Reincarnation Sword God

Chapter 18

Chapter 18: The Thunder Dragon Emerges

The journey to Luoyang was not smooth.

Swooshhhh –

It had been about ten days since I left Huangshan. I had to stay stuck in a remote mountain village due to the torrential rain. While I’ve experienced many heavy downpours, this time the rain had washed away bridges and flooded crossings, making travel impossible.

With my martial arts skills, I might be able to leap over the wide mud waters. However, even if I managed to cross several dozen spans of muddy terrain, there were too many areas that had become like islands within the mainland. I had to consider the possibility of getting stranded, starving, and weakened in the process.

Swooshhhh –


Lightning struck.

I murmured to myself while staring at the torrential rain pouring down outside the building.

“Even with a serendipitous encounter, it’s useless against nature.”

Even if my internal energy was twice as strong, there was no solution in this situation. The power of nature, even a small part of it, rendered human strength futile. I’ve been living amidst this vast nature for decades, yet I still couldn’t help but feel awe and respect for its grandeur.

Currently, I was almost out of travel expenses. So, while staying in this remote village, I was helping out with odd jobs and labor in exchange for food and lodging. Naturally, with my immense strength, the villagers had no qualms about paying me for my services.

Despite the pouring rain, I was moving huge logs, repairing the village walls, and hauling piles of stones. I was doing the work of twenty men by myself. If it weren’t for me, several houses would have collapsed, so the villagers seemed grateful to me.

“The girl who had lunch with us just now is my daughter. What do you think? Isn’t she nice?”


The village chief was even trying to set me up with his daughter. The village chief’s daughter seemed to be an ordinary rural girl, neither particularly beautiful nor ugly. She had a notably large chest, typical of a country girl, but that wasn’t of much significance to me. I gave the village chief a wry smile and dismissed his intention.

“I’ll be leaving soon. Besides, she’s not suited for someone as unattractive as me.”

“Hmph… what does a man’s looks matter? Looking like a gigolo is useless.”

“That may be true, but I have things to do right now.”

The village chief stroked his white beard and poured me a cup of rice wine. I accepted it and drank as he spoke.

“By the way, you mentioned your destination is Luoyang. What business do you have there?”

“I’m looking for someone well-versed in all the knowledge and languages of heaven and earth.”

“Hmm… if it’s Luoyang, there might indeed be such a person…”

The village chief, deep in thought, suddenly spoke as if he had an idea.

“Ah! I know a wise person!”

“Who might that be?”

“If you go about 40 li west of here, there’s a Daoist priest called Mangryang Seonsa. He is known to be the most miraculous person around here, so he might be able to answer your questions.”


It was a name I had never heard before.

“A Daoist priest, huh.”

Daoist priests are typically the pinnacle of folk beliefs. Many of the Nine Great Sects sects are Daoist schools, but they are martial Daoists who seek enlightenment through right-path cultivation methods rather than superstition. Folk Daoists are shamanic Daoists who use mystical arts, beliefs, and rituals to foretell fortunes and sometimes perform medical acts.

Mangryang Seonsa would likely be one of those shamanic Daoists. I do not entirely disbelieve in mysticism or shamanic arts, but I often think they can be deceptive. That’s why I’ve always felt uneasy about shamanic Daoists, even while working as an escort.

However, I soon changed my mind.

The very Cheonam Biseo (天暗秘書) I always keep close to my heart is the pinnacle of such mysterious arts, isn’t it? If seeking sages of the world, meeting a shamanic Daoist cannot be excluded.

“Is Mangryang Seonsa a martial artist?”

“No? I’ve visited him a few times, but I’ve never heard anything like that. However, he is so miraculous that even high-ranking officials from nearby seek him out.”


“He lives in a place called Jinrang Valley (晉郞谷). It’s not a hidden place, so you should be able to find it easily by asking around.”

The moment my next destination became Jinrang Valley, I realized I was fortunate that the path to Jinrang Valley didn’t deviate significantly from my route to Luoyang, so there was no need to hesitate.

‘Let’s go!’

As soon as the rain stopped, I headed towards Jinrang Valley. Thanks to the village chief, who handed me a simple map of the nearby terrain, I didn’t have to worry about getting lost. Although the heavy rains had passed, the bridges in many places were destroyed, making the winding paths somewhat bothersome.

Upon reaching Jinrang Valley, I found a small village at the entrance of the valley-like ridge. This was likely where the house of the sage, Mangnyang Seonsa, mentioned by the village chief, was located.

When I entered the village and asked a passerby about Mangnyang Seonsa’s house, he pointed to the distant mountaintop.

“The sage lives at the summit. There’s a staircase, so if you climb it slowly, you’ll reach it in about an hour.”

“Are there many people like me looking for the sage?”

The young man from the village smiled broadly.

“Haha, yes, quite a few. In fact, Mangnyang Seonsa is the pride of our village.”

With a mixture of expectation and doubt, I headed towards Mangnyang Seonsa’s house. Whatever the case, the villagers trusted the sage, so I hoped to uncover the secrets of the Cheonam Biseo from him. If I could understand what Cheonam Biseo was, I could enjoy my life even more.


