Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1410

Chapter 1363: Meat Is Immortal

There is no doubt about the preciousness of the innate spiritual treasures, not to mention the immortal monks, who have been in countless star fields in the thousands of universes, and the powerhouses of any world have a strong pursuit of the innate spiritual treasures.

It’s just that in an ordinary high world, only one or two innate spiritual treasures can be born. Even in a big world with strong origins, it is impossible to give birth to too many innate spiritual treasures.

As for Honghuang, that is an exception!

As the place where Pangu opened the sky to break the chaos and end an era, and when he opened up the Great Desolation, he buried too many Chaos Gods and Demons here. The Great Desolation that combines the bodies of many Chaos Gods and Demons and the Great Dao can breed far beyond other worlds. the innate treasure.

But even so, many experts in Honghuang still have a very strong desire for innate spiritual treasures.

After all, there are too many great powers in Honghuang, and most of the innate spiritual treasures have already been occupied by the powerhouses born in the ancient and ancient times. It is not easy for the younger generation to own an innate spiritual treasure.

But now, the precious and unusual innate spiritual treasures in the outside world have been destroyed one by one by Qin Feng, and they have been integrated into his own Taoist magical powers to enhance his own strength!

At this time, his conventional combat power has reached a very terrifying level. After combining two spiritual treasures containing innate divine thunder, he can play the power of twenty-eight innate dao bans with a single palm of his hand.

After the innate divine cone containing the breaking law is integrated into the divine power of the Shattering Air Finger, a single finger point can pierce the barrier of a higher world, and integrate the town boundary stone tablet of a big world into the Heaven Shaking Divine Fist. , he can hit the power of the 33rd Innate Dao Ban with one punch.

In addition, a solar furnace was integrated into the flame supernatural power, so that his flame supernatural power had the power to burn everything, and the vine of creation was integrated into the law of life, relying on this spiritual treasure to give him endless vitality and more Strengthen the power of good fortune, and integrate a strange innate spiritual treasure called soul babble into the curse magic power, so that his curse power will skyrocket!

Even the shadow-transforming supernatural power, which is no longer in use, possesses the power of transformation of the twenty-fourth innate Taoist forbidden under the blessing of a shadow-type innate spiritual treasure. May not be able to see through his hiding place.

As for Ruyi Spirit Transformation Gold Wind, it is even more important.

This is not only the first supernatural power he has mastered since he cultivated, but also the most powerful of all supernatural powers. In the past, he was suppressed by the supreme yin and yang grinding disc evolved from the “Heaven and Earth Crossing Yin and Yang Great Compassion Fu”. one head.

In order to transform this magical power into a stronger state, he did not hesitate to turn around in the void for a long time, and finally found an innate treasure of the wind element that was in line with the power of his mind.

Even if the person who held the innate treasure was a supreme powerhouse, he did not hesitate at all, so he had to kill it even if he suffered some injuries, and finally regained the treasure.

This is a treasure with thirty-eight levels of congenital Taoism. The body is a pair of black wings. Once it is fanned, it will set off a boundless storm, fanning out endless gusts of wind. Wherever it passes, the stars are dim, the sun and the moon are dull, and even Even the stars can be blown into dust!

After merging the pair of innate divine wings into Ruyi Spirit Transformation Golden Wind, the power of this already tyrannical supernatural power skyrocketed, and it suddenly became a supreme supernatural power comparable to the forty-four levels of the forbidden power of the innate way, only more powerful than yin and yang. The big grinder is just too bad.

But this is tyrannical enough. After all, Ruyi Hualing Jinfeng doesn’t have the “Heaven and Earth Crossing Yin and Yang Great Compassion Fu” to bless it.

Although it is really distressing to destroy such innate treasures, it is extremely satisfying for Qin Feng, who is addicted to the process of strength growth.

He took out the innate spiritual treasures one by one, relying on the destruction law of the world-destroying black lotus to destroy many spiritual treasures, and took the opportunity to integrate them into his own Taoist magical powers.

After raising the power of Xiantian Ruyi’s Spiritual Transformation Golden Wind, he reached out and grabbed it again, and took out a stick that was as heavy as a mountain and pitch black!

Of course, this stick is not an ordinary thing, but a giant pillar that naturally derived from the formation of a strange big world!

The big world is divided into upper and lower layers. The upper layer is the heaven and the lower layer is the earth. The middle is supported by these giant pillars. However, later the world was conquered by a powerful army led by a chaotic **** and demon, destroying the heaven and the earth. Only this giant pillar supporting the sky was not damaged in the slightest, and it was regarded as a treasure.

This treasure can be big or small, long or short, heavy or light, it can not only be transformed into a giant pillar to support the heaven and earth, but also can pierce the sky with a stick, smash the earth, and destroy the mountains. .

It’s right to think about it, even the destruction of the big world has never been damaged, which shows how strong it is.

However, Qin Feng was in a bit of trouble holding this stick for a while. What kind of magical powers should this dark baby be integrated into?

