Reincarnation Sword God

Chapter 144

Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors

It took me only three days to enter Sichuan, the heart of the province and the stronghold of the Sichuan Tang Clan. Once I arrived, I booked a room at an inn and collapsed onto the bed.

‘Now, I need to go find the Sichuan Tang Clan and inquire about Eastern Unmatched.’

From my experience, barging into a martial arts family to demand information is not only foolish, it’s a surefire way to box myself into a corner. To extract information, one needs legitimacy, influence, justification, and power—all of which I’d have to build up over the course of several years while here in Sichuan.

Instead, I decided to take a more indirect route. I’d start by gathering information about the Sichuan Tang Clan at the Open Sect’s Sichuan branch.

Finding the Sichuan branch of the Open Sect was relatively straightforward. Open Sect practitioners typically congregated beneath bridges or in secluded areas, similar to what I’d seen back in Luoyang. In Sichuan, there was even a shanty town under the bridge where beggars gathered. I glanced over there, sizing up the beggars’ skills, and felt confident they possessed significant martial prowess; that’s when I concluded that this must be the Open Sect’s Sichuan branch.

I approached the flock of beggars beneath the bridge and proclaimed,

“It is an honor to meet the heroes of the Open Sect as a humble disciple of martial arts.”

Suddenly, the eyes of all the nearby beggars turned toward me, momentarily stunned by my unexpected flattery. However, most merely dismissed me, intent on their own business, embodying the typical cautious demeanor of a martial artist. As I stepped further inside, a few sticks obstructed my way.

“Hey there, stop right there.”

“What do you want?”

I glanced down at the sticks barring my path. Although they appeared ordinary at first glance, those holding them had clearly honed formidable skills. I peered inside the shanty, where a middle-aged man lay sprawled out, and with a substantial hit of inner force, I stated,

“I’ve come to purchase crucial information. Are you closed today?”

The middle-aged man stirred and, after a moment, sprang up with the agility of a catfish, striding toward me. Scratching his head, he remarked,

“Eh? What is this thunderous ruckus? Kid, which family do you hail from?”

He seemed to assume I was the child of a martial arts family. I chuckled slightly and replied,

“My name is Bai Woong. I wish to procure information from the Open Sect, but it seems there are many restrictions.”

“I don’t see what a child like you would do with information.”

“Such unseemly remarks from a practitioner of the Open Sect! If you truly wish to decline my request, I will take my leave.”

As I turned on my heel, several of the Open Sect members came charging at me simultaneously. They were experts well beyond just your average guards, swiftly blocking my path. From the aura emanating around them, it was evident they intended to subdue me with force.

But this was an immense underestimation of my capabilities.


Drawing on the foundation of the Thunder God Lineage, I moved in accordance with the basic techniques of Thunder Cloud Soft Fist. A soft silhouette emanated from my body, and my hands pointed simultaneously toward all eight directions in the air. In the next moment, as if declaring “soft can conquer hard,” I smoothly disarmed the sticks from their hands. Before they could react, I threw their weapons into the air and, leveraging Thunder Shadow Step, I advanced, striking at pressure points of the attackers.



The beggar I’d been addressing, along with everyone else watching, stood bewildered. In just a second, I had completely subdued the experts of the Open Sect. I released the hand of one beggar I was holding and grinned.

“Disregarding my presence when I came to consult, and then resorting to violence when I decide to leave—this truly is the Open Sect’s nature?”

“Watch your words. We can see you’re quite the expert.”

The middle-aged beggar’s eyes widened. His tone had drastically shifted. In the world of martial arts, strength was the ultimate measure, and there was no choice but for his attitude to change when faced with someone clearly superior. I regarded him coolly, and he continued,

“I’m Great Bell. I’m in charge of the Open Sect’s Sichuan branch.”

“Now, are you finally ready to listen to what I have to say?”

“… Come over here.”

I followed Great Bell to a more secluded corner. Face to face with him, he asked,

“Who are you to possess such remarkable martial skills at such a young age?”

“Why should I provide you with that information?”

“If you refuse, I won’t sell any information to you.”

I felt my irritation peak.

“Still considering me a fool, old man?”



Without hesitation, I lunged at him, extending my hand. Great Bell flinched as he reacted to my attack. If he truly was the Open Sect‘s branch leader, his skills were top-notch—he was certainly no run-of-the-mill practitioner. His movement was agile, but I seized the moment of his evasion to strike at his vital points.


