Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch52- This is Me!

With the advent of a new semester, the students of Shin'o Academy returned from their half-year internships with the Gotei 13. The time spent under the guidance of different captains and divisions had yielded a trove of practical experience, but now the theoretical study once again beckoned them.

In the heart of a bustling classroom, Master Yashido held his Zanjutsu class, a seasoned veteran whose every word carried the weight of decades of relentless battles.

"Do not seek beauty in battle. Do not seek virtue in death. Do not make the mistake of considering only your own life," he began, his voice steady and commanding. The classroom fell into a hushed silence, the eyes of the students fixed intently on the master.

"If you wish to protect that which you must protect," he continued, his tone resonating with an unyielding resolve, "slice the enemy you must defeat from behind."

He began explaining the philosophy, a wisdom forged from the harsh realities of combat. The essence of his teaching emphasized on the importance of being swift and resolute.

"Battles are not arenas to display your aesthetics, but a test of your will, your resolve, and your strategic acumen," he explained, pacing the room as his voice echoed. "In the heat of a battle, hesitation can be a fatal mistake. You must act swiftly, resolutely, without letting personal emotions cloud your judgment."

His eyes swept over the class, pausing for a fraction over Kazuki, before moving on to rest on the next student.

"Death holds no inherent virtue. We are not here to romanticize it," he emphasized, capturing the unwavering attention of his pupils. "Our primary objective is not to lay down our lives, but to preserve and protect."

He then turned to the last part of his discourse, a message that carried a sobering reality of their responsibilities.

"To protect, one must learn to eliminate threats efficiently. This means taking the quickest, most decisive route to defeat your enemy, even if it means striking them from behind," Master Yashido concluded, his tone underscored with a grim understanding of what that meant.

"Fighting is not about defending the honor of your superiors or the name of your family," Master Yashido continued, his voice carrying a note of authority, cutting through the silence of the classroom. "It is about putting your life on the line to shield those you hold dear and the world you've sworn to protect."

As his words filled the room, a quiet understanding spread across the students. They listened with rapt attention, their expressions serious and thoughtful. This was no ordinary lesson; it was a doctrine, a mantra to be followed, the essence of being a Shinigami.

Master Yashido paced around the classroom, his eyes carefully studying each student as he spoke, "In the throes of battle, each decision carries weight. Each action has its consequence. When you step on the battlefield, your motive shouldn't be to pursue personal glory or to fulfil a duty to your lineage. It's not about you. It's about them – the ones you've vowed to shield."

He paused, letting the impact of his words sink in. The intensity of his gaze was a mirror reflecting the students' own resolve.

"As a Shinigami," he proceeded, his voice echoing through the silent room, "your duty extends beyond the surface. It's more profound, more personal. Our battles aren't waged for the glory of victories or the weight of defeats. We fight for those who cannot protect themselves, for the sake of humanity."

With his next words, he pointed towards the heart of their commitment, "When you put on your uniform, remember what it symbolizes. It isn't a mere garment. It's a symbol of the vows you've taken to safeguard the world from the shadows. It's a representation of your oath to protect, to serve, and to keep the balance."

His gaze swept across the room one last time, ensuring his message was driven home. As he concluded, "Remember, when you fight, you're not alone. You carry with you the hopes and prayers of those you're protecting. Their faith rests in you, and it is that faith that you must never betray."

With that, Master Yashido ended his speech, leaving behind a silence filled with contemplation and resolution. His words lingered in the air, reverberating in the hearts of the students.

The sea of students dispersed from Master Yashido's lecture, a myriad of voices swirling in the air as they mulled over the heavy truths imparted by their instructor. Among them, a group comprising Kazuki, Yoruichi, Lisa, Isane, Mashiro, and Kensei wove their way through the crowd, their destination a serene lake, a regular haunt that offered the comforting silence they craved after such an intense lecture.

The afternoon sun painted golden hues across the sky as they reached the lake. The grass under their feet was cool and inviting. Yoruichi settled down by Kazuki's side, her presence a familiar comfort to him. The others encircled them, the placid surface of the lake reflecting their thoughtful faces.

