Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 22 (10)

Dear Diary,

Well, we’re getting closer to the other door. The problem is, the faster we get, the faster the sharks get, too. It’s been almost a week, and we think that in another two days we’ll make it.

Another problem is, we don’t always all make it. And we want to all be there when we go to the next level.

So instead of going down, for the next two days I’ll just be 100% focused on practicing teleportation. I have to admit that it’ll be nice to take a break.

Mika will be spending the vacation time making marble tracks, Lilly will be upgrading wallclimbing potions, and Staab will be catching up with his friends in lvl92.

And Aya and Kimi will be playing with the dire wolves.

The wolves really like us now. If they could come up a level, we’d totally make them our pets. Today one of them followed us to lvl95, which was super cute, but then she got eaten by a shark because we couldn’t get her to drink the wallclimbing potion. I don’t think she’ll try following us again any time soon. Besides, I don’t really want them to fight, and we’re pretty sure that at lvl97 we’ll have to fight.

We might have to fight at lvl96, too, Aya isn’t sure. Apparently it’s a maze thing filled with slimes. She says that slimes don’t think, so they don’t really fight fight, but they fill the corridor and basically kill anything that tries to get through.

I don’t like slimy things. Slime is gross. I’m not looking forwards to fighting a slime.

But going through a maze sounds fun. When I was little I always loved corn mazes and things like that. Of course, corn mazes usually don’t have things in them that could kill you. Not directly, at least. I’ll be taking my notebook down for the first couple times, to draw out the pathways, until we have it memorized.

Or maybe not my notebook, because I like my notebook and don’t want to lose it if I die. When we go down, we don’t have anything in our inventories because we don’t want to lose anything. When a player dies, half of their inventory gets left behind in that spot. We aren’t players, so we’re not sure if we would drop anything from our inventories or not. Actually…

Be right back.


Ok! So, we now know (thanks to a poisoned milkshake), that when we die we don’t lose anything from our inventories. We drop 30 gold and ten candies (of our color) that restore 20HP each.

Also, Mika is super mad at Lilly and me for testing it on her.

I mean, the poison was instant, and if we’d told her “hey, try this poisoned milkshake so we can see if you drop anything when you die” that probably wouldn’t have worked out too well. Lilly agreed it was important to learn, so the blame isn’t all mine. I made the milkshake, she poisoned it. So yeah.

Anyways, now that we know that, that changes a bunch of things.

Maybe. Probably. We’ll think it over and see if it does.

Goodnight, dungeon!

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