Reincarnation Sword God

Chapter 119

Dark Heaven Village

It was late that night when Lee Kwang finally returned to the hideout at the hour of the rat. I approached him, and he looked somewhat tired and worn out. His expression was unusual for him, so I was taken aback when Lee Kwang spoke up.

“What’s wrong?”

“Master, I have something to tell you.”

“Can it wait a bit?”

Normally, when a master says something like this, one ought to step back. In fact, Lee Kwang looked pretty fed up and drained, so unless one was utterly oblivious, it was clear he needed some time alone to gather his thoughts.

But I knew this was a chance I wouldn’t get again if I let it pass. So, I replied firmly,

“It has to be now.”

“… Then speak.”

For a moment, I caught a fierce glint in Lee Kwang‘s eyes that suggested he might blow up if what I said turned out to be trivial. I was terrified, recalling past memories, but I steeled myself and pulled out the Thousand-Year Snow Ginseng I had been secretly keeping.


Upon seeing the ginseng, Lee Kwang wore a puzzled expression for a moment, but soon his eyes widened in horror as he recognized its form and size.


“It’s the Thousand-Year Snow Ginseng.”

“And you… ate it, didn’t you?”

He was so astonished that even the mighty Lee Kwang stuttered his words. I felt a sense of satisfaction as I replied,

“I ate one, and I’m offering the other to you.”

“How can this be…?”

“Given the impending situation, I thought it would be best for you or Jin So-cheong to partake.”

At these words, Lee Kwang seemed to snap back to reality. He placed the Thousand-Year Snow Ginseng on the table and stared at it intensely. Then he said,

“Let’s give it to Jin So-cheong.”

“Excuse me?”

I was taken aback; it was quite unexpected.

While Lee Kwang usually cherished Jin So-cheong like a child, this was the finest elixir that any martial artist could only dream of! And he chose to pass it to his disciple? Such a decision was unconventional, to say the least. Moreover, I couldn’t fathom why he would do so when consuming it could significantly enhance Lee Kwang‘s own abilities.

Without any further ado, Lee Kwang called for Jin So-cheong. Upon seeing the Thousand-Year Snow Ginseng laid out on the table, Jin So-cheong was struck with astonishment.

“What is this…?”

Baek Woong gave it to us.”

“Excuse me…?”

With a perplexed look, Jin So-cheong darted his gaze between me and the ginseng.

“Eat it.”


“There’s no time; we need to meet Bancheon Alliance’s leader soon. I plan to rescue General Hwang Yeon before dawn breaks, so you need to decide quickly.”

This urgency from Lee Kwang was something I wasn’t used to. Perhaps sensing the fervor in Lee Kwang‘s tone, Jin So-cheong wore a grim expression. He stared at the ginseng for a long moment before responding,

“I will eat it.”

“Make sure to thank Baek Woong before you do. That kid has made this concession for you.”

Jin So-cheong looked at me with an appreciative expression, before hugging me tight.

“Thank you, teacher! I will not forget this favor.”

“Of course…”

Even as I responded, I couldn’t shake off the nagging thought of whether this was truly the right course of action. Lee Kwang surely had a better chance of taking the elixir, but now it was going to Jin So-cheong. It made sense, yet something about the underlying relationships or psychological dynamics felt off.

‘Could it be…?’

I had a suspicion but quickly shook my head. There was no way that could be the case.


Not long after consuming the Thousand-Year Snow Ginseng, Jin So-cheong meditated in the lotus position, and a massive aura erupted from his body. As he concentrated on harmonizing the cold energy of the ginseng with his own, bolts of lightning began to manifest throughout his entire being.

The sparking lightning flickered with intensity. I felt the strength within Jin So-cheong growing larger and more powerful by the moment. Finally, as he opened his eyes wide, his internal energy erupted like an explosion.



Lee Kwang gasped in admiration.

He even wiped a small tear from his eye as he spoke.

“Now… it’s done…”


Jin Cheon-hwi… I’ve paid off my debt…”

I couldn’t quite grasp what he meant.

As Jin So-cheong gathered himself and stood up, there was an undeniable difference in his presence. Previously, he carried a sense of solemn power, but now, he radiated an overwhelming aura as if he could tear the heavens asunder. His power might not match Lee Kwang‘s level, but he had reached a level that was absolutely formidable.

It was no surprise. Despite Jin So-cheong being an extraordinary genius and remarkable martial artist, there were limits to how much internal energy one could cultivate. While Jin So-cheong possessed far more energy than your average 20-something martial artist, it had its upper bounds. His energy level had been comparable to that of a respectable sect elder. And with the amplification from the Thousand-Year Snow Ginseng, he had made tremendous leaps forward!

Jin So-cheong spoke up.

“Once again, thank you, teacher.”

“Haha, it’s nothing.”

I pushed aside any troubling thoughts and smiled.

‘This should do it.’

