Reincarnated With the Seduction System

Chapter 12: System: Stop Being a Bum and Pay up or Watch Ads

Adrian lay in his bed, staring at the ceiling. His mind was filled with thoughts of the day's training and the brief, electrifying moments with Sophia. He felt excited, knowing that soon he would completely seduce Sophia and make her his woman.

Curious, Adrian asked the system to show the recordings of today's events, including Sophia's beautiful figure during training and their kiss.

Ding! Your system at your service, host. Which resolution would you prefer?

a. 720p

b. 1080p

c. 2K

d. 4K

Adrian waited for the system to continue, expecting some pitfall. He then replied, "That's it, system? Are you okay? Did you finally find your conscience and now are not scamming me for SP?"

The system curtly replied, "I always had a conscience. It's the host's poverty limiting his vision towards the system. Now choose, host."

Adrian then wondered whether there was an 8K version or not but stopped himself, thinking what if the system starts pricing all the options. He then grinned and replied, "Obviously, 4K."

The system responded, "4K option loading." The recording then started playing as the video opened.

Just as the video began, he noticed the graceful figure of Sophia covered in sweat, which made her even more charming as she performed the stances while teaching him. Suddenly, the system chimed in again: "To enjoy this video without ads, please spend 50 SP. Alternatively, watch a short ad for 30 seconds to continue."

Adrian's face darkened. "You've got to be kidding me."

Without caring for Adrian's response, the system played a cheerful jingle as an ad started playing:

"Introducing the new 'Ultimate Seduction Guide' for only 20 SP! Learn the secrets of charm and allure."

Adrian groaned. "System, seriously? Ads for your own products?"

System: "Host, this is the only way you can afford the system's service in your current poverty stricken state. Also ads help keep the quality high."

Another ad started "Unlock the 'Advanced Stamina Boost' for just 30 SP! Double your energy for intense sessions."

Adrian sighed, enduring the ad as he watched animated characters demonstrating exaggerated exercises. The ad finally ended with the tagline, "Get your boost now and never tire again!"

The recording resumed, showing Sophia's graceful movements during training, her every stance and posture perfectly captured in stunning 4K. Then the recording showed him and Sophia about to kiss when suddenly the system played another ad.

"Upgrade your Seduction Skills with our 'Elite Seducer Pack' for just 40 SP! Unlock advanced techniques and charm your way to success!"

Adrian groaned loudly. "System, come on! Can I watch one moment without an ad?"

System: "Host, these ads are crucial for maintaining the service. Since you are a bum that can't pay for premium, I have to use ads to entice customers."

Adrian replied angrily, "Customer? Am I not the only customer you have? No, wait, I am your fucking host!"

System: "Host, your language is noted but irrelevant. This is the win-win scheme system came up with to cover your bum ass. No matter which service I provide, you can't afford, so I have gone f2p friendly for host."

"Fuck you and fuck your trash dictionary that you referenced for this scheme, which doesn't know the meaning of f2p," Adrian replied angrily.

"Poverty is a state of mind, host. Consider these offers as ways to elevate yourself," the system retorted, pretending not to hear any curse word from Adrian.

Adrian sighed, all his mood to continue watching was now gone. Still feeling aroused from today's events and knowing Chris wasn't around, he had hoped to get off watching the recording. But due to the system's antics, he was no longer in the mood.

He went into a daze as he watched the remainder of the recording with occasional ads played by the system and decided to head to sleep. He would be training with Sophia from morning onwards tomorrow.

The next morning, Adrian was awakened by Chris as she brought him his breakfast. She was still wearing the maid outfit. Adrian sighed, "Didn't I tell you not to work as a maid?"

He sighed as he looked at her. He had meant to tell his mother about their relationship and have her stop Chris from being a maid. But due to his training and subsequent events, he could not have that conversation with her.

Chris smiled softly, placing the tray on his bedside table. "I spoke with Lady Isabella," she began, sitting down on the edge of his bed. "She initially wanted me to stop being your maid too."

He asked, surprised, "You already spoke with mom?" He was ashamed that Chris had already talked about their relationship; as a man, he should have done that first. He then asked her, "Why are you still doing it then?"

She noticed Adrian's expression and thought she had done something wrong, with a slight reproaching tone as if she had done something bad. Adrian quickly consoled her, saying that as a man, he should have done that and not her, and he was feeling embarrassed with his attitude as he felt he didn't show enough sincerity to her.

Chris took a deep breath, her eyes sincere. "I begged her to let me continue. You see, serving you as your maid is more than just a job for me. It's a way for me to stay close to you, to support you in every way I can. Lady Isabella understood that, and she agreed to let me continue until your training ends."

Adrian frowned slightly. "But why go through all this trouble? You could have just told me."

Chris looked down, fiddling with the edge of her apron. "I didn't want to be a burden. And besides, there's another reason."

Adrian's curiosity was piqued. "What reason?"

Chris looked up, meeting his gaze with determination. "Lady Isabella also told me that since I've been chosen by you, I should start training to be your wife. Serving you now is part of that training. It helps me understand you better, know your likes and dislikes, and be there for you whenever you need me."

Adrian was taken aback. "Training to be my wife?"

Chris nodded. "Yes, Isabella believes it's important for me to learn how to support you not just as a maid, but as your future partner. She wants to make sure I'm prepared for that role."

Adrian's expression softened. "Chris, you don't have to go through all this for me."

Chris smiled gently. "I want to, Milord, no, Adrian. I want to be by your side, in whatever capacity I can. This is my choice, and I'm happy with it."

Adrian felt a warmth spread through him at her words. "Thank you, Chris. I appreciate everything you're doing."

Chris stood up, her eyes shining with resolve. "Now, eat your breakfast. You need your strength for today's training."

As she left the room, Adrian couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude and affection for Chris. Her dedication and willingness to support him in every way possible made him even more determined to succeed in his training and protect those he cared about.

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