Redo of a Romanceless Author’s Life Devoid of Love; Another Chance at Youth

Chapter 485.

Chapter 485. Heading to the Peak: The Peak. (3/3)

Less than a minute after the fireworks began, we made it to the rock Rosa mentioned. It was dome-shaped and about half our height. I wouldn’t want to fall asleep lying down on it but sitting on it looked comfortable enough since there weren’t a bunch of small rocks on top of it.

When Rosa raised one leg up to climb on top of it, she peeked back at me over her shoulder. It looked like she wanted to ask something but was struggling to say it.


“It’s nothing.” Her gaze returned to the fireworks in front of her.

“You obviously wanted to ask me something just now. Just tell me what it is.”

“You’ll get mad if I say it though.”

“I won’t, so just say it.”

“You promise you won’t?”

“Yeah, I promise.”

“Then… the truth is… I lied about something earlier.”

“What did you lie about?”

Embarrassed, Rosa fumbled about with her words and asked nervously while pressing the tips of her index fingers together, “Uh… being satisfied with just doing it once here. One more time… just one more… can we do it again?”

“No way.” I coldly shot her down.

Her shoulder slumped down disappointed as she apologized, “Sorry.”

I placed my hands on her hips from behind, slipped my thumbs beneath the lining of her mini jeans then pulled both it and her panties down in the process. They slipped off and dropped to the ground.

“Huh? What’re you doing? Didn’t you just say-”

While I unzipped my fly I explained, “That ‘no way,’ was a lie. Now we’re even.”

“Ahhhh~” When I abruptly thrust all the way into her from behind without warning, a surprised moan leaked out of her mouth.

Her body collapsed forward onto the slope of the rock as she gripped the top above her head with both hands and stuck her bottom out toward me.

Sliding my hands up from her hips I pulled her shirt up to above breast level. I squeezed down on her breasts firmly and massaged them.

The colorful fireworks display continued to explode, flickering dimly, lighting up our faces even at this distance while I rammed into her from behind.

Red, green, blue, pink, violet, orange, white, all sorts of different colors melting together and overlapping into one in a collage in the air.

They sparkled and glistened vibrantly.

With how high up we were our view of the fireworks was from far above where they exploded.

It felt strange to be looking down at them from above rather than looking up at the sky. Even stranger to watch them while having sex… on top of a mountain…

I hadn’t noticed it because I’d been distracted by the fireworks, but Rosa had her phone out in her right hand on top of the rock. She had it pointed down at us and was recording. Was she recording the fireworks so she could watch the show again later?


Displayed on the screen of her phone was the current lewd look on her face. Her eyes were turned up to the screen watching her own expression melt and me as I pounded into her from behind.

I could see how her belly squished up against the rock. How my hands groped and squeezed her breasts. Everything.

Seriously, this girl would really rather record us having sex than the fireworks display going off?

My left hand slid up from her breast to her lips. I slipped my middle and ring finger into her open mouth from the corner and lightly tugged on it.

Her tongue stuck out naturally with saliva dripping.

Her eyes rolled further back and grew hazy.

Despite being summer, it was cold enough outside up here for her hot breath to condense into mist with every pant.

I grabbed her hand holding the phone with my right hand and pulled it back toward me, pointing the camera to simultaneously capture both the fireworks going off and Rosa’s figure from behind in frame.

She was too far gone to even complain. Seemingly without a care in the world, the only thing that leaked out of her mouth right now were mindless seductive moans.

“Hah~ if you jew it sho ruv- ahhh~ I can~ a it!”

She bit down into my fingers inside her mouth. Not on purpose but unconsciously without thinking because she was almost there.

“Fuh ee I an e’en ink~ hah~ ishoo guh~”

Her words were incomprehensible.

Pop. Pop. Pop. Pop. Pop. Pop.

Screeeeee eeeeee eeeee eeeee eeeee eeech.

The fireworks in the distance were being shot up rapid-fire one after the other.



The successive explosions drowned out Rosa’s voice.