Having empowered Jin So-cheong as well, my chances of survival had just improved significantly.

Once Jin So-cheong finished consuming the ginseng, it was barely half an hour later when Lee Kwang headed straight to Mangnyang‘s hideout. Anxiously waiting, Mangnyang respectfully bowed and asked,

“Was the meeting productive?”

“Not at all.”

“Can you elaborate?”

Lee Kwang answered bitterly.

“The Clear Stream Faction espouses the ideology of assisting the common people through the Emperor’s righteous governance. I thought Deung Gwak would be willing to help me, but I’ve misjudged.”

Mangnyang raised an eyebrow in surprise.

“Are you implying he colluded with the Golden Eagle Guards?”

“Not quite. I asked a few questions, but he didn’t show any suspicious signs at all.”

“If that’s the case, then it must be a matter of political security and self-preservation.”

“That could very well be.”

Lee Kwang appeared strangely exhausted, as though his strength had been sapped. He had assumed that the meeting with Deung Gwak, the leader of the Clear Stream Faction, would bear fruit, but it seemed he had encountered quite the wall. Going by Lee Kwang‘s expression, it looked like he had been treated with great indifference.

Mangnyang pondered for a moment before speaking.

“… No, wait. This is odd. There seems to be something else at play. Deung Gwak is not the type to shy away.”

“I think so too, but now we don’t have time. If I try to persuade Deung Gwak, it may be too late.”

“It looks like we have no choice but to move quickly.”

“Is everything prepared?”

“We’ve been waiting for you.”

“Good. I like your efficiency. Then let’s go.”


Not long after, warriors from the Bancheon Alliance and masters from the Thunder God Sect stealthily left their base and began to mobilize. The experts from the Bancheon Alliance were individuals gathered by Mangnyang, some of whom had seemingly impeccable skills thanks to the Black and White Lotus they seemed to have consumed. After observing their prowess, Lee Kwang couldn’t help but exclaim in awe.

“Creating this level of force at such a young age… Bancheon Alliance‘s leader truly is impressive.”

“You flatter me.”

“They’ll be a significant help. Let’s move out.”

The operation was underway.

The Great Thunder Prison was not located within the capital of Luoyang or the royal palace but rather in a gorge slightly off from Luoyang. Thus, we needed to exit the city quietly first.

Since it was the middle of the night, we could move without attracting much attention, especially since, until we reached the Great Thunder Prison, we would be working in pairs, assisting each other’s concealment efforts.

I was teamed up with the newly arrived disciple from the Thunder God Sect, Gik Ho. He moved along the rooftops like a cat, chuckling as he did so.

[You sure are a wild little brat, huh? Starting off with an unprecedented adventure from the get-go!]

[Don’t interfere.]

Gik Ho shot back using his mental transmission.

[Hey! You’re messing up Thunder God’s appearance! Try to lighten up.]

[I’ll handle it.]


Gik Ho kept chatting via mental transmission, seemingly very curious about me. It was somewhat bothersome, but I forced myself to focus on the task at hand. When I remained unresponsive, Gik Ho grumbled.

“If I had known, I’d have just played with So-cheong.”


Before he could finish that statement, he sprang into action and took down a guard swiftly. He pinpointed and struck a Vital Point with astonishing speed, rendering the man unconscious—so fast that to the average person, it would seem like a mere gust of wind had passed by. I followed suit, scaling the wall after him. Gik Ho perched himself on the wall, grinning broadly.

“So, what do you think? Pretty impressive, right?”

“Quite skillful.”

I remarked blandly, recognizing that Gik Ho was indeed formidable. At that moment, Gik Ho seemed to grow irritated.

“Ugh… You make me feel like I’m talking to someone who’s about 70 years old. Lighten up a bit!”

“Why are you like this? Let’s just get to work.”

I couldn’t figure out why this kid was acting like such a nuisance.

Since I couldn’t just smack him in the face ahead of an operation, I had to plead for patience.

Gik Ho shot back cheekily,

“Come on, bro. I’m just trying to become friends, you know?”


I ignored Gik Ho as I leapt off the wall. While the wall was quite high, I floated down effortlessly and ran immediately. He soon followed suit, now matching my pace. Gik Ho suddenly playfully challenged,

“Hey, should we have a running race to the Great Thunder Prison?”


“Come on, let’s go!”


Just as he finished his sentence, Gik Ho accelerated even faster, creating an afterimage and leaving me behind. Naturally, I couldn’t let him beat me out of pure pride. So, I sprinted after his white afterimage for about ten more li, only to realize something astonishing.

‘What?! Is that even possible?!’

I nearly gasped.

That wasn’t ordinary human speed!

Right now, I had completely mastered Thunder God’s Body Technique and boasted incredible levels of internal energy, making me confident I could outrun Lee Kwang and Jin So-cheong in long-distance sprints. However, Gik Ho was on another level completely, maintaining a distance of fifteen li behind without me closing the gap.

