Reincarnated as a Jade Beauty?!

Chapter 86: Leaving

‘How odd,’ Rialda thought, staring at her wrist in wonderment and confusion, which the ‘Immortal’ had held her while channelling her ‘Energy’ into her wrist. It wasn't the expected familiar tingle of Mana or Magical Power. It was more like a warm, pure current of raw power. ‘It seems nothing like a human’s Mana. In fact, it does not even remotely resemble any sort of Magical Power.’

She lay down her hand on the table. ‘Yet, it seems like it can do everything Mana can. From Spells to Elixir Brewing - though they seem to call it Alchemy here.’

Before she could think any further though, an immense aura shattered her sense of wonderment to pieces. 

“Who are you?” A voice reminiscent of a cold knife digging into her skin sounded.

Rialda's heart skipped a beat, but her mind remained surprisingly calm.

‘Ah. She must have found out.’ she sighed lightly. She had anticipated this reaction. And it was part of her plan. Preferably, she would have kept her prowess a secret, but unfortunately, that was not possible. 

If she intended to cooperate with this Immortal Fairy, she must show that she did not harbour any ill will. By approaching her like this, she intended to show that despite having the chance and power to act against her, she did not harm the other party.

Of course, this would also make the other party wary of her. But this was also good. This would put them on equal footing.

Rialda stood up from her place, turned towards the Immortal Fairy and bowed deeply. 

“Please have mercy on this ignorant and foolish one, Your Excellency, the great Immortal!” Placing a hand on her chest, she said earnestly, “It was truly never my intention to incur your wrath.” 

Which was true - she did not truly want to enrage the other party. It was more like she knew it was an inevitable consequence of her actions.

“I had merely hoped to peacefully make an acquaintance with a fellow Immortal. However, I have never known an Immortal besides myself, and therefore, do not understand our protocols of communication.” And she truly did not. In the few weeks she had been in the Xing Luo City, she had noticed a stark difference in the way Martial Artists and ordinary mortals interacted with each other. So, it was very likely that Immortals also had their own unique protocols of communication.

“Moreover, I also did not wish for anyone else to know of my capability,” she continued. “So, I had no choice but to approach you in such an unsightly and hasty manner - I had grown desperate for the company of a fellow Immortal.

“With my overly eager actions, I realise I have offended you deeply.” She bowed once again. 

“Please, find it in yourself to forgive this lonely girl who has no one to truly call her own,” she said sincerely, trying her best to ignore the extremely intrusive spiritual probe scanning her top to down without the slightest politeness. 

Xiao Hong did not say anything, but stared at ‘Huang Zhixin’, her narrowed eyes speaking volumes about her scepticism. Rialda stared right back into her eyes without faltering. There wasn’t the slightest hint of falsehood in her eyes. 

The extremely rude Divine Sense scan also indicated that ‘Huang Zhixin’ was truly sincere. Moreover, the other party clearly sensed her probing and had even taken the initiative to lower her own defences, allowing Xiao Hong to analyse her reactions without fighting back.

Rialda gulped slightly, tightly reining in her Magic, stopping it from lashing out at the intrusive spiritual probe. After a short while, which felt like an eternity to her, the Immortal Fairy surnamed Xiao finally spoke up.

“I can believe you.” 

Rialda’s eyes brightened. She exclaimed, “Thank you for-”

“However,” Xiao Hong swiftly cut off her grateful exclamation, her tone taking on a warning edge, “do not expect me to trust you blindly.” The warning was clear - like a cold steel blade held inches from her throat. Rialda nodded heavily. She understood the unspoken threat.


“I completely understand, I will definitely do my best to earn your trust!” she promised, her voice steady.

“Good,” Xiao Hong’s aura receded into her body before completely disappearing with a fleeting gust of wind, “let’s start by telling us your real name.” 

The young woman paused for a moment. 

“I am…” She paused again. Was it really wise to tell someone she had just met her real name? Especially since her name was obviously so different from the locals? What if it drew unwanted scrutiny from the powers that be? She might be able to do the same things an Immortal could do - and possibly even more. But ultimately, she was not an Immortal - she was quite sure now. If she drew the wrong kind of attention, it could mean a fate worse than death for her. 

