Reincarnation Sword God

Chapter 102

0102 : Dark Heaven Village

I questioned him.

“Three major points?”

“Yes. Let’s start with the first.”

Mangnyang gulped down some cold water from the well and continued.

“The first issue is, when there was originally no ‘change,’ where did the Golden Eagle Guards obtain the Seven Luminaries?”

“That is indeed a curious matter.”

“If we don’t uncover this, it would be a waste of time.”

I involuntarily sighed. In truth, even while learning medicine, I had been troubled by this dilemma. According to the original history, if nothing was done, the Golden Eagle Guards would acquire the Seven Luminaries and strengthen their power. However, they did not do so and easily handed over the Central Plains Martial World to the White Lotus Sect. Why did history change in such a manner? Mangnyang continued to speak.

“In my opinion, the change can only be attributed to your actions. When you went to Goryeo and saved the Great Dragon Merchant Association and the Seogung Escort Agency, that act itself altered the future. In other words, had you not saved them, they would have been captured by pirates and either become slaves or sacrificed. The outcome of that defeat can be seen as having a decisive impact on the whereabouts of the Seven Luminaries.”

“I heard those pirates have not been involved in just one or two acts of piracy, yet you suggest that this single act of piracy led to the Golden Eagle Guards acquiring the Seven Luminaries?”

“Don’t you also feel it? The starting and ending points of causation are not something that human wisdom can dare to speculate upon. Even peeking with supernatural powers requires the abilities of a celestial being. Thus, no one can know how that matter flowed and reached the ‘future.'”

Mangnyang added a subtle hint.

“If I were to guess, it would be realistic to assume that the Golden Eagle Guards joined forces with the Sea Gods. This might also be related to the Sea Gods’ assault on Seogyeong.”


He pointed at me with a knowing look.

“In other words, no matter what, you must save the Seogung Escort Agency from the pirates. Doing so would significantly increase the likelihood of preventing the Golden Eagle Guards from acquiring the Seven Luminaries.”

“That would be… a massive waste in terms of my reincarnation journey. While it is about saving lives, it would require traveling a thousand miles back and forth to Goryeo.”

“If you truly dislike that, you have no choice but to uncover the process and causes of causation for yourself.”

“Uncover it for myself?”

“Yes. There are two methods. The first is to enter the Golden Eagle Guards and observe how they acquire the Seven Luminaries from the side. The second is to enter the lair of those monstrous fish and understand how the Seven Luminaries are passed down. The former is likely easier and has a higher chance of success.”

“Hmm. You previously cautioned me against entering the Golden Eagle Guards, citing it was dangerous.”

As I mumbled, Mangnyang chuckled.

“Back then, you possessed nothing but martial arts and were recklessly charging forward, so from my perspective, it wouldn’t have seemed likely that you could preserve your life in a place like the Golden Eagle Guards. Moreover, you died too often, and I wanted to give you time to grow and refine yourself using the blessing of the Queen Mother of the West.”


“The carefully selected talents of the Golden Eagle Guards excel not only in martial arts but also in strategy and wit. Furthermore, I have heard that unknown high-level experts are lurking within. You could easily end up being used and tortured if you’re not careful.”

I had no words to counter that.

It truly seemed plausible.

“But now it’s different. From what I heard, you have become significantly calmer and are able to think for yourself compared to before. Frankly speaking, you have acquired knowledge surpassing that of ordinary individuals, mastering not only martial arts but also sorcery and medical skills. With who you are now, you can sufficiently infiltrate the Golden Eagle Guards and achieve your objectives.”

“Thank you for the praise.”

Thus, the first recommendation was to infiltrate the Golden Eagle Guards to discover their schemes and progress. As I listened to Mangnyang, he continued.

“Now, let’s address the second point.”

“Please tell me.”

“The second point, as you might have guessed, is that the Twelve Rat Lord is a rather cunning individual.”

“I believe so too.”

“The fact that Great Master Seo San and Yu Jeong, two eminent monks, guarded the remnants of the Seven Luminaries without even knowing what they were, the mere fact that they told you about the Moonstone, and their attempt to conceal their identity from you all indicate dishonesty and a lack of trust towards you.”

Having said this, Mangnyang shifted his gaze to a tree stump.

“I have heard of the Twelve Rat Lord as well. They are a supreme being ruling the Eastern Martial World, the embodiment of the Twelve Rat, and a tremendous genius. It’s news to me that you knew my master, yet it’s unlikely that someone of such stature would lie without a reason. Surely, there must be some objective behind the lies regarding the Moonstone.”