He collapsed to one knee, his body momentarily paralyzed. I promptly drew my dagger and held it to his throat. In mere seconds, he realized he was overpowered, disbelief etched on his face. With a lethal aura, I spoke,

“Do keep in mind, you are persistently choosing the harder path.”


“I assume you understood my words, so I’ll let you go.”

I withdrew my dagger and released his pressure points. Even though Great Bell regained his freedom, his face was ashen. He realized I was well-practiced in the art of intimidation, and in the back of his mind, he must have sensed that I wouldn’t hesitate to use it if needed. He wouldn’t be able to regard me lightly again.

His lips trembled as he remarked,

“I can hardly believe it… How could someone of your age possess such tremendous martial skills…”

“As you can see, I’m not here to become adversarial with the Open Sect. I simply wish to discuss what I need.”

As I said this, I subtly retrieved a handful of silver coins. The amount was considerable, exceeding a hundred taels. Upon seeing the silver coins, Great Bell finally opened his mouth.

“What do you wish to know?”

“It’s nothing major. Just the members of the Sichuan Tang Clan, their key skills, and their recent activities.”

“You must be from another region…”

“Haha, think as you will.”

Though Great Bell attempted to pry for more information, I deflected his inquiries. I could see his expression shift to one of disappointment; clearly, he thought me competent. Resigning himself, he replied,

“Pay me upfront.”

“How can you guarantee I’ll get accurate information?”

With a resigned chuckle, he said,

“I won’t lie, just trust me. I can’t believe I’ve ended up saying such things…”

“The money’s right here.”


“I’ll tell you everything I know.”

Once he accepted the consulting fee, he began providing a comprehensive overview of the Sichuan Tang Clan. I sat attentively, absorbing everything he said for nearly half a watch, memorizing most of the information.

I pondered and then asked Great Bell,

“I’d like to purchase additional information.”

“What kind do you need?”

I reached into my sleeve and pulled out an additional supply of silver coins, double what I had just given him. His eyes widened at the sight of the coins, but I calmly continued.

“Information regarding the coveted Eastern Unmatched!”

Eastern Unmatched…? You mean one of the Five Masters of the Realm?”

“Exactly. If he has recently appeared in Sichuan, please share what you know.”


He looked as if he was searching through his memories, a desperate look on his face. After a moment, he spoke,

“Now that you mention it, Eastern Unmatched was spotted in Sichuan’s underworld alongside the King of Gambling about a month ago.”

King of Gambling? Who is that?”

“Don’t you know him? Though, I guess he does operate mainly in Sichuan…”

Great Bell licked his lips before continuing.

“He’s renowned as a gambling genius, rumored to possess divine skills in games of chance. He’s a quirky character, classified within the sundered martial arts community but shows no interest in anything outside of gambling.”


Eastern Unmatched and the King of Gambling raided the underworld together and then vanished after partaking in some bizarre gambling at the Temple of Zhuge Liang. I couldn’t get any additional info from the temple guardian.”

“What’s the Temple of Zhuge Liang?”

“It’s also known as the Shrine of Liu Shan. It’s a temple dedicated to Zhuge Liang, the legendary strategist.”

I realized the situation had become intriguing. Essentially, Eastern Unmatched had been gambling madly at the Temple of Zhuge Liang with the King of Gambling before disappearing. Instead of seeking the Sichuan Tang Clan, my next destination would be the Temple of Zhuge Liang itself.

“Where can I find the King of Gambling?”

“I don’t have much insight on his whereabouts. He seems to show up suddenly at big gambling venues but has no fixed place of residence.”

“I see.”

Great Bell added,

“If you’re looking for Eastern Unmatched, it might be wise to reconsider. That man is a lunatic.”

“That’s a description I’ve heard several times…”

“Regardless, I’ve given my advice. You should leave.”

As Great Bell dismissed me, I gave a light nod and exited the Open Sect’s hideout.

‘Before I meet Eastern Unmatched, I feel like I should prepare.’

Three different people had now labeled Eastern Unmatched as insane. There must be something extraordinary about him. He might indulge in pleasures all day long, making him unpredictable.

Once back at the inn, I gathered my thoughts and promptly set my sights on the Temple of Zhuge Liang. The path to the temple seemed secure, and I found it without issue; it appeared to be the most famous site in Sichuan. The legacy of Zhuge Liang held a significant place in the hearts of its people.

