Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 5 – First Contact

"Get your stinking paws off me, you damn dirty humans!"

Despite me still able to make a movie reference, I'm actually in a really bad situation here.

A dozen or so human soldiers have got me tied down under a rope net. I'm stuck because I can't cut through this net with my talons from my current position. I've already done it once before but I was on the other side of it last time.

"Stop struggling, you stupid bird! The mage put a spell on the net"

"It's no use, calm down"

Two of the soldiers are right alongside me trying to calm me down and stop me thrashing about, clearly, it's not working.

"Let me outtttttt!"

"Is the knockout potion ready yet?"

Another soldier runs over and passes one of them a small glass bottle.

"Here it is, sir"

"Get that shit away from me or you'll regret it!"

You're probably wondering how I got here? Well... it all started just before my first birthday.


"The power of Christ compels you!"


"The power of Christ compels you!"


<Just what are you doing, little ones?>

I'm messing around with Minos at the moment flapping my wings at him and he seems to like it, Mother and father are just off to the side of the cave.

"I'm boreddddd. Feel like I've done nothing for years"

Obviously, I'm exaggerating, just went hunting and ate dinner an hour ago.

<That reminds me little one, you'll be turning one tomorrow>

<Do you want anything as a gift Ikarus?>

A gift? Do dragons have such need for things? Didn't expect them to do birthdays seeing how long they live.

"Do dragons actually celebrate birthdays then?"

<No, except for certain years. Your mother convinced me that one counts>

<Stop being grumpy Dermak, just because you never celebrated anything doesn't mean our children should follow>


The male dragon folds his arms and looks like he's sulking.

<So, Ikarus, a gift?>


I'm not sure what I really want though. The only thing I can think of doing is levelling up more but having a large dragon with me scares most prey away. Me and Minos are allowed to hunt on our own but we're not allowed very far away from the cave. Thinking about it, there's an idea.

"…What about being allowed to go hunt further away from the cave?"


Minos, this isn't a gift for you, stop getting exited. Wait for your birthday.

<You mean alone Ikarus? I still think you and Minos are still too young>

Now that he's finished sulking, father joins back into the conversation.

<You still worry too much darling. There's nothing in this forest or mountain range that could hurt our little ones. If they go too far away, we can track their scents>

"You can track our scents?"


<Yes, little ones. We could probably find you anywhere on the planet>

The planet? Are my parents part dog as well as dragon? I feel like a teenager with a curfew knowing that. No chance of me ever sneaking away with that knowledge.

Mother is looking conflicted on this but she finds it hard to refuse a request from one of her kids, she's too kind for own good.

<Oh, fine then. Just make sure you and Minos get back before night. And be nice to him Ikarus>

"I'm always nice… I know that's a lie but still"



Just before we set off the next morning, I want to have a quick check at Minos's stats.


[Name: Minos  |  Species: Dragon  |  Level: 12]

[Health    1,000/1,000]

[Stamina 1,299/1,300]

[Magicka 700/700]

'Damn it'

Going to stop looking at Minos's status now, my levelling is just unfair compared to his growth. I mean, he only eats a single animal a day and levels up like it's nothing. Of course, it only applies to animals he's actually killed but still, it's dumb how slow my level grows.

Thinking about growth, that reminds me, I've stopped growing now. The phoenix species really doesn't make much sense seeing that I've become fully grown this quickly, still the size of a small elephant I am. It has nothing to do with being impatient, this species is just weird. It seems I'll never end up the same size as a dragon, thankfully.

Minos has grown a bit more as well but he's still tiny, will take him years before he gets close to my size. He has to be my little brother for a while longer.

As for my stats.


[Name: Ikarus  |  Species: Phoenix  |  Level: 8]

[Health    2,000/2,000]

[Stamina 1,498/1,500]

[Magicka 500/500]

Before the imaginary person I'm giving an update to says something, I know my stats are higher than Minos's. That's still doesn't make it fair that he levels quicker than I. He only roughly eats half what I eat a day and he still isn't hunting and killing for his prey all the time yet; I however kill everything I eat. It's crap how much grinding I'm having to do and this little shit levels effortlessly. Still love him though regardless.

I've gone too much off topic now, as for my stat distribution, I'm not going invest in magic for a while. Don't really see the point until I can actually use it.

