Reincarnated as the Monster of all Monsters

Chapter 27: I‘m sorry


This chapter contains rape, depression and suicide! Read at your own discretion!

First Lady Kathrin was known to never cry. When her husband had died, she didn’t cry, when her old home had unexpectedly burned down after one powerful thunderstorm, she didn’t cry, even after her daughter had almost died she didn’t cry. Of course that was simply not the truth, she had cried to all of those occasions, just not in front of other people, but right now she did cry in front of other people, as she was being held in place by chains of pure darkness, unable to do anything but watch as her daughter was being raped by the monster in a human form.

Lady Kathrin had never thought of crying as something bad, it had been an outlet for her to expel all her pent up frustration and grief in one singular action, her condition was however, to only ever cry once, afterwards you have to look up and work and or search for brighter times. Many disagree with her on this topic, others agree but in the end it was everyone’s own decision to make and everyone was free to interpret their emotions on their own.

Right now however she cried because she felt hopeless and pathetic, whenever she cried in the past there was always that glimmer of hope and determination, that things will get better and that if she tries hard enough they come sooner rather then later, but now there was none of that, only desperation and pain, as she was forced to watch her beloved daughter be defiled by that monster.

Hanna meanwhile was absolutely enjoying herself to the fullest, all the pain she suffered through to get here had been worth it to able to witness this very moment, it was absolutely glorious to her, she feasted on the despair and pain, while at the same time reveling in breaking the girl under her fully for the first time, she had broken her spirit first and now it was time for her body.

"I‘m going to break you apart, bit by loving bit and. I‘m going. To. Enjoy. Every. Second." Hanna whispered into the Julia‘s ear with the last few words being accomplished by a thrust of her fingers into the young girl.

Julia was crying just as much as her mother was, from just as much desperation, she was feeling just as hopeless, but to her tears there was unimaginable pain and hatred.

Pain from letting her family down, her mother down by being unable to resist and from the rough way the monster was treating her, hatred at the monster and it’s black soul, it’s companions who joined this thing and hatred for her self for letting it all happen and for not being able to stop her body reacting to the way the monster twisted her breasts or kissed her lips and neck, she hated herself so much for it.

Meanwhile, Vex stepped outside the room, she did under the pretense of looking out and making sure no one walked in on them, in hindsight that was probably unnecessary, after all Hanna was to 'busy' to care, Adeline was to 'busy' watching Hanna in jealousy as she had her way with another girl and Luisa was to 'busy' staring at the wall to care, she herself had stared at that wall and at the end of it she came to the conclusion, that it was indeed a nice wall.

Her head was racing, her emotions were all over the place, everything was making no sense to her anymore, everything seemed fake and not real, one thing she knew however, was that this was not right and she felt guilty, like it was her fault. And it hindsight it definitely was.

She knew of Hanna‘s plans, she knew that Hanna wanted to delight in the misery of the First Lady and in her naivety she had assumed Hanna felt a simple resentment that would result in her willingly kill the Lady with no remorse, but she was so wrong after all she was human and Hanna was not.

She wouldn’t have been able to bring herself to torture in the way Hanna did and she knew that, she knew Hanna would take it to the extreme, and yet she had kept her mouth shut and let it all happen. And why? To save herself? Out of spite? What pathetic excuse would she be able to come up with now?

The answer was none, there was no excuse.

Even a Demon had called her out on it, calling it a 'pragmatic solution' to her problem, but even he made it quite clear how absolutely hypocritical the whole thing was. She called her self a revolutionary? Trying to free the people from an unjust rule and tyranny, but here she was helping a monster getting its petty revenge through raping a daughter in front of the eyes of the mother!

She slid down the door until firmly seated on the spotless floor of the mansion a quite laugh with no humour in it escaped her mouth as she stared blankly at a nearby painting, it was of the First Lady, cradling a young girl, probably the daughter. It was taunting her, reminding her of just what she did and how she was responsible of ruining their lives right now.

She had always convinced herself she was following a righteous cause, that her actions would lead to escalation and blood being shed was a fact she had grown to accept and in her mind it was the nobles and churches fault, they were the bad guys in her story, the antagonists for implementing such a oppressive set of rules of this tyranny, she had wanted them to fall and suffer the consequences of their actions.

