Reincarnated as a Fox to Bring Revolution

V2Ch-25-Time Passes

During my cultivation, I noticed that the strange energy emanating from my blood had gotten slightly weaker. This energy was clearly doing something, but I was unsure of what. However, it was clearly not causing me any harm, so I continued cultivating only checking on it every now and then.


With that, time quickly passed, and soon, I noticed that the yellow particles of light were increasing in number. Along with that, the energy emanating from my blood had thinned out significantly.


Soon, the burst of those yellow particles I was expecting happened, and I focused on pulling all of those particles in before they dissipated.


A few minutes later, I exited my meditation and turned myself onto my back, stretching out. When I did this, I heard a soft laugh from the side and opened my eyes to see Mom sitting on the side of the bed watching me.


I tilt my head at this and wonder why she was laughing, only to hear her laugh grow stronger. I started to feel a little agitated at why she was laughing at me, and I started to snap my tail back and forth before pouncing on her.


Mom's eyes went wide upon seeing this, but she still moved away in time, and I instead landed with my face planted into the edge of the bed with my arms outstretched in front of me and my tail sticking straight up.


The laughing only intensified at this as I planted my arms beneath me and lifted myself up.


When I looked at her, she quickly left the room, and I was now alone, sitting there stewing in my small amount of anger and embarrassment.


Getting up I then changed my clothes before running after her.


Charging down the hall, I burst into the main room, not seeing anyone, and continued into the dining room, where I saw Mom sitting at the head of the table reading a book. This was the first time that I was able to tell that she was reading a different book as all of them had the same colored blank cover, and this one had a different color.


I was standing there in the doorway looking at her with my tail snapping back and forth when she suddenly asked, "Are you going to stand there all day? Or are you going to take a seat?"


When she suddenly spoke, my tail went ridged, and I froze in place, most likely looking like a deer in headlights. This was because she never looked up or even glanced at me from the corner of her eye. I also did not feel any pulse of Qi, and with me naturally being quiet by instinct, I thought that she would not have known that I was there.


Mom then looked up from her book and glanced at me, causing me to jump and then rush to one of the chairs.


Sitting down, I then lowered my head and waited for the food to arrive.


The wait was not that long, as soon Yuki walked in, carrying two plates of food and a few spare plates. She then placed them on the table with the food in the middle and the plates in front of each chair. With that she walked into the kitchen and then came back with the silverware needed for the meal.


I then gave a small prayer, and Mom took the first bite of food as we started eating. The food this time was a mix of vegetables and eggs with a little bread on the side.


This was a great meal, but it did not last long as soon it was all gone, and we were all finished with the meal.


With that done, I got up to walk out when Mom got up and dragged me out into the courtyard for training. I wanted to run away so I would not be beaten up again, but I already knew that it was impossible.


A few hours later, I was lying with my back on the ground and my sword lying beside me, completely exhausted. Mom then walked over and started to press my side with the toe of her boot, attempting to get a reaction out of me.


It was successful, as I barely lifted my hand off the ground and weakly batted at the prodding limb. She started chuckling at this before saying that training was over and I could do what I wanted.


Given the permission to leave, I instantly hopped up full of energy again, and ran over to the workshop, where I started working on the machines I had set to craft yesterday. Placing them down, I opened their interfaces and selected some of the remaining machines I needed to build.


From there I moved out of the workshop to the mines and grabbed all the ores stored there so that I could refine them and start upgrading the other crafting stations.


I would still not be able to upgrade the tables today, so instead, I returned to the workshop and set the materials to be refined.


With that finished, I had nothing left to do at the workshop, so I left for the library. Stopping at the statue along the way, I gave a quick prayer and then continued on.


Walking into the library, I sat down at the desk and went back to my research for the rest of the day.


Before I knew it, Raina walked into the room and asked me to come into the house for dinner before walking back out.


Closing the book in front of me I got up and walked out of the library and over to the house.


Going to the dining room, I walked in and sat down next to Raina, who was at the head of the table again. Not long after, Yuki walked in carrying three plates with steaks on them.


Placing them in front of both me and Raina, I could both see and feel our tails twitch slightly at the sight of the steak. However, we were apparently too focused on the food as the silverware that suddenly appeared in our vision caused us to jump slightly.


Trying to rein in my instincts, I give a quick prayer before waiting for Raina to take the first bite of the meal. She did not seem to care about my predicament, though, and sat there staring at the food like it was some sort of poison.


This went on for what felt like an eternity, and the longer it got dragged out, the more erratically my tail moved.


Soon, Yuki tapped Raina on the shoulder and pointed in my direction, or more likely, the direction of my tail. When Raina saw my state, she sighed before cutting off a corner of the steak and biting into it.


With this cultural ritual observed, I lunged forward and started to devour the meat in front of me.


Raina told me to slow down, but it was too good, and I could not stop myself from wanting it all. Sadly, my fast pace of eating made it so that I was not able to enjoy the food for very long.


The meal was now over for me, and I had to sit and watch while the others finished their food.


That would not take that long, though, as I was soon following Raina to the bedroom and tackling her onto the bed.


Once there, I trapped her by curling up on her lap and calming my mind again.


I thought that I heard an exasperated sigh, but it must have been my imagination as Mom started to brush my tail again.


This helped me enter a meditative state more easily and was soon cultivating again.


I noticed that the energy emanating from my blood was almost gone and would probably not be there in the next few hours.


My guess proved to be correct, as halfway through the night, the energy disappeared, and all that was left was a strange feeling that my kitsune parts were more a part of me than before.


This was quite a strange feeling, but I did not worry about it for the time being as it did not seem to cause any harm to me.


Like this, I went back to my meditation for the rest of the night with Mom occasionally petting me.


As the morning came around, I repeated the same actions as yesterday. Thus began a cycle that lasted for the next few days, with only two significant events happening.


The first was Yuki breaking through to the peak of the body tempering stage, and the second was me breaking through to the second level of Qi gathering.


Regardless, by the seventh day, I managed to finish all the upgrades to the workshop and was now able to start building a few of the things that I wanted.


During this time, I also finished my research on the materials I had about spells and started my work on formations.


These two things combined allowed me to start having some fun ideas about what I was going to create first.

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