“He certainly hoped to gather the Seven Luminaries into one.”

At that moment, my understanding of the Twelve Rat Lord’s emotions felt genuine. However, Mangnyang shook his head.

“That may be true. But Baek Ung, don’t absolutely trust a single proposition. If the Twelve Rat Lord is clever and slippery, he can skillfully mix numerous facts without becoming fixated on one truth. The emotions you observed from him are merely one facet, so you can’t be certain you grasp his true intentions.”


Hearing those words left me more confused.

I had suspected that the Twelve Rat Lord had lied to me from the moment we entered the Moonstone ruins. But why did he lie? If I hadn’t suddenly been compelled to follow the Nine-Tailed Fox, I would have trained in medicine and eventually departed for Dongyeong. Trusting in the Queen Mother of the West’s blessing, I might have explored Dongyeong for a century or two, eventually dying without achieving anything substantial.


Countless scenarios raced through my mind, but I suppressed them for now. Mangnyang continued.

“However, you currently have neither the justification nor the time to seek out the Twelve Rat Lord. This is not something to act on immediately. What you must remember now is that you should never fully trust the Twelve Rat Lord or the Twelve Rat organization. While the individuals may be virtuous, the collective will can change at any moment under the influence of the Twelve Rat Lord.”

“I understand.”

“You also won’t be able to go after the Moonstone right now. It’s better to remember the location and revisit it later.”

After saying this, Mangnyang went back to draw water from the well. He returned with a bowl of water and took a sip before speaking again.

“Thirdly, and this is the most important, how do you plan to grow stronger?”

“I intend to train and become stronger on my own.”

“You already know that I’m not asking that.”


“Lee Kwang did not teach you everything. While he might have demonstrated the visible martial arts, he likely did not share the true secrets with you. You probably came to realize this before you met the Wind Spirit Sect’s Dharma Protectors.”

“That’s true.”

I responded again with a weary voice.

The ability of the Wind Spirit Sect’s Dharma Protectors was on an entirely different dimension. That much was certain. Yet, even beyond a mere difference in level, the types and levels of techniques I was learning were vastly inferior. Especially considering the insights I had witnessed from the Wind Spirit Sect’s footwork, secret techniques, and ultimate principles, it felt overwhelming.

Lee Kwang often repeated that if one’s attainment level matched, the Thunder God Sect could defeat the Wind Spirit Sect with over 70% probability. Even if that was thanks to the Thunder Name, there remained many secret techniques in the Thunder God Sect that I had yet to learn. I had accumulated countless combat experiences during my duels with peak masters, but to advance to the next stage, I needed the guidance of a true master.

Mangnyang regarded me with concern.

“It seems you feel a significant amount of fear and anger towards Lee Kwang. That’s likely why you’re hesitant to return to the Blue Dragon Warrior Society.”

“I can’t help it.”

I let out a strained breath.

“Do you have any idea how terrifying it is to live under the murderous glare and disdain of a peak master like Lee Kwang? Without a desperate sense of purpose, I would have either committed suicide long ago or become a complete wreck. Just thinking back to that time still haunts me with nightmares.”

“Is it that severe?”

“Whether it takes a hundred years or a thousand years, I have no faith in my ability to study under Lee Kwang again. That is my honest feeling.”

I had suffered deeply under Lee Kwang’s disdain. It was more painful than the torment I had faced due to a contemptuous senior in my first life. I felt like a frog before a snake for years. Thus, even knowing that training under Lee Kwang would be the quickest and easiest path to rapid growth, I deliberately chose a different path in my previous life.

In reality, I had already planned to re-enter Lee Kwang’s tutelage. Using acupuncture, it was entirely feasible. However, I repeatedly hesitated to follow through.

After a long contemplation, Mangnyang spoke up.

“That is not a good situation. Hmm, it seems quite a plan may fall through… with only one body, there appears to be too much to do.”


I tightly shut my mouth.

This issue was tied to my psychological trauma, so I didn’t feel it could be easily resolved. Mangnyang snapped his fingers and spoke.

“Then let’s go and offer the ritual to Makya. It won’t be too late to decide on our course of action after we find out what kind of blessing we receive.”

“I understand.”