This had to be at least double my speed!

At that rate, he was already faster than a horse, if not even a speeding arrow in terms of distance. I hadn’t expected him to be capable of running that fast over extended distances!


After a while, when we finally arrived near our destination at the Great Thunder Prison, Gik Ho was the first to arrive, leisurely waiting. The prison lay in a hazardous mountain gorge, and he was sitting casually beside a rock wall nearby.

“It seems we arrived first.”

Gik Ho chuckled. Since our operation involved neutralizing the guards on the way to the Great Thunder Prison, we hadn’t spotted any enemies yet. Even if there were guards, I was sure Gik Ho and I would have no trouble dealing with them.


I couldn’t help but feel flabbergasted at how Gik Ho appeared not to be out of breath at all. While I was using my immense internal energy to compensate for my stamina, how on earth was he able to run such distances at that speed without tiring?

Gik Ho spoke.

“Please keep that expression; it was worth the wait to see it! You’re finally acting a bit younger.”

“Your personality is quite infuriating.”

“What’s the big deal? If you don’t like it, come at me!”

Adopting a tone reminiscent of a street thug, Gik Ho taunted me. I was genuinely curious and couldn’t help but ask,

“How are you using such speed? Lee Kwang doesn’t even…”

Gik Ho snorted dismissively.

“Hmph. While Lee Kwang is the strongest within the Thunder God Sect, that doesn’t mean he knows every technique.”

“What do you mean?”

“Hehe, this is a secret! If you want more info, you’ll have to offer me a beauty!”

I scowled.

“Looks like you’ve gone awry.”

At my words, Gik Ho widened his eyes.

“Went awry? Little brat, do you not know how beautiful the interactions between men and women are?”

“While it may indeed be beautiful, such a comment is hardly appropriate for a true practitioner.”

“Feh! Such sentimentality! If you’re not careful, you might end up tabbing a little over the top!”

Just as Gik Ho animatedly rattled on, he suddenly pulled out a book from his robes and tossed it at me. I caught it instantly, fueled by the moonlight to read the cover.

[Spring Bloom Picture]


I didn’t have to see the content to know what I was dealing with.

Gik Ho adopted a serious tone and said,

“This is my treasured item… A mysterious work that raises all the grumpy men tortured by their partners every morning—drawn by the most famous spring flower artist in Chang’an!”


Gik Ho donned an expression reminiscent of enlightenment.

“You’ll understand the dutiful joy of male-female relationships, and learn to savor it.”

“Get lost, you punk!!”

I yelled as I flung the Spring Bloom Picture away. That brat was clearly trying to mess with me. Gik Ho swiftly snatched the tossed picture and grinned mischievously.

“Can’t handle a laugh, huh?”

“You better cut this nonsense; I’d show some respect if I were you!”

“Ha! What would you do if I don’t stop?”


At that point, I could no longer contain my anger. I leaped at Gik Ho, channeling my internal energy to unleash the Thunder Cloud Palm upon him. This was supposed to be a stealth operation, so I didn’t intend to dump my full power; rather, I planned to throw down a gentle suspension spell. However, Gik Ho simply smiled, then swiftly exhibited his agility, seemingly vanishing from sight.



In that brief moment, I noticed a startling thing: Gik Ho had conjured nearly a dozen shadow forms in the air, each one appearing distinctively different from one another. Just like when I faced the Wind God’s guardian, I couldn’t tell which one was the real Gik Ho amongst them. As tension built, Gik Ho settled back into full view, chuckling heartily.


“Ha! You’re trembling~”

“Who’s trembling?!”

“Well, obviously you are…”

But just then, a deep voice resonated from a distance.

Gik Ho, you’ve been utilizing your secret technique again.”

It wasn’t a loud voice, yet it came through loud and clear to us. Gik Ho and I both recognized who it belonged to. Gik Ho looked guilty, his face going pale as he stood up.

Before Gik Ho stood Lee Kwang and Jin So-cheong, having arrived at the scene. They had both shown up together—three-way synchronicity! When Lee Kwang glared at Gik Ho with cold eyes, Gik Ho kneeled down on one leg, adopting the formal stance of the Thunder God Sect.

“I apologize.”

Lee Kwang, perhaps uplifted by earlier events, waved his hand, indicating forgiveness.

“You can use your skills as you please, but remember that overuse before mastering them can backfire on you.”

“… Yes.”

Gik Ho answered dutifully, though he seemed visibly annoyed by the entire exchange.

Shortly after, Mangnyang and a dozen or so experts from the Bancheon Alliance arrived. Lee Kwang announced,

“Let’s execute the mission as planned.”

Mangnyang nodded.

“We will secure a retreat in the vicinity.”

“Good. I hope Yun Kwang and Ji Pyeong can assist us well.”

“May good fortune be with you all.”

Thus, the rescue operation for the Great Thunder Prison commenced.

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