Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)


Bella and Alex finished the meal that Esme had prepared while they chatted with the Cullens.

"At least you look like a vampire with those eyes. Though you also feel less like one if I take the other parts into account" Bella said as she kept touching Alex's face.

"Stop that, I'm not some toy you found on the street," Alex said as he turned his face away from Bella.

"What do you mean stop, I at least deserve this much considering you hid this from me," Bella said as she almost yanked Alex's hair.

"Sure sure," Alex replied with a downtrodden and defeated look.

Turning towards the rest of the Cullens, Alex got up.

"Though I feel like we have stayed here enough, I think Bella and I should get going now," Alex said as he gave Bella a look.

"You can stay as long as you want, it's enjoyable having new faces we can actually talk easily with," Jasper said causing both Alice and Edythe to nod.

Alex nodded and gave a light smile.

"Thank you however we can't make Charlie worry, he must have already come back home and we didn't really tell him that we were going to be late. We'll just have to come another time." Alex said and Bella gave a nod behind him as she also rose up to her feet.

Carlisle gave a nod and gave his goodbyes with that soft smile of his.

"It was our pleasure to have you here with us this afternoon, Bella, Alex"

"Thank you, doctor, I'm sorry for the trouble," Alex said and gave the man an apologetic look.

"Nonsense, you both were no trouble at all. Don't wait too long to come visit us again Bella, unlike this brother of yours." Alice said as she gave Alex a somewhat frightening look.

Alex simply laughed it off while scratching his neck.

"Well then goodbye!" Alex said and the rest of the Cullens gave their own parting words.

Heading into the Orange truck, Alex ignited the engine, and the car's rumble was heard soon afterward.

Reversing out of the front garage of the Cullen Mansion, Alex got onto the road and drove forward, heading toward the Swan House.

"Well, that was quite the few hours," Bella mumbled and then turned to face Alex.

"I still can't believe that you're a vampire," Bella said as she seemed to furrow her brows in concentration as she looked at Alex closely.

Trying to find any discrepancies that would out him as a vampire and not a human.

"There's none, you look just like a human. You even feel like a human." Bella said.

"I already told you that Bells, I understand that it's quite a reveal but it doesn't change anything between us, I've been a vampire even before you knew," Alex said as he took a right turn as he drove.

"Right, it's still unbelievable though" Bella grumbled to herself.

Suddenly her face quickly turned toward Alex.

"You don't sleep right?" Bella asked quickly almost jumbling up her words.

Alex gave a nod.

"That's right, I don't think I've caught a wink of sleep in months, I could probably do it if I used drugs but my body simply doesn't need sleep so I never get the urge to sleep. So me falling asleep on my own is quite hard."

Bella nodded as if she had understood and then asked another question that had been bothering her.

"So every morning that I found you asleep, you were just pretending?"

Alex nodded and a smile crept up onto his face.

"That's right, aren't I a great actor? I do deserve an Oscar for my fake sleeping" Alex said as he turned to face Bella, showing his wide smile.

Bella simply looked at him with a blank face for a moment and then uttered.

"I really want to smack the hell out of that face of yours. It looks like the perfect slapping dummy"

Alex contorted his expression into one of hurt as if her words had pierced his fragile heart.

"Your words hurt more than a wooden stake Bells," Alex said as he quivered his bottom lip.

"Actually you might have a future in acting," Bella said as he looked at him, almost bewildered at his reactions.

The trembling lip quickly froze and a smug grin took its place.

"I know right?"


"You're right, just because you're a vampire doesn't change anything, you're still the annoying kid who's too full of himself."

Alex simply laughed at her comment.

They didn't converse much for the rest of the drive.

It was silent but peaceful.

'I'm glad that you are this weird girl, Bella, it's because of how you are that I really can't stop getting attached to this brother role' Alex thought as the corners of his mouth twitched.

The ride took a while but it also couldn't be said to be long, soon they were in front of their house.

Alex could already hear Charlie watching the TV inside as he lay on the couch.

Parking the old orange truck in front of the garage, Alex turned the engine off and hopped out of the car, taking his backpack with him.

Bella followed suit and both of them headed up the stairs to the front door.


The door opened and made quite a long sound, its age clearly showed.

"We're home," Alex said as he and Bella removed their shoes and headed into the living room, after closing the door behind them.

"Ah, Welcome home," Charlie said as he popped his head up from behind the couch.

Bella nodded and mumbled that she was going to put her backpack in her room.

Alex simply stood there as he watched the entire room, Charlie and Bella.

'They truly are a better family than anyone could ever wish for' Alex thought as the corners of his mouth finally rose, showing a soft smile on his face.

"Yeah thanks, How did work go today Dad?"


[ Volume Two: Acceptance ] END.

Thanks for sticking around with me until we managed to even complete volume two of this fanfiction. Thank You.

We are about halfway done through the plot of the first Twilight book, Volume three should finish it and then we can get to the New Moon Plot.

Volume three's first chapter will be dropped in a few hours.

Today we'll be releasing 4 chapters an an apology for only releasing one yesterday!

If you want to read ten chapters ahead check out my Patreon at:

Lots of Love

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