Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 19 (2)

Dear Diary,

The Sams can't message Samantha any more!

They used to message her all the time and tell her how things are going here, and she’d give them gossip from our old dungeon, but they’re blocked from messaging her now!

I don't think I've ever mentioned that they wrote to her all the time before… Well, they didn't talk about it with me a whole lot, but sometimes I'd hear them say they were going to settle an argument by asking Samantha’s opinion. Or they’d say they were going to tell Samantha when something exciting happened. So I know they wrote her. 

And I always knew them staying in contact was a possibility, because if not I… would have pushed harder for Avi to stay behind instead of Samantha. But she told me she was going to message them every day, so she was fine staying behind. 

But now the Director has blocked all messages going out of the dungeon. 

Which isn't fair! I mean, I'm sure they aren't the only ones who want to write to their old friends! Steel said he sent updates to his brother every cycle, so now his brother might think Steel has forgotten about him!

Aya is absolutely, completely certain the Director did it to punish the Sams for setting up the party last cycle. Which does make sense. I'm willing to believe that the Director would want to punish them in some way. 

But then why not just say “everyone BUT THE SAMS gets a win”? There are so many ways to handicap them that doesn't involve cutting them off from their sister!

I’m very upset for them. And everyone else who messaged people in their old dungeons. It isn't fair.

No, more than that, it isn't nice. It’s… mean. 

I think the Director is kinda just a mean person.

I mean, I know she has a lot of stuff to do, and she’s probably under a lot of stress, but that’s no excuse. Plus she called Avi pathetic. And she never thanks me when I leave food for her. 

I'm gonna stop doing that. If she appreciated it, she would have said something by now.

I don't know, whatever her reasons for blocking communication were, at the least she could have warned everyone. That would have been the polite thing to do. Not just let us all wake up one morning and suddenly we can't communicate. 


Anyways, Aya and Kimi and Mika are trying to figure out a way of getting communication back. The Sams are just too upset to think of a solution.

My solution would be to ask politely for communication to not be blocked, but… I doubt that would work.

In other, much less important news, we’re on the same Floor as Admin 4’s group again. Admin 5’s group is ahead of us, and the other three are behind. I think Admin 2’s group is last.

We’re having a good time racing with Admin 4’s group. Bragging when we’re ahead and demanding duels when we’re behind. 

Oh, Avi and I were almost convinced to not kidnap Lex and Tim, but we compromised on only taking them to the gingerbread people’s floor. So tonight we have pets. But we won't have them long.

I gave them baths earlier so they’ll be super clean and fluffy when they get there, and I need to go brush them now. 

Goodnight, Dungeon!

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