Reincarnated With the Seduction System

Chapter 146: Adrian Vs Asmodeus Part 3

Asmodeus's form began to change. His muscles bulged even further, his armor shifting and warping as it accommodated his new size.

His eyes glowed with a sinister, blood-red light, his expression twisted into a mask of pure, unadulterated rage.

He roared, a sound that seemed to shake the very fabric of reality itself. The power within him surged to unimaginable heights, his aura expanding until it felt like it would swallow the entire battlefield.

And then, with a sudden, violent burst of speed, Asmodeus was in front of Adrian. His massive, clawed hand swung down with a force that could shatter mountains, the ground beneath them buckling under the pressure.

Adrian activated Scaled Defense, his body shimmering with a layer of draconic scales that glowed with a faint, silvery light. The claws slammed into his defense, the impact sending a shockwave that radiated outward, flattening the trees and scattering debris in every direction.

The force of the blow drove Adrian back, his feet digging deep furrows into the ground as he struggled to maintain his footing. The sheer power behind the strike was overwhelming, far beyond anything Asmodeus had shown before.

"This is what it means… to go all out!" Asmodeus bellowed, his voice echoing with the power of the Abyssal Beast he had fused with.

He swung his massive sword, the blade now glowing with a dark, blood-red aura. The weapon carved through the air with a shrieking sound, the energy around it distorting as it sliced through the very fabric of space.

Adrian narrowed his eyes, his mind racing as he calculated his next move. He activated Vein-Touched Reflexes, his perception of time slowing as the world around him seemed to move in slow motion.

The sword's trajectory became clear to him, the path it would take, the exact point where it would strike.

With a burst of speed, Adrian sidestepped the attack, the blade missing him by mere inches. The force of the swing tore through the air, a shockwave rippling outward and obliterating the ground where he had stood a moment before.

But Asmodeus was relentless. He followed up with a series of brutal, sweeping strikes, each one aimed at decapitating or bisecting Adrian.

His movements were faster, more precise, his strength seemingly endless as the power of the Abyss flowed through him.

Adrian weaved through the onslaught with practiced grace, his dagger flashing as he deflected and redirected the incoming strikes.

He could feel the strain on his body, the sheer pressure of Asmodeus's attacks pushing him to his limits.

"Enough!" Asmodeus roared, and the ground beneath them erupted as he channeled all of his remaining power into one final, devastating attack.

"Abyssal Cataclysm!" He shouted, and the ground beneath them split apart as a torrent of dark energy surged upward, forming a massive vortex of destructive power.

Adrian's eyes widened as he sensed the magnitude of the attack. This was it—Asmodeus's final gambit, a suicidal strike that would annihilate everything in its path, including himself.

"Dragon's Might!" Adrian roared, his voice echoing with the power of the Dragon Veins. His entire body glowed with a radiant, golden light as he drew upon his draconic heritage.

Strength surged through his muscles, his senses sharpening to an unimaginable degree. With a single, fluid motion, Adrian stepped forward, his dagger glowing with a blinding, azure light.

He thrust the blade into the heart of the vortex, the sheer power of his strike causing the dark energy to recoil.

The vortex shuddered, the dark energy within it destabilizing. And then, with a deafening roar, it exploded outward, the shockwave tearing through the battlefield.

When the dust and debris settled, Adrian stood alone in the center of the ruined clearing. His dagger was sheathed, his expression calm and composed as if the battle had never even occurred.

Asmodeus lay crumpled on the ground, his body broken and battered. His once fearsome aura was gone, his power spent, the Abyssal Beast that had fused with him dissipating into nothingness.

Adrian stepped forward, his gaze cold as he looked down at the fallen Abyssal Knight.

"You fought well," he said softly, his voice barely more than a whisper. "But it's over."

He turned away, his back to Asmodeus as he called out to the figure standing at the edge of the battlefield.

"Aunt, open the barrier" he called out, his voice carrying a note of finality. 

The shimmering wall of mana reappeared around the battlefield, sealing off the area as Seraphina's magic took hold.

And with that, the battle against Asmodeus, the Abyssal Knight, came to an end.

As Adrian stepped out of the shimmering barrier, the tension that had gripped the battlefield finally began to ease. The aftermath of the battle left the area in ruins—craters marred the ground, and the air was thick with the scent of charred earth and mana. Despite the devastation, Adrian's posture remained relaxed, his aura calm and composed.

The moment he was free of the barrier, Isabella rushed forward, her eyes wide with concern. “Adrian!” she called out, her voice trembling slightly as she closed the distance between them.

Before Adrian could even react, Isabella was beside him, her hands glowing with a soft, white light as she cast Sacred Healing. The soothing mana flowed into Adrian’s body, mending any lingering bruises or minor injuries he might have sustained.

“Are you hurt anywhere?” she asked urgently, her gaze scanning him for any signs of damage.

Adrian shook his head gently, offering her a reassuring smile. “I’m fine, mother,” he said softly, his tone carrying a warmth that matched the look in his eyes. “You don’t need to worry.

Despite his words, Isabella’s brow remained furrowed with worry as she continued to channel her healing spell. Only when she was satisfied that he truly was uninjured did she allow the spell to dissipate.

Seeing her concern, Adrian felt a wave of warmth fill his chest. He placed a hand on her shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze.

“I’m really fine. It’s thanks to you and everyone else that I’ve gotten strong enough to handle opponents like this.”

The reassurance in his voice finally seemed to reach Isabella, and she let out a small sigh of relief. “Good… that’s good,” she murmured, her voice barely a whisper.

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