Reincarnation Sword God

Chapter 108

Dark Heaven Village

The next morning, I woke up and stepped onto the deck. The deck, just before dawn, was cool and filled with an inexplicable sense of reverence. The salty sea scent wafted up to my nose, and I found myself absently staring at the ocean.

‘Is it true that nature and poets cannot coalesce?’

People often think it’s only natural for poetry to express nature. Many consider that an outstanding poet’s duty is to portray exceptional landscapes.

But that wasn’t the case. When a human faces nature, whether they are a poet or a genius, they are simply overwhelmed, and inspirations do not arise. Nature isn’t something light or merely sufficient to be described through scenery. It is simply something to be revered.

Since poetry must express the human experience, a poet may enjoy nature but cannot be submerged by it. In reality, what we call ‘famous poems’ lay bare and elegantly describe human affairs.

Poetry must not transcend humanity.

That was supported by the translator of the Three Hundred Tang Poems I had previously seen.

As I pondered this, something caught my eye.


A silhouette appeared.

A figure was standing in the middle of the dark deck. From the figure clad in White, I felt an unknown auspicious aura, and soon, a refreshing energy flowed into my body.

The apparition spoke to me.

[Heavenly Escape means to conceal oneself in the heavens.]


Before the ghostly face, a sword appeared like an illusion. Astonishingly, the sword hovered nobly in the air as if it wasn’t held by anyone. I found myself instinctively focusing on the sword because an ominous power radiated from its very core.

[But that is only the surface. The essence is different. To utilize the concealed essence and reach forbidden places is the true meaning of escape.]

“What do you mean?”

[As you might suspect, I am the Sword Spirit of Lu Dongbin.]

Sword Spirit!

This was the pinnacle of sorcery that only exalted Celestial Beings could wield. Instead of manifesting directly in the world, it was like projecting one’s reflection in water, an indirect way Lu Dongbin communicated with me through his sword spirit.

The sword spirit continued.

[You are currently exposed to tremendous danger. Initially, I intended to awaken your spirit slowly and pass on the teachings, but I will now impart the Heavenly Escape Sword Technique to you straight away.]

“Great danger?”

[Look around. Although dawn is approaching, thick fog swirls at the water’s surface. A powerful being is targeting you.]


I rapidly scanned my surroundings. True to its words, the thick dark mist was far beyond what could be simply called the darkness of dawn. Additionally, the clinging fog made visibility poor.

The sword spirit added.

[I briefly slowed time using Divine Ability, but there isn’t much time left. If you don’t sufficiently master and apply the Heavenly Escape Sword Technique, you will not survive here.]

From such words, it indeed seemed like a dire crisis. I steeled my resolve and nodded.

“Fine, I’ll master it. But to learn the basics, I might need some time…”

[The Heavenly Escape Sword Technique is not a form of human martial arts. Thus, there are no basics like those you are familiar with.]


I gaped in disbelief.

No basics in martial arts, how can that be?!

I had heard that among the highest masters, once they reach the pinnacle and learn to wield intent freely, they would discard the basics completely, but a martial art starting without basic principles was a story I had never heard before! Levels and martial arts are entirely distinct!

But the sword spirit spoke as if it was a matter of course.

[Listen well. In the Heavenly Escape Sword Technique, instead of basics, there exists a Key Concept. You must practice that key concept and fully embrace it before proceeding to the next.]

“A key concept, you say…”

[The first key concept is Trust. You must believe without doubt.]

At that moment, the sword spirit emitted the sword. Just like in sword control, I couldn’t block or avoid it at all; the sword pierced directly through my heart. Strangely, I felt no pain, and instead, a refreshing wave spread through my mind, as if something was blooming.

What is this?

I felt like something was changing. Though I couldn’t explain it well, the scope of what I perceived and thought expanded, flipping over my understanding. Just as the vastness made me stagger, the sword spirit’s last words echoed in my ear.

[Do not seek to understand; simply accept it. That is how you embark on the path of the Heavenly Escape Sword Technique.]


Before I could even ponder those words, suddenly the surroundings felt as if they were speeding up intensely. The air, which had been moving languidly, was now rushing violently. This was likely because the time Lu Dongbin slowed briefly was now speeding up again!


The ship that had leisurely glided on the sea began to decelerate gradually. The fog thickened to the point where dark, dreamlike mist surrounded the ship entirely. It was a clear anomaly, and one of the sailors who had been standing watch shouted out in alarm.

