Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 9 – Peace Treaty

<Welcome to our cave! You've already met Dermak but the others here are my children Minos and Ikarus. Please, take a seat anywhere you like. We don't have any chairs but the nest is comfortable enough, Minos would definitely agree since he's practically attached to it>


While mother was greeting the visitors, my anger started to rapidly grow upon seeing one of the people.

[<-User- must remain calm]

'I know system, I'm trying to. Status'

[Name: Jekyll  |  Species: Human  |  Level: 158]

[Health    7,600/7,600]

[Stamina 8,022/8,200]

[Magicka 0/0]


[Name: Alistair  |  Species: Human  |  Level: 273]

[Health    9,100/9,100]

[Stamina  7,123/9,100]

[Magicka 9,100/9,100]


[Name: Leone  |  Species: Human  |  Level: 325]

[Health      8,000/10,000]

[Stamina      7,350/7,500]

[Magicka 15,000/15,000]


[Name: Nathan  |  Species: Human  |  Level: 21]

[Health  1,100/1,100]

[Stamina  878/1000]

[Magicka 0/0]

'Why is Leone, the mage who caught me in that net here? The guard who helped me is here as well, that Nathan guy'

Describing the four visitors' appearances, Jekyll has greying short hair, looked in his forties or fifties and seemed to be in charge of the four. Alistair has blonde short hair with bright blue eyes but judging off his level, he was purposely hiding who he really was.

The only person who wasn't dressed in armor was the mage, Leone. She has bleached-white long hair, light-grey eyes and was dressed in a white dress. The last of the four was the guard, Nathan. Short brown hair, brown eyes and looked the most average and out of place out of the four.

(Jekyll) "It's a pleasure to meet you and your family, Miss dragon. We would prefer to stand though. I'm captain Jekyll and we're representing the empire in coming here today"

(Alistair) "Greetings"

(Leone) "…"

(Nathan) "H-Hello again"

Strangely enough, only Jekyll and Nathan seemed to be looking visibly stressed. The other two didn't seem to care looking at the two monstrosities in the cave.

I think the only reason the guard is here might be because he's the only one who's actually already experienced these two monsters in the flesh, he really seems out of place out of the four.

<Please, call me Kellearzar. Make yourself at home>

"If you don't mind, battlemage Leone and my blonde subordinate will wait by the cave entrance. Since they hold a fair amount of strength, I don't wish for us to appear as a threat in your home"

<As you wish>

Both the captain and the guard enter further into the cave while the other two remain by the entrance looking after the wyverns. As for our family, Minos is still in the nest, mother and father are both together on one side of the cave and I'm on the other.

The atmosphere in here is beyond tense, both sides have no idea how to start or what to say. Thankfully, father tries to calm the atmosphere.

<Human who helped my daughter, what did you do with my scale in the end?>

"I-I turned it into some a-armor for a wyvern"

'Damn it, why did it have to be a wyvern? It could have been anything, why a wyvern?'


Father is really pissed but even he's trying desperately to keep it in, turns out he does have more self-control than I thought.

'I've got to do something here'

With that thought, I step in and try to be the peacemaker behind this operation.

"Why have you all come here?"

[<-User- is blunt and stupid>]

'Don't get involved system, zip it'

After I speak, both my parents give me a glare, it's clear they want me to shut it. Thankfully, my bluntness gets the conversation rolling.

"Very well. My goal in coming here today is to ensure the future of the empire by any and all means necessary"

<Is that a threat, little mortal?>

Father seemed to be faking his anger at that, it did intimidate them though, the two men looked more stressed and even looked like they were sweating now.

"No no no, if that came across as a threat, I can only apologize. We're here because we wish to enter into a peace treaty with you"

<A peace treaty? You said you were here to make amen->

<We are more than happy to entertain such an idea!>

Mother completely cuts off father in a stern way, even I was a bit surprised by her reaction.

<Erm… honey, what are you doing?>

<This isn't the time to try and intimidate the humans Dermak>

<I'm negotiating from a position of power>

<We're looking for peace Dermak, not war>

Seeing the two dragons argue like an old married couple slightly eases the tension from the two humans, I'm sure I saw the blonde man by the entrance give a little chuckle as well but might be my imagination.

<Since Dermak's intent is only to try and shake your empire down, I'll lead now, okay?>


"Erm, okay then, Miss Kellearzar. To start with, we would like to apologize for the pain and inconvenience we must have caused your daughter with lord Blake's actions. We see the destruction of the city as a fair consequence of those actions"

<Your empire is willing to forgive our actions just like that?>

After mother asks that question, the blonde man by the wyverns joins in the conversation speaking across the cave.

"Captain Jekyll, I'm going to have join in the conversation now since that is a question you can't answer"

"Yes, your highness"

'Highness? He's a prince? Don't answer system, I'm not actually asking. I wonder why he's hiding in knights' armor though'

The prince leaves the wyverns to the mage and walks over to the other men.