She glanced at the ‘Immortal Fairy’ who had retracted her aura but did not take a step closer to her. She clenched her jaw and released it, firming herself, “I am Rialda.”

“Rialda…?” Xiao Hong repeated slowly, expecting her to complete the name.

“Just… Rialda,” she said, a bitter smile tugging at her lips. “I… I cannot recall anything from before the past few weeks.”

Before Xiao Hong could even ask, the other party had already launched into a lengthy explanation about everything she had done since she had found herself in the Xing Luo Forest. From her encounter with the Martial Artists of the Ferocious Bear Gang to her joining the Yun Hai Pavilion and gaining their trust to her manipulation of Yun Cheng in order to meet her.

“Everything before I found myself in the forest, I cannot remember.” She let out a forlorn sigh, “Perhaps, I had a surname before, but I do not remember. Now, I am just Rialda…”

“I see,” Xiao Hong nodded, “So, sought my help in finding out about your origins?”

“That is also part of the reason, yes.” Rialda acquiesced. Often, people were less wary when they knew the reason someone had approached them. So, in her view, it was just fine that Xiao Hong knew her purpose. 

If Xiao Hong would agree to help her, it would be just fine and everything would work out as she had hoped. If she didn’t, they could simply go their separate ways - from the incident of last night, she realised these ‘Immortals’ did not seem to be as rare as she had initially thought. She could always find more elsewhere.

And in the worst case scenario, where this ‘Immortal Fairy’ would attempt something against her? Well, that was not much of a problem, either. From her show of strength just now, Rialda was sure that Miss Xiao was very strong. So strong that even Yun Cheng’s vaunted description of them did not fully capture her capability.

But, she was just as strong! Even if this Immortal Fairy was pretending to be weaker than she actually was, Rialda had a strange feeling that she would be able to retreat unharmed.

Of course, she still hoped that Xiao Hong would help her. 

Xiao Hong paused for a few moments. ‘She doesn’t really seem to be lying?’ She wasn’t entirely sure, but she instinctively knew that her words had little to no falsehood. 

Thinking calmly, Xiao Hong realised that if her story was really true, then Rialda’s was quite pitiful. She could only imagine how terrifying it would be, turning up in a random forest not knowing how you got there, what brought you here, or why. As if that wasn't terrifying enough, you didn’t even know who you were! 

Therefore, after a few moments of hesitation, she looked up at Rialda who had been staring at her, wide eyes full of hope. 

“I will believe you for now,” she said, causing the young woman to perk up. Her eyes brightened as she opened her mouth to say something. Xiao Hong, however, forged ahead, not giving her the chance, “However, I can only help you so much.”

Under normal circumstances, Xiao Hong would give her as much help as she could. But right now, when even her own survival was not guaranteed? She would not go out of her way and take the risk to help others. So, she decided to politely refuse.

The hope in Rialda’s eyes dimmed. 

Then, as if having thought something, her eyes lit up again.

From the dialogue between the Tengs, she gathered that Xiao Hong’s presence in this place was out of the ordinary. Moreover, she recalled that finger flick which was obviously not just a burst of ‘Energy’ - since it involved some manipulation of the Spirit - Rialda believed that it served to track the other party. Her eyes flickered as she thought, ‘It isn’t that she’s unwilling to help, but she is in a predicament herself?

‘Then, if I were to help her now, I might be able to earn her help in return!’

“Even the slightest help is help. I will never forget Your Excellency’s favour!” She pressed her fist against her palm and bowed deeply. “I sincerely hope that you will not find my company distasteful!”

Xiao Hong: “???”

‘I… seem to have refused her, right?’ A question mark appeared above her head. She had been polite in her refusal, but she was very clear, wasn’t she? Then, why is she acting as if I had agreed?! 

Was the overly polite, multi-layered way of speaking she had inherited from the Elders of her Sect finally coming back to bite her in the behind?!


A few days later, at the gates of Xing Luo City.

“It is immensely regretful that you must leave so soon, Miss Xiao,” Yun Meng lamented, his entire body radiating an aura of depression. His shoulders sagged like the ears of a doggy when their favourite human left them. “I truly wish you had the time to spend with my humble family - it is the good fortune we have accumulated for generations that led to our meeting to have made your acquaintance…”

“You exaggerate too much, Mr. Yun.” Xiao Hong waved her sleeve. She continued with an apologetic smile, “Instead, I seem to have brought an undeserved calamity to your family.”

