Reincarnation In Smallville

Chapter 96: The Price of Trust [96]

Kyla and Joseph's House

The gentle sound of the wind rustled through the trees, swaying the leaves and creating an almost hypnotic rhythm around Kyla and Joseph's house. Clark leaned against the wall, listening attentively as Joseph described the Kawatche legends to Chloe. Kyla stood beside her grandfather, still processing the recent conversation in the kitchen.


Clark's phone vibrated in his pocket, breaking the silence in the room. He quickly pulled out the device, seeing Lex's name on the screen.

"I need to take this."

He stepped out onto the porch. The soft light of the setting sun painted the surroundings in golden and orange hues. Clark swiped his finger across the screen.


"Clark, I wanted you to know before any official announcement. The construction at the site has been canceled. The area will be turned into an indigenous reserve."

Clark leaned against the porch railing, allowing a subtle smile to escape. 'It worked perfectly. Lionel and Lex are now on the right path.' He adjusted his tone, infusing controlled surprise.

"Congratulations, Lex. You've done something good for these people. I'm sure they'll welcome you."

"It was the right decision, Clark. After considering everything, I realized that insisting on that project would only bring unnecessary problems."

Clark looked toward the horizon, where the sun painted the sky in orange and pink, feigning slight hesitation before speaking.

"Lex, take this opportunity to clear Joseph Willowbrook's name. I heard they're giving him a hard time at the station, even without evidence. Can you ensure this is resolved?"

On the other end of the line, Lex was silent for a moment, but his response came naturally.

"Of course, Clark. I had no idea he was still facing issues. I'll talk to Sheriff Ethan and make sure this is resolved. Joseph shouldn't pay for something he didn't do."

"Thank you, Lex. I'm sure your initiative will make a difference. You're proving to be more than just a Luthor."

Lex let out a short but sincere laugh.

"Come say that to my face someday. I might even take it as a compliment."

Clark ended the call, the smile lingering on his lips. He took a deep breath, pocketing his phone. 'Everything is falling into place. Now I just need to ensure no one discovers more than they should about the caves.'


In the living room, Chloe was focused, jotting down every word from Joseph with the enthusiasm of someone uncovering a long-buried secret.

"These visitors from the stars... do you think they're still connected to the caves somehow?"

Joseph looked at Chloe, his eyes filled with ancient wisdom.

"I believe so. The signs are there, on the walls, in the symbols. They watch us, wait. But I can't say more than that. The answers are in the caves themselves, not with me."

Clark entered the room, his presence immediately drawing everyone's attention. Kyla looked up at him, trying to ignore the slight warmth she felt upon seeing him again.

Joseph stopped speaking, leaning forward slightly, curiosity gleaming in his eyes.

"The construction at the site has been officially canceled. The area will be turned into an indigenous reserve."

Joseph rose from his rocking chair, surprise quickly turning into joy.

"Is that true, Clark? The lands are protected?"

"Yes, Joseph. The lands are safe now. No one will bother the Kawatche anymore."

Joseph clenched his fists at his sides, his eyes shining with gratitude. He stepped forward, holding Kyla's hands, who watched him with tears in her eyes.

"The spirits heard our prayers. They sent you, Clark. Thank you for fighting for us."

Chloe leaned back on the sofa, closing her notebook with a slight smile.

"Looks like the farm boy did it again."

Clark cast a calm glance at Chloe but didn't respond. He knew keeping Lex out of the equation was essential.

Kyla released her grandfather's hands, moving toward Clark without a second thought. She hugged him tightly, wrapping her arms around him, feeling the warmth and security he exuded.

"You have no idea what this means to us, Clark. Thank you. Truly."

Clark hesitated for a moment before gently placing his hands on her shoulders, slightly pulling her back.

"No need to thank me, Kyla. I just did what anyone would."

Joseph watched the scene with a calm smile, while Chloe crossed her arms, her gaze shifting between Clark and Kyla. 'This is exactly what was missing... another one for the Clark fan club.'

Kyla wiped away a stubborn tear that rolled down her cheek, unable to look away from Clark. His smile, his posture, everything about him seemed perfect in her eyes.

"Not everyone would, Clark. You're... different."

Clark lowered his head slightly, a gesture of humility that seemed to make Kyla's eyes shine even more.

Chloe stood up, adjusting her bag on her shoulder while casting a quick glance at Kyla. Her tone was casual, but there was a slight touch of sarcasm.

"Well, it seems you don't need me to document the story now. I think Kyla will do a great job singing your praises, Clark."

Clark let out a low chuckle, his smile widening as he looked at Chloe.

"Chloe, your help will always be indispensable. You know that."

Kyla remained by his side, her heart beating faster than she'd like.

Chloe discreetly rolled her eyes but couldn't avoid the thought forming in her mind.

'Looks like the harem is growing. Here we go again.'

Joseph approached once more, extending his hand to Clark firmly.

"You've brought us hope, Clark. And that's something we'll never forget."

Clark shook Joseph's hand, his eyes carrying a tranquility that seemed contagious.

The atmosphere felt lighter, full of relief and hope. The sound of the wind continued rustling through the trees, as if nature itself celebrated the new chapter beginning for Joseph and Kyla.


Dante's Workshop

The workshop was silent, except for the sound of a wrench adjusting a bolt. Dante worked under the hood of a car, his arms smeared with grease as the dim light of a hanging lamp illuminated the space. He moved to the side, grabbing a water bottle from a nearby bench.


The sound of an engine stopping at the entrance caught his attention. He looked up and saw a man stepping out of a black sports car. Tall, with a calculating gaze, the man wore a dark leather jacket and walked confidently toward Dante.

"Finally showed up, Ivan. Thought you'd given up on racing."

Ivan smirked, adjusting his sunglasses before responding.

"Dante, I'm not one to quit. You know that. But today I'm here to talk business."

Dante leaned against the car, crossing his arms with curiosity.

"Business, huh? What do you want?"

Ivan circled the car, observing it as if evaluating a chess piece.

"It's simple. Pete's on top now. Everyone bets on him. But if he loses... we win. A lot of money."

Dante frowned but kept his tone casual.

"You want Pete to lose on purpose?"

"Exactly. I've already arranged someone to race against him. Someone who'll seem legitimate. But Pete needs to pretend to lose. Everyone will bet on him, and we'll put our money on the other guy."

Dante let out a low laugh, shaking his head.

"You're bold, Ivan. But why do you think Pete would agree to this?"

Ivan leaned in, his eyes fixed on Dante's.

"That's where you come in. Pete trusts you. Make him understand. And, of course, you'll profit too. A good amount."

Dante slowly smiled, scratching his chin as he processed the proposal.

"You have a daring plan, but I like it. Leave it to me. I'll talk to Pete."

Ivan extended his hand, a sharp smile on his lips.

"I knew I could count on you. Just don't mess it up. The race is tomorrow night."

Dante shook Ivan's hand firmly, his calm smile masking his already calculating mind.

"Consider it done. It's going to be a profitable night."

Ivan gave one last look at the car Dante was working on before turning and walking to his vehicle. The sound of the door closing and the engine starting echoed through the workshop as he drove away.


Dante was alone again, the silence filling the space as he leaned against the workbench, looking at the floor.

"I need to call that idiot to inform him of the plan. I'll take my share and his, and he won't know a thing."

He chuckled softly, pulling his phone from his pocket as he returned to the car. The smile on his face showed he was already one step ahead of everyone.

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