Reincarnated as a Villain That was Killed Before the Game Starts

Chapter 129

[Booked thanks ss] Shopping in the land of the beast man/ixis perspective

“Now let’s go that way!

“Wait, don’t pull it!

A tense mayko runs out of Feather’s hand.

Though Feather is a little confused, it doesn’t even look like it is.

Make sure Gilbert is safe about the kingdom of the Beast.

After the florist’s work, Claude has mounted an appointment to discuss it in the evening.

Until then, I was supposed to kill my time, but I wouldn’t have to say it was Mako’s sneeze.

This is the most prosperous city in the land of beasts.

Lots of unusual stuff and great for shopping, and lots of tourists are busy.

I knew it would be nice to have one of my favorite cities and you like where you want to be.

“Hey, Ixis, what’s this egg ornament? She’s so cute!

Meiko says, pointing to decorated egg ornaments that hang several times in the store.

It was a small egg that made a circle with a thumb and index finger, painted with color or loosened with ribbon to decorate, loose in the wind on the way out of the open air.

“That’s an amulet made of loaf tree fruit. A wolf-shaped demon named Lowe comes out around here, but they don’t really stop by when they have it because they don’t like the scent coming out of this fruit.”

Mako, for one hand, leans his nose closer and his neck.

“It’s a faint smell that humans don’t understand. They’re nosy, so they know.”

“Does Ixis know?

“No way. The Dragon’s sense of smell is no different than that of a human being.”

“Hey, so what’s this one?


I’m going to answer Meiko, who’s going to keep asking questions of interest.

Mako seems to enjoy listening to me.

Watching curious about that makes me want to teach you a lot.

It’s fun to talk when you have a good listener. Feather is also seriously listening to my explanation of your interest in going out.

The Dragons travel to find their brides when they grow up.

When I didn’t have a specific opponent, I always acted with my twin brother Augusto.

I can’t get this fresh reaction from an Augusto opponent, and the women I’ve been following didn’t seem interested in this sort of thing.

In the first place…… what do you like or are you interested in? I don’t really remember telling that to the other woman.

Seeing Meiko with Feather, choosing a souvenir for everyone in the mansion, I don’t think this might be a bad idea.

At the next store, Mako had his shirt in his hand and asked Feather for his opinion.

It’s a shirt with big letters in the middle of the chest.

It says’ bird ‘in a different language than Hilda’s country, and Rubi is shaken.

To be honest, it’s pretty dashing… but Meiko seems to have liked it, and he’s a no-brainer trying to get everyone’s share of it.

“This looks like a good size feather. I was looking for a T-shirt to wear in my jersey! I’m just glad I had a good one. I found the rabbit, the horse and the cat, but I don’t know what to do with the other kids’ share. Blood, healing systems, letters around there, okay?

“Bye? I don’t think so, but you’re not going to put this on me…?

There is a wrinkle between Feather’s brows.

If you’re ever a feather, you’re just throwing at me to see if I can wear something like this, but I won’t try to do it.

Meiko was right, Gilbert was alive.

Even though it was directed at someone, I peddled the wrong information and attacked Meiko.

I guess I feel guilty about that.

It’s going to take some time, and are you waiting outside the store with Claude?

Looking back, Jimmy, the other boy I followed on this journey, is right behind me and eats unexpectedly.

… Speaking of which, there was this guy too.

The shadow was too thin, I completely forgot.

“You don’t have to choose with me?

“No, I’m fine. I’ll leave you two to it. Sounds like a lot of fun.”

If you ask, fuzzy Jimmy laughs.

… You’re young, but you’re like a grandfather watching over your grandson’s shaggy. Are you really thirteen, this guy?

I haven’t really been involved with the boys in the mansion since Hilda was kept waiting in space, except when I needed him since he was married to a human.

The best I can say is that Mere, a former assassin, was forced to make a pledge just like me.

I don’t know Jimmy very well.

Of all the guys in Hilda’s mansion, too normal.

I’m sorry to say, but it’s plain and the shadows are too thin.

Meiko and Feather too…… I guess you forgot Jimmy is here.

“Even letters that aren’t here can make a shirt right away. Any letters are fine.”

“Is it true! I have a letter I’d love to ask for!

A clerk came and led Meiko to a desk in the corner of the store.

Mako begins writing orders for his original shirt with pleasure. The paper says the shape of the shirt beforehand, and if you write the letters down, that’s fine, apparently.

If you glance from the side, Mako writes a different letter than the one used in Hilda’s country, inside the shape of his shirt.

It was a letter I had never seen at all.

“Are you sure this is the letter I used in my previous life…?

Whispering in his ear so that no one else could hear him, Mako stretched his back frighteningly.

Apparently he was too focused and didn’t realize I was on his side.

“What, yeah… well. I’m more familiar with this one, okay?”


I’m not sure what the written letters mean because Rubi hasn’t been shaken.

The shirt order in my hand has a single letter that I can’t read as big.

I’m not sure what this letter says’ dragon ‘means… but it seems to mean one thing in one letter.

“What do you read about this?

“Uh… that’s…”

If asked with interest, Meiko held his mouth.

“What, you won’t tell me?

“I can’t concentrate, so pick feathers and souvenirs over there!

Take the order out of my hand and Meiko will push my back.

This reaction…… what the hell did you write?

I was curious, but Meiko didn’t seem to tell me, so I’m going outside.

A while later Meiko came out of the store and asked Claude for the later.

“It’s time for me to be hungry, so show me where the delicious stalls are, Ixis.”

“Then there’s plenty of shops right down the road.”

Answer, Meiko takes Feather’s hand and runs out to go there.

I hope not because I’m ashamed, while Feather was a good one for Mako.

I’m getting hungry, too.

Claude grabbed me by the shoulder as I later tried to follow.

“Ixis, take this”

“… wait a minute. Why are you giving me my stuff?”

Claude, dressed as a butler even when he came to the land of the Beasts, pressed me into the luggage that Mako and the others had bought.

“With your hands blocked, you won’t be able to account”

“So why am I packing…!

If I tried to protest, Ixis was also inviting Meiko over here to come quickly.

“Ixis, tell me what you recommend!

“Damn,… wait a minute!

Why am I packing up here and even showing the city around?

Though I think so.

He sounds like he likes that shop’s meat-rolled sandwich or something.

Maybe some crepe with plenty of fruit from the southern countries.

His happy face came to mind when I ate it.

… I didn’t feel so bad.

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