Reincarnated as Supergirl (YJ / DC)

Chapter 57.2

So, I'm still not well, but I'm getting better. I cut the pain medication from two tablets every six hours to only one and continue to use the antibiotics as the doctors prescribed. Hopefully, I'll be good by Saturday.

Anyways, enough about that, I finally managed to finish the chapter, so, here it is. Will of the Force should be coming in two days.

I hope you guys enjoy the chapter.


P.S: What other sites do you guys read fanfic?

I post on RoyalRoad, SB, Webnovel, SH, SV, QQ, Ao3 and FF, which is a lot, but those are the sites I read things.

I always heard about Tumblr fanfic, Wattpad and Honey... something, but I both don't use them and, from all I've heard, my fics wouldn't really fit there.

Still, do you guys know other sites where good fanfic can be found? It's getting hard to find new good (and long) ones in those sites. Used to be I could search there and find a new fic with no effort, but I have read so many it's becoming hard to find new ones (not impossible, but I have to spend some effort to look for it)... and it would also be nice to spread my stories even wider.


The meeting happened in one of her safehouses. With the ability to teleport and Bobo having left a camouflage surveillance drone watching the building in Midway City, there was no need to be anywhere close before the rescue happened.

When she entered the warehouse, Kara couldn’t help lifting an eyebrow. On one side, sitting around a table were Detective Chimp, The Shade and Green Arrow, aka Minion 3 with his armor. On the other, Catwoman, Kite-Man and Red Bee stood awkwardly and kept giving them odd looks.

The not-quite-so-famous Red Bee was an average man, he wore a red costume with only a tiny black mask, his pants were striped red and yellow reminding her of his namesake and blue boots. The man looked extremely fit, only slightly behind Batman in that aspect.

Kara had done a search on the hero after hearing about him and she was genuinely impressed. While he wasn’t the greatest detective —wasn’t even in the ballpark, really— he was very competent and strong enough to deal with multiple criminals.

In fact, despite not having powers himself, she’d give him an even chance against most lower-level villains, his skill more than enough to deal with some powers.

Kite-Man wore a modern green costume with a visor protecting his eyes, he wasn’t as fit and probably sucked in a fight, but he didn’t look as idiotic as his name suggested at least.

“Excellent, we’re fashionably late,” she said, stepping into the room.

“Don’t worry, you’re perfectly on time,” the Shade spoke, briefly taking off his hat.

“Forge,” Red Bee greeted her.

Dropping a holographic projector, Kara connected to the camera watching the building, and created a complete display for them all to observe. The building wasn’t huge, only seven stories tall, having once been a hospital that had closed doors.

At the side of the image, the data about every member of the Injustice League was there, including their rescue target. A picture for every one of them. 

On one side of the projection, Wotan, wearing a long, black coat, his eyes black and blue skin making him very evident. Black Adam, a lightning bolt on the chest of his black costume. Atomic Skull, wearing a yellow jumpsuit and his typical helmet.

On the other side was the Ultra-Humanite, currently in the body of a white gorilla, brain exposed. Count Vertigo, wearing an elegant suit, his posture perfect. The Joker, his usual purple suit with a pack of cigarettes in the front pocket, a huge smile on his face.

Finally, Poison Ivy, their rescue target. The camera could see through the building’s walls, marking where every one of them currently was.

Looking around the room, Kara spoke. “Detective, was there any change in their activities?”

“Nope, still all there,” the chimp touched his chest, looking for a cigarette but took his hand off the packet. “Suspiciously so, if I’m being honest, what with the jester being, well, the jester. Doubt they like staying in the same city as him, much less the same building.”

“You think it’s a trap?” Catwoman asked.

“No offense, but Bee-Guy there did escape a little too easily if ya ask me,” Bobo shrugged. “The houses around the building are empty, but there was no violence and the building is filled with Joker’s traps. Meaning they’ve been in the area long enough for him to go nuts and people to get spooked.

“Worse, the only reason it took so long to track them was that the Joker kept moving between five other locations, one’s that don’t exactly paint a pretty picture,” Spreading a map of the city on top of the table, he revealed five red dots surrounding their target location.

“Should we retreat?” Red Bee asked with an uncertain voice. “If it’s a trap, we may have far more time to plan this.”