She had decided to leave. On one hand, she was unsure if people would come looking for the Tengs. On the other hand, she did not want to implicate the Yuns. So, it was best for her to simply leave as soon as possible. 

“Not at all! Those vile criminals would have carried out their nefarious plans even if you weren’t present!” Yun Meng thumped his chest, and spoke earnestly, “In fact, if it were not for your intervention, we would have suffered greatly at the hands of the Ferocious Bear Gang!

“So please don’t say such a thing - I really wouldn’t know where to put my face, otherwise!”

After a few more pleasantries, Xiao Hong turned to Yun Hua - who was still somewhat embarrassed to face her after her blunder in their first meeting. The tall and lithe young woman who looked like she could beat up men twice her size could not even resist as she was forcibly dragged by an overwhelming force and hugged tightly! “Sister Hua, I’ll miss you a lot!”

“I-I as well!” Yun Hua could only awkwardly pat the Immortal Fairy on the back, wondering, ‘How in the Nine Hells does such a delicate body generate such tremendous force?!’

Xiao Hong sighed and inwardly cursed the Goddess of Fortune again!

She had been looking forward to a personal Knight, but then that dastardly thing had crushed her dreams and taken a massive, disgusting dump on the broken pieces. 

‘Curse you!’ she spat!

After a hug that was a tad too long, she finally released Yun Hua from her demonic claws. “May we meet again - if fate permits.”

After saying some perfunctory polite words to the overly enthusiastic Elders of the Yun Family, she turned to… ‘The fuck?’

Xiao Hong’s eyes nearly rolled out of their sockets. For right in front of her was a beautiful young woman. 

No, no. For once it wasn’t beauty that surprised her. In fact, the other party could not even hold a candle to her Sister Guiying, or that strange woman who called herself  ‘Rialda’. It was her identity that surprised Xiao Hong.

It was Ye Lingxiang, sporting a Cultivation Base of the peak of 4th Layer Body-refining. 

‘What the fuck is going on?!’ She shouted inwardly! ‘How in the Heavenly Emperor’s Jade Stick does one cultivate from a mortal to 4th Layer Body-refining in all of… one week?! And that’s not even mentioning the disgustingly small amounts of Spiritual Energy of Heaven and Earth available around here!’ She stared at the young girl intensely. Are you another reincarnated deity, or have you been mainlining some serious, illegal cultivation pills?! If possible hook me up!

Nonsensical thoughts aside, the first thing that came to her mind was that this was another protagonist - a female one! And it seemed the backstory fit perfectly as well! A young woman with extraordinary talent, hailing from a seemingly ordinary background, destined for greatness. Classic Xianxia right there!

She slowly calmed down after a few moments - which for Ye Lingxiang were the most terrifying few moments of her life. That intense, piercing glare seemed to be scanning her from head to toe, leaving her feeling like a bug pinned to a board.

Her heart beat like it wanted to finish all the remaining beats of her lifetime. Why was she staring at her like that?? Was the great Immortal disappointed with her progress? Was she about to be vaporized for incompetence? 

Or perhaps she was enraged that she had taught Yun Qingfeng to use the Immortal Method - even if she did not show any particular regard for it? Would she be punished for that? Would she disallow her from cultivating again? Would she seal her Cultivation? 

Or would she harm Yun Qungfeng?

If that last really happened… Ye Lingxiang’s heart clenched painfully. He was the only one precious to her in this hopeless world. If she lost him, there would be no reason for her to live anymore.

Before she could think further, the great Immortal finally spoke.

“I did not expect to find such an exceptionally talented person around,” Miss Xiao paused for a moment, before continuing, “here.”

Then, completely beyond Ye Lingxiang’s expectations, a bright smile appeared on her face, momentarily stunning her. The Immortal Fairy gently took her hand into her own, and asked hopefully, “Say… Would you like to join my Sect?”

Ye Lingxiang's mind went blank. A proposal? From the immortal herself? This was like winning the lottery ticket! 

