Caine forced his crusted eyes open, closing back from the intense blue light spread across him. A warm feeling spread throughout his body. He felt his heart pumping in a quick rhythm. His head still throbbed with pain.
What did the man do to him? He had only memories of his past director's memories, and him crying while eating. Wow, how nice of the man to still leave that memory.
Memories started to flood in, this new body's own. They were scattered around but with enough focus he would remember properly.
He tried to move his body. It wouldn't even budge, his eyes focused down to discover his body was snaked with coiled multicoloured wires leading to a variety of boxes he couldn't tell what was labelled on it.
His eyes adjusted better to light, focusing on his body better.
He discovered that from chest to toe, he was bound by leather straps
His breathing became faster, the warm feeling in his body getting colder.
The light then dimmed.
The clacking of shoes came from ahead of him, he couldn't lift his head due to obviously being bound. He remembered his new life deal, he didn't understand what was happening as it was vastly different from what he remembered the man told him. He had no choice but to wait, and access the person that he hopes is approaching him.
Two bulky gleaming lens cameras were placed in front of him, one on left and one at right. The holders were bulky muscle people dressed in hospital scrubs. Their eyes lasered into their cameras that made reeling sounds at him.
He tried to speak, his mouth twitching with a sour taste present in his mouth.
"Mister. Vincent. Caine. Forgive me for not arriving sooner. Do not take too much of the camera, they are simply for evidence of your new life, this isn't a real hospital." A smooth female voice with an accent announced, making sure to pronounce each word.
Caine's eye flickered around, his breathing that was already fast, rushed more which led to increase in beeping from around him.
The cameras still remained focused on him.
"Mister Caine, don't be scared. This new body has a heart issue, we said we would help you with that. A new heart was eventually found and fixed into you. I do recommend you don't kill this one." The voice cautioned.
Caine frowned, if he could talk… He still wouldn't say anything. He accepted his predicament and calmed himself, the beeping around reduced in rhythm.
He was also feeling good about getting a new heart, where did they find one? He didn't want to think of it. He still wished he wasn't strapped, he could feel his skin itching from the leather. He wished to know when he would get out.
"The cameras are to ensure that I have done my part, you couldn't go to a real hospital as you would have been discharged not fast enough. You have a movie to direct soon, in fact you have to meet with one of the producers now. The former owner of the body had a heart attack during a phone call with them, you have to move now. Bare the pain of what I am to do to you, we have to rush it." She said, voice getting closer to him.
The woman showed herself as she strode to his right. Striding towards him, as he squeezed past the cameraman at that side- who was still motionless while keeping camera on him. She too was wearing full hospital scrubs.
He was going to start directing a movie today? He felt it was too fast, he didn't even know the movie he was doing. He knew it couldn't be a big one from the lifestyle of the former body's owner. A lot of things were happening and he hadn't yet stabled himself.
What did she mean by bare the pain? He was already throbbing in pain from what the man did.
"Good luck in your new life. This is the last we will see each other. Your memory will come. Welcome to an alternate world, it's not as flattering as it sounds" The woman announced while doing something with his hands out of range his eyes could see.
He felt a prick of pain at the back of his skull, his skull accepting a needle with no resistance deeper and deeper. He rolled his eyes, and body was vibrating as he felt the needle in his pain, his mouth opened but with no noise.
What was with these people and torturing people, it felt intentional. He thought, feeling fuzzy already. A hot liquid bubbled in his head. He heard his brain hissing, he felt memories coming upon him arranged in files.
He was chosen in an emergency casting to direct a film adaptation of a 90s novel, the former director left and now they are stuck with him. He was a cheaper choice. Cast already chosen, filming already starting.
His mouth- wide open still- let out groans before a high pitch squeal came out. His face was moulding to shapes due to the pain.
The cameramen bent towards him, adjusting their lens, entering into his squealing mouth. The woman snapped her fingers and the cameramen stood straight. He wanted to spit at them, if he wasn't struggling in pain.
His eyes closed.
"When you open your eyes, you will be meeting the producers. Just be calm, say what you want to say. You are their last last choice, they are desperate. But they want to see confidence, good luck… " The woman's voice announced, before dissolving.
He opened his eyes, he entered an office. His whole body felt relaxed, his head for the first time in a long time- clear and pain free. He wore a starch pressed black suit that tried its best to look new- it obviously wasn't.