There were many pilgrims, and the visitors appeared affluent, dressed in fine garments befitting wealthy merchants or influential aristocrats. I realized that if I swooped in with my worn-out clothes, there’d be a stark discord, so I decided to craft a new outfit. After tailoring some fresh garments, I bathed and prepared, then returned to the Temple of Zhuge Liang the next day.

Entering the innermost hall of the temple was difficult due to the guardian’s restriction. Most seemed there to enjoy the atmosphere of the temple, so no one paid me much mind. I spoke to a middle-aged man, presumably the temple guardian.

“I’m Bai Woong. Excuse me, but could you share what you know about Eastern Unmatched and the King of Gambling visiting recently?”

The guardian’s face hardened. Then, he sighed.

“Ha… now even little martial artists are coming to me for information…”

“Is it not possible to receive a response?”

“No way!”

“Are you afraid of their influence?”

As I provoked him, he pointed out the armed guards stationed nearby.

“Do you really think you can say that? All those protecting the Temple of Zhuge Liang are elite members handpicked from the Military Ministry’s Six Fans. Even a Prince Consort wouldn’t dare act recklessly here.”

The Temple of Zhuge Liang was a symbol of Sichuan. Perhaps that’s why the security was exceptionally tight. Several guards nearby clearly exhibited high skill levels. I replied curtly,

“However, it’s a fact that Eastern Unmatched and the King of Gambling created a scene here before disappearing, is it not?”

“Ugh… It was a late-night riot where they created mayhem for half a watch, and no one could catch them. That’s already been glossed over by the Prince Consort, so it’s not on me.”

“A Prince Consort, you say?”

“He’s a prince with a vested interest in the Temple of Zhuge Liang; he looks after it closely.”


A Prince Consort, huh.

As I mulled over his name, the guardian’s expression shifted and he added,

“Regardless, I can’t divulge any more! If you’re a cultured youth from a martial arts family, don’t waste your time here and just leave.”

I stepped out and returned to the inn. Capturing the guardian to torture him using the techniques of the Thunder God Lineage would attract far too many eyes. He always seemed flanked by elite guards from the Six Fans, so any rash action would draw a crowd. I felt it necessary to visit the Sichuan Tang Clan next.

‘This blockage is vexing… How do I pry information about Eastern Unmatched out of the Sichuan Tang Clan?’

After much deliberation, I decided to head to Jinlang Valley using the Rising Tide technique. The atmosphere of Jinlang Valley seemed much calmer after a considerable amount of time had passed, making it appear peaceful and tranquil.

While I was practicing my martial arts, Mangnyang spotted me and greeted me enthusiastically.

Bai Woong! How are things going in Sichuan?”

“I’ve hit a bit of a wall.”

I relayed everything I had uncovered thus far to Mangnyang. He listened quietly before pressing his temples with his fingers and said,

“Then stay here for a few days and rest.”


“Trust me, the solution will surely come to you.”

I wouldn’t realize the true meaning of those words until about ten days later.

While helping Mangnyang with various chores, someone suddenly appeared out of thin air, executing a backflip before landing. Puffing with a beat-red face, she bellowed at me,

“Y—You loser!!!”


I scratched my head and chuckled.

“Sorry, Miho.”

“Quit acting friendly, human!! Gyaaa! I’m so furious!”

Indeed, it was Miho, who had come to the Central Plains after undergoing trials from the Queen Mother of the West, having wandered from Goryeo to the Central Plains, only to find herself lost due to my reckless use of Rising Tide.

I awkwardly smiled at her and said,

“Here to help me, huh?”

“Hmm! I heard you offered advice to Queen Mother.”

Of course, I knew exactly why Miho had come here. Just then, Mangnyang strolled over and politely said,

“May I trouble you to meet the Heavenly Fox?”

“What’s this about?”

“This is Mangnyang. He will be my comrade from now on.”

“Who decided that?”

As Miho prepared to flare up, I calmed her down.

Miho, just listen.”

I shared my story about everything that transpired until now with Miho, with Mangnyang listening beside me. Miho listened quietly and her expression gradually twisted into one of disbelief. However, she soon glanced at Mangnyang, who was calmly absorbing everything, and her expression softened, doubts fading slightly.

“Ugh… So what are you aiming to do, Bai Woong?”

“Hmm… I need to head back to Sichuan and try to meet Eastern Unmatched.”

Miho burst into laughter,

“Sounds great! I’ll help you!”

And that’s how it happened.

The ‘solution’ Mangnyang was hinting at was none other than that. With the allure of the Great Demon Miho, there was no need for much effort on my part to easily locate Eastern Unmatched in Sichuan.

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