Of course, there was also the other thing… Ye Lingxiang gulped, feeling the soft and delicate hands that grasped her own so firmly they felt more like a vice grip, Ye Lingxiang had the strangest feeling. Quite possibly, ‘no’ might not be the optimal answer here…


With a massive smile plastered across her face, Xiao Hong waved the Yuns goodbye until they disappeared from view - or at least their view. She could still see the Yuns - some had smiles as bright as her own on their faces while others had more reserved smiles. 

How could they not rejoice?! They had managed to forge a bond with an extremely powerful Immortal. And it wasn’t the flimsy kind either - it was a much closer, master-disciple one! Even if the Immortal had only talked about joining the Sect, they assumed it was a master-disciple one. In their minds, such a powerful figure had to be an Elder at least, right?! And what was an elder but a potential master?

Only a few people had a frowns or scowls. But what could they do?

Xiao Hong sat back in the carriage prepared by Yun Meng, the grin still on her face. She was very pleased! A sense of accomplishment washed over her. She had truly picked up a gem in the wild this time! 

She really shouldn’t curse that Goddess of Fortune anymore - maybe, she had actually been looking out for her? After all, who would have such powerful fortune that they would randomly stumble upon a complete monster in the boonies?

As for Ye Lingxiang’s thoughts? Xiao Hong wasn’t a bad person, you know? If the girl wasn’t willing, she would just kidnap her later! Or perhaps, she could work out a deal (obviously fake) with the displeased Yun Family’s Third Elder and force Ye Lingxiang to escape into her arms… 

Then, she mentally smacked herself, ‘Ah, no dammit, Xiao Hong! You must leave behind these thoughts! You’re not my old self anymore!’ She vehemently suppressed the manipulative thoughts that haunted her mind - innocent people and strong people were off limits. Squishy, evil people were fair game though!

Suddenly, a strange thought appeared in her jumpy mind, ‘... I’m not the villainess in some other heroine’s story, right?’ 

She shook her head vigorously! No, no, no. She was the protagonist! There’s no way such a cute, polite and upright girl like her can be a villain!

While she was having these strange thoughts, the smooth, somewhat curious voice of a certain Mage broke her out of her thoughts, “By the way, great Immortal, where are we going?”

Xiao Hong blinked, snapping out of her self-congratulatory reverie. 

“There’s no need to call me great Immortal and whatnot.” She waved her sleeve casually. “We’re almost equal in terms of strength - in fact, you’re probably a bit stronger, so it is embarrassing for me to be addressed as such. Just call me Xiao Hong, or Fellow Daoist Xiao.”

“I could not possibly-” 

“Oh come on!” Xiao Hong rolled her eyes and snapped exasperatedly, “There’s no need to show respect that you don’t even feel. There is no point in that! 

“Just address me casually. I do not want to hear the hundredth variation of ‘Oh Great Venerable Immortal’ within the next decade!”

Rialda let out a soft snort. She chuckled softly, “Fine, Xiao Hong it is then.”

Then, she paused for a few moments, before continuing, firmly. “However, I disagree with the respect part. Someone willing to help another despite having their own… circumstances, deserves respect.”

Xiao Hong glanced at her and resisted the urge to roll her eyes yet again. ‘My foot! I wasn’t going to help you - you’re just a piece of sticky plaster that I just can’t seem to get rid of! Be thankful you’re cute, otherwise, I’d have blown you to kingdom come!’

Whether she would actually help her was completely dependent on whether she could get herself out of this island unscathed.

She looked out of the window at Yun Cheng and the few Blood Qi Awakening Martial Artists of the Yun Family. He had been designated as her protector - well, he was more like a convenient guide, actually. She gave the man a wave to attract his attention and then asked, “How long would it take to get to the Golden Star Sea Port City from here?”

Yun Cheng tilted his head in thought for a moment and said, “About a week and a half? If we rush, maybe we could get there in a week.”

“Let’s rush, then,” she said.

“Very well, Miss Xiao.” Yun Cheng tugged on the reins of his warhorse, causing it to let out an excited whinny.

‘Let’s hope the situation isn’t too bad,’ she let out an inward sigh. 

I noticed that I use ‘sticky plaster’ to indicate annoying, persistent people, quite often. Upon investigation, I realised I "got" this phrase from The Adventures of Tintin: The Calculus Affair - where a particularly sticky piece of plaster manages to follow Captain Haddock across a country. So I binge-read the Tintin comics over the last few days!

There goes my immense stockpile of one chapter~!

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