Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 9 Journey

In the dilapidated shelter, the original battlefield had turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Xu Yue gave up on absorbing the food fire and chose to completely explode the food fire generated by 11 people. This resulted in such an exaggerated fire scene covering most of the shelter.

Violent flames howled and jumped in the air, dividing everyone into pieces. Everyone was fleeing away from the fire scene, but a luxury car went against everyone, running towards the direction of the fiercest flames.

When the front of the car approached the wall of fire, the purple flames in front seemed to be conscious, parting to both sides, forming a cavity just big enough for the vehicle to penetrate. It only returned to its original shape after the vehicle passed by.

"Damn it."

From behind, Donald, who was watching Logan and others leave, cursed angrily, but he had no choice but to do anything. He did not dare to risk crossing the fire field to pursue them. Moreover, the team was now in a mess, and a few people chased them, just to deliver food.

Looking at the raging purple flames in front of him, his heart was on fire again, and his remaining left hand slammed hard on the car door beside him.

"Damn mutants! This archer came out of nowhere."

"Check for me, who is that archer?"

A few minutes later, the flames that filled the sky had completely disappeared. Just as it suddenly appeared, its disappearance was also extremely abrupt.

After integrating the team, Donald also discovered something was wrong. None of the team members present died in the fire, and there were not even any traces of burns on their bodies.

The only losses in the fire were a few armored vehicles that could not be moved at the time. Most of their metal armors were turned into charred powder, while non-metallic materials such as exposed seats were unscathed.

The fire that had not been absorbed and transformed by Xu Yue still reacted to the metal, but it lost its refining function and instead completely melted the metal and decomposed it into burnt powder.

"You've been fooled. This thing shouldn't be harmful to living creatures, but only works on metals?"

In the middle of the crowd, Donald, who was touching the broken armored vehicle, had a sinking face.

It was true that I didn't feel the blazing temperature when the flames were raging before, but no one noticed this detail in the chaos.

In other words, the scene of the corpse that was used as a ignition material turned into charred powder in the flames was so horrifying that no one was willing to risk their lives even if they noticed it.

"Boss, do you still want to pursue me?"

A subordinate on the side asked cautiously.

"Chasing a piece of shit, you're a bunch of losers."

Donald, who was interrupted from his thoughts, scolded impatiently. With the speed at which Logan was racing, he had gone to who knows where. With the direction unclear, what should he do to chase him.

After scolding him, Donald ignored the obedient subordinates beside him and turned around to walk back. What was more important for him now was to deal with his broken right arm.

However, he did not gain anything from this confrontation. Before the encirclement and suppression, he captured a mutant, Caliban, who lived with Logan and the professor.

When Logan went out to run a taxi to make money, Caliban was responsible for taking care of the professor. He had the ability to locate all mutants. With him in his hands, Logan and others could not escape, including the archer.

Thinking of the arrow that penetrated his right arm, Donald gritted his teeth.

"No matter who you are, you can't run away."


In the vast wilderness, a black car was driving at high speed on the road, sending up billows of smoke and dust behind it.

It had been more than ten minutes since he left the fire scene. Logan, who had been driving at high speed, felt relieved and made sure that the mercenaries were not catching up.

Slowing down some speed, Logan looked at the Chinese sitting beside him.

"Who are you?"

Xu Yue stopped admiring the window and replied to Logan: "Xinhuo, a mercenary."

"Thank you." Looking at Xu Yue's unfamiliar eyebrows, Luo Gen made sure that he had never interacted with the other party. After simply thanking him, he continued to ask:

"But...why help us?"

A simple answer obviously cannot make Logan put aside his doubts. Years of being on the run have made him wary of any stranger, even if the other person is also a mutant.

"No, the professor hired me to escort Laura. It's just my duty. Besides, Laura and I are friends." As he spoke, Xu Yue greeted the professor and Laura in the seat.


Logan turned to look at Professor

"Well, thanks a lot this time anyway."


Seeing Logan driving with one hand and preparing to shake hands with the other, Xu Yue didn't care and also stretched out his right hand to shake Logan's hand.


"Where did you put that bow?"

In addition to Donald, Logan was also deeply impressed by Xu Yue's arrow.

"A little trick."

With that said, Xu Yue flipped his hand, took out a large piece of chocolate out of thin air, and handed it to Laura in the back seat.

Looking at the professor who was a little excited when he saw the chocolate, he then took out another piece and handed it to the professor.

"Professor, do you want a piece?"

"Thank you. I miss the taste so much. Logan never thought of bringing me some desserts."

The professor happily accepted it, not forgetting to complain about Logan.

"Hi, Charles, I'm here!"

"And you're not old enough to eat too many sweets."

Logan, who was driving, couldn't help but defend himself, but the professor behind him ignored him and just ate chocolate with Laura.

Looking at Logan, who looked a little depressed next to him, Xu Yue smiled and took out another piece. He had a lot of this stuff.

"Want a piece? Logan."

"No, I have this."

Logan took out a cigar from nowhere and motioned to Xu Yue.

"Logan, there are kids in the car."

The professor behind him suddenly spoke up. Logan glanced at Laura behind him, hesitated for a moment, then put down the cigar and took the chocolate from Xu Yue's hand.


The car suddenly became quiet, with only the sound of people eating silently.

"Logan, where are we going now?"

"Northern Dakota."

North Dakota is a place in the midwestern United States, and it is also the location of the Garden of Eden that Laura is going to. It is located on the border of the United States and Canada and is sparsely populated. However, they are still in Mexico and have not yet entered the United States.

This journey spans the entire country and is a long journey.

After a day's trek, they crossed the border at dark and reached the capital of Oklahoma.

A bustling city.

There were no other troubles on the way except Laura who had some troubles in the supermarket because she had no concept of shopping.

Logan and Charles were also on the way. From the dead nurse's cell phone, they learned the origin of Laura, a child conceived in the laboratory through Logan's genes.

In a physical sense, Laura is Logan's daughter. Even though they met for the first time today, Logan had no idea of ​​recognizing each other and he was very resistant.

Modern cities are always very gorgeous at night, and the lights and lights on high-rise buildings are particularly eye-catching, which is very interesting to Laura at least.

After entering the city, she lay by the car window and watched non-stop. In the past, the most she saw was the white light of the laboratory.

The professor on the side looked at Laura with loving eyes. He always had the greatest patience and kindness towards the children. Children are the future of everything.

"We need to find a hotel to rest for the night. I will change a car and start again early the next morning. Our car is damaged and can be easily tracked."

Logan, who was driving, told Xu Yue the current plan. In the current team, the professor is old and Laura is young. The only ones who can make decisions are the two of them. They are teammates now. Xu Yue's battle during the day He also won his respect.

"I'm fine. It's really time to have a good night's rest."

Xu Yue shrugged and said he had no objection.

After a while, the car stopped in front of a hotel, and a group of people got out of the car. Logan threw the keys to the doorman at the door, and pushed the professor's wheelchair away.

The doorman behind him looked at the dense craters on the side of the car in a daze. This luxury car had taken a lot of bullets in the previous battlefields and on the way to escape.

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