Reincarnation Sword God

Chapter 135

Dark Sky Village

Thud thud

The warhorses thunder across the plains.

Immediately following the grand victory, our army advanced to encircle Luoyang Castle. Although we only had about 50,000 troops capable of being a real force, the enemy was left in shambles, with barely any proper defensive units remaining. Mangnyang received intel that the defensive forces in Luoyang were less than 10,000, and a triumphant smile appeared on his face.

“Very well. Let’s solidify our siege first.”

Lee Kwang, who was present at the commander’s meeting, asked Mangnyang,

“Wouldn’t it be better to strike immediately?”

I glanced at Lee Kwang. He seemed quite hesitant, but he had played a significant role in the recent battle. If it weren’t for Lee Kwang and Jin So-cheong cutting through the enemy’s lines with their impressive martial prowess, our forces would have been annihilated. Additionally, it seemed Lee Kwang had such a considerable military reputation that even the prominent warriors in the barracks couldn’t meet his gaze.

“The siege is already underway, and the Siege Weapons are prepared. The Defensive Forces only number in the thousands; are we going to let this golden opportunity slip away?”

With a sly grin, Mangnyang replied,

“The crucial point isn’t the defense of Luoyang itself, but the Final Guardian lurking within the Imperial Palace. We must keep them in mind.”

“You think that whatever is in the palace is a threat to us, even with our tens of thousands of troops?”

“Absolutely. We would certainly face disaster otherwise.”


Lee Kwang’s hesitation deepened upon hearing Mangnyang’s unwavering answer. He heard from General Hwang Yeon about the existence of others from another realm and their circumstances, but it seemed hard for him to grasp their true power. It made sense, since Lee Kwang had never fought directly against those beings in his past life. Mangnyang continued to explain slowly.

“The reason we could easily win the plains engagement is that the imperial palace’s greatest strategist did not take part in the battle. He is likely contemplating whether to protect the Emperor or surrender to us. Taking rash action might provoke him.”

“Who is he?”

Grand Astronomer Zhuge Fu. I believe you’ve at least heard of him, Lee Kwang.”

Lee Kwang’s eyebrows twitched.

“Are you referring to the one called the top genius of the Central Plains in the past century?”

“Yes, that’s right. He is currently in charge of the imperial palace’s Hexagram Techniques.”

Lee Kwang appeared to be deep in thought for a moment, likely comparing the potential difference in strength resulting from Zhuge Fu joining either side in his mind. Afterward, Lee Kwang asked again,

“If the imperial palace is fortified by his sorcery, what does capturing the rest serve?”

“That’s not the case.”

Everyone’s expressions turned to shock at Mangnyang’s follow-up.

“Zhuge Fu can cast a special ritual that will instantly extend the Sovereign Barrier of the palace to the entire Luoyang. This means any troops that enter will either be exterminated or taken as prisoners.”


“That’s preposterous!”

“Is that really possible?”

Murmurs filled the room. While the generals probably knew there existed some form of sorcery and had an inkling of its power, the idea that a single individual could cast a barrier over an entire city seemed beyond their contemplation. Their agitation was not well-concealed, prompting Mangnyang to calmly diffuse the tension.

“But don’t worry. In other words, if he surrenders, everything ends. If not, we can expect some change.”

“Ample rations are essential, and decisive actions are basic protocol. How long do you intend to wait?”

“Three days!”

Mangnyang waved his Five Colored Radiance.

“If there’s no change after three days, we will commence the siege immediately. Until then, preparations must be thorough.”

After discussing matters related to handling the injured and prisoners and negotiating with surrounding feudal lords, the military strategy meeting concluded. The generals seemed to return to their tasks without raising further questions since Mangnyang’s points were all reasoned.

After the meeting wrapped up, Lee Kwang said,

“Venerable Leader, I’d like to hear your thoughts.”

Mangnyang smiled slyly.

“What thoughts? If you had spoken during the strategy meeting, I could have answered right away.”

“There are things one cannot say in a military meeting.”

With a bitter smile, Lee Kwang responded,

“Are you planning to promote General Hwang Yeon to Emperor?”


