Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)

Own Path

"His name was James," Alex said finally, the name resounding around the walls of the room as the Cullens kept still.

Insanely still at that, truly a showcase of their inhumanity.

"James? The one that you killed today?" Carlisle asked as he looked at Alex.

Alex turned to face the man and gave him a shallow nod.

"That's right, the same man that you all saw on the field today," Alex said, his voice showing his confidence.

"I see, so he's already gone huh," Alice said as she nodded her head slowly.

Finally, she lifted her head once more and stared into Alex's black-as-the-abyss eyes and gave him a smile.

"Thank you, Alex," Alice said, her voice as soft and velvety as always, to Alex her words felt like honey as her voice flowed into his ears.

"I..." Alex started before shaking his head lightly.

In the end, he only replied with a nod of his head.

"That's all I know about your past Alice, the rest you have memories of," Alex said finally, feeling the tightness in his throat lessen once he had finally said everything he had wanted to say.

"Thank you for telling me about this Alex, really" Alice said before she stood up from the couch.

"I'd like some time to myself to fully process this entire memory dump however so I'll be going to my room, if you need me for anything just come inside," Alice said as she looked at Alex.

"All right" Alex replied as he patted her shoulder lightly and watched her head up the stairs.

Turning back toward the rest of the Cullens, Alex continued.

"That was the main reason why I didn't want to let James live. I'll be honest, it wasn't about Alice's past. I was just afraid to let him even notice my sister, if something had happened to her when I could have prevented it, I wouldn't have been able to get it out of my dreams forever, I really wouldn't want to live my immortality with bags of regret upon my shoulders" Alex said and waited for a reaction, a word, any reaction.

But he was met with nothing from the Cullens for a few seconds.

It was even to the point that Alex wondered if he had somehow massively messed something up.

"Even if you didn't do it for Alice, even if it was your own selfish wish, Alex. You still protected Bella and even took revenge against someone who has caused Alice great pain" Esme spoke up for the first time since Alex had started talking about Alice's past.

Getting up, Esme walked to Alex and gave him a hug.

Maybe there would have even been tears dripping down her face but vampires didn't have that luxury.

"Thank you, and don't judge yourself too harshly will you? I'm sure Bella will understand that you did it for her own good." Esme said as she parted the hug and looked deep into Alex's eyes with her own soft amber ones.

"Right," Alex said as he looked anywhere but her face, the situation made him feel quite embarrassed.

Suddenly they heard a large sound as Emmet got up with a start.

"Even if she doesn't you still have us Alex so don't worry!" Emmet said loudly.

Edythe, Jasper, and Rosalie turned their sight to Emmet, their gazes looking down upon him as if he was some kind of bug on the street.

'Not the time Emmet, not the time' Edythe thought.

"Right," Emmet said and then sat back down on the couch quietly, he really didn't seem to like the look Rosalie had given him especially.

"Thank you and I really appreciate that you all think so highly of me," Alex said and then took a deep breath.

"I probably won't be around this summer as I'm planning to explore around and just find my own path I guess, but I'll be back by the start of next September when high school starts again," Alex said finally as he looked at them, deep in his eyes everyone in the room could see Alex's appreciation for them.

It wasn't something they were used to seeing, usually anyone outside of their family would see them as a monster, or they wouldn't even dare to look at them in the eyes.

It was something new but it wasn't bad, in fact, they all enjoyed it immensely.

Even a little show of appreciation can be a lot to lonely people like the Cullens who had outlived what any human lifespan would last.

They were jaded, even Esme but they still tried to maintain their peaceful life instead of becoming something like the Volturi.

Alex felt like he was just a jagged piece of another puzzle that was trying to fit into an oil painting.

He knew, deep down that he wasn't like them. He felt pleasure and joy when trampling upon others weaker than him, he often times felt like the right choice for any problem was force.

And the Cullens clearly had a different philosophy from him.

That didn't mean they couldn't get along, it simply meant that they had different paths.

'It's time that I carve out my own spot in this world' Alex thought as he looked at the ceiling for a moment and then got up.

"It's almost morning, I'll be going now," Alex said as he stood up and looked at the Cullens.

Suddenly a black blur appeared before him, before finally stopping.

It was Alice, she was looking at him with a face that promised hell to pay.

"What do you mean you're leaving after all that? You can't be serious" Alice said as she took his hand.

Alex simply gave her a light smile and a chuckle.

"I'm not leaving forever, it's only three months, isn't it? To us, three months is less than what a day is to humans." Alex said as he looked at his mate, his other half.

Alice stood there for a moment before releasing a large exaggerated sigh.

"You couldn't even let me think about what you just told me and now you release another bomb like this," Alice said but then made a shooing motion with her hand.

"Go, if you stay longer I feel like I'll chain you up," Alice said, her voice sounded so serious that Alex had to do a double take as he looked at her, shock evident on his face.

"All right" Alex said as he gave a wave to the rest of the Cullens who were still standing there confused, the situation had progressed so quickly that it was hard to take in all at once.

When Alex arrived at the front door, he turned to look at Alice and gave her a mischievous smile.

"I don't know what fetishes you have Alice but I'm not into chains, I could chain you up if you wanted though," Alex said with a teasing tone and then disappeared.

The whole mansion was left in silence.

"That bastard had to get the last word huh" Alice said however her face showed a contrary expression to her words, there was a smile on her face with eyes that appeared sad, sad that Alex's presence wasn't around anymore.


A few more chapters and Alex will start his three-month journey, this will mostly be with stuff I create so there won't be much twilight plot involved, there will be the occasional twilight character but it will mostly just be Alex creating his own path.

If you want to read ten chapters ahead and help me keep writing then check out my Patreon at:

Lots of Love

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