Reincarnation Sword God

Chapter 146

Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors

A short while later, I was escorted to the inner hall of the Sichuan Tang Clan. As I glanced around at the Experts surrounding me, I thought,

‘These aren’t your average gatekeepers. They’re like the elders of prominent sects… Why are such elite fighters stationed at the門門’

I had previously brushed it off, but the skills of these three were clearly extraordinary. Even if I exerted all my strength, it seemed unlikely I could defeat them unscathed. No matter how large the Sichuan Tang Clan was, it was strange that they had such masters lounging around.

Sitting in the inner hall waiting for me was a middle-aged man exuding a potent aura. He suddenly declared,

“You are truly a talented individual. It seems you may well topple the Sichuan Branch.”

I was taken aback. I had been deliberately suppressing my internal energy using the Heavenly Human Blood Art, but this middle-aged man appeared unfazed. It seemed he believed he could measure my true strength and still maintain control over it.

I carefully examined his eyes and the strength of his aura. I noticed that his energy spilled over and bound the surrounding space, thickening it with intensity.

‘A Peak Expert…’

If there was a Peak Expert in the Sichuan Tang Clan, there could be no doubt it was him, especially considering he was of an age that suggested experience.

I cupped my hands in respect and said,

“It is an honor to meet the underworld’s One Handed Demon, Tang Mugyeok.”

He responded with a smirk, “You know who I am then?”

“Indeed, you are the leader of the Sichuan Tang Clan,” I replied.

His expression brightened as he chuckled softly. “Correct. I am leading the Sichuan Tang Clan.”

One Handed Demon, Tang Mugyeok!

He was one of the key masters of the Sichuan region spoken of in hushed tones, and also the titular leader of the Sichuan Tang Clan. Just like the heads of the Nine Great Sects, the power of the clan in the Central Plains was inherently intertwined with its acknowledged top martial artist. Thus, it wasn’t surprising that Tang Mugyeok, as the head of such a renowned clan, wielded formidable skills.

Furthermore, his martial prowess had reached a peak level, instilling a fearful reputation in the Central Plains, where many quietly referred to him as a Death God. Particularly, the Poison Demon, one of the Eight Evil Spirits, had suffered a great defeat at his hands, leading him to carefully avoid encroaching on the territory of the Sichuan Tang Clan.

While I was less familiar with him, it was mainly because I hadn’t paid much attention to the Sichuan Tang Clan, which specialized in poison and secret arts. I could safely assume I’d have no reason to meet Tang Mugyeok in my lifetime anyway, hence my lack of knowledge.

‘Regardless, Tang Mugyeok is among the top masters in the Central Plains. I need to be cautious.’

I felt a surge of anxiety.

Back when I fought alongside top-level masters to help Jin So-cheong, there was a martial artist named Zan Long, who was also skilled in secret arts, and my brother had warned me time and again about him. Given Jin So-cheong’s true strength, this was indeed a formidable matter, suggesting that Zan Long’s covert skills were exceedingly intricate.

Moreover, Tang Mugyeok was a master far beyond someone like Zan Long. There was a high chance that this could very well become my grave.

Tang Mugyeok spoke,

“So, Bai Woong, what brings you to our Sichuan Tang Clan?”

“As I mentioned, I wish to purchase information.”

“Buying information… It’s not a concept we’re familiar with, but it isn’t impossible. If you can provide us with sufficient compensation, it can certainly be done.”

He replied positively, intertwining his fingers. With a glimmer of interest on his face, he continued,

“Tell me what information you seek, and I will give it a price reflective of what’s needed for that information.”


I felt a bit at a disadvantage. Pricing information sounded good at first glance, but it felt akin to outright stating they’d demand a hefty price. Still, since I couldn’t afford to sidestep Tang Mugyeok at this stage, I cleared my throat and said,

“Hmm… I came here while searching for the last whereabouts of the Heavenly Monster, Eastern Unmatched.”

Tang Mugyeok’s eyebrows twitched. After a moment’s thought, he replied,

“Put down some Gold!”


“I believe that information is worth its weight in gold. Arranging for that gold could be a stretch for you, so I would expect at least one gold bar.”

