Reincarnated as a Vampire Princess

Chapter 1: By Painful Bullet, To A Cherished Life

Let me know how this reads. The source I am working with is hard to edit as it was written a while ago; nonetheless, I am revising it. The editing cut many words out, so this is a quick read. Feel free to leave a comment and tell me if you like the changes. If you are a new reader, I welcome you!

After late hours of gaming, it was time for an early morning walk. This 2 AM march was typical for me. I would play all night, finishing with a journey through the nearby college. I became a creature of the night, and all my friends online called me a vampire.

I started my walk as usual, humming a random tune and entering the college trail. I always cut through the college path towards the gas station on the other side. Every night, I would arrive there. Then, I turn around, often buying snacks at the place, before turning to my apartment to continue gaming. "I am so-"

Halfway through walking on the trail, in the middle of the night, I felt a searing pain in my back, cutting off my speech. The pain passed all the way through my body as a bullet opened up my chest. I fell forward, impacting the ground, as shock coursed through my mind. I started heaving for air, my body becoming warm with blood. I looked down at my chest, not even managing a peep. I clenched my teeth.

The man who shot me ran over, rummaging through my pockets. Before taking all I possessed. My life liquid fled through the bullet hole, and after taking my meager possessions, the guy dashed.

I felt bitter regret while bleeding out in agony. It wasn't my death that brought out my mental suffering. My life of nothing flashed before my eyes.

I never did anything with myself, and there was no one to curse but me. That was why I made a vow as my life faded. I will cherish my next life.

I didn't see anything but darkness. I tried moving, but my limbs weren't there. My voice wouldn't leave me; I floated in an endless void, unable to speak. The only voice was in my mind as I thought of my short life.

My abusive parents, my school bullies, and my lack of friends growing up, I thought of it all. The only friends I made were after High School through gaming, and I never even saw their faces. My time spent with them was priceless. That was my lasting regret through death. I would never play games with them again.

My time in the void was cut short as I felt a pull. I was ripped towards something. As I was dragged along, I saw a blinding light. Immense pain racked my being, but it didn't last long. I was pulled from the void into a strange liquid.

The liquid brought with it a new form. I had tiny hands, and my small feet kicked out, hitting a wall. As my feet collided with the biological prison, I heard voices. Happy and soothing sounds played from outside of the womb. Even in my idiocy, I could tell what was happening. I was inside of a new hostess, yet to be reborn. The exhaustion of my new form coursed through me as I fell asleep.

The weeks went by slowly as my body steadily grew. The boredom from being stuck in the womb attacked me. There wasn't anything to do except sleep, but my birth was arriving soon, the voices outside growing more and more excited.

When it was finally time to exit, my mother screamed in pain. My head squeezed through the small hole, and discomfort coursed through me. Blinding light assailed me, and I started crying with intensity from the agony of childbirth.

"She is a healthy baby girl!" I was pulled out by an ecstatic man, who handed me off to my mother. My head was foggy, my vision blurry, and I clenched from the pain through tears. My mother grabbed my small body, clutching me tightly.

I extended a hand to touch her face, reaching to grasp anything through the pain. My loud sobs echoed in the room, but my mother offered a finger for my grabby hands. I gripped her finger and held on tight to ease the pain. Her tender voice started to sing soothingly. My cries slowly decreased their intensity, her lovely song bringing me to sleep.

I awoke again in a crib made of wood, beneath me a soft cushion. I finally had clothing, and my vision cleared. Above me loomed my new mother and father, staring down at me with faces of chiseled beauty. I peered back at them in awe of their magnificence.

"Oh! She is finally awake!" My father's voice boomed, hurting my ears.

"Dear, don't speak too loudly, or you will scare her." My new mother chastised him.

The truth… I wasn't scared at all. I was too busy being mesmerized by the beauty. My mother had gorgeous crimson jewels, stunning silver hair, and a pair of...fangs. My father shared that feature, but his hair was short and black. His eyes were a royal, captivating purple. They would win a beauty pageant, with faces free of any blemishes.

My mother reached down. Touching my face as I held onto her finger with my small hand.

"Oh, look, dear! I can't get over how cute she is! I will cherish this little En forever!"

My father stared at her wryly. "Didn't you just get onto me for this?" A cute blush painted her cheeks. As she looked away, I couldn't help but feel happy inside. I might have finally gotten loving parents.

Every time they looked at me, they were smiling. Every time they spoke to me in baby talk, they giggled. It was all surreal. My confining crib brought with it comfort. I may finally get the life I always wanted.

I looked up at my new parents, each with two inhuman fangs, and I smiled in my mind. I remembered my vow before death: I will cherish my next life. That was my last thought before sleep found me once more.

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