Reincarnated in sekirei

Chapter 280: CH.269: Reunion.

( Yuuki's POV )

The Hollow army was circling us, and behind the front line were a dozen pointy-nosed giants, according to Takao, those things were called Menos Grande, They could use the cero laser attack, and they were charging to bombard us with that.

Yuuki: [ elemental phalanx ]

I raised my hand, and several rings of swords of different elements were created in the sky, Glintstone, light, lightning, ice, fire, and water, the swords flew at high speed and pierced the masks of all the giants.

With the gunners out of action, we began to mow down the low-level hollows, Tsukiumi, Atago, Takao, and I took out almost half of them by ourselves while the others were fighting behind the protection of Rhym, who was fulfilling her role as a tank.

A few minutes later, when there were only a quarter of enemies left, another large portal opened above us, and from there emerged the huge floating base, Kouten, It started charging its lasers, and in a moment, the rest of the enemies disappeared.

With no enemies in sight, Tsukiumi and I looked at each other, a smile on her face, but that changed to a frown when she saw the girls behind me, classic Tsukiumi, I missed her a lot.

Tsukiumi: Yuuki, who are these women?

Yuuki: Why don't we meet up with the others first, it's a bit of a long story.

Tsukiumi: ...alright *snap*

Tsukiumi snapped her fingers, and a portal opened next to her, it seemed that she had become stronger since the last time I saw her, while I was thinking about that, someone jumped out of the portal and pushed me to the ground.

Shizuka: Yuuki!! I missed you so much.

My favorite nurse Shizuka came out of the portal and with a tight hug she pressed me against her large chest, at that moment Lucoa opened her eyes wide and looked like she was about to do something, so I interrupted things and we hurried to board Kouten.


Once I boarded the floating base, all my Sekireis, my ally Ranko, and also my devil students were there to welcome me, they were surprised to see my youthful appearance, but I told them to leave that aside for the moment.

We had a warm reunion and when I asked them how long they had been looking for me, the girls told me that two weeks had passed on their side and in that time the girls dispersed to different worlds to search for me, and on those trips, they met two world travelers who belonged to the group that attacked us in the divine temple, I asked what happened to them and the girls said that with the first one there was an attempt to capture him for information but the person who tried that went a little too far and ended up killing him by accident.

I asked who did that, thinking someone like Tsukiumi might be the culprit, but an embarrassed Yumina raised her hand, that was a mistake anyone could make, so I didn't give her a hard time.

The second encounter was the one a few moments ago, just before I met Tsukiumi, he was able to get away, but Kouten was monitoring and closing all the enemy portals, this time, they were not going to escape.

When the girls finished it was my turn to tell them about the last two years, I spoke about the order of the cross and my own encounter with that enemy group, but what they paid more attention to was when I talked about the girls I met at that time and when I said everything I had to say the girls said they had to talk in private.

I knew they were going to take their time, so I moved to the command room and set Kouten on course for the Order of the Cross base under construction, Matsu and Regina accompanied me because, in their own words, they would agree with whatever the others decide.

Yuuki: Is there any sign of the enemy?

Regina: Nothing yet, but the analyses of the energy of this world are very interesting, Yuuki dear~ could you capture one of those white-masked creatures for me?

Yuuki: Those are called hollows and I'll see what I can do, Atago and Takao can give you more information on them.

Matsu: Do they come from this world?

Yuuki: Yes, technically they do.

When Kouten parked on the base, I sent a message to Ranni and the others that they needed to come here, and then I went down to join the order, who, with appropriate caution, prepared to defend the base from the mysterious floating structure that appeared.

At this point, my relationship with the order was rock solid, but to prove the statements that I made when we formed our temporary alliance, I went down in our flying ship, New Horizon, and with some Frame Gears at our side, the expression on the faces of the members of the order was priceless.

When they saw it was me, the situation calmed down, and we discussed the situation we were in and our immediate objectives, during all this, Matsu and Regina behaved unusually professionally, which I appreciated.

I put Rosetta to help build the base with the workshop, and shortly after Ranni and the others responded to my message and they appeared at the base but before I could explain the situation they were taken to the meeting of my Sekireis, at the same time I was summoned by Flora to the infirmary, the angeloid woman had awakened and she did not want to speak until she saw her master.

If the same thing happened to her as happened to Astraea, then she was talking about me, I went to the place quickly and when I entered her room I remained silent and waited for the woman's response, seeing me, she kept a blank face and let out her first words.

???: Master, you are fine, I am glad.

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