Reincarnated as a Villain That was Killed Before the Game Starts

Chapter 123

[Outside 8] Leni and the Maiden Special Training 3

Some time after that.

Sophia and Leni are getting along fine.

That’s all too well.

At breakfast, Sofia may be present with the boys at the Mansion if she is in good health.

Sophia reads Leni next door and eats friendly.

As the snack Sophia looks spicy to eat, Leni tells her if she can eat and she takes the rice from the side.

That’s probably just that if you don’t want to eat it, but the way you look at it, it also looks like you care about Sophia… kind of like a freshly made couple, they were letting that vibe go.

Sophia is perfect for Leni, and Leni says she still accepts it with a slightly troubled face?

In order to be girly, Leni first decided to get to know the girl – Sophia well, apparently.

Girls hate when they do this, how can they be happy?

I’m starting to care about that and I think it’s a very good trend……

Sophia seems very happy, too.

But… I don’t know what this feels like wrong.

Three days ago, I can’t believe Sophia took Leni on a date with Abel.

Sophia and Abel, facing each other at the noon cafe.

Sophia is Nico, talking about Leni sitting next to her.

Abel, speaking of, has always been faceless.

Abel in the maiden game Crown of Dusk never stopped smiling refreshingly, but Abel over here isn’t very loving.

So faceless is not particularly unusual… how did you see it? It felt desperate to push upset to death.

From Sofia, Leni is my first girlfriend.

I guess I couldn’t help but be happy and wanted to share that with my boyfriend, Abel.

But from Abel’s perspective, it’s like she was delighted to introduce her new boyfriend… I guess that’s how she felt.

So there’s no way Leni can read Abel’s feelings, so Sofia and flirting… or waving a friendly atmosphere.

I’m watching you. As for me, I couldn’t help but harass you.

By the way, why do I know how that date went, because I was disguised and tailed?

‘Cause I was worried about you! I’m the one who tried to get Leni to get along with Sophia, and you think I’m gonna feel a little responsible?

Meir, who followed me to the escort, was obviously interested in how the three of us were doing!

If you look at Abel, he’s making crisps and paperwork for the desk in the office.

The face was harsh and occasionally sighed.

The truth is Abel was off at this hour, but she said no when she tried to spend time with Sophia.

Abel, who seems to have been told she’s sorry because she made a sudden promise to Leni, is currently in pretty depressed mode.

“Abel, cheer up. Sophia just goes shopping with Leni, and sometimes it’s not a good time.”

“Nothing… I’m not depressed. I’m so happy to have friends with Sophia.”

That’s a lie! The air is flowing through the office!

Because I’m completely unconcerned with the second half of the bar reading!

– We have to do something about Abel.

If you let it get too giddy, Abel, recovered from the corner Yandere, could become a resident of the Dark World again.

“Ha, Abel, are you jealous of Leni or something? Leni’s a woman, so she’s not gonna be Abel’s rival, is she? Sophia’s boyfriend is Abel, so I wish he was grand.”

Meir, who was falling asleep on the couch in the office, says that.

Meir, a former assassin, was also like Leni’s brother, and at the same time Abel and I were close.

“… I’m not jealous. I know Leni’s a woman, and jealousy sounds narrow to you. Besides, if I tell you how I feel. If it’s a mistake that Sophia likes me… there’s no way I can get back on my feet. Then you can remain ambiguous.”

Abel, who answers Meir, was a jealous man himself, no matter where he came from.

Then it’s passive.

“No, but you two are dating, right?

“I was going to, but maybe Sophia isn’t. Because I’ve never made it clear.”

If you ask, Abel shakes her neck to the side.

He hadn’t confessed yet.

When I watched from the side, I knew they were thinking of each other, so I just thought it was something I was dating.

Because he wasn’t sure he was Sophia’s lover, Abel seemed anxious and unable to move.

“But you’re both on a good date.”

“Yes, but… I’m only connected to my hand”

Point it out, Abel speaks a little dissatisfied.

From that look on your face, maybe you’re not happy with your current relationship.

In addition to my thoughts, I seem to have had a pure relationship.

Abel in the game had quick hands and was used to treating women but the difference was intense.

If I recall, Abel in the game was a female disbelief because of Hilda’s trauma.

Try the woman with a refreshing face because of her disbelief.

I just fell, and it was a terrible character to throw away.

Now that Hilda’s trauma was gone, Abel seemed to have a completely different personality.

Negative and slightly annoying, but pure.

The distressed figure is the normal boy himself.

“Sophia is nice to everyone… and maybe I’m the only one who could have been mistaken. It sounds like fun to be with Leni. Because I can’t make Sophia smile so much.”

“Abel, if you’re jealous enough, I think you should tell him you like it. Then you’ll feel safe, won’t you?

Meir says to Abel, who has the face that it’s not funny, in mild condition.

Abel frowned as much as she wanted.

I guess prided Abel is reluctant to tell you how honest she feels.

– I can take care of it at all.

I’m going to have to take my skin off here.

“All right Abel, let’s go ask Sophia how she feels!

“You just said it, didn’t you? I’m not going to ask.”

Stand up and say it, Abel will jump out of it clearly.

“While I’m saying that, can Sophia go out with the other kids?


If Meir gives me cover, Abel says.

It clearly said on my face that I didn’t like it.

“Because Leni looks like a man. I’m intrigued by girls, and maybe I will, huh? Sophia doesn’t seem to be as full as she is.”

Mere laughs like a prank to incite.

Abel’s face got more and more rugged, to put it.

“Meir, which side are you on?”

“Of course it’s up to Abel. Sophia just got back. He’s in the garden.”

Meir says that in a gentle tone to Abel.

I just think you’re up to something with a gentle tone of mea, but I thought we should stay on board here.

“Meir’s right, Abel. Trouble here all the time won’t solve it, will it? Isn’t it hard being with Sophia while you’re feeling that way? In the meantime, maybe Sophia’s going somewhere else?

The wrinkles between Abel’s eyebrows deepened when she spoke.

If I was anxious I might have burned it too much, Abel stood up.

“… I’m going to tell Sophia how I feel”

With a straight eye, Abel declares to me.

It’s both my thoughts, and I’m sure it’ll work.

“Go away.”


Speaking so as to push his back, Abel left the office in a hurry.

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