Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch67- Together

Walking out, he was approached by Yoruichi, her eyes conveying a mix of admiration and curiosity. "You never cease to surprise," she remarked, a hint of warmth in her voice.

He simply smiled, feeling the quiet bond between them. The path he had chosen wasn't just for himself—it was to prove his worth to those who had faith in him and to contribute to the balance and security of the Soul Society.

Kensei approached, giving a friendly thump on Kazuki’s back, "Guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other in training then."

Walking together, the group of four was fueled by a potent mix of excitement and anticipation. Yoruichi moved next to Kazuki, their arms lightly brushing each other with each step. On Yoruichi's other side, Isane chatted animatedly, her voice occasionally rising in excitement. Kensei, in contrast, strolled along with a calm assurance, taking a place at Kazuki's other side.

"What about the others?" Isane asked, her tone curious, "Mashiro and Lisa?"

Yoruichi's smile was genuine and warm. "They still have the chance to apply for advanced classes and be tested. You know, each year, only a handful get chosen as we did. Having five of us selected is actually quite rare."

Kazuki gave a nod of understanding. Yoruichi continued, "Members of the Shihouin clan always have a place in Onmitsukidō. And as for the Second Division, it’s nearly certain I'll take a seat there. As for Kazuki...” She shot him a teasing look, “Well, he's one of a kind. And this year, we do have quite a few impressive talents."

Kazuki couldn’t help but grin at her playful jab. "And here I thought I was just blending in," he quipped.

Isane giggled, covering her mouth with her hand. "You? Blend in? With that silver hair and those striking eyes? Never."

Kensei chimed in, "Remember that time in class when you executed that complex Kido without even a full incantation? Yeah, no blending in for you."

Kazuki shrugged, trying to maintain a modest exterior, but the teasing from his friends was warmly welcomed.

They soon approached their usual location near the lake. It was a serene spot surrounded by trees and offered a clear view of the water. The sparkling reflections of the sunlight on the ripples created a mesmerizing spectacle.

Kukaku, Lisa, and Mashiro were already there, setting up for their picnic. There was an assortment of dishes laid out on a large cloth, and the aroma wafting from them was simply irresistible. Kukaku waved them over, her grin infectious. "Took you all long enough!"

Kazuki moved closer and took a seat next to Kukaku, allowing himself the comfort of leaning against her, resting his head on her lap. The gesture was one of trust and intimacy. Kukaku, without a word, began to stroke his hair gently. The sensation was calming, and he felt at ease. On his other side, Yoruichi, not to be left out, laid down too, placing her head on his abs, her hand lightly resting on his chest.

Mashiro's bubbly energy broke the serene moment. "So?" she began, practically bouncing with anticipation. "What was it about?"

Kazuki raised an eyebrow playfully, "What was what about?"

"The meeting, silly! I've been dying to know since you guys left!" Mashiro pouted.

Lisa rolled her eyes, her tone sarcastic. "Oh, nothing much, probably just a regular 'hey, how's it going?' sort of thing."

Kazuki chuckled, enjoying the playful atmosphere. "Well, let's just say it was more than your average hello."

Kensei added, "They're starting an idol band, and Kazuki's the lead singer."

Isane burst into giggles, her laugh light and melodious. "That's right! And Kensei's on the drums."

Mashiro looked bewildered for a moment, then realization dawned. "You're teasing! Tell me!"

Yoruichi, her voice sultry and low, whispered just loud enough for everyone to hear, "Well, Kazuki here got an offer very few get. He's going to be learning, well, everything."

Kazuki felt Kukaku's fingers pause for a moment, her surprise evident, before resuming their gentle rhythm in his hair. "Everything?" Lisa asked, genuine curiosity lacing her voice.

Yoruichi nodded, "Yes. Kido, Zanjutsu, Hakuda, Hohō. Every discipline. They see a lot of potential in him."

Mashiro's green eyes twinkled with mischief. "Ooh, Kazuki's the teacher's pet."

Isane elbowed Mashiro lightly. "It's not just that. It's a testament to his abilities."

Kensei, never one to resist an opportunity, chimed in, "So, are we supposed to call you 'Master Kazuki' now or something?"

Kazuki laughed, "Only if you want me to call you 'Disciple Kensei.'"

A chorus of laughter erupted. Kukaku, her voice soft yet firm, said, "Kazuki has always shown an unmatched aptitude. It's no surprise that they've acknowledged it. And I have no doubt he'll surpass everyone's expectations."

Yoruichi nudged him lightly, her tone teasing, "Always the overachiever, huh?"

Kazuki looked up at Kukaku and then to Yoruichi. "Thanks to the wonderful people I have around me. I'm just trying to keep up."

Lisa sighed, "Well, with you setting the bar so high, we'll have our work cut out for us."

Kukaku's eyes twinkled with mischief, "Well, at least you'll have some eye candy during the training sessions." Everyone laughed at her brazen comment.

Kazuki looked up at Kukaku, and their eyes locked. "I wish you were a student at the academy too." His smile was genuine and full of warmth, making the moment intimate and special. "Then I would have some eye candy too."

The crimson hue on Kukaku’s cheeks deepened, a stark contrast to her usually brazen demeanor. Yoruichi's eyes danced with amusement, her hand entwined with Kazuki's, sensing the shared warmth between the two.

A playful groan came from Isane, her tone light. "Oh, please, not while we're eating." She attempted to feign exasperation but couldn’t suppress the slight smile playing on her lips.

Lisa smirked, "Well, it's not often we see Kukaku speechless."

Mashiro, ever the ball of energy, jumped in. "Ooh! Someone's got it bad!" Her fingers formed a mock heart shape as she teased them.

Kensei gave Kazuki a friendly shove, breaking the tension. "Alright, lover boy. Ready for that intense training?"

Kazuki laughed, shaking off the moment. "Always. You think you can keep up?"

"Try me," Kensei replied, a playful challenge evident in his voice.

Yoruichi pulled herself up from her relaxed position, the teasing lilt still present. "Training starts tomorrow. So, make sure you're rested up. Especially you, Mr. Everything." She winked at Kazuki, making him chuckle.

The sun began to dip, casting a warm orange hue over the gathering. As evening approached, the picnic came to an end, and they all began packing up.


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