let’s gamble on my luck.’

I steeled myself for death and said,

“Alright. But I have a request.”

“What is it?”

“Please provide me with some weapons—one good spear and one good sword.”


Murmurs erupted among the Iron Blood Sect disciples. It seemed strange for me to be seeking weapons at this stage. Perhaps I appeared too calm, even when standing at the crossroads of life and death? The Iron Blood Sect Leader also appeared to have a glint of amusement in his eyes, unlike before.

“You’re quite an interesting fellow. Is it true that you have no sect behind you?”

“Why do you keep asking? Haven’t I said I don’t?”

“Fascinating… truly fascinating. Even among the three major righteous factions, it wouldn’t be easy to cultivate someone like you.”

With a sigh, the Iron Blood Sect Leader looked around and shouted,

“Hey! Someone bring me a spear and a sword.”

The command of the Iron Blood Sect Leader seemed absolute in this situation. As soon as the order was given, a few disciples rushed off, and before long, they returned with the spear and sword I requested. The Iron Blood Sect Leader handed the two weapons to me and said,

“Will this suffice?”

“Quite enough.”

These were weapons of a quality that left little room for complaints. Both the spear and sword were shiny silver, brand new, and made of very fine materials. They were the kind of quality weapon even a top martial artist would be pleased to wield, so I had no reason to object.

A moment later, the Iron Blood Sect Leader snapped his fingers.

“Elder Il, you’ll step forward for the sparring.”

“Understood, Sect Leader.”


The one referred to as Elder Il adjusted his bamboo hat and stepped forward. He was quite a short man, and he looked a bit smaller than me despite being full-grown. The sight of him unsheathing a long sword that appeared too long for his stature seemed somewhat clumsy.

“I am Jin Pyeong, the Ghost Shadow Swordsman and the first Elder of the Iron Blood Sect. Let’s have a good match, Baek Woong.”

I had no way of knowing how powerful the Ghost Shadow Swordsman Jin Pyeong truly was.

This meant that Jin Pyeong had reached such a profound level of martial prowess that my current understanding couldn’t fathom it. All I could sense was the raw strength of his internal energy, yet even gauging that accurately was difficult because he was suppressing his presence to execute his sword technique with utmost precision.

The only insight I had was that Jin Pyeong was likely a swordsman who could end the match with a single strike.

‘Damn it. Is this where I die?’

My mind was a torment of conflicting thoughts. Despite the turmoil, I couldn’t afford to die without gaining anything from this situation. I grasped my sword tightly and asked Jin Pyeong,

“I come from a small village and am not aware of your esteemed reputation. Do you possess martial skills comparable to those of the Huashan Sect Elders?”


Jin Pyeong’s expression turned to one of surprise, and those nearby were taken aback as well. After all, directly questioning one’s martial authority like this was not only rude among warriors but also a question that left the subject at a loss for words. As Jin Pyeong hesitated, the Iron Blood Sect Leader burst into laughter from the side.

“Hahaha… you truly have some guts. I’ll answer that question for you.

In my opinion, the skills of Elder Il here are on par with those of the elders from the Nine Great Sects! If we compare him to the Huashan Sect, it would be a tie, but against the Jongnam Sect elder, he would certainly have the edge.”

At this, Jin Pyeong, the Ghost Shadow Swordsman, glanced over at the Iron Blood Sect Leader and spoke, his face slightly flushed, as if genuinely embarrassed.

“Sect Leader, you’re gilding my image too much.”

“What does it matter? It’s the truth, and who would dare say otherwise?”

“… Thank you.”

“Now focus on the match.”

They exchanged a few more words, but my insides were churning.

A challenger on the level of the Nine Great Sects!

If that were the case, he was definitely a peak master. Such peak masters are hard to find in the world, but anyone in a major sect like the Iron Blood Sect would naturally possess that level of skill.

I momentarily pondered while holding the spear and sword, then planted the spear into the ground. Taking a deep breath, I positioned myself to prepare the Thunder Shadow Sword Technique.

‘Forget the Thunder Dragon Eight Forms. I’ll fight using the familiar Thunder Shadow Sword Technique.’

While the Thunder Dragon Eight Forms were undoubtedly a stronger martial skill, the perfected form of the spear technique was not only adept in exchanging attacks and defenses but also much more versatile than the Thunder Shadow Sword Technique. I had diligently trained in the Thunder Dragon Eight Forms, but I felt a better affinity for sword techniques. Having fought primarily with sword techniques for years, it was no longer feasible to clumsily engage with the Thunder Dragon Eight Forms.

Only one thought occupied my mind.


Right now, all I had left was my good fortune. I aimed my sword at Jin Pyeong and said,

“Ghost Shadow Swordsman, I’ll let you take the first move.”

“… I was planning to do that, but you’re the first person I’ve met to say it so directly.”

Though Jin Pyeong spoke incredulously, I ignored him and let out a battle cry.


Simultaneously, my body shot forward like the wind towards him. It felt as though I was moving twice as fast as usual, the air before me distorted and shimmering with the flickering images of my sword’s trajectory. To the untrained eye, it would appear merely as a blur, a mass of wind moving swiftly.


Yet Jin Pyeong effortlessly waved his massive long sword with one hand, successfully blocking my initial attack. However, it seemed he didn’t manage to do it without disrupting his balance slightly, as he quickly used his footwork to dissipate the force of my strike. There was a clear level disparity between him and Gyo Joon, the Sword Hall Master, who I had previously clashed with and was flung back in one blow.


