Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 28 (3)

Dear Diary,

So, we got a message from the Admin this morning. He hadn’t noticed us being down here, or at least hadn’t said anything, but I guess he gets alerted any time someone does something “OP”. Either that or when something goes horribly wrong.

We’d been using the loot we got from the spiders as prizes in races and games and stuff. They decided to have a one-on-one battle, to see who the strongest kobold was. We weren’t invited to join, since we’re kinda way over their level at this point. But to show off how cool and epic the loot is, Kimi put on the armor that was for her and borrowed Via’s wand. So if she cast a fire spell, it would be amplified something like eighty percent.

Then she pointed at her target and cast fireball.

It… Well… The target doesn’t exist any more. The barriers we’d put up to designate the fighting ring don’t exist any more. A couple inches of dirt under where the target was is now glass. The people who’d been leaning on the barriers to watch died. The people watching from a couple rows back died. The nearest house has a completely black outside now, and the roof caught fire. Kimi, Lilly, Staab and Aya died. The temperature of Floor 97 is like three degrees warmer.

It was an epic fireball.

I was at Nat’s place, and we felt the fireball from there. Via and Mika were on their way to the fighting area, so they didn’t die, but they saw it. They said it was like the sun manifested on the floor.

We had to leave the floor so all the kobolds could respawn, but that was easy enough now that we have keys to let us go up or down. Thankfully most of the people who died thought it was hilarious.

Oh, none of the wolves died, which was good. They were exploring their new house. Yeah, they have a house now. When no one has a job and materials are free, literally everyone and their dog can have a mansion.

Anyways, the Admin noticed the fireball. Or, he got notified about it. He wrote us saying we had to cut it out. We asked cut what out, exactly? And he said that if even one player notices things aren’t how they normally are, he’ll separate us and reset the kobolds (and Floor 97) back to what they were on the first cycle. We don’t want that, so we promised to not let the players notice. He said to stop selling ranch balls, but meatballs were fine as long as the wolves were on their floor when the first player came through.

So, we kinda, in a way, have the Admin’s blessing to be here. I mean, he made it clear that the players were his priority, and our comfort and happiness were second, but we can work with that. He said he’s keeping an eye on us now, but he’s too lazy to change anything unless we force his hand. Like we had when we pushed the button. We apologized for that, but he’s not going to remove the keys.

But we and the wolves get to stay here for now! We told everyone, and, well, we’re having a party tomorrow.

Which I still have to prepare for.

Goodnight, Dungeon!!!


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