I headed towards Cheon Woo-jin with Mangnyang. Again, I left Cheon Am-bi in the pine forest before entering to meet Cheon Woo-jin. This time, he displayed his displeasure at my arrival but was eventually persuaded by Mangnyang to conduct the ceremony for offering the ritual to Makya.

As he recited the incantation and conducted the ceremony, Cheon Woo-jin’s face stiffened. Then, glaring sharply at me, he spoke.

“Um… A divine descent…”

“Is the Celestial Emperor here to convey a message to me?”

Cheon Woo-jin’s eyes widened in surprise. It seemed unexpected to him, but I maintained a nonchalant demeanor. Having already done this thrice, I could roughly guess what would come next.

Shortly after, Cheon Woo-jin’s body began to glow. His face turned red, and a brilliant light poured from his eyes. The Celestial Emperor had descended upon his form. He gazed intently at me and spoke.

[ The ritual was well-received. Mortals, however… this is strange. I wish to bestow blessings upon you and the one presiding over the rite, but there are already traces of my power within you. Are you perhaps related to the bloodlines of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors?]

“No, not at all, Celestial Emperor!”

Mangnyang did not resort to an oath. After all, he was facing an entity capable of discerning lies, so he only needed to provide minimal responses.

[ Hm… I can indeed feel traces of my power… ]

The Celestial Emperor groaned as he pondered. Then he continued.

[ In that case, I will replace the being who grants you power with another.]

“Is that permissible?”

[ Certainly. Though the being will operate in a different domain, the rewards you receive may differ somewhat.]

I decided to pose a somewhat tricky question at this point.

“What if that being is reluctant to bestow blessings?”

My question seemed unexpected even for the Celestial Emperor, causing Cheon Woo-jin’s body to waver momentarily. After a short pause, the Celestial Emperor responded.

[ That is unlikely, but if it were to happen, another deity would be appointed.]


[ Come forth, Queen Mother of the West.]

With a flash, multicolored clouds swirled around Cheon Woo-jin’s body, and in an instant, the appearance of a beautiful woman materialized like an apparition. This time, it was the Queen Mother of the West who had possessed him.

The Queen Mother of the West turned and glanced at me. ‘She’ scrutinized me for a moment before speaking.

[ What is happening here…? ]


The Queen Mother of the West spoke with genuine bewilderment.

[ I can sense the energy of the Peach of Immortality from you… yet at the same time, the essence of my former subordinates lingers. Are you perhaps related to the Nine-Tailed Fox?]

I felt a surge of emotion at that moment. Suddenly, the memory of the Nine-Tailed Fox’s death flashed in my mind. Thus, I knelt before the Queen Mother of the West and spoke earnestly.

“Queen Mother! Though I am unworthy, I had a close relationship with the Nine-Tailed Fox. While the Nine-Tailed Fox now commits wicked deeds on Earth, her only true desire is to return to the Heavenly Realm. I ask that you grant her the opportunity to repent for her sins and return to the Heavenly Realm.”

[ Surely… is that truly your wish?]

“Yes, it is.”

I didn’t care about receiving blessings from another deity. The increased likelihood of death was merely a side effect. I genuinely wished for the Nine-Tailed Fox to find redemption.

[ ……]

Even someone as highly regarded as the Queen Mother of the West seemed taken aback, falling silent for a moment. After a brief pause, she responded.

[ I shall grant that request. However, this does not mean I am acquiescing to your offering ritual. I will assign your matter to another deity.]

“What does that mean…?”

[ I will put the Nine-Tailed Fox to test. I shall see if she can sincerely repent and ascend to the Heavenly Realm.]

“Thank you.”

I bowed deeply, though I was astonished. This meant that not only would my request be honored, but there would also be the opportunity for blessings afterward. Was it really acceptable for a deity to be so benevolent?

[ I certainly didn’t expect a mortal to defend her.]

The Queen Mother of the West spoke as if pleasantly surprised, and a gentle smile seemed to grace her lips. As I stared at her in a daze, she raised her hand high.

[ Come forth, South Flower Immortal.]

With a shudder,

Cheon Woo-jin’s body trembled. And as I sensed the presence of the South Flower Immortal approaching, an inexplicable divine energy filled the space. Mangnyang, who had been watching, spoke with a trembling voice, clearly frightened.

“Ugh… What is this…?”

While Mangnyang’s master likely had no fear, it seemed Mangnyang had every reason to be wary. Just then, the summoned South Flower Immortal, through Cheon Woo-jin, spoke curtly.