When her body started to convulse I didn’t stop for a second and continued to violently thrust inside her while her walls constricted tightly trying to stop me.

The sky was painted with ephemeral fleeting flowers. When one died out, another bloomed in its place.

“Wai~! Rah ho on~! Ih yoo oo- Ah~ Ahhh~ Haaaaah~!”

Her legs were trembling and shaking without stop. Her toes were curling up and digging into her sandals. Her thighs were clamping inward with the front of her knees touching together. Her legs below knee-level, losing their strength, bent outward away from each other. Only the tips of her sandals remained on the ground while her belly on the rock supported her weight.

Her bottom was rippling not just from when our flesh slammed together but from her tingling spasming muscles. 

In a way, she sort of resembled a criminal on death row being electrocuted to death.

Well, she was the one who said she wasn’t satisfied, so I wouldn’t give her a second to rest even when she was mid-orgasm.

When her body made it through those waves of torrential pleasure, she slumped over the rock powerlessly resting her right cheek on the rock, panting uncontrollably to catch her breath, while I continued hammering away. 

“Ransh~ sho mean~” She was finally able to squeeze out a few words though they were slurred.

“Hah… hah… You’re the one… hah who said you hah weren’t satisfied… hah… want to stop here?” The thin air really made trying to say anything while having sex exceedingly difficult. It felt like running a marathon.

“Keep going… hah~ until you cuUM~ right there~ keep hitting theREE~!” Her voice raised a full octave when I hit a certain spot at the back of her womb. It seemed to be extra sensitive.

“Oh… you mean hah here?” I plowed deep into her and didn’t immediately pull back. 

I used my erection to rub the spot she pointed out and she yelped, “Ahhhh~ yes fuck~ hah~ oh god~ that’s it~ ah ah ah ah~” She sounded like she was losing her mind going crazy.

Her right leg bent up at the knee passing between my legs and her heel landed on my rear pulling me forward. When her inner walls constricted and twisted from her movement, the pleasure was too much. Semen raised up into the shaft and squirted out directly on the spot the tip of my erection was intimately kissing.


As if signaling the finale, the loudest firework up until this point was fired up in the air like a rocket ship.

“Mmmmmm~!” Rosa shut her mouth tight and stifled a loud moan as the sensation of semen spilling out directly onto the weak spot inside her womb triggered another orgasm.


It was the loudest explosion yet.

I could see her side profile and the expression on her face was best described as mush. She didn’t have the energy to raise her head to look, but she still peeked at the explosion from the corner of her eye.

A large red rose blossomed out in the distant sky. It was the biggest one to end them all. Going out with a bang.

After that final firework, the sounds in the distance ceased and silence enveloped us.

When it was over, Rosa laid atop the rock limp, unable to move an inch or say a word. All I could hear from her was her panting to catch her breath. Her back was the only thing that moved up and down as her chest heaved with each breath. Her eyes were shut closed as though reminiscing in that lingering sensation left behind post-climax.

I laid down on top of her, wrapped my arms around her abdomen, then kissed the left side of her nape.

We stuck close to each other for a few minutes until Rosa's erratic heartbeat calmed down.

“You’re terrible. A total bully.” Those were the first words that came out of her mouth.

“Did you hate it?”

“No… it felt great when you got rough. You should do that more often.”

“Are you satisfied now?”

“Hehe, yeah. I don’t know if I’ll be able to walk properly after that though.”

“That’s troubling. What should we do then? Are we going to stay up here for the rest of the night until the sun rises?”

“No, we should go down.”

“It’ll be pretty dangerous not being able to see our footing.” The light from the flashlight on our phones might not be good enough.

Though I could see just about everything just fine with the light from Rosa’s soul, so if I led the way down it might work out fine.

“There’s no need to worry about that. I can get us down the mountain safely even in the dark,” Rosa reassured.

“You sure?”

“Yeah, I am. It’ll be really easy, so relax.”

“If you say so. I’ll trust you on that.”

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