The office of the film studio Joyful Nation- a small budget film studio that just arose, they had made films that did okay and were at least interesting to watch, nothing more than that. Their low budget was obviously a limit. The room was an enclosed plastered with different of their previous film posters designed room, showcased with dim amber light, files neatly arranged at corners. A long sleek transparent oval table at the centre of the room where one person was sorted.
A large, bald, capital M moustached, elderly man in a chess checkered suit, and pinkie finger bowtie. He had in front of him a table, piles of papers, fountain pens, a ginger colored bottle in the shape of a roaring lion and two wide cups, one was full of amber liquid. Caine gave a nod to the man, he received a nod too.
He strode to the opposite end of the table, waited for the man to offer him a sit. The man pointed to a seat near him. Caine gave a bitter smile, he didn't like how smooth it already was. He was expecting something more strict or cold, he hadn't smiled yet, but it didn't look out of malice.
He rushed to sit near the man, who poured out more amber liquid from the bottle to the empty cup, before sliding it to Caine. The man lifted his cup, Caine copied him and lifted his own.
They both took a gulp, dropping the cup. Caine almost spat out the drink, his tongue hit with strong sour taste along with rancid odour entering his nose. He forced his facial muscles not to show obvious signs of disgust, so he forcefully swallowed the liquid. He never wanted to take it again, whatever it was.
The man was staring at him, eyes focused on his reaction. Caine knew he had most likely shown an expression of disgust that the man would have scouted. You can't impress everyone he guessed.
"My name is Mister Charleston, I see you don't enjoy good drinks. That's not important, let's talk about your immediate job. I didn't hear from you after you cut the call and will need an immediate answer to that." Charleston spoke in a slow, deep voice. Caine's face went serious upon being asked, he needed to keep to light and go straight to the point. He wasn't going to deceive himself into thinking they saw him as important, he was just to complete the film.
"Well sir, I had to confess I had a minor issue, I am here now. I really want to do this project, I can ensure that filming will be complete. Of course, that's the least of my-
Before he could continue, the man raised his hand up for him to stop while rolling his eyes. Caine knew what he said didn't matter, him finishing the movie wasn't a choice but a need.
"Are you aware of the movie you are producing?" Charleston asked, downing the entire drink in his cup to Caine's amazement. He then focused on his answer, remembering the details of the movie.
"Film adaptation of a 90s French novel, forgive me botching this, Lès… Sorry, Lès Frères Bâtards du Jardin Pâle. Meaning Bastard Brothers… Bastard Brothers Of Pale Garden. A jungle survival story of two brothers leading a small crew looking for treasure to overthrow their debts. They-
"Yes, yes. You know it, anyway. I need you to understand that completion of this film is of utmost importance, after this film. We won't have reason to sit down and share my fine drink, I heard you were an easy understanding person. I hope you understand, a contract may be of more if you succeed. But for now, you are of only one importance. This film. We signed a contract in which you agreed to a payment of 150,000 dollars after you completed filming." Charleston interrupted, eyes hawking Caine for the duration of his speech.
Caine felt a prick of pain deep down, his face not showing it, he couldn't afford to. He hated that he was still a low level director, he didn't blame Charleston at all. Him even getting a chance to direct a movie like this was a rare thing many of his peers hadn't seen, he needed to make the most of it, he wanted to succeed. This was it. The former Caine was so desperate he even agreed to a payment after filming, there was a high need to just succeed.
He downed the entire drink of his cup with loud gulps and a shivering body, regretting his actions immediately.
"I completely understand sir, and if this is the last and only time we will have an association or maybe not. My all will still be given." Caine responded, face twitching from the sourness
Charleston gave a small nod, and poured more of the amber drink into his cup, before pouring for Caine- to which he frowned. Another round of sourness was here. Both cups were only filled halfway
"Let's quickly agree to something, you were always our director of choice, we gave a new director an opportunity out of seeing great potential, any story you hear out of us about you. You agree for your own good. The former director never quit on us, we quit on him." Charleston said, his tone razor sharp.
Caine gave a nod, it was what it was. He wouldn't fight what he couldn't win.
They stared at one another for a brief time, Caine- knowing he would regret it, lifted his cup up first with a smile. Charleston, a brief second of shock before it disappeared, copied him.
They both downed the whole drink, Charleston licking his lips while Caine's eyes were popping out, he wanted to lick his blazer to get rid of the sourness crowded on his tongue, tears welling up in his eyes.
"Good drink." Charleston commented with a smile on face
"Indeed." Caine agreed.
"Well, it's time for you to go to the Philippines for the shooting. Remember, you get paid after you have. Completed. Filming." Charleston stressed, Caine nodded.
Time to go to the jungle.