"In our empire, we value four things over anything else. Strength, honor, integrity and technology. Even though we may hold some distain for what's happened, we aren't stupid enough to go against those who hold more strength than us"

'System, did he purposely order those four things like that or is their empire stupid with abbreviations? It literally makes S.H.I.T'

[<-User- is being childish>]

Even mother gives me a death glare now, I'm not the only one who realized that.

The prince then swiftly continues on.

"Even though that city has set our empire back a lot, we have no choice but to put down what's happened due to unforeseen consequences. Now that I've met your children as well, I can completely understand why you would go to such lengths to protect them both"


'Is that supposed to be a compliment? That makes me feel slightly sick'

Mother seemed happy with her children being complimented but father didn't, if anything, that's made him become angry again, not sure why though.

<While your empire is willing to accept what's happened, I still feel a need to apologize for what's happened. I don't enjoy hurting humans and have never any ill intent to your species…>

Mother's humble attitude surprised the blonde man slightly, the other two men as well seem to have calmed down massively as well. Mother still continues on to instantly ruin it though.

<…However, my anger becomes uncontrollable when one of my own is in danger. The continent in the north is proof of that>

Then confusion appears on the prince's face.

"Excuse me, Miss Kellearzar. I don't believe there is a continent in the north"

<There was half a millennium ago>

'Damn, what did you do mother?'

The atmosphere in the cave turns tense again, all three men look stressed. The prince eventually manages to regain the situation though.

"Well… anything that's happened in the past isn't our issue. Despite your humble nature, I would still like to ask if there's anything our empire can do or provide you with, please let us know"

"Prince Alistair and the royal family are known for being extremely generous and wealthy, there isn't anything they can't realistically get their hands on"

<Me and my family really don't have much need for monetary need though>

While mother is saying that, me and Minos both look at each other with devious looks. There is no point turning down free generosity, even if it's from fear.

<Killing all those flying rats you're on would be a good start>


'He just couldn't let it go, could he?'

"You must hold some distaste for wyverns, Mr Dermakvar? I reckon there is a mutually beneficially agreement we could work on together regarding that issue"

Then father slowly approaches towards the prince, he looks like a kettle about to blow, he actually is pissed now. The captain thinks about going for his sword but the prince gives him a look not to, obviously knowing it would be pointless.

<Let me get something straight human, dragons don't work with mortals. Mortals work under dragons or provide us with a chew toy>

"Ahem, allow me to rephrase that slightly then. I say work with since we're unable to hunt wild wyverns ourselves, we can only tame younglings or breed our own. I've also heard rumors that dragons despise the wyvern king?"

<You dare mention that name!!>

Keeping his composure from the terrifying raging dragon, the prince then continues.

"If you wish for the destruction of the entire species of wyvern, it might prove impossible. What I was referring to is a joint operation that could benefit both sides by destroying the wyvern king and all wild wyverns. The empire shares your disdain for them"

Then upon hearing this, any malice towards the humans completely disappears and father lightens up instantly.

<Why didn't you lead with that? There is nothing more disgusting than the wyvern king. I'd even allow humans to ride me into battle if it's against someone like that>

<Damn it, Dermakvar! Stop it with your racism towards wyverns>

'Father is such a hypocrite'

The prince lets out a slight chuckle after that. The other two men seem to be slightly more composed as well now and father has gone back to where he was before.

"Since we've somewhat found common ground, is there anything else that we can provide your family with? Even if it's something for your children, perhaps?"

<Ikarus, Minos, is there anything you two want?>


'Do I want anything?'

I need to give this some thought, what do I want? I might as well make the most out of this since they're offering but I'm a little unsure what to answer.

While I'm pondering for my answer, Minos gets up off the nest and runs towards the three men. Despite him being bigger than them, they don't seem to feel any fear towards him.


"You're a cute little fellow, aren't you?"

"I agree, your majesty"

"Y-Yes he is"

Minos then looks towards our parents asking something.

"Cu, cu?"

<No Minos! Not that!>

<No littlest one>

'He's thinking of eating the pink people, isn't he?'


The prince smiles towards Minos but clearly hasn't got a clue what he's saying.

"Apologies but I'm unsure what he's asking about"

<He asked for something bad but now he's talking about shiny metal>

"Shiny metal? Like gold and silver? The cute Minos want's some money? That could be arranged"


Minos starts rubbing his head up against the prince. He clearly doesn't look comfortable with it but he just smiles and ignores him. However, Minos quickly grows tired of it once he realizes he's not getting a reaction, he then heads back to the nest.

"Ikarus was it? Anything you desire?"

The prince now looks towards me, I've thought of an answer but I'm unsure if it's realistic or not. Mostly because of my parents.

"Learning magic or how to use a sword isn't the worst idea"

<Little one…>

<Why do you keep worrying about such things, Ikarus?>

Father clearly looks annoyed at my response and mother is unsure, this is why I was worried about my answer. As for the prince, he just looks like he's having a deep think about something.