“Just because it’s a treacherous pitfall doesn’t mean they’re not going to be through with the attack, my dear,” The Shade said. “As Bobo pointed out, the Joker is very aggravating, people like Wotan or Black Adam wouldn’t agree to such an arrangement without a time limit.” 

“Yep, they’re almost finished,” the Detective said. “Whatever they’re doing in there is big and it needs Poison Ivy and Ultra-Humanite. Since the place isn’t covered in plants, they needed equipment.

“A little bit of legwork and I found several suspicious deliveries. None to the building itself, but to nearby commerce areas. Orders too big for the neighborhood, from suppliers too small to have the storage space to fulfill them. Several of those trucks are coming back tonight and tomorrow.”

“They’re taking away the equipment,” Kara said. She definitely could understand wishing to keep her equipment. Some of it was a pain to create in the first place. “They’re either finished or nearly so.”

“Yep, they either attack tomorrow or vanish with the complete product and catch us by surprise later,” Bobo shrugged.

“As I’m sure the detective noticed, the five locations he’s marked aren’t random,” The Shade said again. “I have made use of something similar before to battle two powerful entities. Depending on the details, this may have just become far more dangerous.”

Looking at the map, Kara immediately noticed the problem, drawing lines between the dots. They easily formed a perfect pentagram around the building they were going to assault, one that covered the entire city.

She didn’t remember the Injustice League using anything like this to enhance their plants, which meant this was a change, one to strengthen the trap or empower the attack even more.

“Anything strange at the locations?” She asked.

“Nope, they’re empty houses, no carved runes or strange rituals,” Bobo said. “The Joker isn’t exactly known for playing with magic, but the houses did have a story of people going mad.”

Fuck, another unknown in the attack. “What could they use such a ritual for?”

“Wotan is Viking while Adam’s Egyptian,” Bobo said. “Since I didn’t find any runes in the place, it’s not something that’s easy to divine. They could be summoning something or empowering Ivy’s plants.”

“Such symbols are very versatile,” The Shade said. “When I made use of it, I chose five locations where I had killed in the past to strengthen my connection to the Shadowlands and call upon the power of a god. The other time an enemy used places where he had been defeated to summon a demon.”

“So it could be anything?” Minion 3 asked, drawing the connection lines himself. “Any idea how to narrow it down?”

“Well, Wotan did use the Clown to fetch things instead of acting himself and the houses had history,” Bobo said. “The ritual probably has something to do with madness or trickery, but I really can’t narrow it down more.”

Kara just stared at the building and the pentagram, thinking. Was she really going to attack today? Yes, yes she was.   

“I’m not letting them keep Ivy,” Kite-Man broke the silence, hands tightened into fists. “Whether you help or not, I’m going in.”

Taking a deep breath, Kara spoke. “We’ll act today. There are seven targets, of varying degrees of danger. Catwoman, you’ve dealt with the Joker before, can you disable his traps?”

“If given time,” the woman nodded. “But I don’t like my chances against any of the big boys.”

“Good, we’ll try to simply teleport Ivy out before the fight but, if that fails, you, Red Bee and Kite-Man will wait until we engage before infiltrating the building and rescuing Ivy. By that time, the Injustice League should all be busy, so you’ll only have to deal with the traps.”

“I have adapted my gliders for stealth operations, they won’t be visible and shouldn’t trigger any alarms,” Kite-Man said, pointing at the holographic display. “We could enter directly from the fourth floor. I can also help with electronic traps.”

Seeing as the guy rode on a freaking kite, Kara didn’t think he had any technological know-how, she turned to stare at him and he shrugged.

“I helped build the Jokermobile,” Kite-Man shrugged, but Kara could feel the anger in his body. “I know how he designs things.”

“Good, Plan A is simple, my weapons should be able to disable most of them through the walls. At the same time, I’ll try to teleport Ivy away,” Kara revealed, causing several larger drones to form behind her from the nanomachines. “Unfortunately, they’re not strong enough to disable Black Adam and, maybe, Wotan depending on his defenses, we’ll have to lure them outside. I have made two Nth metal projectiles that should disable the duo, but I don’t want to risk missing by shooting through the walls.”

Creating the projectiles meant losing her magical defenses on one glove, but she should be able to recover the metal after the fight and she still had her right hand to block magical attacks.