[ I didn’t want to come here either. To think I’d have to bless mortals in a place where the terrifying Protector, Je Mangnyang, is playing around? Hmph… truly a rare affair.]

I was taken aback by the tone of the South Flower Immortal. Setting aside the reason why Mangnyang feared him, I knew the South Flower Immortal was a legendary sage from the Three Kingdoms era. I asked him,

“What do you mean by the Protector, Je Mangnyang?”

[ That is…]


[ Ugh, uaaah.]

At that moment, I could see the energy of the South Flower Immortal freezing in a chilling aura. It wasn’t just the coldness of the air; it appeared to be an energy striking directly at his spirit. Though Cheon Woo-jin’s body remained intact, the spirit of the South Flower Immortal was being slowly extracted. Startled, the South Flower Immortal shouted,

[ Stop! Stop! I understand, Master Mangnyang! I’ll do what I need to do and depart! I won’t say any unnecessary words!]

The chilling pressure ceased.

The spirit of the South Flower Immortal re-entered Cheon Woo-jin, who placed a hand on my shoulder and said,

[ I shall grant you the Book of Peaceful Demon Techniques.]

At that moment, Mangnyang interjected vigorously.

“Wait a moment!”

[ What is it?]

“Who doesn’t know that the Book of Peaceful Demon Techniques is nothing but a ridiculous manual?”

[ What are you saying?]

“I’ve heard it all from my master. The reason why the Chang Qiang of the Taiping Dao fell was because you issued a counterfeit scripture. Since my master is watching this, don’t speak nonsense.”

The South Flower Immortal’s expression tightened at that. He then replied,

[ Then I shall ask. What reason do I have to bestow excessive blessings upon this mortal? While I appreciate the offering, our blessing is merely a formality. You should be grateful even for the Book of Peaceful Demon Techniques, no?]

I was astounded by the South Flower Immortal’s words. While the Celestial Emperor and the Queen Mother of the West had given magnificent blessings, the South Flower Immortal seemed to find it a chore and was ready to leave. Moreover, seeing the situation, it appeared that Master Mangnyang did not intend to intervene concerning what the South Flower Immortal might give me.

I stepped forward and said to the South Flower Immortal,

“Then please hand it over to another being. I kindly ask.”

[ Understood.]

The South Flower Immortal readily accepted my request and waved his hand.

[ Come forth, Lu Dongbin.]

Clatter, clatter

Cheon Woo-jin’s body shook violently. I suddenly wondered if Cheon Woo-jin would be okay after receiving so many summons, but he was inherently an unlucky guy, so I shrugged it off. A little while later, Lu Dongbin, who had descended upon Cheon Woo-jin, spoke,

[ Are you a martial artist?]


[ Then I will impart the Heaven’s Escape Sword Technique to you.]


A burst of light ignited and quickly faded. Once his role was completed, Cheon Woo-jin collapsed to his knees, utterly depleted. His panting was quite a sight to behold.

“There will be no one in the next hundred years who receives more grandmaster-level blessings than I have…”

“That’s fine, but what blessing did I receive?”

Cough, cough

While Cheon Woo-jin was coughing, he said,

“I obtained the Heaven’s Escape Sword Technique from the Sword Immortal, Lu Dongbin. Congratulations.”

“What are you saying? I don’t feel like I’ve gained anything right now.”

I was dumbfounded and questioned back.

I expected that something would be etched into my memory, or I would sense some extraordinary skill. However, there was merely a flash of light—nothing more. I couldn’t feel anything related to martial arts.

Seeing my bewilderment, Cheon Woo-jin said,

“I’m not sure either, but I’ve heard that the Heaven’s Escape Sword Technique is not a mere human technique, but that of the immortals. Therefore, there may be a condition for manifesting it once you obtain it.”

“And what does that mean?”

“It means to just go about your days. Lu Dongbin is not a petty god, but rather a magnanimous one, so you should soon grasp its essence.”


In the end, he meant to say that I hadn’t gained anything at all?

Leaving with a lingering sense of unease, I exited the village with Mangnyang where Cheon Woo-jin had stayed.

—————————= Author’s Note —————————=

Please note that the Heavily Core and the ones from other works differ from the one in this story. This is originally something meant to be shown in the narrative, but I mention it to prevent misunderstandings that might hinder your pure enjoyment of [Reincarnation of the Divine Sword]. Have a pleasant day!

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