Reincarnated as a Fox to Bring Revolution

V2Ch-45-Guilty Fox

Staring at the Sect Master, who clearly wanted to die at this moment, I started to explain my plan.


"What would be best to start with first is some sort of multi-purpose factory within the town inside of the sect. This would allow us to mass-produce the parts needed and assemble them where possible.


From there, we will make the machines needed to increase both farming output and mining capabilities. Then, with the enhancement for both of those in the works, we can move on to upgrading the roads to handle bigger and better transport vehicles.


With the roads being upgraded, we can then move on to building all the textile mills and workshops where the new types of clothing will be made. During this time, we can also build some food processing and storage facilities to expand our market.


After all that is finished and operational, we can build multiple storefronts and shopping areas around our area of influence to sell everything that we have made, and if we have any surplus left, we can use it to expand our area of influence."


The Sect Master's current state did not change much, but he seemed to take half a step back from me at some point. Mom, on the other hand, had a slight smile on her face and commented, "So you did have a rough plan on how you were going to make a business when you proposed that plan earlier."


I was originally hoping that they were at least some words of praise, but it turned out that they were double-edged swords striking out instead. 


Pouting a little at this, I complained, "I wouldn't have said that if I did not have some sort of plan."


It was then that I heard the soft chime of a bell as a message from my system appeared in front of me.


{The host has performed an inherently cute action. The effect of the currently equipped title has been doubled.}


Immediately after this accursed message appeared, I felt something pinch both of my cheeks as moms voice sounded from in front of me, "While it is good that you had a plan for these sorts of things, you still have not apologized for taking the resources for the shrine without permission."


She then let go of my cheeks while looking down at me with a stern expression on her face. It was the first time I saw this expression on her, and for some reason, it was one of the most terrifying things I had seen.


Lowering my head while feeling my ears flatten out and tail drop, I quickly said, "Sorry."


{Hidden title effect activated, [Kicked Fox Kit]. 3X emotional damage.}


This new message confused me as I did not know the title I got had such an effect. However, it was not something I was happy about. I was not able to think about this anymore more as I heard the Sect Master hurriedly say, "It's fine. The resources went to where they were going to go anyways."


Since the scolding was over, I wanted to move on to something more important when Mom surprised me by asking, "Now, why did you tell someone else your reason for seeking immortality? Do you know how dangerous that is? As long as someone can use mental techniques, they could cause you to lose your way, making your cultivation collapse and killing you.


That's not the worst thing that can happen, either."


It was at this point that I realized I had screwed up, and she was about to go on a rant, so I quickly said, "Then they would have to rewrite all of my memories, warp my personality, and somehow change the human psyche to remove its fatal attraction called curiosity."


Being interrupted at the beginning of her rant and hearing what I said, Mom did not look very happy and asked, "What do you mean curiosity is a fatal attraction of the human psyche? And how would not having it removed allow you to keep your reason for seeking immortality the same?"


I felt the need to look at her like she was simply stupid for not understanding at this point, but I held back and explained by saying, "How does wind work? What about lightning? There's also that weird rock that causes your body to rot while it is still alive, which we will call Uranium. Now, how about harnessing this thing called plasma and figuring out where it exists in nature?


There are also the stars in the sky, but what is more interesting is what could exist in the void around them. Maybe it is some alien civilization that developed on a different world from ours. Maybe we could be entirely alone. Or maybe it is some endless nightmarish interdimensional monstrosity beyond our mortal comprehension.


It could also be something as simple as how tall of a building I can build using different materials or what exists at the bottom of the ocean. Is that enough of an explanation for you?"


As I talked, Mom's expression changed from a look of anger to one of confusion and then slowly to one of both realization and defeat, with a satirical smile on her face.


The Sect Master, on the other hand, was looking at Mom and me with a confused expression. Mom just waved him off and said, "Fine, fine, I get it. Curiosity is a natural part of the human psyche. However, that does not explain why it would prevent your reason for seeking immortality to change."


This time, I could not fully hold back from looking at Mom like she was an idiot while saying, "Because my reason for seeking immortality stems around that fatal attraction. I should also not say that it is a fatal attraction for the human psyche, as most sapient races have that same attraction from what I can tell.


Especially for all humanoid species. So, it should be called a fatal attraction for all humanoid psyches. Besides, did you really think I would have my reason for seeking immortality be so fragile that a slightly clever argument could break it?"


The expression on Mom's face did not look good after that.


It was almost like she had swallowed a bowl full of bitter medicine that she wanted to spit out. It would never happen, but that is what it looked like.


Even the Sect Master had a similar expression from hearing what I just said. It was then that Mom said, "That's good for you, but could you please stop talking for now?"


Seeing their expressions, I would normally be happy that I won the argument. However, this time, I was not feeling that good. It was almost like I had said something that I wish I could take back.


The last time something like that happened, I was in high school and read something about how a man needs to stand up for himself. I then took it the wrong way and did something I would rather never repeat again.


With that thought flowing through my mind and causing me some torment, I could feel my tail go limp as my ears fell flat without any support, so I quickly spoke up before the strange feeling in my chest broke out, saying, " Sorry, Mom. I didn't mean to hurt anyone with my words. It was just that I remembered all those books that I had read in my past life and all the stupid reasons those protagonists had for reaching immortality.


"So I was making comments based on that and not trying to demean you or the Sect Master."


I was looking down at the ground halfway through my apology, so I was not able to see her expression and could only hear some movements from around me. When I finished, there was what felt like a few excruciating minutes before I felt a hand start patting my head between my ears.


I then heard Mom's voice from beside me say, "It's fine. We were simply a little jealous that you had such a solid and unchangeable goal that would benefit others more than yourself. The two of us also have a lot to think about now in terms of our path forward which is not something that common when you reach the stage that we have."


Her words had improved my mood slightly, but it was only slightly, as I was still feeling horrible about what I said.


I then heard Mom continue saying, "Is there anything else that you'd like to do before we move on for the day?"


This question reminded me of what I wanted to ask her before the Sect Master showed up, so I took this opportunity and hesitantly asked, "Can I get a copy of all the body tempering techniques that the sect has? I don't truly need all of them, but I would like to at least have all of the ones that have major differences between them."


After asking this, there was silence for a little while, so I took a small glance up and saw Mom looking at me with worry in her eyes before she asked, "Did something happen?"


Looking back at the ground, I scuffed it a little with the toe of my shoe as I said, "The cultivation technique I made may have been slightly too good."


There was silence for a few seconds again before Mom asked again, "What happened."


Taking a deep breath and collecting my thoughts, I answered, "My cultivation technique is so efficient that even though it was supposed to have solved the problem of needing a body tempering technique like most other high-quality cultivation techniques. It still accumulates too much energy and ends up pushing the body to its limits in the Qi-gathering stage.


So I need a body tempering technique to fix this, and since I could make a better technique with some research, why don't I do that."


By this point, my mood had improved a little more, so my tail and ears were no longer hanging without any support, but they were still lowered. I was also able to lift my head a little so I could see both the Sect Master and Mom standing there.


Mom then asked me, "Why do you want all the techniques when you only need the ones with large differences?"


Looking at her with my head still lowered, I said, "Because I want to try something with the extra techniques involving my system."


Mom nodded at me while saying, "Alright," and then grabbed my shoulder and started to lead me to the house while the Sect Master asked, " What just happened?"

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