“Something’s wrong!!”

Ding Ding Ding Ding…

He rang the alarm bell loudly. Moments later, the sailors and the guards from the merchant association, including the Lord of the Great Dragon Merchant Association and the Lord of Seogung Escort Agency, rushed out from inside as well. Such a frantic alarm is only sounded in extreme emergencies.

The Lord of the Great Dragon Merchant Association frowned.

“What’s going on?”

The sailor was genuinely startled, seemingly too shocked to respond to his question and quickly conveyed something to the captain. After listening intently for a while, the captain nodded his head and turned to the Lord of the Great Dragon Merchant Association.

“It’s serious. I think we’ve entered a Dead Calm Zone.”

“A what? A Dead Calm Zone?”

“Yes… This fog is incomprehensible, but there is currently no wind at all.”

The Lord of the Great Dragon Merchant Association exploded in anger.

“Captain, do you take me for a fool? I’ve spent decades in this trading business acquiring knowledge and experience of the seas! Do you think I wouldn’t know that Dead Calm Zones only form in specific distant areas of the ocean? I’ve never heard of a Dead Calm Zone forming in the Yellow Sea throughout history! This is not a route where a dead calm can occur!”

He was not merely a fat pig; he was a significant expert in these trade matters, possessing knowledge and experience on par with the captain. Aware of this, the captain couldn’t logically object.

“Y-yes, but… there’s absolutely no way…”

The captain sighed deeply, almost defeated.

“I can’t explain it. But the fact that the wind has completely stopped is undeniable.”

“Uh… and what about this fog?”

“It seems we’re experiencing Sea Fog, which is rather strange.”

“What do you mean strange?”

The captain hesitated before explaining.

Sea Fog occurs when warm and cold air currents intersect. However, the presence of Sea Fog obviously implies that conditions aren’t suitable for the Sea Wind to blow. In regions where Sea Fog forms, winds should naturally commence.”

Next to them, the Lord of Seogung Escort Agency murmured softly. She understood what the captain was implying.

“Hmm… that means Sea Fog and a Dead Calm Zone cannot coexist.”

“Yes. Survivors from the Dead Calm Zone say that in such areas, not only is there no fog, but visibility is clear enough to see the horizon.”

“But since this contradiction has now arisen…”


The leaders fell silent, struggling to find their words. Yet they seemed too confused to make any sense of the situation.

I understood why a Dead Calm Zone was a serious problem.

Without wind, the ship nearly becomes immobile. That means there’s a real possibility that, despite our best efforts, we might not be able to move even a hundred yards all day. The more isolated we were in the sea, the more the food supply would dwindle, eventually resulting in catastrophic annihilation.

The captain, seeming to have no options left, said.

“Maybe once dawn breaks, the Sea Fog will disperse a little. For now, let’s keep the crew on standby and prepare for any situation.”

“Agreed. We’ll remain on deck to monitor the situation.”


Even in the morning, people began to move busily in the silence of the fog. I was observing this scene when Seo Mun-hye, who had approached me, spoke up.

“Little hero, what will you do now?”

“What can I do… in this situation, there’s not much I can do.”

If I raise my inner power and cast something like a lightning bolt, the fog might clear up a bit. However, in the current scenario, that would be meaningless. The ship itself wasn’t moving, so what good would that do?

Of course, I could unleash an immense burst of my inner power to create recoil strong enough for the ship to move. That might be the only way to escape the Dead Calm Zone. But the reason I wasn’t suggesting that method and was quietly observing was because of the warning from Lu Dongbin’s sword spirit.

It insisted that I needed to escape from the crisis using the Heavenly Escape Sword Technique.

This Dead Calm Zone and the Sea Fog were no natural phenomena; they were traps aimed at me.

If I acted rashly, it could lead to disaster.

As I set my firm gaze ahead, Seo Mun-hye spoke again.

“Little hero, I intend to protect my sisters and those who are incapacitated.”

“That would be wise. I appreciate your help.”

“Of course.”

Once Seo Mun-hye vanished towards the cabin, I began to reflect again on what Lu Dongbin’s sword spirit had told me.

‘To trust?’

Just telling me to trust without context was hard to grasp.

So, I quietly crossed my legs on the fog-covered deck, remaining vigilant. Entering the cabin might delay my response.