If you just look at its power, it is really suitable for several kinds of magical powers, but he does not care too much about those magical powers, and feels that it is overkill to integrate these forty-two innate treasures.

After pondering for a long time, Qin Feng finally decided to integrate the stick into his body instead of integrating with some magical power.

Although he was also proficient in the supernatural power of changing the size and size in the early days, it was only later that this supernatural power was promoted to the law of heaven and earth.

Qin Feng felt that although Fa Tianxiangdi is tyrannical, the foundation of this tyranny is based on the strength of his own body. Only when the body is tyrannical, will he have stronger power after casting Fa Tianxiangdi.

If you simply integrate this treasure into the dharma, heaven and earth, it will certainly improve the power of this magical power, but if you die, it will only improve a bit.

But if it is integrated into his own body, it will be different. Every time his body increases his strength, his power will increase to 10 points after casting the law, so only by integrating into his body can the effect of this treasure be maximized!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng no longer hesitated, and immediately began to sacrifice and refine this giant pillar, and then continued to manipulate the world-destroying black lotus to exert force!

That is to say, the grade of the world-destroying black lotus is high enough, the power of the forty-eight innate treasures, and this treasure is the ultimate treasure of destruction derived from the unwillingness of chaos when it was destroyed. The original intention of its birth was to destroy the world, destroy the universe, and let The world returns to chaos.

The Demon Ancestor Rahu also got this treasure directly because his xinxing was extremely compatible with the world-destroying black lotus.

It’s a pity that Luo Huqi was one step behind. He failed to destroy the Great Desolation twice, nor did he return the universe to chaos. Instead, he was frustrated everywhere, and even himself was trapped in the Sword of Immortal Zhuan and lost this treasure.

Now the world-destroying black lotus is in the hands of Qin Feng, because he successively urged him to destroy the innate spiritual treasures, and he immediately got any of the world-destroying black lotus, and invisibly released all the Taoist prohibitions, so that he could not completely sacrifice. Qin Feng completely controls all the power of this innate treasure.

In this way, under the destructive power of the world-destroying black lotus, even though this giant pillar with forty-two innate Taoist prohibitions is known to be indestructible, it will eventually be damaged under the destruction law of the world-destroying black lotus, and the body begins to collapse. , The power of the law was crumbling, and Qin Feng took the opportunity to incorporate it into the body, refining the forty-two Innate Dao Bans into his own Supreme Innate Dao body.

He didn’t even let go of the body that began to shatter after the power of the law was pulled away. , really squeezed the benefits of this treasure to the extreme.

However, as a result, his physical body also became extremely tyrannical.

After the forty-two innate Taoist body, which was originally powerful, has obtained the forty-two innate Taoist ban, I am afraid that its firmness is not weaker than the innate treasure of the forty-eighth innate Taoist power.

Although it can’t be compared with the Primordial Realm, which is immortal, it is similar. Even if the universe is destroyed and returns to chaos, he can still resist hard times and be immortal. If he is stronger, I’m afraid You can break the shackles and prove the Dao with strength.

At this point, even if he is hit by the innate treasure, it will only be regarded as a Even Qin Feng feels that even if he goes to the Zhuxianjian array, he can resist for a while without being damaged!

Of course, I just think about it, but it won’t really swell to the extent of seeking death in the Immortal Execution Sword Formation.

At this time, under the control of the four Primordial Saints, the power of the Immortal Execution Sword Formation has reached an unrivaled level. No matter how strong his physical body is, he cannot continue to carry it all the time. Even Luo Hu is not an opponent of the Immortal Execution Sword Formation. There is no proving Dao Primordial!

It’s just that the treasure of the forty-two innate Taoist prohibitions can make him improve so much. If the Chaos Clock, one of the three great treasures of the Great Desolation, is integrated into his body, how powerful should it be?

He took out the Chaos Clock and glanced at it, and then gave up the idea.

You must know that this is not only one of the three great treasures of the Great Desolation, but even if it is placed in the endless universe, it is a treasure that ranks in the forefront.

Besides, even if he wants to merge, it is impossible!

Because the Chaos Clock is the supreme treasure of the forty-nine levels of congenital Taoism, it has the characteristics of being indestructible.

Although the world-destroying black lotus was born when the chaos was destroyed, it condensed the last bit of luck in the chaos era, but it was also suppressed by the universe, which made it not complete when it was born. The first-level Dao Ban did not become the supreme treasure, but it did not have the power to destroy the Chaos Bell!

But Qin Feng doesn’t care, it’s already very powerful to be able to do it now!

Just when he took out an innate spiritual treasure again and was about to continue to integrate and enhance the power of other Taoist magical powers, he suddenly sensed a wave of fluctuations from outside the cave.

With a swept away divine sense, it was Taixuan’s ancestor who cast a spell and sound transmission, informing him that the war was over, the saints returned, and he went out to meet him.

Qin Feng did not dare to neglect, took back the spiritual treasure, got up and left this cave, and fled to the sky with the ancestors of Taixuan and Zulong Yuanfeng Xingtian Dawu.

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