Chapter 51: Hope in a Strange Land
23—10—1560 WC
The ships finally arrived at a shipyard. All the rescued people disembarked.
Eric looked around the shipyard, noticing that no one seemed to be working there.
"Hey you, if I remembered correctly, your name is Eric," a man in a white navy suit said while walking toward Eric.
Eric nodded in response to the question, "Yes, but can you tell me where we are?"
The navy officer replied in a stern tone, "You are now in the Bernard Empire."
"The Bernard Empire!? I've never heard of a country with that name," Eric exclaimed.
Ignoring Eric's surprise, the navy officer continued, "By the way, I heard you are a former prince. Is that true?"
Eric shook his head sadly.
The naval officer then turned to everyone, "Attention, everyone! I am Captain Paul. I have been ordered to take some of you to the capital. However, only those who are deemed most valuable will be allowed to go. The rest will be sent to prison as a temporary measure."
Everyone started to panic after hearing Captain Paul's words. All the people started to protest because they did not want to go to prison.
Edith, who looked a little tired, quickly went to Paul and asked, "What about Hanna? We need to take her to a powerful healer quickly. Please take her to the greatest healer in your country! Please!" Tears welled up in her eyes.
Paul replied, "Don't worry, she and all the injured will be sent to the nearest hospital."
Edith didn't know what the hospital meant, which made her worried about Hanna. Paul saw that Edith was getting worried about her friend, so he immediately explained what a hospital was.
"A hospital is a place where we bring sick people for doctors to cure them of their sickness."
Hearing this, Edith felt somewhat relieved, though the concept of a "doctor" remained foreign to her.
Paul turned back to the crowd. "Now, who among you thinks they are valuable to me?"
Gareth stepped forward, his body showing signs of some wounds. "Young master Eric should be valuable to you. He is the former Prince of Latvia."
Another one then started shouting. "Commander Misthia shouldn't be in jail, either. How can our beautiful commander sleep in a rat-infested, diseased jail?"
The remaining Blue Flag mercenaries joined in, vocally supporting their commander.
Hearing their shouting, Paul started speaking. "Okay, then Mr Eric and Commander Misthia will go to the capital"
Paul looked at Misthia who was sitting far away. She was sad about the death of her men.
"(Cough) Well, you have to wait for the bus, and you two come with me"
Paul then looked at another naval officer. "Lieutenant, quickly list everyone's names."
"Understood, Captain!" He quickly opened his notepad and approached everyone. He asked for their names and wrote them down.
As Captain Paul was about to leave, Eric called out to him.
"Captain Paul, please let Edith come with us. She is a woman so she should not be in prison. She is also my personal maid "
Paul thought about this for a while. Because he was right that Edith would be the only woman in prison.
Paul immediately ordered his men to release these three. He told them to follow him.
The three men, Eric, Edith, and Misthia, followed him. Paul led them to a place where many cars were parked.
Eric eyed the strange vehicles and asked, "Where are the horses pulling these carriages?"
Paul immediately answered, " They are under the hood, dumbass." Eric was scratching his head as he didn't see any hood with horses.
Paul opened the door of his Buick Roadmaster and sat in the driver's seat.
He noticed that the three didn't get in; he realized that they didn't know how the door worked. He immediately got off his car and immediately explained how to use the door.
After they got into the car, Paul started the car. The roar of the engine scared them. But Paul reassured them.
As they moved forward exiting the shipyard, they noticed a few more horseless carriages. Some were white with red letters on all of their sides, spelling AMBULANCE; the other was a big carriage which had grilled iron on its windows. They immediately know that the big carriage will be the transport of the people who will go to jail. While the white might be for Hannah and others injured which made Edith relief.
They were driving deeper into the city, they were surprised that a lot of people were living on the island. They also noticed more horseless carriages can be seen everywhere.
Eric also noticed that the city was quite clean as he did not see any excrement on the road. But what shocked them the most was the Skyscraper buildings. Which had people in it, they also saw skyscrapers that weren't finished yet.
Eric was surprised that a giant iron being was on top of the unfinished building pulling iron bars into the highest floor. All of them also felt that the road was actually very smooth and didn't have any cracks and bumps. When they left the city, Poul increased his speed to 100 km/h as he knew that it was a straight 4-lane road; there were 8 lanes, by the way.
The trio immediately noticed that the car was faster than a horse without a carriage. After an hour and twenty minutes, they reached the capital. Eric was awestruck by the strange architecture, its size, and its intricate design.
Suddenly Misthia yelled, " A giant iron Insect! "
They see something like a flying insect above. Which was making a loud noise. But when Eric looked closer, he noticed 6 people were riding the insect; he then remembered the wyverns used by the knights were not able to carry as many people as the giant iron insect, which landed on the back of another building. He then thought about how devastating it was when it entered a war; he imagined troops being transported by those giant iron insects on the battlefield, knowing that walls would be useless in defence.
Eric then said to himself {This nation is very powerful. I have never seen anything like this before. They are on par with the most powerful superpowers. If I can ally with them, maybe I can get my country back. }
Gareth and other sailors saw several horseless carriages.
At first, they were shocked at the carriages which were moving without any horses. They were thinking that the carriages were using magic to move, so they immediately didn't care about how it moved.
The white vehicles stopped, four white vehicles in total. Many people dressed in white got out of these cars, they took out stretchers and started running towards the ship to take the injured people to the hospital.
The Navy was able to rescue a total of 102 people alive. Of these, those who were seriously injured were being taken to hospital, while others with less injuries were already treated by the Navy.
The giant vehicle stopped in front of them, a man wearing a gray officer uniform, got out of the bus. The man stared at them like he was looking at scums. The man spoke in a tone similar to a Drill Sergeant ." OK, you pigs I didn't know what you did to get in jail. But I was happy to know I got to have prisoners there, my boring life would have finally felt happiness as I got to hear the screams of pigs."
This was Roger. A prison warden. He quickly came here when he was informed by the Navy that there were people here for him.
He was inspecting all the people from head to toe. Almost everyone had bandages on their bodies - some on their hands, some on their feet, some on their faces. Roger wanted to scare them, but he saw no fear in these people's eyes.
But seeing their injuries, he wondered, {How did they get so hurt?}
Roger was informed that the Navy had rescued several people from their waters who were to be sent to prison. He didn't know much more about it, or rather, he didn't express any interest in knowing.
Then a member of the Navy approached him and gave him some papers.
"Hehe! Thank you, I'll take charge of them from here," Roger said with a smile.
The Navy officer nodded, "Okay, then we'll take our leave."
The Navy personnel handed over everyone to the police.
Then several more cars arrived with red and blue lights flashing on them. Several people got out of the cars.
Seeing them, Roger quickly saluted.
People are surprised to see this man salute while boarding the bus. But they realized that these people were higher than him.
"Officer Roger, so these are our first batch of criminals?" A female officer approached the man and said. There was a happy and enthusiastic tone in the female officer's voice. The woman is wearing a white female police officer outfit, black gloves, and black sunglasses.
"Yes, Assistant Commissioner!" Roger said with a smile
"The Prime Minister and the Finance Minister can no longer blame us for taking money lazily"
"You are right, I am also tired of this boring life. But there are very few of them. If there were more of them, I would be happier. If more criminals were coming like this, our lives would change."
"Hmm, you are right," the female officer said, looking at the bus full of criminals.
"By the way, Commissioner Roberts will be visiting your prison in a while. He was very happy to hear about these criminals."