Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch19- Awakening

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With the Nen awakening, the four young ones stood at the brink of a precipice, their life force roaring and crackling around them like wild fire. The once invisible energy was now tangible, wrapping around them, pulsating with a raw intensity that was almost blinding. This fire of life was unruly, threatening to consume them if left unchecked.

"Enough excitement for one day," Koshiro commanded, his voice cutting through the electric air. "Sit and meditate. Learn to control your life force. This energy you feel is like a double-edged sword; it can empower you or it can annihilate you. Now, harness it."

Haruto, his body vibrating with the new-found energy, lowered himself to the ground, a storm brewing in his gaze. Unlike the others, he didn't merely request his life force to comply; he demanded. That was Haruto's arrogance, his innate sense of superiority that came from the lineage of Meruem. He didn't plead; he took what was rightfully his.

In the silent battle that unfolded within him, Haruto's lifeforce was akin to a defiant beast, rearing its head, challenging its newfound master. It whirled around him like a tempest, threatening to rip him apart. Yet, Haruto stood his ground. His gaze was a sea of resolve, his jaw set with determination.

His lifeforce, wild and violent, taunted him with its untamed force. It surged and ebbed within him, lashing out at his will. Yet, his resolve didn't falter. A silent tug-of-war ensued, a battle between an untamed force and an indomitable will.

"I won't let you consume me," Haruto muttered to himself, his fingers digging into the floor. The battle with his lifeforce was akin to taming a wild beast. His Nen roared and thrashed, its raw energy trying to escape his body. Yet, Haruto refused to be overpowered.

Slowly, with the patience of a king dealing with a defiant subject, Haruto started reigning in his Nen. His will acted like a chain, pulling the wild energy back, forcing it to comply. The defiant lifeforce fought back, but it wasn't enough to overpower Haruto's determination. He was a king in the making, after all. His command was absolute, his authority unchallenged.

As he continued his inner struggle, Haruto wasn't alone. Feitan, Phinks, and Canary, each engaged in their own battle, trying to harness the unruly force within them. The room was silent, save for their harsh breaths, yet the air thrummed with the power of their unleashed Nen.

"I don't know about you guys," Phinks grunted, breaking the silence. "But this is harder than any physical training we've ever done."

Feitan shot him a glare. "Shut up, Phinks. Concentrate."

Meanwhile, Canary stayed silent, her eyes closed in concentration. Her small body trembled, but there was a determined set to her shoulders.

In Haruto's inner world, the struggle was no less relentless than a tempestuous storm. His Nen, once a chaotic maelstrom, gradually transformed into a docile current under the unwavering determination of its master. At first, it resisted him, but as time passed, it began to adapt to his command, its raw energy conforming to his will. It no longer surged uncontrollably but danced around Haruto, trying to please him, like a loyal hound awaiting his orders.

"It's like a pet," Haruto murmured, his voice filled with fascination and a touch of amusement. His Nen swirled around his leg, seemingly eager to follow his command. "Stubborn, but trainable."

The others glanced at him, their faces etched with exhaustion. Koshiro merely watched, a twinkle in his old eyes. There was a tinge of admiration for the young boy who had so quickly and naturally started taming his Nen.

"Phinks, are you even trying?" Feitan spat out in frustration, his eyes narrowed at his fellow trainee. "Your energy is all over the place."

"I could say the same about you," Phinks retorted, grinning despite the sweat trickling down his forehead. "Look at yourself. You're trembling more than Canary."

Canary merely rolled her eyes at the two bickering boys, opting to stay silent. Unlike them, she was focusing all her attention on taming her Nen, her face flushed with determination. Her Nen whirled around her, initially tumultuous but gradually simmering down under her concentration.

As their banter continued, Haruto's voice cut through the cacophony. "Stop bickering. Focus on controlling your Nen." His tone, firm and authoritative, echoed around the room. Despite his youth, there was an undeniable majesty in his voice, reminding them of their mission and purpose.

Phinks and Feitan shared a glance but didn't retort. Instead, they nodded, redirecting their attention to their individual struggles.

"Haruto is right," Koshiro added, his voice filled with wisdom earned over years of experience. "Nen is not just power; it's a reflection of yourself. Control it, shape it, let it be your strength. The more you fight it, the harder it will resist."

As the sun set, painting the room in hues of orange and red, the group continued to train, their resolve unyielding. Hours rolled into days, and days into weeks. Under Koshiro's watchful gaze, they delved deeper into their training, learning to control and direct their Nen.

Despite their distinct personalities, their shared goal was a binding force. Haruto, with his growing majesty and natural leadership, led them forward, often setting an example with his rapid progress. Feitan, ruthless and headstrong, followed closely, his persistence in mastering his Nen as fierce as his combative nature.

Phinks, with his lighter approach, often added levity to their grueling training, his easy-going nature contrasting his intense determination. And Canary, the youngest, silently observed and learned, her respect for Haruto deepening with each passing day.

In the midst of their chaotic training, they learned to communicate without words, their movements syncing as they worked on taming their Nen. It was a sight to behold, four distinct characters bound by a shared goal, led by a king-in-the-making, guided by an old, wise mentor. The power they harbored promised greatness, and with each passing day, they took one step closer to realizing their potential.


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