After climbing for a while, I reached the mountaintop, where I saw a thatched cottage that appeared to be Mangnyang Seonsa’s residence. I could sense human presence and several pairs of shoes, indicating people inside. However, as I got closer, my expression changed oddly.

I heard a strange sound.


Thump, thump…

Ah… Ahh…

I could feel the floor shaking, and the delicate moans of a woman echoed from inside. Through the papered doors, I could clearly see a man and a woman embracing each other, engaging in intercourse. Judging by the scene, they were vigorously changing positions and enjoying an intense union.

The man’s thrusts were unusually vigorous, and the woman’s enthusiastic responses indicated that this was not a case of rape. It was most likely consensual.

‘This should be Mangnyang Seonsa’s house…’

Though it was a bothersome situation, my inner energy had increased my hearing sensitivity considerably. I could vividly hear the sounds of liquid sloshing, the woman’s excited moans, and the man’s thrusting noises as if they were right beside me.

Really, now.

These people are having sex in broad daylight!

Although I’m not a eunuch and my lower body naturally reacted, I managed to suppress it with sheer willpower and sighed.


When I let out an audible sigh, the man and woman inside seemed startled and hurriedly separated. The woman quickly gathered her clothes, while the man tidied up the bed. Opening the door now would be amusing, but I held back a smile and waited with folded arms.

After a while, the woman slipped out through the back door, and the man, having finished tidying up, finally opened the door. Out came a sage with a stern expression.

“Ahem… What brings you here?”


A musty smell of semen and vaginal fluids wafted from the room…

Couldn’t you have at least cleaned yourself before coming out?

‘Eh, never mind.’

Though I felt like saying something, it was pointless to berate a stranger. Moreover, this person might resolve my pressing questions, so I decided to let it slide.

“I’m a passerby named Baek Woong. Are you Mangnyang Seonsa?”

The sage, who appeared to be in his early to mid-thirties with a slightly gaunt face and prominent cheekbones, nodded. He looked much younger than I had imagined.

“I am Mangnyang Seonsa.”

“Looks like I found the right place.”

“Haha… Let’s sit over there on that tree stump and talk.”

Mangryang Seonsa quickly diverted my attention to a wooden stump chair arranged under a beautiful tree. There was even a carved wooden chessboard, indicating it was a place set up for leisure.

I sat on the wooden stump chair and faced Mangryang Seonsa, observing him carefully.

‘I don’t sense any strong energy. He doesn’t seem like a martial artist…’

I couldn’t let my guard down. There are many hidden masters in the world who can conceal their energy. Moreover, if Mangryang Seonsa was a master of sorcery, I could be in great trouble if I were careless.

Interestingly, despite calling himself a Daoist, Mangryang Seonsa didn’t have the Daoist’s traditional whisk. Instead, he had a fan tucked into his waistband. He drew water from a nearby well and handed me a cup.

“You must be tired from climbing the stairs. Have a drink.”

“I’m fine.”

“Hmm, I see…”

Mangryang Seonsa, looking a bit embarrassed, drank the water himself as I began the conversation.

“Are you well-versed in the languages of the world?”


Mangryang Seonsa thought for a moment before smiling brightly and confidently responding.

“Of course! Whatever you’re looking for, it seems you’ve come to the right person. I know not only the language of Zhongyuan but also the dialects of the North Sea, the languages of the southern barbarians, and even some Sanskrit. Ask me anything you’re curious about.”


I couldn’t tell if he was telling the truth or bluffing. Given his earlier behavior, it was highly likely that Mangryang Seonsa was a swindler, but I decided to trust him for now and carefully pulled out the Cheonam Biseo from my pocket to show him.

“Hmm? What’s this? The Cheonam Biseo?”



As soon as he turned the first page of the Cheonam Biseo, Mangryang Seonsa gasped. His eyes glazed over, then suddenly, as if he had taken some medicine, he became intensely focused on the book, almost burying his nose in it. After about half an incense stick’s time, Mangryang Seonsa abruptly lifted his head.

“Where did you get this?”

“Before I tell you, I have something to ask…”

I continued, glaring suspiciously at Mangryang Seonsa.

“Have you seen this strange script before? Or do you know it?”

“Hmm… Give me a moment to collect my thoughts.”

“Go ahead.”

Mangryang Seonsa sat with his arms crossed, deep in thought. After a while, he spoke.

“No, this won’t do. You need to speak first. Then I’ll tell you what I know.”

“Do you think that’s fair?”

Mangryang Seonsa shook his head.

“Even if you intimidate me, it won’t change anything. I want to hear your story first.”

He seemed determined not to yield.

Normally, I would find this outrageous and threaten him with force, given he looked like a scholar with no or weak martial arts skills. However, his demeanor oddly reassured me.

Usually, swindlers don’t behave like this. They either deny knowing anything, scold you for bringing such a thing, or demand a fee to reveal what they know. This was the typical scam technique of the Daoists I had encountered.

But now, it felt like Mangryang Seonsa was laying the groundwork for a ‘deal’ rather than trying to deceive me. My instincts, honed from long experience with people, told me so. Resolving myself, I opened my mouth.

