Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch38- Wild Smile

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Kazuki’s grace didn't end with his physical prowess. As he battled, a soft, crescent smile danced on his lips - a seemingly incongruous expression given the intensity of the spar. It was a spontaneous, genuine reaction, as if he found joy even amidst the heat of battle.

“Why does he always smile like that when he fights?” Mashiro asked, her voice tinged with curiosity.

“I don't know. It's almost like…like he's dancing rather than fighting,” Isane commented quietly.

Kazuki didn’t know why he smiled either. But the others didn’t mind it. In fact, his smile added a new dimension to his charm, a spark that drew them in, a light that added to the allure of the mystery that was Kazuki.

A rapid succession of clangs echoed through the field as Kazuki parried a series of attacks from Kensei. The silver-haired warrior didn't just rely on speed, his eyes held a keen focus, a sharp intuition that helped him anticipate Kensei’s strikes. The onlookers could see it in his stance, the slight tilt of his head, the way he adjusted his grip just before Kensei made his move.

“Look at his eyes,” Yoruichi said. “He's reading Kensei's moves. Predicting them.”

“Kazuki's always been like that. It's like he has a sixth sense or something,” Lisa replied. “But Kensei isn’t backing down. He’s a hard nut to crack.”

Kensei swung again, his strength apparent in the force behind the attack. But Kazuki evaded it with a swift side step, his smile never leaving his face. He swiftly retaliated with a rapid flurry of strikes that had Kensei backing up.

The onlookers gasped in unison, their eyes riveted on the spectacle before them. Kazuki’s skill, his sheer audacity, was as mesmerizing as it was daunting. The arena was abuzz with the electric tension of the spar, but the words exchanged were few. The attention was solely on the silver-haired warrior and his formidable opponent.

“Kazuki’s got a knack for this,” Lisa said, finally breaking the silence. “It’s not just about the battle. It’s about the thrill, the dance. He revels in it.”

“You're right,” Yoruichi agreed. “And it’s not just us noticing it. Look around.”

Their classmates had gathered around the training field, their attention glued to the intense spar. They watched, captivated by Kazuki's style, his agile form moving with a dancer’s grace, his silver hair a shiny streak in the sunlight, and the ever-present smile on his lips. The arena was filled with whispers, the crowd entranced by the spectacle of the duel.

The spectacle of the spar between Kazuki and Kensei was more than just a training exercise. It was an awe-inspiring show of skill, strength, agility, and an inexplicable joy that came from the thrill of the duel. The atmosphere was buzzing with intense energy and the academy field was lined with their peers, their attention locked onto the performance.

Among the mesmerized crowd, a few individuals bore watching. Aizen, his black-rimmed glasses perched on his nose, watched the spectacle with an intensity that rivaled that of the girls. His eyes, partially obscured by his hair, were fixed on Kazuki's every move. An enigmatic expression painted his face, one part admiration, one part intrigue, and an underlying sense of quiet speculation.

"What an interesting display," Aizen murmured to himself, a small smile playing on his lips. His voice, usually smooth and pleasant, took on a sharper edge, as if Kazuki's performance had sparked a new curiosity within him.

In contrast to Aizen’s quiet intensity, Urahara Kisuke's eyes sparkled with mischief and interest. The future shopkeeper’s typical sense of humor was apparent even then, with him slouched against a nearby tree, a cheeky grin on his face. His academy uniform, less than pristine and slightly askew, was a perfect reflection of his carefree personality. He chuckled as he watched Kazuki and Kensei, completely absorbed in the performance.

"Ha, he certainly has a way with a blade," Kisuke said, speaking to no one in particular. "And that smile of his… it's like he's enjoying a festival instead of a spar. Now, isn’t that something?"

On the opposite end of the field, Hiyori Sarugaki stood, her arms folded across her chest, her small frame bristling with energy. Her expression was a mixture of annoyance and impatience, her eyes narrowed as she watched the sparring match.

"Always the show-off, isn't he?" she muttered under her breath. "Thinks he's so great because he can twirl around like a dancer." But despite her grumbling, Hiyori's eyes never left the spectacle. There was a spark of competitiveness in her gaze, and beneath her annoyance, a desire to join the spar was palpable.

The spar continued, the atmosphere growing more intense. Kazuki's movements were fluid, swift, each parry and thrust a part of an elaborate dance. Kensei, his strength and determination as unyielding as a mountain, did not back down, matching Kazuki's agility with his own forceful blows.

The field was filled with the rhythmic clash of steel, punctuated by the occasional grunt or shout from Kensei, and the exhilarating laughter from Kazuki. Even as the duel escalated in intensity, Kazuki's mirth was uncontainable. His laughter rippled through the field, a light-hearted symphony that juxtaposed the severe nature of the spar.

Suddenly, Kazuki executed a swift, elegant maneuver, sidestepping Kensei's powerful swing and retaliating with a flurry of strikes. The spectators gasped as Kazuki's speed and precision drove Kensei a few steps back, his smile never wavering.

With a decisive swing, Kensei's sword bore down on Kazuki. The silver-haired Shinigami nimbly sidestepped the attack, countering with a swift succession of strikes that pushed Kensei back. Their duel, however, came to a standstill as Kensei anchored his feet, refusing to cede any more ground. Their swords clashed in a stand-off, neither warrior yielding.

The sparring match, intense as it was, ended on an indeterminate note. With a final clash of their Zanpakutos, both stepped back, their swords lowered, their chests heaving with exertion. The training field fell into a sudden silence, the stillness punctuated only by their heavy breathing.

Kazuki turned to Kensei, his eyes shining with excitement, a grin plastered on his face. His chest rose and fell rapidly, the sweat trickling down his muscular torso a testament to the intense spar.

“Good match, Kensei.” Kazuki panted, lifting his hand in an informal salute.

Kensei, in response, nodded curtly, a ghost of a smile creeping on his face. He wasn't one for many words, but his respect for Kazuki shone through his taciturn facade.

“Yeah, not bad, Kazuki.”


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