Eight levels in a year of life and it will always get progressively harder. I'm not sure if I'm developing fast enough or not.

'System, are my numbers good?'

[<-User- needs to ask an intelligent question>]

Damn it, before we even leave, this system will piss me off.

'Okay, let me rephrase that. Are my number good compared to a human?'

[<Human species stats only have 1x multiplier. If -user- compares stats to human, -user- would be level 40->]

'Forty? Is that good?'

[<Negative. All species max level is 1000. 1000 is higher than 40>]

'Isn't that obvious? What about an average soldier or knight's level?'

[<G.A.P does not know>]

'So, the all-knowing system doesn't know something again?'


'We're not doing this now!'

I ignore the systems insult and this time; I intend to leave.

"Minos, let's head out"


<Don't forget, I want you both back here before dark>

<Your mother won't be pleased if you're late>

"Yeah yeah, we know"



I've currently got Minos on my back while we're flying through the forest. He's having the time of his life.

Seeing him this exited is really calming down my height's anxiety but then again, I'm not flying that high, I'm still below the tree canopies.

We've already been out for several hours and killed many things thus far, I was right about dragons scaring everything away. Hunting has been a breeze.

"I'm getting tired flying you around now Minos"


God, why must you bless Minos with such an effective cu? Every time he does that, my heart breaks.

"I'm sorry but we won't get back if I've got no energy left. Mother will be angry, remember?"


I find a suitable spot to land and sit for a while on the forest floor. Minos is also sitting by my side.


[Name: Ikarus  |  Species: Phoenix  |  Level: 8]

[Health    2,000/2,000]

[Stamina 563/1,500]

[Magicka 500/500]

Good, I've still got enough stamina but should be a little careful from now on. I already know Minos has enough since he's been on my back most of the time.

"We'll head back in a little bit, just ne-"

I stop speaking and notice something in the corner of my eye. Of in the distance laying up against a tree, there looks like something close to human.

'That's odd'

Humans don't come to this part of the forest; both my parents told me that so why is there someone here?

"Minos, stay here while I go over there for a bit"


"Don't question it brother, just do as I ask, please?"

Minos stays while I go over to the fallen human. As I get closer, I immediately notice more of the person.

'Urgh, he's dead'

The corpse couldn't have been there for that long but had started to decay. Looking at it is making me feel queasy. Then, I get a scent of the smell.


I end up puking my last goat all over the ground. Really unsure why this is making me feel so nauseous because I've been around so many animal bodies already, this should be nothing. It might be cause it's human.

'Maybe I'm still more human than I first realized. Status?'

[<Status does not work on the deceased>]

Well at least the system isn't insulting me for once, I think it can tell this is really making me feel ill.

'Urgh. System, do you have any idea how that guy died?'

[<Target corpse appears to have died from multiple stab wound>]

Oh yeah, I guess that would make sense seeing that he's in medieval styled armour. Didn't notice the wounds and don't want to keep looking at for longer than I need to.

"Should prob- MINOS!"


As I'm about go to brother and leave, a large rope net falls on top of him from a tree.

I quickly go back to him to help him out of his predicament. Thankfully, it was only a net that fell.

"You alright, Minos?"


It seems to be unreasonably heavy, I'm not sure how rope can be this heavy but even I might struggle to get out of this. Luckily, I have my claws.

'Wonder who did this?'

Instantly, my question is answered.

"One -- the nets ---------"

"--- this way"

Off in the distance, I can hear faint voices heading in this direction.

"Cu cu"

"Shit, don't worry, I'll get you out of this, I swear!"

I'm kicking and slashing my claws around the outside of the net trying not to hurt Minos and release him. It is working, just not fast enough. Only cut through a small amount so far.

'This rope is too thick'

Unfortunately, I'm still not quick enough. The humans are now in view and are close staring at me and Minos.

"What, the hell is that?"

"Is that a rare species of dragon or something?"

"No, it's a massive bird. But there's a dragon in the net though"

There are three men who all have weapons, armour and look battle hardened surround me and Minos.

'I can understand them? Maybe they'll listen to reason?'

"We can sell the dragon but that bird looks dangerous"

Before I can even ask a question, one of them runs up towards me with a one-handed battle-axe in hand. I don't even have the time to check his status since he tries to swing at me.

Without even thinking, I lift one of my legs up and kick him away before he can hit me. I purposely hold back a bit as I still want to talk this out.