“I found this in a cave. I’ve been carrying it with me ever since.”

“… Is that all?”

“I’ve answered. Now it’s your turn.”


After a long sigh, Mangryang Seonsa finally spoke.

“I’ve seen this script only once in my life.”


Mangryang Seonsa looked at me intently before speaking again.

“Before that… who exactly are you? From now on, my life might be at stake, so I want to know who you are.”

“I told you, I’m Baek Woong.”

“That can’t be… You must be a master. And not just any master, but one with immense internal energy. Such a person couldn’t possibly be an unknown figure.”

I tilted my head. Had Mangnyang Seonsa also mastered martial arts but kept it hidden? I was curious how he recognized that I was a master.

“What makes you think I’m a master?”

“You climbed the stairs.”

“Anyone can climb stairs.”

Mangnyang Seonsa laughed weakly.

“No. I set up the Mangyunjin, a formation that creates an illusion of multiple stairways. Whether you broke through the formation or your internal energy was so profound that the formation didn’t affect you, you possess tremendous internal energy.”


A formation!

When Mangnyang Seonsa spoke with such confidence, I realized he was a master of formations. He must usually set up formations along the path to his home to prevent intruders. Today, he had invited a woman over to enjoy himself, and I happened to interrupt, catching him off guard.

Mangnyang Seonsa continued to mutter.

“It’s not boasting, but my Mangyunjin is renowned in the martial world. If you passed through it so easily, you must be at least an elder or head of one of the Nine Great Clans, if not higher. I want to know your identity.”

“And what do you plan to do with my identity?”

Mangnyang Seonsa frowned.

“I’m risking my life to speak with you. Can’t you at least tell me that much?”

Considering he kept mentioning risking his life, it seemed he was indeed risking being killed by me. Having his Mangyunjin broken left him defenseless, so he must feel like he’s walking a tightrope. Despite his calm demeanor, sweat beads on his forehead were visible.

Judging him not to be a fraud, I spoke.

“As I said before, I am Baek Woong. I trained at a martial arts school and am currently traveling. I have no connection with the Nine Great Clans. I came here today solely to uncover the secrets of this Cheonam Biseo.”

“Can you swear to the heavens?”

“Of course.”

Only then did Mangnyang Seonsa seem slightly relieved. He looked around cautiously before speaking.

“The first time I saw the strange characters in this Cheonam Biseo was in the Naehwanggak.”

“What is Naehwanggak?”

“It’s a library accessible only to the emperor and the astrologers.”


Seeing my surprised expression, Mangnyang Seonsa spoke as if resigned.

“I am a former astrologer. Now I live as a Seonsa after leaving the royal court.”

An astrologer!

They are responsible for divining the fortunes of the year, praying for the prosperity of the royal family, and overseeing national Taoist rituals. Although not well understood, they hold special positions within the royal court, and the role is hereditary rather than appointed through exams. I knew about astrologers because Kim Manje once lamented during his studies that being an astrologer would be an easy life.

“Can you leave a hereditary position?”

“I was not talented enough. My older brother was far more exceptional, so I was expelled from the capital and lived as a wanderer.”

“Well… It’s fortunate you weren’t killed.”

“There were various circumstances.”

Mangnyang Seonsa, with a bitter smile, continued.

“Anyway… I remember seeing these characters in the Naehwanggak. If my memory serves me right, the book was called the Nameless Ritual Book. Like the Cheonam Biseo, it was written in incomprehensible strange characters.”

“Didn’t your studies as an astrologer help you decipher it?”

“It was impossible.”

I was utterly shocked by his next words.

“The Nameless Ritual Book and the Cheonam Biseo… Neither of these books was written by a human.”


Not written by a human?

What could this possibly mean?

If not by humans, then what kind of beings could have written such bizarre books?

“I am also a Jinshi and Tanhwa.”

“What? Really?”

“Yes, indeed.”

A Jinshi and Tanhwa.

This was no small feat.

A Jinshi is someone who passes the final imperial examination, which hundreds of thousands of scholars from across the realm challenge each year. Passing the metropolitan examination earns one the title of Jinshi, granting the right to take the ‘Palace Examination’ before the emperor to rank among the top scholars.

The top scorer in the Palace Examination is called Zhuangyuan, the second is Bangyan, and the third is Tanhwa. These ranks are especially honored, with the top three receiving wine poured by the emperor himself during the celebration banquet. This is a rare honor, even for royal family members. Being a Jinshi is such a prestigious status that it brings lifelong pride and glory to one’s family.

This meant that Mangnyang Seonsa before me was one of the most brilliant scholars in the realm.

Mangnyang Seonsa said,

“Though I was expelled from the capital to protect the secrets of the hereditary astrologer position, I am confident that few among the scholars of this continent surpass my abilities.

I studied 16 languages, including Western and Indian languages, and can speak ten of them fluently. Yet, even I couldn’t find any clues about the characters in the Nameless Ritual Book or the Cheonam Biseo. They are truly perfect extraterrestrial languages.”

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