Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch42- Accidents

The second year of Shin'o Academy was unlike the first. Field trips were the norm, a crucial tool in transforming the students from young trainees into experienced Shinigami. The goal? Real-world encounters, experience over theory, and lessons learned through mistakes. One such day found Kazuki, Kensei, Aizen, and Urahara grouped together for a hunt, a Hollow being their designated target.

Kazuki, acknowledged as the best amongst their class, naturally took the helm. He was a leader not by appointment, but by the weight of his abilities, the respect of his friends, and the silent agreement of his peers. Yet leading was not all it seemed, especially with a team as diverse as this.

Kazuki felt an unsettling twinge every time his gaze met Aizen's. An odd cocktail of dread and rage that he couldn't place nor understand. He decided to navigate it as best he could, maintaining a civil, professional distance.

The sun had just begun its descent when they arrived at their destination. The dense forest stood eerily silent before them, a far cry from the hustle and bustle of the Academy.

"Alright, team," Kazuki began, his voice steady, his eyes scanning the quiet woods, "our mission is clear. Find and eliminate the Hollow. Stay alert and be sure to communicate. Kensei, you're with me. Aizen, Urahara, we're all counting on you."

Aizen nodded, his face betraying no emotion. Urahara simply shrugged, his straw hat casting a shadow over his features. Kensei clapped Kazuki on the shoulder, a quiet bond passing between them.

They split up, each pair diving into a different part of the forest.

The woods were quiet, the silence punctuated only by the rustling leaves and their soft footfalls. Kazuki and Kensei moved silently, their senses heightened and alert. The faint rustle of a leaf, the slight movement of the underbrush, every sound was a potential clue, every shadow a possible threat.

In the quieter part of the forest, Aizen and Urahara advanced. Urahara's nonchalant facade was replaced by focused eyes, every detail, every shift in the forest's ambience was recorded. Aizen was the same, his eyes alert, his senses keenly attuned to their surroundings.

As they moved deeper, the uneasy feeling in Kazuki's gut increased. He could almost taste the Hollow’s foul presence in the air, like a discordant note in an otherwise harmonious symphony. His hand instinctively moved to his Zanpakutō, its familiar weight a reassurance.

"We're close," Kazuki murmured to Kensei, who nodded, his hand also reaching for his own Zanpakutō.

In a well-coordinated movement, they leaped, swords drawn, and descended on the lurking Hollow. The clash was swift and brutal. Kazuki's eyes were cold and focused, his movements swift and decisive, the clash of steel against the grotesque mask resounded through the quiet forest.

Simultaneously, Urahara and Aizen confronted their own battles. Urahara’s casual air was gone, replaced by an unmistakable steeliness. His Zanpakutō cut through the Hollow with an ease that belied his usual relaxed demeanor.

Aizen, on the other hand, was methodical, his strikes calculated, every move designed to trap and eliminate the Hollow. His calm demeanor was a stark contrast to the ferocity of his attacks.

Their respective battles with the Hollows were quick and decisive, each one revealing the meticulous training and latent talents of the four Shinigami students. With the disintegration of the Hollows, the oppressive air in the forest lifted slightly. Kazuki and Kensei returned their Zanpakutōs to their sheaths while Aizen and Urahara did the same.

"We should head back," Kazuki suggested, his voice cutting through the stillness of the forest. The others nodded in agreement, and they began their journey back, unaware of the danger lurking in the shadows.

As they trudged along, Aizen broke the silence. "I think I spotted another Hollow deeper in the woods," he said, seemingly casually.

"We should let the others know," Urahara replied, but Aizen shook his head.

"It seemed weaker. Perhaps we can handle it?" he suggested, his eyes meeting Kazuki's, then darting away. An odd tension threaded through his words, setting off a warning bell in Kazuki's head. But Kazuki kept his thoughts to himself, shaking his head.

"Hold on," Kazuki's voice halted their steps, "this Hollow isn't one of our designated targets. We should let Master Yoshido know first."

Aizen nodded, a smile pulling at his lips. "That seems like the right course of action," he conceded, his voice light.

Before they could regroup, a deafening roar echoed through the forest, sending a chilling wave of terror through their spines. A Hollow. And by the sounds of it, a strong one.

Their instincts took over. Kazuki and Kensei unsheathed their Zanpakutōs, their eyes scanning the forest for any sign of the monster. Aizen and Urahara stood close by, their hands also on their own weapons.

Kazuki felt a shiver run down his spine, a feeling of dread he hadn't experienced before. He locked eyes with Kensei, silently communicating their strategy. Kensei, understanding his unspoken message, nodded.

"I see it!" Urahara exclaimed, pointing towards a break in the trees. A giant shadow loomed in the distance, its grotesque form barely discernible through the dense foliage.

Before they could act, Aizen seemed to stumble, his foot dislodging a large rock that went crashing down the hill. The noise was significant enough to alert the Hollow. With a guttural roar, it lumbered towards them, its hollow eyes filled with a chilling rage.

For a moment, Kazuki looked at Aizen, the smallest frown on his face. He wasn't sure if Aizen had done that on purpose or it was an accident. But he pushed that thought aside; right now, they had a bigger problem on their hands.

"Aizen, Urahara, take the flank," Kazuki ordered, his voice cutting through the roar of the Hollow. "Kensei, you're with me."

Without waiting for a response, Kazuki and Kensei launched themselves at the Hollow. As they attacked, they felt the Hollow's strong spiritual pressure. This was no ordinary Hollow; it was significantly stronger than what they had faced before.


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