Reincarnated with the Country System

Chapter 54: The Meeting with Unknown (1)

25—10—1560 WC


Poul's car stopped near the gates of the Pentagon.

As soon as the car stopped, a security guard standing in front of the gate approached him, a sharp look of scrutiny in his eyes. The guard held an automatic rifle in his hand.

Poul rolled down the window and smiled at the guard, "Good afternoon. I'm Captain Poul of the BNS Rampage, I hope you've already been informed of my arrival."

The guard, without answering, reached out for Poul's ID card. Poul confidently handed it to the guard. The guard examined the ID card carefully. Seeing the name and picture on the ID card match Poul's face, a look of recognition came over the guard's face.

"Okay, sir," the guard said, then he turned and signalled to his companions.

The soldiers at the gate removed the barricade. The car entered the gate.

Inside, Misthia leaned forward, her eyes wide with curiosity, "Lord Poul, can I ask you a question?"

Misthia addressed him as Lord because she thought Poul might be a noble

"We haven't seen any warriors since we came here. They all carry weapons like muskets. Don't you have any warriors in your country?"

"Actually, these aren't muskets. They're rifles. They can fire 600 rounds per second," Poul said proudly.

They were very surprised.

"I don't think even the best musket I know could fire that many rounds. Are you kidding us again?" Eric is shocked by this. {If what he says is true then it is capable of killing hundreds of people in minutes}

Poul gives a big smile, "Of course not. You've already seen our power at sea. I'm not kidding. All our weapons are powerful."

Although it seemed incredible to them, they did not doubt Poul's words. Because they had already witnessed the power of the Empire. Flying insects in the sky, fast-moving horseless vehicles, and their powerful navy that even monsters were afraid of.

{They are so powerful! I hope their Healer or doctors heal Hanna quickly. } Edith thought.

She recalls some of her memories—


Edith looked at the creature. It looked terrible and hideous. Its eyes seemed to be burning inside. Edith was scared when she saw it suddenly turn and look at her and Hannah. Her heart began to beat faster. She felt as if the creature's intense gaze was piercing them.

"Who are you?" Mr. Butcher asked firmly, his hand still gripping the axe.

"Ki Ki Ki! You want to know my name," the creature's voice turned into a rough, raspy sound.

It was silent for a while, creating an eerie silence. Then, a rough, breathy voice came out, "My name is Khaisar."

Butcher's eyes widened at this, "Khaisar!" One of the most terrifying and infamous sorcerers in the ocean. As a seafarer, Butcher had heard this name many times.

"What do you want?"

"I want those girls! If you don't want more deaths, hand them over to me!" Khaisar said in a heavy voice.

Edith was a little frightened by this. She took a few steps back. Her gaze was fixed on Butcher.

"Hu! More death!"

Butcher looked at his companions lying on the floor who had been brutally murdered.

"What else do you have left to do!?" Butcher shouted.

"Ah! Stop your dirty mouth! Although we have killed many of your comrades, there are still many people alive. Including you. So quickly hand them over to me!"

"I refuse!" Butcher said, standing firm.

Khaisar was a little surprised by this. He didn't expect this answer. "Have you gone crazy after seeing so much bloodshed!? You can save your own life by handing them over to me" There was a terrible threat in Khaisar's voice. "Besides, they're none of yours, why would you risk your life for them?" Khaisar's eyes seemed to pierce Mr Butcher, analyzing his state of mind.

"Because I am strong and a strong person protects others," Mr. Butcher said in a firm voice, his eyes now fixed on Khaisar.

Edith was impressed by Butcher's words.

"Mr. Butcher!" She muttered.

Khaisar was silent for a while and then laughed menacingly, "Then welcome to your death."

Khaisar's eyes lit up menacingly.

Khaisar hits the wooden floor with his stick. The pressure of the stick collapsed on the floor and made a loud noise. It created a strong wind as if it seemed like a storm had come. A gust of wind spread on the ship's deck.

Mr. Butcher quickly stood in front of Edith. The pressure of the wind was so strong that he was forced to step back a few inches.

A huge roar began to sound in the sky. Black clouds seemed to cover the sky, blocking out the sunlight.

They saw many small portals appear that looked like small tornadoes.

Many blue-skinned creatures emerged from these portals. These monsters are called Minions. They have ugly faces, protruding teeth and strong body. These creatures were about the height of goblins and were carrying various weapons in their hands. These monsters also wear leather armor on their chests.