In the tent were myself, Mangnyang, Jin So-cheong, and Lee Kwang. Only those who could share in this affair gathered here. Jin So-cheong, organizing documents beside me, looked at Lee Kwang with wide eyes. After a moment, Mangnyang spoke without hesitation.

“I can’t do it immediately. There are members of the royal family scattered in various places, and the line of succession is clear; moreover, there are those with legitimate support from Confucian scholars.”

“You can’t do it immediately… you really do enjoy twisting words.”

Lee Kwang shot back casually, but the implication behind his words held significant weight. In other words, Mangnyang was indirectly revealing his intent to elevate Hwang Yeon to the throne and was merely waiting for an opportunity. It was becoming clear that Mangnyang was contemplating a coup.

“I apologize. It’s a habit of mine.”

As Lee Kwang stared at Mangnyang blankly, he spoke,

“You are quite resolute in your convictions.”

“And I believe the same of you, General Lee.”


“Don’t look to me to find a solution.”

Lee Kwang seemed to clench his fist. It wasn’t out of anger or sorrow, but rather a reflection of some resolution.


Lee Kwang exited the tent first, with Jin So-cheong following. I found it hard to believe the stormy atmosphere we had just experienced. I had never expected the cold, indifferent, and strong-willed figure Lee Kwang to utter such naive words, and I couldn’t fully comprehend Mangnyang’s statements overall. So I asked Mangnyang,

“Why did Lee Kwang ask such a question?”

It was a somewhat inappropriate question for the occasion. If I felt awkward, how would the others feel? Furthermore, to pose such an inquiry out in the open, rather than privately with Mangnyang, struck me as peculiar.

Mangnyang let out a soft laugh.

“Of course, someone like Lee Kwang wouldn’t ask without knowing. He has led the Imperial Guard and survived in the palace’s power struggles for decades; he knows more about power than anyone in the world. The stage of reconciliation for General Hwang has already passed, and if General Hwang does not become emperor, the remains of his faction will be eliminated.”

“That makes sense.”

“It’s just that Lee Kwang’s values clash with each other, causing him to hesitate over issues of patriotism and conservatism, preventing him from determining his own stance. He seeks to indirectly explore a path through me.”


“Don’t act as if it’s pathetic. You, Baek Woong, know better than anyone that Lee Kwang is not a flawless transcendent.”

Though Mangnyang scolded me, I couldn’t loosen my expression. I had not predicted that someone like Lee Kwang, who seemed absolutely confident and resolute, would show such uncertainty. The notion of betrayal appeared to have struck him more profoundly than I imagined.

‘Is it me who is the strange one?’

Is it really that significant for the owner of the Imperial Palace to change?

It hasn’t sunk in for me at all.

And maybe it doesn’t make sense, making me a fool or a madman instead.

While I was lost in my thoughts, Mangnyang spoke again.

“But I am worried. Things are unfolding too smoothly.”

“What do you mean?”

“The so-called Alchemist must be plotting something sinister. If we focus only on our current situation, we might overlook their next move. We must proceed with the utmost caution.”


Mangnyang seemed particularly uneasy about the alchemist’s presence. After all, that alchemist currently exerted practical control over the forces of the palace. I regretted not rushing in to confront that alchemist and gauge their skill.

After a moment of contemplation, I asked Mangnyang,

“By the way, do you have certainty that this Zhuge Fu will defect to our side?”

“I do.”

“How can you be so sure?”

I had asked this several times because this part was not clear. If Mangnyang’s words were true, then Zhuge Fu would indeed be a key power for the palace, and it seemed improbable that such an individual would easily defect. Mangnyang answered with a wry smile.

“Because he’s the world’s top genius.”


What a bizarre statement.

“He’s not an idiot; he wouldn’t make a foolish move.”

That sentiment felt more like a lament than solid faith. I was curious about Mangnyang’s reasoning behind such words, but there was an air that suggested I wouldn’t receive further explanation. So I scratched my head and stepped outside the tent.


And soon enough, the Imperial Palace‘s ‘next move’ approached quicker than expected.