It was unfortunate that she couldn’t just coat several bullets on the material or shoot minuscule particles, Nth metal’s disrupting ability increased with the size of the metal, if she made them too small they may not even pierce Black Adam’s skin.

“I don’t like the thought of going immediately lethal,” Red Bee protested.

“I won’t aim for any immediately lethal shots,” except toward the Joker who was fair game. “As long as they survive the initial shot, I can keep them alive.”

“And what if the walls are reinforced with magic?” Green Arrow asked.

“If they can block the opening shots we’ll go to Plan B,” Kara said. “Black Adam is arrogant enough that he should still be easily lured outside and disabled. Shade, can you deal with Wotan?”

“Easily,” The Shade nodded, then adjusted his grip on his cane. “Even empowered by a ritual, I should be capable of at least delaying him.”

Kara nodded, getting ready. “Good. Worst case scenario, I and Fatale should be able to fight Black Adam even at full power.”

“I’ll be accompanying the cat lady. I know the Clown is usually the furry’s business, but I’ve studied his case enough to be useful,” Bobo said. Bending down, he pulled out a long case and opened it, lifting a longsword over his shoulders. Seeing Kara’s stare, he smiled, showing his large fangs. “Felt a little left out at Morrow’s lab, so a friend lent me a little something.” 

Staring at the Sword of Night, possibly a stronger blade than the Sword of Beowulf at Kori’s waist, Kara couldn’t help wanting to grab it for herself... She wouldn’t, but Rao did she itch to. 

Well, at least Bobo just became vastly more helpful in this confrontation.

“What’s Plan C?” Green Arrow absent-mindedly asked, already touching one of Kara’s larger drones.

“Overwhelming firepower,” Kara said. “If things get too dangerous, we get Ivy away and I blow them all to hell… probably quite literally. I found a way to limit the area of damage from the demo....”

“We will ask for reinforcements,” Kori interrupted her. “Raining hellfire will be Plan Z.”

Kara looked at her girlfriend and sighed. “Very well, I should be able to call on Justice League assistance, a trade for the help I provided against the Eldritch creature at Salem,” at least that would be her justification to keep Forge separated from Supergirl.

An hour later, the team teleported a few kilometers away from the target and slowly moved invisibly through the street. 

The rescue team positioned themselves in a higher position from where they could glide directly at the target while Kara, Kori, Minion 3 and The Shade, stood a kilometer away. Slowly, Minion 3 loaded two Nth metal bullets in his rifle and waited.

Staring through the camera and following the Injustice League movement inside the building, Kara lined up her drones, each one with both a teleport gun and a railgun in case they blocked teleportation.

Getting the correct dimensional coordinates, she pulled the trigger.



If you enjoy my work, I have an advanced chapter for my patrons or you can also take a look at my other fics: Will of The Force (SFW). - WEEKLY / Dungeon Delving is Damn HARD  (SFW) (HIATUS)/ Reincarnated into a H World (VERY NSFW) (HIATUS)

Also, think about giving me a tip if you have some spare change by supporting me on patreon, ko-fi with the buttons bellow the chapter, or just a one time donation directly to PayPal.  All my content is free and you can support me for a single dollar.

Thanks to Eric Faust for helping out with the chapter!

Thanks for my patrons : Iori Daemona Angel, AlliterativeArts (Eric Faust) Comics, WanderingDaemon, GrumpyJustGrumpy, Travis cox, camarada fugu, Rootbeerguy, High Priest of Torga, Michael Neal, Felrook, NotableRonin, AjiTae, khepri, Louis Kasser, JVR, Joseph,  Vegetables, Nisiris, Flashycow, Ryuda, Commander Miggs, Kaleb, Awais, Ty Tuttle, LordChoto, Allison Jolley, Phillip Webster, Glitched Knights, Robolo42, Zistrum, IrishxButter, Journeyman_Mike, Jason Langford, W01F, janember, AlthePal, Elia , Matthew D, rome33, Jesper Samso Birch, Austin, Pedro Belonia, Danny York, Joe Foreman, Duke, Kraxus, Invernos, john the gamer, ecool, Looting Pillager, Palladya, Tiberius Cristian Radu, Eric Hicks, eevin1, Definitely (Not) a Necromancer, PhillyFlaps, EMthe4th, Dinero1121, Davic C, Michael Rojas, Javier Gonzales and Ceifeiros for supporting my work!

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