"Boredom, I guess? Oh, it's also as father always says, I'm impatient. I don't want to wait decades to learn anything good like magic since I can't always just rely on you two forever"


Then I hear another voice join in from the wyverns, the mage must have heard me say magic. She doesn't however move from the flying animals or follow it up though.

'Damn it, that mage again. I was doing well at ignoring her existence'

<My daughter is becoming all grown up and mature. Next thing, you're going to be asking to leave the nest. Do you dislike your father that much?>

<Hey, I didn't do anything!>

"I'm not even going to give that a response"

The prince who has now found his answer waits for our stupid conversation to end, then joins back in.

"Well… something like that wouldn't be impossible to arrange, it's just that these sorts of things normally happen in academies or learning institutions. I get the feeling your parents wouldn't agree to you being away for potentially years?"


<I'm forced to agree>

'My overprotective dragon mother, can I really blame her seeing what she did last time I was in danger?'

"Then, the best bet would be getting some highly skilled individuals to mentor her, preferably a skilled swordsman and an experienced mage"

"I'll volunteer"

The mage volunteers herself over by the wyverns when the prince finishes his sentence. However, I can't control myself any longer. Despite me being a bird, I might have the temper of a dragon.

[<-User- shoul->]

'Fuck off system, I'm not listening anymore. Mother, I'll apologize later, just help me take this damn thing off'

She definitely heard that but she didn't scold me, think she could tell I was fuming.

"Do you not recognize me, mage? Maybe a change of form might recollect your memory?"

While saying this, I walked over to mother to get the choker off. The dragon lightly tapped it with her paw and my form switched back to bird. Once the smoke dissipated, I glared in her direction and spoke again.

"You recognize me now or do you need to summon another net?"

Seeing my changed form got a look of surprise from the guard and the captain but the other two didn't have any reaction at all to the bright orange elephant sized bird in front of them.

"I'm sorry Miss Ikarus, but I already knew about your phoenix form. I was hoping to make amends regarding what happened to you and your brother in the forest"

It was at this moment, I realized I'm more stupid than I ever thought. Of course, she could have reasonably figured out the dragons' daughter was the creature she caught back then. How does she know about my species though?

"How did you know I'm a phoenix?"

"Isn't it obvious? There aren't any other bird species of your size other than wyverns"

<Careful little mortal, don't compare my daughter to a flying rat>

"That wasn't an insult, Mr dragon"

The way she said that made it seem like the phoenix isn't an extremely rare and potentially extinct species. Somehow, that response seemed to calm me down a lot as well. My mind also seemed to be fixated on the way she acted and spoke as well, she seemed a little dead inside, emotionless perhaps? I don't think her choice of words matched though.

"Anyway… looks we have the mage sorted. Captain Jekyll, would you be willing to teach Miss Ikarus how to use the sword?"

'When did I agree to be taught by her?'

"If his highness wishes for it, then I would be most happy to"

"So, that's all sorted then. It's probably time to start wrapping things up since we seem to be in agreement that we have no ill intent towards each other"

<Don't the human species like to sign things in paper for agreements and the like?>

Mother did have a fair point to be fair but the composed prince had an answer already prepared.

"We've never had to speak with any dragons before, Miss Kellearzar, so this type of thing is better left unofficial as to not draw up public attention. Don't want people worrying needlessly about matters related to alliances with dragons"

<We're only an alliance against the wyverns, little mortal>

'Damn it father, even I'm getting annoyed by your racism now'

"My apologies, poor choice of words. Is the term acquaintances more acceptable?"

<Much more acceptable>

"Then we'll use that going forward. Since we've already taken up so much of your time today, we'll say our farewells and get everything sorted on our end, it may take some time but we look forward to our following relationship Mr and Miss dragon"

(Jekyll) "Farewell"

(Leone) "…"

(Nathan) "B-bye"

Prince Alistair gives a slight wave while he and the three men starts to walk back to the flying birds and the mage.

Once they get back to the wyverns and just as the four humans were just about to set off, father just couldn't let something go and had to speak to the guard Nathan. Unfortunately for the guard, his stress levels would quickly rise once again.

<Human who helped. Before you leave, we must communicate>


<Putting a piece of dragon scale on a wyvern is a complete waste of its talents. Make it into a weapon or human armor, just make sure to take off whichever rat's back it sits upon>


<You just couldn't let it go, could you Dermak?>

Once all the humans got back on their wyverns and flew off, a large paw approached my direction.

"Ouch… what was that for?"

<I told you not to curse, Ikarus>

"That telekinesis or telepathy thought crap doesn't count and besides, that mage captured both me and Minos. My swear was justified"

<She was the one who did it!?!>

Oh shit, I shouldn't have told her that. How didn't she get that from the conversation we just had anyway?

I bet I can calm her down though, all I need to do is keep swearing, that'll distract her!

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