‘What is this aura?!’

That very evening, as discussed with Mangnyang, a chilling presence was felt, followed by a powerful clash of energy. I hurriedly rushed outside, having been abruptly roused from sleep, only to find sparks flying in the dark of night.


I discovered a total of eight Masters confronting each other. Six mysterious Men in Black, opposed by two of our finest—Jin So-cheong and Lee Kwang.


As Lee Kwang swung his spear, one of the Men in Black deftly blocked the strike with his blade. Lee Kwang combined motions of Lan and Sha, transforming his attack into a refined slash, yet the mysterious man’s swordplay elegantly deflected Lee Kwang’s assault. As power coursed through, the Man in Black retreated three steps.

As darkness dissipated, light flowed forth. In a fleeting moment, the duel between Lee Kwang and the Man in Black saw their forms and techniques crossing paths. The disparity in skill was so vast that it seemed unlikely for anyone witnessing them to interpret the intricate exchanges.



The Man in Black retreated, letting out a battle cry, and unleashed a torrent of what seemed to be sword flames, swirling violently through the vacuum. As the distorted vortex approached, Lee Kwang calmly swept away the explosive force. After approximately ten seconds of intense confrontation, they both took a slight distance from one another.

Watching their battle, I was quite astonished.

‘So this Man in Black can contend with Lee Kwang?!’

Lee Kwang’s abilities were among the very best in Jianghu. Even the Wind God Sect’s guardian could not decisively finish him off, and many legendary masters regarded Lee Kwang, the Azure Dragon, with the utmost fear. However, in that brief exchange of techniques I had just witnessed, the Man in Black had clearly succeeded in meeting Lee Kwang head-on, skillfully countering his brilliant maneuver.

This indicated only one truth.

That Man in Black was a Peak Sword Master!

Moreover, the six Men in Black were all exuding similar or even greater levels of energy.

Dropping his spear, Lee Kwang said,

“I didn’t expect you to show up.”

It was as if Lee Kwang already knew the identity of the Black Swordmaster. After a moment of silence, the Black Swordmaster responded to Lee Kwang’s words.

“Step aside. We’re not here to fight you.”

“Not a chance.”

Lee Kwang’s chilling response made me flinch.

“How could the esteemed Great Sword Sect Leader come to assassinate us? I must preserve my friend’s honor.”


Great Sword Sect Leader!

He was the head of the Twin Gate Sect, the most prestigious martial arts faction in Luoyang. He was capable of defeating even a Vulcan Elder in just 50 moves and, more importantly, I had shared drinks with him during my previous life when attempting to join the Golden Guards.

But if he is indeed the Great Sword Sect Leader, has he truly come to assassinate our top brass?

As that thought crossed my mind, I quickly checked on the nearby Masters. Six of them were precisely standing there.

‘Don’t tell me…’

The next words from the Black Swordmaster confirmed my suspicion.

“Stand back. All heads of the Twin Gate Sect are present here. No matter how strong you are, you cannot stop us.”

That’s right.

Facing Lee Kwang and Jin So-cheong, all the representatives of Jianghu from Luoyang had gathered. The Twin Gate Sect’s leaders had all come donned in black, preparing to strike. This meant that six Peak Masters were effectively our enemies. No matter how formidable Lee Kwang was, could he confront them recklessly?

As Lee Kwang spotted me approaching, he shot me a glance before turning back to the enemies. To Jin So-cheong, he said,

“I’ll handle that old hag. Just hold your ground with Baek Woong, even for a moment.”

“It’ll be tough.”

“Hmph… it can’t be helped.”

Lee Kwang’s gaze was fixed on the Man in Black wearing the Silver Fox Mask, standing at the very back of the six figures. This Man in Black had a smaller frame, exuding an aura indistinguishable from an ordinary person. Yet, Lee Kwang seemed to be acutely aware that the Silver Fox Mask represented his most formidable opponent.

Then, the Man in Black with the Silver Fox Mask took a step forward and said,

“Lee Kwang, aren’t you getting a bit cocky? Your master could never determine a victory over me even after six years.”