About an hour passed in the fog. The sun had already risen long ago, but we remained surrounded by impenetrable darkness and the fog thickened even more. Moreover, there was not a hint of wind, shrouding everything in an ominous stillness.

This was my first experience with such a sinister sea.

It seemed I wasn’t alone in my thoughts; even the seasoned sailors displayed signs of anxiety. Each sailor, threatened by nature’s anomalies, was particularly sensitive to such bizarre occurrences, causing some to nervously scratch their heads while muttering curses.

‘Morale is diving.’

Not just the sailors; irritation and unease were also evident on the faces of the captain, the Lord of the Great Dragon Merchant Association, and the Lord of Seogung Escort Agency, who were gathered in a corner. I approached them and said,

“If the sun doesn’t rise soon, we should start considering solutions.”

“A solution? But how can we do that? It’s not like we can row this massive ship!”

“Then what do you intend to do?”

If we remained idle like this, our supplies would deplete. Typically on merchant vessels, the reserves packed are just enough to complete the journey with an additional seven days’ worth of food. In other words, if we don’t get moving soon, we could face dire consequences in just seven days. There was a chance of mutiny aboard the ship where the crew would even turn to cannibalism!

The Lord of the Great Dragon Merchant Association remarked.

“I can’t comprehend… This route has always been safe, so how can this occur?”

Just then…


A sound echoed from the depths of darkness, like a giant monster howling. Clearly, the sound was loud and strong enough for everyone aboard to hear. I instinctively drew my sword, thinking a Demon Beast might appear, but oddly enough, everyone else’s reactions were different.

“Ugh, ugh…”


The sailors dropped to their knees in terror. Each of them, with ashen faces, either babbled incoherently, pounded the deck, or curled into corners with their heads in their arms. When I turned my gaze to the captain or the Lord of the Great Dragon Merchant Association, they looked just as lost, their eyes nearly glazing over.

“Ugh, ack, ugh…”

“Eek… No, we’re all going to die…”


A few shrieked before retching.

What in the world is happening?

In disbelief, I shook the shoulders of the Lord of the Great Dragon Merchant Association roughly.

“Get a grip! What’s suddenly happening?!”

“Eek… Aah, no… please… my head…”

He had been the most rational and clear-sighted leader until just moments ago. Yet, in response to my question, he looked like someone who had drunk several bottles of liquor, utterly intoxicated. His eyes were wildly darting around, and his breath was heavy. There was no way this was a normal state.

In an instant, the entire ship fell into a state of paralysis!

I quickly shifted my gaze to the other ship side, but then I heard a clear voice.

“It’s no use. Ordinary humans can’t withstand this Demon Qi.”

“And you?”

I turned around to find the girl who had appeared before me the previous evening, cursed me out, and then vanished with a magical technique, standing there with a confident posture, her arms crossed. She pointed towards the fog.

“Look. The fog itself is sorcery. It’s a spell that amplifies human confusion and disrupts emotions. Meanwhile, the being that just howled has a particularly potent Demon Qi, making it utterly abnormal for humans to endure.”

“… Who are you?”

“Hmph. Well, you really aren’t affected at all, huh? Even pure Demon Beasts can’t remain this composed. Impressive. Perhaps this trial has meaningful implications.”

Talking to herself, the girl appeared amused.

“Haha, I’m Mi-ho. Pleased to meet you, White-Clad.”


I was taken aback.

Her appearance had changed completely so much that I didn’t recognize her right away. But upon closer inspection, there were hints of her familiar form from when she often shapeshifted. And calling herself Mi-ho, casting advanced magic… there was only one being I knew of who fit that description!



I fiercely embraced Mi-ho, tears streaming down my face.



“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry…”

Mi-ho was clearly flustered, taken aback by my sudden embrace and tears. Normally, it would be expected for people to regard her skeptically and cautiously, but my actions were entirely unexpected.

Yet to me, Mi-ho was a comrade with whom I had shared adventures, a benefactor who had saved me, and the one who protected me by risking her life at the end. I still felt immense anger towards myself for not managing to navigate that situation through my own means.

Now, Mi-ho, to my unexpected joy, was alive once again after being reincarnated and standing before me.

This happiness was beyond words.

“G-get away, human.”


Flustered, Mi-ho used her teleportation technique to distance herself by several feet. Tilting her head, she looked perplexed.

