Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch57- He is a Dangerous Man!

In the forests of Rokangai, danger was an inherent part of their training, and while Shinigami guards were present to assist in case of mishaps, it was always reassuring when Master Yashido performed his meticulous checks. With a brief nod of satisfaction, he signaled the end of the day's field training, and with a stern reminder to reflect upon their experiences, he dismissed them.

Walking back from the training grounds, Kazuki, in the company of his friends—Yoruichi, Lisa, Isane, Mashiro, and Kensei—made their way towards a familiar spot. It was a serene lake, its tranquil surface reflecting the warmth of the late afternoon sun. They had often congregated here after a grueling day, sharing stories, dreams, and occasionally, silences that spoke volumes.

Kazuki led them to a secluded area, a place that was comfortably out of the public view. It was a perfect spot, ensconced in the heart of nature, a sanctuary of sorts where they could let down their guards. He settled down, his back against a large, weathered tree, Yoruichi taking a seat beside him. His sword lay on his lap, a testament to the day's discovery.

"You guys are the people I trust most," he began, sincerity resonating in his voice. He meant it, every word. Except for Kukaku, who was not part of the academy, the people he trusted most in his life were there, sitting with him. This group, his friends, were his lifeline. "I will reveal a few of my secrets," he added, his eyes reflecting his trust.

His words hung in the air, the gravity of the revelation clear to them all. Yet there was an unspoken understanding that his secret was safe with them, the bonds they shared ran deeper than the waters of the lake that lay before them.

"Today, Aizen attacked me," Kazuki started, drawing a few gasps from the group of girls. Yoruichi clenched her fist at his side, her normally playful demeanor replaced by a serious concern. Kazuki gently held onto her hand, his calm demeanor assuring her that all was fine.

Kensei's gaze hardened, his usually stoic face slightly pale under the descending twilight. "It wasn't a coincidence that we were separated, was it?" His voice was gruff but steady.

Kazuki shook his head. His silver hair fluttered slightly in the breeze, mirroring the glint of his weapon resting on his lap. "I always had these feelings about certain people. They are like echoes of the past, calling out to me. I had them several times and thought maybe it was about the memories I lost before I appeared in Rokongai," he explained, his voice quiet but clear. The atmosphere around the group became tense as they listened to his words.

"But when I first met Aizen, this unexplainable dread, hatred, the idea of revenge filled my mind. It was so potent that, I found it hard to breathe at the time," Kazuki continued, his gaze unwavering as he met each of his friends' eyes. "But I didn't know the cause, I still don't, but I know a few things now."

He paused, letting his words sink in. "First of all, Aizen is smart, talented and extremely cunning." His eyes narrowed slightly at the last word, a certain bitterness tinging his voice.

To this, Isane covered her mouth, a flicker of disbelief in her eyes. Aizen had the perfect role model reputation in the academy and if it wasn't for Kazuki's own reputation, they might think he was jealous of Aizen. But the group knew better than that. Kazuki was not such a person. There had to be a reason for his suspicions.

"Today, he insisted on showing me his Shikai and the same fear wouldn't let me go. I had to stop him, so when he uttered the first syllable of his release command, which is 'Shatter, Kyōka Suigetsu', my Zanpakuto reached out to me."

As Kazuki spoke, his hand instinctively grasped the hilt of his sword. With a soft but firm voice, he called out, "Devour, Kamijō Tenseiga."

Before their eyes, the Zanpakuto transformed. The blade elongated and became more slender, glinting in the setting sun, looking as though it was crafted from starlight itself. The guard took on a circular shape, starburst protrusions marking an expanded universe. The hilt turned a deeper shade of black, contrasting vividly with the radiant blade, while the silver thread wound around it became luminescent, further enhancing its ethereal quality. The sphere at the end of the hilt gave off a soft cosmic glow, reflecting off the awestruck faces of Kazuki's friends.

The transformation was as beautiful as it was deadly, a silent testament to the deep bond between Kazuki and his Zanpakuto. But more than that, it was a declaration of his resolve, his unspoken vow to protect what he held dear.

"Meet, Kamijō Tenseiga," Kazuki said, a hint of pride in his voice. "My companion." A light smile touched his face. With a simple gesture, he waved the sword, and it returned to its old self. His companions watched in awe, but Kazuki wasn't finished.

"He then uttered once again, 'Shot to Kill, Shinso.'" As he spoke these words, the Zanpakuto began to morph again, but in a more subtle manner. The blade extended, its shine dimming to a cool, moon-like glow. The previously intricate guard became simpler, retaining only four starburst points, indicating a semi-unleashed state. The hilt's thread lost its luminescence, and the sphere at the end glowed dimly. The transformation was less magnificent than the first, yet it still radiated an undeniable aura of power.

"Impossible," Lisa gasped. Her eyes were wide, disbelief etching her usually composed features.

"Do you have two Zanpakuto?" Kensei asked, his tone steady despite the surprise he felt.

Kazuki shook his head, dispelling the incorrect assumption. "When Aizen asked me the name of my Zanpakuto, I instinctively called out this, and felt that the blade was reacting to my command. I could have refuse to answer but I didn't want Aizen to be suspicious of my suspicion. This is half-shikai, half form of my real Shikai." His gaze turned contemplative as he looked down at the glowing blade. "Due to the command I call, it can transform into this simpler form. I cannot unleash all my abilities in this form, but it is perfect to hide my real abilities."


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