"Why the hell are you attacking us!?"

"Urgh… *Cough, cough*, that hurt"

"Wait, the bird speaks?"

"It can talk?"

I've already got a rough idea what's going on here, I think their trying to capture creatures to eat or sell and unfortunately for them, me and Minos have walked into one of their traps.

As for what they're doing now, all three are a bit unsure now how to approach me. I try and take advantage of their fear.

"D-Damn dirty mortals! How dare you try and attack me and my brother? I could kill you with a sneeze if I so please!"

'Please fall for my bluff, system'

[Name: Dale  |  Species: Human  |  Level: 16]

[Health    601/1,000]

[Stamina 420/600]

[Magicka 0/0]


[Name: Amir  |  Species: Human  |  Level: 8]

[Health    400/400]

[Stamina 211/400]

[Magicka 0/0]


[Name: Sully  |  Species: Human  |  Level: 11]

[Health    600/600]

[Stamina 322/500]

[Magicka 0/0]

[<-User- is too fearful>]

'Shut up system, their stats are low though. That bluff wasn't needed'

"*Cough, cough, I'm unsure what we should do here guys*"

"Stop the large one cutting through the net while we wait for backup"

"Yeah, we should be able to, right?"

'Ah shit, they still want to fight? Screw it, I'm gonna have to hurt them then'

As soon as I've decided, I charge at the man who I've already kicked one and once I've closed the distance, I swing my leg toward him again while he tries to block the kick this time with his axe. Unfortunately for him, the amount of force I've put in my kick is a lot more than the last time.

"Argghhhh! *Cough blood*"

He gets thrown a short distance into a nearby tree.



Both of the remaining two stand still for a second, realize they have no chance and then flee leaving their fallen comrade behind.

It was just then I realized the guy I kicked was now dead.

'Urgh-No, got to save Minos now'


I start slashing at the net again and more and more of it starts coming lose, I'm still trying to do this as fast as possible.

"------- --- bird, ---- over -----"

"--- dragon ---- --- away"

"------- now"

Voices in the distance again, crap. I need to get him out, now! It sounds like there’s loads of them this time.

"Nearly there. Minos, fly away as fast as possible and don't wait for me"



I'm visibly getting stressed out now, this fucking net won't come loose.

Then, as if a sign from God, a large part rips together and Minos is finally able to get free. At the same time, a large group of soldiers appears in our sights.


He listens and starts to flee. Just as he's starting to gain altitude, I go to follow him and start flapping my wings but just as I'm getting off the ground, something in the sky falls on me throwing me back down.

"Argghhh… damn it"

A net similar to the one Minos was trapped under appears from nowhere forcing me onto the ground. Then, like adding salt onto my wounds, another large net falls which makes it even harder to move.

'Where the hell did these come from? Doesn't matter, Minos got away'

I can just about see a brown little dot moving in the distance above the trees which is brother flapping his wings, he most definitely got away.


And this brings me back to where I decided to quote a film from the sixties.

"Urgh yuk, that tastes like dirt"

That small vial of potion has been force fed to me, I tried to spit it out but still swallowed too much.

They said that net was the work of a mage, I can't see them.

'Feeling sleepy noww, no no, don't sleep yeett'

Need to get eyes on that mage, want to check the level.

'Where are theyy?... There! Statuusssss…'

[Name: Leone  |  Species: Human  |  Level: 325]

[Health    8,000/10,000]

[Stamina 6,672/7,500]

[Magicka 12,248/15,000]


My consciousness fades while looking at her level.


(Temporary Perspective Change)

"*Huff, huff, huff*"

'Need to get home to mama and papa. Sister is in trouble'

A small little brown dragon can be seen flying high above the forest. The sun is starting to go down and darkness is falling.

'Faster, I need to fly faster'

"*Huff, huff*"

Ah, I'm too slow. The pink people might hurt sister if I don't go faster. Come on, I can do this. Come on wings!

The dragon flies for quite a while longer when he finally spots his home off in the distance.

He uses up all his strength getting to the cave and is greeted at the entrance by two larger dragons. The small dragon collapses to the ground once he gets into the cave.

"*Huff, huff, huff* cu…"

"Minos, where is Ikarus?"

"Where is your sister, littlest one?"

"*Huff, huff* cu, *huff* cu"

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