One gold bar.

It was an astronomical sum, difficult to even imagine for a mere commoner. Even those who believed they’d be set for life if they had such wealth would approach me humbly to ask for favors. Without a doubt, no matter how precious it was, this was an exorbitant price. I listened to Tang Mugyeok’s words and then questioned,

“Is there no possibility of offering something equivalent to that in kind?”

“That would also be acceptable. If you have any rare treasures or remarkable martial arts manuals, or failing that, supreme elixirs, I would consider them.”

“Honestly, just handing over the gold would be easier.”

At this, Tang Mugyeok smirked.

“I’m not even asking why you’re searching for Eastern Unmatched. I could easily subdue you with force right now, yet I’m choosing not to, and I’m not utilizing any poisons either. I hope you realize just how significant this goodwill is in the Sichuan Tang Clan.”


Tang Mugyeok’s so-called goodwill felt more like brazen intimidation. I wanted to throw some sarcasm back but bit my tongue and pressed on,

“By the way, I’d also like to know how the Sichuan Tang Clan views Eastern Unmatched, and how they would treat him should he return.”

“Oh? Would you be willing to put down that gold?”

“It’s a matter of how much sincerity you’ll offer.”

As I circled my words, Tang Mugyeok let out a hearty laugh.

“Haha, I like your spirit. Alright, if you do present the gold, I’ll share that tidbit as well.”


I reached into my pocket and retrieved the gold bar I had stashed there. With a thud, I placed it on the table.



The strange expression on Tang Mugyeok’s face as he gazed at it was as if he were beholding a child’s performance. Meanwhile, I grinned slyly.

“Please appraise it. I guarantee it’s a perfect 100% pure gold.”

No matter how seasoned Tang Mugyeok was, there was no way he’d expect me to walk around with a gold bar. It appeared that I had simply pulled it out from the interior space of my Pocket. But there was no way he could know about the Pocket’s existence or its functions. Tang Mugyeok reached for the gold, examining it closely before letting out a sigh.

“… Hah, it’s genuine.”

“Did you recognize it right away?”

“I often handle gold in my line of work. I pride myself on my expertise, rivaling that of any appraiser.”

Tang Mugyeok answered, looking at me with transparent eyes.

“I’ll share the information as promised. But before that, I want to ask you something.”

“What is it?”

“How do you plan to deal with Eastern Unmatched once you find him?”

I replied flatly,

“I intend to discover why he played Mahjong with the Ghost King at Muhusa*.”

“Ah, that incident.”

Tang Mugyeok seemed to understand. Then he wore a peculiar expression.

“… Do you believe you can protect yourself from Eastern Unmatched?”

“I believe I’ve learned enough martial arts for self-defense.”

“Then I won’t say more.”

After a moment, Tang Mugyeok began to share the ‘information’.

According to him, the Heavenly Monster, Eastern Unmatched, had visited the Sichuan Tang Clan around three months ago, well before the onset of my previous life. Eastern Unmatched forcefully insisted he wanted to study the Sichuan Tang Clan’s poisons. To begin with, Tang Mugyeok had intended to send him back quietly but found himself drawn into a conflict after both pride and a war of words escalated between them.

In the end, Eastern Unmatched had fled after being overwhelmed by the elite fighters of the Sichuan Tang Clan. With that said, Tang Mugyeok added melancholically,

“Since that day, the elite forces of Ten Thousand Poison Squad have been on the lookout in place of outside figures, never letting their guard down in case that old man returns.”

“I see.”

The three peak experts I had encountered at the entrance were members of the Ten Thousand Poison Squad—the pride of the Sichuan Tang Clan and the best among its elite, closely tied to the clan leader. Having trained with their lives on the line since childhood, it was no surprise they were specially gifted.

‘So it’s likely that Eastern Unmatched stole the Sleep Inducing Powder from the Sichuan Tang Clan then.’

I wanted to directly inquire about it but found that unfeasible. If I were in Tang Mugyeok’s position, I certainly wouldn’t want to divulge the fact that my clan’s secret store had been raided, and I would go to great lengths to cover that up. I needed to tread carefully to avoid sticking my hand into the tiger’s den.

