Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 23 (4)

Dear Diary,

Well, it finally happened.

Dorothy noticed we were gone all morning. She kinda freaked out about it, which means she trashed the magic shop looking for Lilly, and was about to trash the info booth when Aya appeared and told her to chill. She was all mad, then cried, then went back to the inn.

We… don’t talk about Dorothy. But, I don’t know, I feel like I need to.

Dorothy is her real name. We were all given new names when we got here. The system called her Gigi, and made her the orange one. But something went… wrong. I don’t know if there was a glitch in the system, or if she freaked out so much something broke, or what. As far as we can tell, only half of her is here. She’s kind of see-through, like a ghost, and completely monochromatic. She spends her time sitting in a chair at her reception desk, staring at the far wall. Doing literally nothing. It’s creepy.

We’ve tried to get her to do things with us, we really have. But it’s… it’s almost like she’s a monster instead of a person, and won’t do anything or leave her desk unless she’s agro’d. I’ve taken her food, and she’ll thank me but won’t eat it until I’m gone. Mika has tried talking to her about the decorations in the inn, and said it’s like talking to the help bot of a big company’s website. But without ever getting the “contact an agent” option.

And then, when Dorothy does leave the inn, she’ll come to one of us and have just… the most bizarre conversations. The last one she had with me, it felt like I was talking to a six year old on espresso trying to tell me her dream and then ask what elements of the dream meant, and then explain what she was going to do at the county fair that weekend. I don’t know. We’ve all tried to contact the Admin about her, but nothing’s changed.

So we leave her at the inn, staring at the wall, and never talk about her. Yeah.

But anyways.

We killed just over half the kobolds today, which is better than last time. We’re figuring out their tactics, now that they’ve figured out ours, so next time we fight we should do much better. They’re going to put me in the middle of the group, and we’re going to run through to the middle of the floor as quickly as possible. Until now we’ve stayed close to the entrance, so we’ll see how moving around affects our success rate.

One of the dire wolves tried following us today. He didn’t want to drink a wallclimbing potion, so he died via shark. Poor doggo. But, I’m getting a lot stronger with my teleportation, and I think that if any wolf tries to follow us again, we’ll be close enough to the exit to just carry it over.



Goodnight, dungeon!

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