But this?

This wasn’t what she wanted, or what she wanted to be, she was supposed to save an unfairly treated populace from an evil tyranny! The nobles were supposed to be her enemies, they were supposed to be the evil ones, not her! It was so unfair, she was supposed to oppose the nobles on every turn because they were supposed to be evil, they are evil and are suppressing research and magic to not lose their hold on power!

So why does she feel so bad?

Why was she the villain of the story right now?

As Vex started to question the very existence of her plans, of her goals, she did not notice the loud and hurried footsteps that were approaching her, she didn’t notice the hand that was shacking her shoulder and she did not hear the shout directed at her, for she was in a different place right now, contemplating every single action she had done up to this point.

Where those the actions of someone who wished to make the place a better one, or were they the actions of a coward who kowtowed to a monster in fear? Had she knowingly helped a monster, who openly bragged about having burned down an entire village, just for her petty need for revenge?

An extremely loud scream of pure agony and pain finally managed to get her out of her head and back into the real world just in time to notice how she had been pushed to the side to open the door behind her and in a moment of unknown conviction and strength she grabbed onto one of the legs with all her might and pulled, making the person stumble backwards and away from the door.


It seemed her conscious had finally caught up with the rest of her mind, she wouldn’t let anyone else fall into Hanna‘s hands, it was time for her to do the right thing. Unfortunately for her, the head butler was not in a mood to argue. He kicked her in the stomach sending her flying backwards and freeing his legs from her hold, he immediately turned back to the door and opened it.

What he saw was a sight so unbelievable he couldn’t even comprehend it at first glance, he saw the First Lady, bound by the wall, crying and squirming to no end, she had noticed the door opening and looked at him, the devastation in her eyes was something he couldn’t even come up with in his darkest nightmares.

On the bed there was the First Lady‘s daughter, being violated by Hanna on top of her, there was blood puddles on the bed as multiple claw marks were scattered around the young girls body, her face was wet with tears as she cried with no voice left in her. Hanna was greatly enjoying herself onto of her, laughing multiple times in an unsettling matter, whenever she left another wound on Julia‘s body.

Once the First Lady had noticed him, her squirming against the chains increased and she to grunt loudly against the ball of darkness in her mouth, clearly trying to tell him something, unfortunately she wasn’t the only one who noticed the door and soon Adeline‘s blade was against his throat her glare at the man would freeze most men‘s blood in an instant, but he was the First Lady‘s butler and not just any normal man.

In a single swift motion her kicked the blade out of Adeline‘s hand, and with a second kick he send her flying into the nearby wall, cracks started to form along the wall upon the impact, he might not been on an adventure for over 20 years at this point, but he hadn’t been the last Adventurers Guildmaster for nothing either.

The impact of Adeline‘s body had been hard and loud and it didn’t go unnoticed by Hanna, who‘s head turned so quickly it was a wonder she didn’t break anything, she fixed him with a glare so full with malice and hate he actually shuddered for but a single moment.

"I do not appreciate being interrupted you old senile old man. I thought I told you this process requires absolute perfect execution and that I shouldn’t be interrupted, while I break her body and mind to be reformed to my whim."

He eyed the 'adventurer' in front of him, she had clearly changed, she had cat like ears now, claws and a tail, it didn’t take a genius to understand what was in front of him. His stare turned hard as he took on a battle ready position.

"You aren’t human, but a monster wearing a human disguise." Hanna scoffed.

"Good job you point out the obvious. Is that all your senile brain can muster gramps?" She grabbed Julia by the neck and lifted her off the bed, the other hand directly in front of the girls throat.

"Stand down now, or the girls' throat is my next meal for the day."

He analysed his situation, was he faster then the monster in front of him? Probably not anymore, in his prime he could have done it, but not now. He looked for possible ranged option, a few vases were nearby, but he didn’t know how the monster would react to him trying to grab them, nor did he know if they were enough, the monster could also use Julia as a shield, so that went out the window.

In his analysis he went over every corner of the room, he took in every aspect of it, the length the amount of people were things stood, everything, he had good memory and powerful observation skills, but in the end he was but a human man and he failed to notice the shape slowly creeping forward in the shadows of the ground.