I decided to ask another burning question.

“I heard that Eastern Unmatched’s medical skills are unofficially recognized as the best under heaven. Why do you think he sought to learn about the poisons of the Sichuan Tang Clan?”

“Hmm… That’s something I’ve thought about as well.”

Asking that didn’t seem to spark any resistance in him, and after sipping tea that had been set beside him, Tang Mugyeok continued.

“He was desperate in his pursuit. It seemed his curiosity went beyond mere hobby, as if he genuinely intended to apply it somewhere. Naturally, I had to refuse him outright as I cannot impart such knowledge to outsiders, but he attempted to entice me with innumerable offerings.”

“That desperate, huh?”

“Yes. Looking back, he seems to have sought a level of mastery in both medicine and poison, striving for a higher state.”

Eastern Unmatched’s desperation to learn poison recipes replayed in my mind as I pressed on with questions.

“Is it possible to use poison to heal illnesses?”

“Not impossible. Poisons and medicines are fundamentally one and the same, so poison can effectively be medicine when properly applied. The key is the ratio and components used.”

“Would that apply even if it’s from a curse-induced illness?”

“A curse? Are you referring to a spell?”



Tang Mugyeok appeared contemplative, furrowing his brow. After a moment of pondering, he replied,

“Typically, a regular poison would be ineffective. Cursed poison lacks physical mediums or pathogens, so even the most potent toxins wouldn’t work ordinarily. However, there is one specific poison that can sever even the ties of sorcery.”

“What is that?”

Formless Poison! The theoretically strongest toxin that exists.”

Formless Poison!

It was a term I had never heard before in my life. Even after spending nearly a decade immersed in healing under Ojeong Gyun, I had yet to even come across a mention of it. As I tilted my head in confusion, Tang Mugyeok elaborated,

“It exists only in theory, mind you. Our Sichuan Tang Clan, along with the Ten Thousand Poison Clan or the Forgetful Soul Valley, have never produced Formless Poison in history. We merely strive towards it as the ultimate goal.”

“So if Formless Poison can cut off the origin of the spell, then that means it isn’t a physical toxin?”

At my question, Tang Mugyeok gave a slightly impressed expression.

“Precisely. You seem to be quite astute.”

“Well… if Formless Poison isn’t a physical toxin, then how could one even begin to create it?”

I asked, thoroughly baffled. Having personally concocted numerous poisons before, I understood well the complex, nuanced processes involved in creating physical toxins. The notion of something that wasn’t material felt inherently contradictory. Tang Mugyeok seemed excited as the topic of poison emerged.

“The principle of Formless Poison lies in the ability to disassemble the most fundamental links existing within all things. Naturally, a physical toxin can be countered by another material substance. However, should there exist a poison that can exist without physical substance, it would be immune to antidotes or defensive measures!”

“Sounds like something out of a novel.”

“Hehe. That’s the effect you’ll experience as you delve into poison arts. It feels much like dreaming. It’s much akin to how other martial artists pursue a peak in their techniques.”

I realized if I left things as they were, Tang Mugyeok might endlessly waffle on about poison. Thus, I deftly shifted the topic.

“It seems Eastern Unmatched met the Ghost King afterward, causing a massive stir at the underground betting den, and then disappeared after playing Mahjong at Muhusa.”

“I heard that news too. He’s truly an unpredictable individual.”

“Do you have an idea of where Eastern Unmatched might have gone?”

“He likely headed to Yunnan. The last information I had was that he crossed through the territory of the Five Yue Clan in Yunnan.”



That was the southernmost point of the Central Plains, leading out toward the lands of the southern barbarians. In other words, if he passed through Yunnan and crossed into the realms of the Five Yue Clan, it was akin to him abandoning the Central Plains. Upon seeing my shocked expression, Tang Mugyeok warned,

“Consider this a piece of advice—you’d best not pursue Eastern Unmatched. It would be ideal if you could capture him, but going after that slippery old man is asking for trouble. I hope you, as a young genius, won’t throw away your life so recklessly.”

“Is Eastern Unmatched that formidable?”