“Are you truly out of your mind? Charging at me unguarded and crying in this situation? What’s the matter with you?”

Slightly, Mi-ho’s cheeks turned red.


“I didn’t do anything that warranted an apology from you. So stop it.”

Mi-ho adopted a serious expression.

I wiped my tears and asked,

“Did you come here due to Queen Mother of the West’s trial?”

“Hmph, it seems you have a decent grasp of things. You must know my true identity as well.”

“Right. You descended from Queen Mother of the West and are a Nine-Tailed Fox charming the Celestial Emperor on the Dongyung Lands.”

Mi-ho looked at me with curious eyes.

White-Clad. Did you perhaps tell Queen Mother of the West about me?”


“I wish to hear more details.”

“I would share, but first, I need to confirm something. Is your trial meant to assist me?”

At my question, Mi-ho nodded.

“Correct. From now on, my trial will be to protect and assist you for the next ten years.”

“And once the trial completes, you’ll ascend to the Heavenly Realm, right?”

“Hmph… You grasp this specific detail surprisingly well.”

I sighed.

“Anyway, that’s settled. As you can see, this situation isn’t exactly favorable, so please help me. What should we do?”

“Right, it’s not an ideal situation.”

Mi-ho, murmuring, said.

“I can sense the energy of the sorcerer, the source of the spell, just beyond the fog. Additionally, the monster that just howled is approaching. If we can eliminate those two, we may be able to turn this situation around.”

“There are two?”

“We don’t have time. You must decide how to respond within half a meal’s time. What will you do?”

Judging by Mi-ho’s eyes, there was significant curiosity. To her, I must be a highly unusual and unique human, and she probably wanted to test me through this crisis. Her behavior, so often acting without thought like a trickster, was proof of that.

After a moment of thought, I replied.

Mi-ho. With your abilities, you can dispatch the sorcerer beyond the fog, right?”

“Of course. It isn’t a difficult task.”

Given Mi-ho’s confident response, I accepted that notion. No matter how powerful the otherworldly monster might be, unless it was truly exceptional, Mi-ho would not fear it much. The Demon Beasts are also partially magical beings, meaning they have natural resistance to Demon Qi. Furthermore, Mi-ho was a powerful entity encompassing the Middle Plains, the Peninsula, and Dongyung, making her confidence entirely justified.

“Get rid of the sorcerer. Until then, I’ll focus on protecting the people on this ship from the monster.”

“Are you sure about that?”

“Absolutely. If you take out the sorcerer, the monster’s movements should slow down or even cease. I only have to hold on until then.”

“Understood. Then be careful.”


Mi-ho somersaulted, suddenly conjuring an odd winged apparatus and began to glide outside the ship. It seemed she could levitate through the air. The reason she hadn’t summoned this tool while fleeing from the guardian statues at Manisan must have been that she thought it wouldn’t be fast enough to escape.

I called Seo Mun-hye from the cabin. When Seo Mun-hye came out onto the deck following me, she gasped at the sight of the deck in such a paralysis state. I told Seo Mun-hye,

“Quickly, we need to get people inside and prepare. A huge monster is about to attack.”

“A monster?”

“I need you to help me.”


We swiftly gathered those sprawled on the deck and brought them into the cabin. Then we stood on the deck, waiting.


I could sense something swimming in the dark sea. That cumbersome, distorted energy oozed forward until, moments later, it revealed itself from within the fog.


When I saw the silhouette of ‘that thing’ emerge from the fog, I nearly dropped my sword in shock.

“T-that creature is…”

A translucent and humongous being!

A monster several times larger than a cow, resembling a lizard, flexing its clear body and flapping what seemed like translucent wings. Moreover, it seemed quite accustomed to swimming, as it partially submerged its body in the water.

Flying Intestine Monster!!”

This was the Demon Beast summoned by the Seven Luminaries using Kim’s Ward, the very creature that had previously slain me!

The Flying Intestine Monster slowly crawled out of the water onto the deck. Upon spotting me and Seo Mun-hye, who were alive, its eyes flashed with a ruby hue that seemed to pulse. A heavy pressure emanated from around its tentacle-like limbs. It was undeniably a creature that could not have been born of nature.


Like a seagull, it emitted a squawking sound, making my head spin in despair.


Instinctively, I sensed that this Flying Intestine Monster was significantly stronger than the individual I had faced before, making it difficult for me to land even the expected physical blows on it.

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