At the same moment, the tip of Jin Pyeong’s sword wavered like a snake. Though I couldn’t discern what kind of technique he was preparing, I instinctively felt it would be dangerous if left alone. So, I struck down at his upper body relentlessly, wielding my sword like a club. Jin Pyeong mixed his sword technique with a flow-like quality, deftly parrying my attacks, but suddenly his eyes glinted with intent.




I bit my lip, retreating in response to the searing pain as my shoulder felt as if it were about to be torn apart. Jin Pyeong’s strikes had accelerated violently, akin to a snake attacking, making it impossible to evade. In that fleeting moment, I managed to avoid a fatal blow, but his sword wouldn’t cease, swiftly aiming for my neck.

I stumbled awkwardly backward, rolling to evade, utilizing a defensive technique that could easily invite ridicule from Jianghu warriors, but it was effective for preserving my life. Mid-roll, I propelled myself upward using the momentum in my knee, once again showcasing the Thunder Shadow Sword Technique, yet once more, Jin Pyeong simply brushed it off with ease.

As he entered a brief lull in attacking, he spoke.

“Indeed, your internal energy is incredible. Your swordsmanship is lacking, but your internal strength prevents me from ending this easily.”

“You don’t need to taunt me; I’m well aware.”

He seemed genuinely impressed by my internal energy.

“Even among the esteemed sects, it would be nearly impossible to possess such internal energy without over fifty years of training. How did you come by it?”


I chose not to respond.

The current battle could be compressed to a clash of internal energy against swordsmanship. Though my swordsmanship couldn’t hold a candle to Jin Pyeong’s, the robustness of my internal energy boosted my defense, offense, and agility to a level where I could at least hold my ground. But every one of Jin Pyeong’s strikes was laced with lethal intent; any slip-up on my part would lead to my immediate demise.

There was no denying the overwhelming level difference. I never expected to receive his sword technique with my internal energy. Jin Pyeong’s presence before me was irrefutable evidence of his mastery as a peak master.

“Then shall we proceed like this?”


Jin Pyeong muttered, and suddenly a blue flame erupted from his sword. In reality, it was a phenomenon caused by an overwhelming concentration of energy (氣) at the blade, so intense that it was visible to the naked eye. Knowing what it was, I felt my strength drain away as I murmured,

“Sword Qi…”

Not merely generating a blade wind, but when one embodies it, anything becomes akin to a peerless sword of the world, automatically achieving the dreamlike state of the unity of body and sword. It could be considered the pinnacle of weapon techniques, and the only sword energies I had directly witnessed were those from Master Jin So Cheong and the assassin chief. The terrifying aspect of sword Qi was its ability to pierce through defenses using energy, and upon hitting, it could even explode the opponent’s body.

However, the sword Qi of Jin So Cheong and the assassin chief did not flicker like flames or manifest as such a refined and sharp blade shape. I couldn’t suppress my curiosity and asked,

“Why does your sword Qi appear like that? Others had a blade shape.”

At my question, Jin Pyeong’s eyebrows twitched. He answered me in a tone as if presenting a gift from the underworld.

“It means I am stronger than those others. As one’s sword Qi intensifies, it transitions through the stage of sword flame (劍炎) to sword gang (劍罡).”


So he refers to that as sword flame.

I wondered why Jin So Cheong had never taught me such a thing. I concluded that he believed it was impossible for me to reach the realms of sword Qi or sword flame, thus chose not to teach. It was reasonable to assume he thought I would never have a need for sword Qi in my lifetime.

‘Is this where it ends…’

Gathering every last ounce of defiance, I questioned,

“If I defeat you, then who will be next?”

“That won’t happen.”

His tone was far too resolute. Yet I shouted stubbornly,

“At least tell me.”

“… The Sect Leader will face you.”

“How much stronger is the Sect Leader than you?”

“You really are curious about useless things. In the area of Luoyang, the ones who can stand shoulder to shoulder with the Sect Leader are only the leaders of the Huashan Sect and the Tai Geom Sect. Do not dare to compare yourself to such a level.”


Though he answered every question, it seemed I had stirred Jin Pyeong’s ire. For him, even mentioning the Sect Leader in reference to a thunderous rascal like me was presumptuous. I thought the result would be the same anyway and tightened my grip on the sword.

“Let’s end this.”

Jin Pyeong said firmly, and this time, he charged at me.

The duel concluded precisely at three hundred fifty seconds.

Across the arena, sword scars flew about, and the training ground was devastated, looking as if it had been struck by explosives. I stood there, my body drenched in blood, wielding my long sword while staggering, feeling as if my consciousness would slip away at any moment.

No matter how fiercely I resisted with every ounce of strength, it was futile.

While I possessed immense internal energy, Jin Pyeong, being a peak master who frequented the Central Plains, surely had a minimum of sixty years of internal energy, allowing him to deflect my strikes. Moreover, by unleashing sword flame, he could also bounce my attacks off.

Jin Pyeong stared blankly at the two wounds on his shoulder and arm, then said with a hint of admiration,

“If you had polished your swordsmanship for just ten more years, I would not have been your match.”




An uncomfortable sensation coursed through me for a moment, and my gaze shot up to the ceiling. Against my will, the ceiling of the training ground briefly came into view.

This marked my third death.

—————————= Author’s Note =————————=

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