Lee Kwang retorted in irritation,

“How ridiculous. Your Avatar Style possesses such monstrous attack power, it’s left me no chance of a draw. But now, I can handle it like my master, so be prepared.”

“Aha ha… is that so? Then follow me.”


Suddenly, the Silver Fox Mask Man in Black soared into the air. Slashing through the void like a bird of prey taking flight, it was undoubtedly the skill of Void Chasm. Lee Kwang, with a stiff expression, stared at the figure of the Silver Fox Mask without a word, then set forth, intending to follow her with his own version of the skill.



As the two masters disappeared from sight, an awkward silence fell over the area.

Now, the situation had turned into a 5 versus 2.

Suddenly, I found myself in a position where I had to fight alongside Jin So-cheong against the leaders of the Twin Gate Sect at night, which felt utterly surreal.

‘Why on earth didn’t Lee Kwang call the troops?’

If we summoned our soldiers for a joint attack, we could surely drive off these Peak Masters. In fact, it was astonishing that soldiers hadn’t arrived earlier.

But soon, I guessed the reason on my own.

It was all because of the Silver Fox Mask. That individual was powerful to a degree that it seemed reckless to confront her; soldiers would likely be slaughtered if they tried. Lee Kwang, being the only person capable of stopping the Silver Fox Mask, had opted for a one-on-one duel and left the battlefield.

Then Jin So-cheong, gripping her spear, turned to me and said,

“I trust you as a fellow Thunder God Sect practitioner.”


As we exchanged our greetings, one of the Men in Black opposite us spoke curtly,

“Why are you saying your goodbyes? You’re about to bid farewell to this life.”

Jin So-cheong looked at the Man in Black.

“Who are you?”

“Why should I tell you?”

“We are both the strongest here prepared to settle this. We have the right to know your identity.”

“I see… if you put it that way.”

The Man in Black growled menacingly. Jin So-cheong waved her hand and continued,

“I’m aware of that. So since we are in a mutual understanding, we might as well introduce ourselves because it’s the right way to battle.”

Jin So-cheong’s words flowed effortlessly. Implicitly conveying that we were serious about commencing the fight if they didn’t accept, there was no retreat for them. With no choice left, the Man in Black introduced himself.

“I am Iron Blood Sect Leader.”

Simultaneously, he removed his mask. Upon seeing his face, I felt a twist in my gut.

‘Ah, it’s that guy…’

During my first duel against the Iron Blood Sect, I had easily dispatched Leader Kyo Jun, only for the Iron Blood Sect Leader and the elders to roll in and pressure me, which eventually led to a situation where the Mortal Blade—Jin Pyeong—was sent to assassinate me. I clenched my teeth upon recalling the grudge of that incident. No matter how it was, a duel was a duel, and the Iron Blood Sect Leader had tacitly sanctioned that he could behead me within our duel.

The Iron Blood Sect Leader said,

“I apologize, but this is neither a spar nor a duel. We five will take you down.”


A tremendous pressure surged from the opponents. As the top Peak Masters of Jianghu raised their energies simultaneously, an overwhelming oppressive force threatened to crush us. I gritted my teeth as I felt their energy wash over me.

‘Shit… I need to escape.’

Once the attack began, facing them head-on was a lost cause. While I might have been able to handle one or two individuals, I could not withstand the assault of all five Peak Masters charging at me. Even with Jin So-cheong by my side, it would be no different.

How did we end up here?

Staring death in the face before entering Luoyang was a cruel twist of fate. I couldn’t die here, not after all we’ve worked for. It would be utterly frustrating to perish now.

As I braced, preparing to unleash my technique and escape as soon as the attack started, I also subtly motioned to Jin So-cheong, signaling.

Let’s get out of here!

But whether she noticed my intent or not, Jin So-cheong smiled brightly and said,

“That sounds lovely.”

Everyone froze in disbelief at Jin So-cheong’s words.

“I’ll quickly finish this and then help the master.”


Jin So-cheong lunged forward, initiating the first attack against the leaders of the Twin Gate Sect!

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