“To be blunt, his martial power is undoubtedly the best in the world. Nearly bordering on a different level altogether.”


I sensed Eastern Unmatched’s martial prowess climbing higher and higher in my mind. Up till now, I merely considered him as another Peak Expert, but his description indicated he was far superior to that. It was true that even Tang Mugyeok, a Peak Expert himself, wouldn’t have been able to escape intact from a joint assault by the clan’s elite fighters.

‘This is something I need to seriously consider.’

Until now, I thought I could just protect Nae Myeong and Bai Woong-gyeol if I ended up facing Eastern Unmatched, ensuring I could at least make a quick getaway. However, if Eastern Unmatched was beyond my expectations, there was a real chance I could be overwhelmed before I even got a shot. I needed to find means to match or even surpass him in battle.

“Forgive me, but could you share the characteristics of his martial arts?”

“I take it you’re determined to pursue him.”

“Yes. I will find him, even if he heads not to the Five Yue Clan but to the lands of the southern barbarians.”

“Alright. His techniques appear to consist of Hand Techniques and Palm Techniques, hidden inside the potency and elegance of his peak martial competence. He’s also quite well-versed in various stances, using terrain to dominate fights. What’s more, he can raise his protective energy in a short time, so he requires utmost caution.”


He raises his protective energy using his internal energy?

That was something that any ordinary warrior could only dream of. Unlike swords or flaming blades, creating protective energy through pure enlightenment would require tremendous internal energy. The consumption rate was even more staggering, often surpassing that of Nae Myeong. For the average martial artist, trying to form a protective energy barrier might end up costing their life. The mere thought of being able to build an artificial barrier indicated Eastern Unmatched possessed incredible internal energy.

I was left puzzled, “Why hasn’t Eastern Unmatched made a name for himself given his overwhelming martial skills?”

“Who knows? Who can understand such peculiarities?”


Tang Mugyeok’s curt reply made it clear that he really disliked Eastern Unmatched. For someone like him, who reigned supreme in the martial world as a Death God, being so displeased with another was indicative of just how extraordinary Eastern Unmatched must have been.

On a whim, I asked, “If that Human Skin Mask actually exists and I wanted to acquire it, how would I go about it?”

“Hahaha, you enjoy your novels, I see. Do you really think something like that exists?”

“Well, if it did,” I said.

“Hmm… If such a thing existed, I would first drain the creature of all bodily fluids, and once the inner core is exposed, I would prepare a detoxifying elixir beforehand and transfer it with care. A process of sun exposure in a cool place for 33 days would allow the excess toxins to dissipate, initiating a purification process.”

“What about the body?”

“The body, being a conglomeration of energy, would have to be drained of toxins, dried out, and consumed. I imagine it would provide potency and health benefits. According to legends, consuming the facial parts grants immortality.”

It seemed Tang Mugyeok found our conversation rather enjoyable. After all, I was the only one crazy enough to come to the Sichuan Tang Clan, present a gold bar, and enthusiastically inquire about poisons.

“Thank you.”

I nodded. I had learned how to potentially recycle the Human Skin Mask.

“Do you happen to know the whereabouts of the Ghost King?”

“That guy has completely gone underground. You’d be better off heading to the Open to inquire about him.”


And with that, I wrapped up my business with the Sichuan Tang Clan and made my way to an isolated area to utilize Teleportation before heading towards a secluded valley. As I arrived, Miho, who had been with me, commented with interest,

“You wrapped up your conversation quite well without needing to resort to enchantments.”

“Well… I’m relieved.”

Before confronting Tang Mugyeok, Miho had used her transformation skill to conceal herself near him.

Given her status as a prominent Yokai, such an illusion was possible.

Since she had transformed into an inanimate object, regardless of Tang Mugyeok’s exceptional skills, there was no way he could detect her. If the conversation had taken a turn for the worse or escalated into conflict, she would have sprung forth to cast her enchantment or launch a surprise attack. Yet, given that Tang Mugyeok had proven rather agreeable, there was no need for extremities.

Miho chirped,

“Then the next destination is Yunnan.”


I lit up with determination.

“Before that, I need to find a master who can match Eastern Unmatched.”

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