Reincarnated as a Divine Tree

Chapter 117: Incense energy

Above the clouds, the true dragon was quite impressive, with claws that seemed to be five-toed.

However, when Noah Ji saw the dragon hidden in the clouds casually strike and then swallow a passing giant bird whole, he shook his head again.

Too ferocious. His small trunk wouldn’t be able to withstand it.

Finally, Noah’s gaze turned to the colorful phoenix perched on a giant Phoenix Tree not far away.

At this moment, the colorful phoenix was grooming its feathers, looking extremely gentle.

This one will do.

Noah instantly had a plan in mind.

The most crucial part was that this phoenix liked to live in trees, which was perfect for him.

He could use Root Strengthening, combined with his rapid growth rate, to absorb all the nutrients from that Phoenix Tree.

Not only that, but he could also freely grow his trunk into a shape suitable for the phoenix to live in.

Add a living room, maybe a balcony, and he was sure the phoenix wouldn’t be able to resist!

It didn’t matter if it wasn’t a Phoenix Tree.

If necessary, he would uproot all the surrounding trees, leaving the phoenix with no other choice.

As soon as the idea formed in his mind, Noah began to act, extending his originally normal roots towards the Phoenix Tree where the colorful phoenix resided.

With the acceleration of time and the abundant spiritual energy in the area, Noah’s growth speed became incredibly fast.

Originally surviving in the crevices between a few giant trees, in just a moment, Noah had become the thickest tree around.

Noah’s goal was about to be achieved; his roots had already extended beneath the Phoenix Tree, gradually drawing away its nutrients.

Without the support of its underground roots, even in this wild world full of spiritual energy, the Phoenix Tree couldn’t survive.

The colorful phoenix perched on the Phoenix Tree seemed to notice the changes in its home. The Phoenix Tree was withering more and more, causing the phoenix to become somewhat anxious. But it didn’t know the reason and could only scan its surroundings, seemingly searching for a new home.

Soon, the colorful phoenix noticed Noah not far away.

The key was his trunk, which was uniquely suited for it.

The size seemed tailor-made for it.

This made a hint of excitement appear in the phoenix’s eyes, but there was still a trace of hesitation, as if it hadn’t made up its mind completely.

However, sensing the phoenix’s interest, Noah’s mouth curled into a ‘give, give, give’ laugh.

Just as the Phoenix Tree was about to die, the phoenix made a move.

At that moment, a wooden spear flew from somewhere, piercing the Phoenix Tree. Although it didn’t hit the phoenix, it shot through the already withered Phoenix Tree.

Startled, the phoenix didn’t have time to choose a new home and immediately flew away, quickly leaving the area.

Watching the departing phoenix, Noah was stunned. But he was just a tree and could only watch the colorful phoenix’s figure gradually disappear, unable to stop it.

Damn it, who did this!

Seeing his half-successful plan ruined, Noah was quite angry.

Before he could observe his surroundings, new subtitles appeared before his eyes.

[A group of furred people has discovered your uniqueness and decided to settle under your tree. What do you decide?]

[Accept them] [Drive them away] [Ignore them]

“Furred people?”

Surprised, Noah looked down and saw the description in the subtitles.

These were gigantic humans, several meters tall, covered in thick fur, but different from ordinary humans, retaining some ancient features.

Only now did Noah realize that with the arrival of these furred people, the other giant beasts around had disappeared.

With the colorful phoenix gone, Noah thought for a moment and decisively chose to accept them.

After making his choice, Noah’s branches changed again, gradually transforming from their original strange shapes into a giant tree with lush foliage.

The massive canopy shaded the surroundings, sheltering them from wind and rain.

Noah’s transformation brought joy to the furred people under the tree, who even waved their hands in celebration.

A new group of furred people began to develop around Noah.

Soon, new subtitles appeared before Noah:

[The furred people have decided to worship you but don’t know what to offer. What do you choose?]

[Blood of fierce beasts] [Incense energy] [Spiritual essence of heaven and earth]

Looking at the newly appeared subtitles, Noah fell into contemplation, recalling what Gabriel Zhou had said in the ancestral hall yesterday.

Lower totems feed on blood, middle totems feed on incense, and upper totems feed on spiritual essence.

This was the classification of totems in this world, but Noah didn’t expect the three choices before him to be the same.

According to the clan’s offerings, Noah fed on blood, which would make him a lower totem, but Noah didn’t think so. Besides feeding on blood, he could also absorb moonlight.

In a way, moonlight also belonged to the spiritual essence of heaven and earth.

If he chose the spiritual essence of heaven and earth now, he might gain a new technique to absorb it after the deduction.

This would help enhance his vitality, allowing him to grow faster.

But after some thought, Noah chose the middle option, incense energy.

The reason was simple: he had already dabbled in both the blood of fierce beasts and the spiritual essence of heaven and earth.

Even the spiritual essence of heaven and earth could be obtained through deductions in other worlds.

But he had never encountered incense energy before and didn’t know its effects, so it was worth trying.

After Noah made his choice, the furred people below seemed to have some understanding and began to worship him.

In a perspective unseen by the furred people, Noah saw faint wisps of smoke-like gas emanating from their bodies, converging towards him.

It seemed these tiny white wisps were the so-called incense energy.

After absorbing a wisp of incense energy from the furred people’s worship, Noah sensed the thoughts of the incense energy’s owner.

The thoughts were sincere prayers for the well-being of their tribe.

After a wisp of incense energy entered Noah’s trunk, there was no noticeable change.

But after absorbing several, dozens of wisps of incense energy, Noah felt a significant transformation in his trunk.

His trunk seemed to become harder, with a faint sheen on the originally brown bark, and he could even convey his thoughts to each furred person.

This change surprised Noah; the incense energy’s effects seemed stronger than he had imagined.

The most crucial part was that this incense energy could be continuously produced without consuming resources like fierce beasts. As long as each furred person prayed sincerely every day, it would be endless.

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