The deck of the ship becomes almost filled with these creatures.

Khaisar shouted, "Go and kill him! I will reward whoever can bring me his head!"

All the monsters roared menacingly and started running towards Butcher.


Butcher also held his weapon tightly.

Just then they heard a very loud noise.

Within moments, numerous holes appeared in dozens of monsters' bodies, their body parts and blood spilling out.

Edith sees a strange bird in the sky.

The bird flies high into the sky and starts to circle back towards them.

Edith notices that fire is shooting out of its wings.

Although Edith didn't recognize what it was, she thought it might be a new breed of dragon when she saw the fire coming out of it.

With a loud noise, more monsters fell.


Their car stopped in front of the Pentagon office. Poul got out of the car and opened the door for them. The three of them got out of the car.

Several people dressed in black approached them.

"I'm the 1st Lieutenant Ria from ISSD."

A woman came and stood in front of Poul

"Are these our guests?" she said, looking at the three of them.

Poul looked at them with a steady eye and said, "Yes, but we rescued over a hundred people. These three are the most valuable of them and can provide us with all the information we need."

"Okay, thank you for bringing them here," the woman said with a slight smile. She shook hands with Poul. Then Poul drove away in his car.

The three of them watched Poul leave, their eyes filled with a mixture of surprise, guess, and a bit of fear.

Ria looked at the three of them, "You three follow me!"

She said in a serious voice.


Misthia POV


Misthia looked at the huge building of the Pentagon. She had only seen these structures from a distance while sitting in the car. But seeing such a huge concrete structure up close was a different feeling. She also notices many people standing around with rifles, and realizes how secure this place is.

{ How did they manage to build such a large structure? From what I've seen here so far, I'm sure they're an advanced super country. Like the Dwarven council state. But even after working as a mercenary for over ten years, I have never heard of a country called Bernard.

Could they be a hidden civilization? Yes, they could be.

They may be a hidden civilization like the Atlantic and Eldorado, who like to keep themselves hidden. But now that we're in their land, what will they do with us? Will they kill us or erase our memories, or maybe they will force us to stay in their country? However, I would not be unhappy living in such a country for the rest of my life.}

While Misthia was thinking about all this, they arrived in front of a door.

Ria opened the door for them and they entered.

Misthia was nervous and scared as she realized that now they were going to meet the most important people in this country.

She entered nervously and anxiously. Her eyes first went to the huge hall, which was very long and wide. The walls of the hall were decorated with white tiles, and she saw a huge table in the middle of the room, some people sitting on one side of this table.

All eyes are on them. There is a mixture of interest, suspicion, and searching in these people's eyes, but Misthia can easily tell who is the most authoritative person here.

She looked at a man sitting at the head of the table who seemed young but exuded a very powerful aura.

Looking into his eyes, she felt as if he was looking straight into their souls.


As they traveled to jail all of them were shocked at the scene of the city. They were amazed at the tall buildings and clean roads.

They notice that they are already far away from the city. Only a flat field of grass can be seen. When the bus stopped they all looked in front of them. They saw a place walled by metal grills; they also saw towers from which people were watching them. The gate immediately opened, all of them were looking at each other with questions after noticing the gates opened.

The bus entered the gates and stopped; men wearing the same uniform as Roger immediately came out of the huge building. When the bus opened the door the men immediately got in and yelled at the people to start moving. All of them started to move as quickly as they could. When they exited the bus they were told to form lines from short to tall.

The doors were opened by the men in uniform, Gareth was observing the door and thought. {This iron door is very perfect and thick. How did they get such a talented craftsman?}

They entered the building and were dumbfounded after looking at how clean it was. They were expecting rats crawling dead bodies on the cold cobblestone floor.

As they continued to get deeper into the building, they noticed a lot of thick, heavy iron doors on their way. They finally reached a place where multiple rooms were found and were using heavy thick doors.

The men in uniform immediately told them to group themselves into 2. The men who managed to group themselves were immediately brought to their cells. They were expecting a dirty room in the cells, but they were dumbfounded again at how clean it was.

The men in uniform immediately explained what's the use of the toilet and sink in the cells. The men also saw white bedding on beds which were made of steel. The men immediately sat on the beds and were surprised at how soft and comfortable it was.

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