Breaking away from their customary formation, Urahara joined them, his normally geeky demeanor slightly subdued as he adjusted his student uniform and took a seat. He didn't often join these post-lecture musings, but today seemed different.

As they settled, Kazuki took his usual position, resting his head on Yoruichi's lap as he stared up at the wisps of clouds drifting lazily across the sky. The serenity of the moment was broken by Isane, her words slicing through the silence like a blade.

"Shinigami duty requires selflessness," she commented, a hint of contemplation in her voice.

Kazuki shook his head at her statement, the corner of his eye catching Urahara doing the same. An unusual occurrence, that. Piqued by this mirrored reaction, he turned to Urahara, "What do you think, Urahara-san?" he asked, subtly indicating that he had noticed their shared dissent.

Urahara paused, his eyes tracing the tranquil surface of the lake before answering. "On paper they are nice words, but the heart is fickle and can never be simplified like this," he said, his voice steady, his gaze thoughtful.

Kazuki nodded in agreement, finding truth in Urahara's words. "Ethics, morals, and laws are just words," he added, his gaze turning upwards, meeting the vast expanse of the sky.

Kazuki locked eyes with Yoruichi for a long, lingering moment before slowly sweeping his gaze across the other faces. There was a quiet determination set in his features that matched the steel in his words. "I would put my life on the line for you."

His declaration was met with a moment of surprise, punctuated by a faint blush on Yoruichi's cheeks. An unexpected admission, yet it was precisely his unpredictability that made Kazuki so intriguing. His unguarded sincerity stirred emotions even in the usually impassive Kensei.

Kazuki's gaze didn't waver as he continued, his tone resolute, "That is part of the edict Master Yashido taught, dying for friends. But if you and a group of civilians were in danger, I would ignore all of them to save one of you."

Silence ensued. His words hung heavily in the air, the confession of a man who valued bonds over duty. A man who, in spite of the teachings, had his own philosophy carved out from his experiences.

"That is against Master Yashido's teachings. Like Isane said, what they teach us to be selfless. But to be selfless, you have to cast away your 'self.' Who are you then? A shell of a Shinigami with no identity? I would let a city perish for a member of my family. That is me. It may be wrong. It may be selfish. But that is me."

His words challenged the very core of their teachings, provoking them to rethink the doctrines they were expected to abide by. He was a man who'd been swept up by a current and deposited in a world where he was the anomaly, a deviation. Yet, he held on to his identity, unwilling to be molded by the archaic teachings.

"So, don't accept anything without questioning it," Kazuki concluded, recalling Urahara's earlier statement. "Like Urahara-san said, on paper, they are fine, but life is different. Not that simple."

"Would you really?" Mashiro questioned, her normally loud voice softened by the emotional weight of Kazuki's previous admission. The sunlight cast a delicate glow on her face, emphasizing her flushed cheeks and wide eyes. Her gaze, unusually serious, clung to Kazuki.

"Would you go against your duty? Betray the trust of your family, teachers?" She added, her words tinged with curiosity and disbelief.

Kazuki’s smile was faint but sincere as he replied, "If they expect me to turn away from my close ones for duty, then they failed me. I don't mind failing them back."

His words, direct and weighty, hung in the air like a palpable entity, instigating ripples of astonishment among the group. The simplicity of his sentiments did not lessen their impact, but rather amplified it.

The premise was straightforward. If his family – his kin, his mentors – expected him to prioritize duty over his cherished bonds, they had failed in their teachings, and he would not hesitate to fail them in turn.

Mashiro felt a certain warmth permeate through her at his unwavering sincerity. His words stirred within her a question she had never really confronted before – would she do the same? As she looked into Kazuki's unflinching gaze, she realized she would.

Similar contemplation seemed to pass over the others as well, as they turned their gaze from Mashiro to Kazuki, their expressions softened by the gravity of the moment.


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