The First Lady shouted warning after warning, but to no avail, the ball of darkness completely silenced all her cries into nothing but simple grunts and she had to watch in terror as Luisa‘s figure grew out of his shadow behind him and unleashed her chains once again.

He whipped around the second the first chain ensnared his left arm, but it was to late, and with only one arm available he couldn’t keep up with the storm of chains that fell towards him and soon he was just as chained up as his master was. Hanna laughed loudly into the room, her laugh so wrong to the human‘s ears the couldn’t help but feel sick at the sound.

"Ughhh You gotta do this fast Hanna, I can’t keep them both chained up for ever." Luisa grunted through her teeth, clearly in pain, but she knew the request fell on deaf ears, doing things quickly, especially torture, was simply not Hanna’s style.

Hanna, who was still holding up Julia, now threw the young girl to the ground, who barely whimpered in response, her body and mind almost having gone completely blank, she simply laid there and continued to mumble nonsense to herself over and over again, sometimes words like 'sorry' or short phrases like 'my fault' or 'too weak' could be heard.

The head butler immediately caught on and wanted to speak words of encouragement to the young girl, that all of this wasn’t her fault that she shouldn’t blame herself for things clearly out of control, but alas his mouth was sealed, while Hanna‘s wasn’t and she too Heard- these mumblings and the evil gleam in her eyes increased even more.

Hanna kneeled down next to the distraught girl and she whispered the devils words into her ear, her voice as sweet as honey but filled with poison from the deadliest Hydra know in the world. Both the Head butler and Lady Kathrin fought against their restraints with renewed vigour, Luisa grunted.

"Don’t worry little girl~ it isn’t your fault, you have been held back by those you call family~"

Julia‘s mumbling stopped and she began to rock herself back and forth, back and forth. She made no sound, no whimper or hiccup, she simply rocked back and forth, back and forth as the venomous words of Hanna started to poison her mind.

“Don’t you find it strange they send in alone with but a single man into the forest that one day? When they knew I was around? They knew of my own strength, they knew you couldn’t stand to beat me and yet they send you into my maw. Quite strange isn’t it? Why would anyone do that to another person, unless they wanted them to die?“

The chains thrashed about, rattling in the air as both the head butler and Lady Kathrin thrashed against their restraints, Luisa was panting and with her knees on the ground, she couldn’t keep them restraint for much longer.

"Once you surpassed their expectations and somehow survived they did the next best thing, the locked you away in your room to rot away, they couldn’t kill you so they made you disappear, they hid You away from others and never mentioned your name again, in the hopes to make you disappear in the minds of them all, you were useless and a waste of space for them, but not to me."

Hanna grabbed Julia by the shoulders and put her back on her legs, she faced no resistance from Julia, who simply continued to be completely motionless and made no sound whatsoever. Her head was hanging low and she simply stared at the ground. Hanna grabbed her shoulders from behind and gently pushed her forward towards the two captives.

Once Julia was standing in front of her mother they stopped and Hanna went to fetch Adeline‘s sword that was still lying on the ground.

"I can make You the person you deserve to be, I can give you anything you want, as long as you stay with me, I promise you to be free and give you the strength you deserve-" Once she was back at Julia‘s side she pressed the handle of the sword into Julia‘s hand and leaned into her ear, giving the earlobe a small lick.

"All you have to do, is to show me your resolve to forget the old, cut out the people who hold you back and embrace the new~"
Hanna stepped backwards a huge smirk in her eyes, she was sure of her victory, the ultimate revenge against against the woman that had humiliated her.

Julia looked upon her mother, who had stopped struggling against her restraints and simply looked into her daughter‘s eyes there was sadness and grief, but also acceptance and something she couldn’t figure out, her once brilliant eyes now nothing more then grey, lifeless blobs.

Julia raised the sword, the metal shining for but a moment against the candlelight of the room, next to them the head butler redoubled his efforts to finally get rid of his restraints, some chains were starting to break, signs of his success, but he wasn’t fast enough.

“I‘m sorry." Julia whispered and she brought the blade down.

Metal cut through flesh and blood sprayed everywhere, but there was no scream of pain.

Julia stumbled back and fell into the quickly forming puddle of blood, the sword sticking out on the other side of her abdomen.

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